The first time I ever tried out Adobe stock photos through Bridge, The intro page says something along the lines of "enter keywords above to start searching". But there WAS no search bar 'above' nor anywhere else on the screen. I thoght I was losing my mind.
Next time I opened it up, there was the search bar, right up top! Found a great stock photo without any trouble.
As I'm using it more (or trying to) I find that at least half of the time the search bar does not appear. Sometimes opening a new window or restarting bridge fixes it, sometimes not.
Suddenly today I have noticed that there are literally hundreds of stock photos mixed up with my own. I can't see where they are filed, so cannot delete the folder. Is there any way of getting rid of them from both Elements organiser and my hard disk other than one at a time?
Is there any want to retain the clipping paths from certain stock photos (or any images which include paths) within either CorelDraw or Photo-Paint? Sure I can create my own or use the cutout tool, but sometimes it's nice to simply use what's already there.
I'm upgrading from PSE 10 to CS6. How do I transfer photos from Organizer to CS6 Bridge? Or do I continue to use Organizer and will Bridge recognize it?
How can I get photos in folders on an external hard drive to display in Bridge? At present only those located in Users>Pictures will display. I'm in CC.
I batch renamed a bunch of photos in adobe bridge and renamed them as SaraJ._01 etc. and they were saved as a strange file type that I can no longer open?? Document type just says _35 or whatever number the file is. They are just white files no thumbnail preview nothing...
Why doesn't Adobe Bridge download files from "get photos from camera", error message" Adobe Bridge CS6 cannot obtain files from this device. ensure that the device is connected properly,or that the battery is charged,and try again.
When I'm using a card reader that does not require batteries, is it because they are Leica DNG files??? I have managed to drag and drop instead but would prefer to use "get photos from camera".
I just watched a few Lightroom 4 tutorial videos and it looks like exactly what I have been waiting for. I have been using PS for years but only accidently discovered Bridge on my hard drive a few months back and it happens to be exactly wha I had been looking for to organize my 1000s of SCANNED family pictures.
Today alot of programs are coming out for pictures downloaded from digital cameras (which I plan on eventually getting back to having had my own darkroom in my "youth"). So, I am wondering if this is true for Lightroom. Can i use it for scanned pictures and will it import all the metadata I have been entering into my photos in Bridge? Certainly the photos have to be cleaned up a bit and that may have to be done in PS but I like the way LR4 flows. I have looked, years ago, at Flicker,etc....too remedial.
I am starting a class this semester which is essential photoshop basics, my instructor has given us some tutorials to "play" with and get comfortable and told us to us use "stock" images from the net.
My question is this , where can I get free stock images of female models posing in various styles (nothing of an offensive nature) ? I am going to attempt a very basic fantasy art work using "light and darkness" or "good and evil" that sort of thing as the theme.
where does everyone go to get stock images they need? ive been using DA for a while, but without a subscription there is no search function, and sifting through all the crap takes a long time.
purchased the 5.5-upgrade to 6.0 Designpremium. Everything seems to work properly except the bridge, wich won't start as stand-alone - works only as Mini-bridge inside photoshop.
While trying to start the bridge from photoshop ("go to bridge") results in a bridge's crash...
In my former installations (5.0 and 5.1) everything was ok ...
I noticed that when I try to paint with the brush (with a smaller brush between 1-4pxs) I can't see the cursor that shows me where I'm drawing. I don't have the best eyes but when I wear my glasses while on the PC my eyes get real tired, is there a way to change this cursors color and/or size?
After opening Bridge CS6 (and using mini Bridge), there are no thumbnails showing. I've pointed Bridge to just one folder with less than 5 photos in it and it cannot even display them. I'm running a recent Mac Pro with 16GB RAM and kick graphics card.
Im wanting to recreate a cloud vector from a stock image site. Unfortunately i'm rubbish with vectors and have no use making anything like this version.
does VS X4 come with the same revo stock templates that came with VS X3??? I have both and never installed past VS X2 --- My computer recently shut down during an electrical storm and started up with some Windows boot errors.... I had to restore my computer back to day 1, but fortunately I didn't lose ANY data!! I do need to reinstall all my programs though.... I was going to install X2 as I'm used to it... and skip over X3 and go right to X4 --- just want to be sure that it came with the same content as those revo stock templates look interesting!!
Also hope I can get all the add-on transition packages working again.... canopus vfx, hollywood fx, adorage, boris factory, burger transitions and new blue..
good news is I can get rid of all the junk on my computer and clean up.... bad news is, it will take me a few days to get it back to the way it was.I know there were some issues with X3 and the dvd authoring module... have they been fixed in X4? Does it work similar to X2??
Dim acDoc As Document Dim acCurDb As Database Dim acBlkTbl As BlockTable Dim acBlkTblRec As BlockTableRecord Dim acText As DBText = New DBText() acDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument acCurDb = acDoc.Database Using acLckDoc As DocumentLock = acDoc.LockDocument Using acTrans As Transaction = [code].......
I'm trying to fill out a sheet stock list in paperspace. What is the trick to get the new text object located in the proper place? When I run the attached code, the text always is located at 0,0,0. Is there an offset I need to apply?