Photoshop :: Blur Gallery Failure - CS6 Has Stopped Functioning Properly?

May 25, 2012

The blur gallery in photoshop CS6 has stopped functioning properly. When you activate one of the blur filters in the gallery the window changes to the gallery interface but the cursor remains as whichever tool was previously selected. Any thoughts on how to rectify this. It was working ok so I am assuming it was affected by an update but I've been wrong before. Is there any way to view and uninstall updates?

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Photoshop :: CS5 Ruler Tool Has Stopped Functioning

Aug 16, 2013

Re CS5 Ruler tool has stopped functioning. How can I correct this problem?

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Xara :: Frame Gallery Not Functioning?

Jun 8, 2012

After upgrading to Extreme 5 I cannot make animated segments. Is there something else I need to install? The Frame Gallery is grayed out. On my previous version it was always available whenever I opened the program.

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Photoshop :: CC (Start Bridge At Log In) - Not Functioning Properly?

Jun 25, 2013

The setting: Start Bridge at Log in, so that it is available in the background, will open bridge fully on system start up.

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Photoshop :: Shadows / Highlights Not Functioning Properly

Jan 21, 2013

Mac Mini, 2010, OS 10.8.2, 8GB ram, Photoshop 13.0.4 x64. The Image / Adjustments / shadows / highlights controls are, quite suddenly, not working properly. When the control sliders are moved, nothing happens to the on-screen image until the "OK" button is actuated when any changes made to the sliders are suddenly visible. I have done all the usual things, including re-installing, but nothing works.

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Photoshop :: CC Start Bridge At Log In Not Functioning Properly

Jun 26, 2013

After selecting it in preferences, Bridge will open full on System Start up, and not in the background to be ready when needed.

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Photoshop :: Brushes Aren't Functioning Properly - Seems To Be Faded

Jul 1, 2013

I am having problems with photoshop. Whenever I use the brush, it seems to be faded, and have this sort of faded background over it.
It almost seems as if the 'flow' option is always down, but it is at 100%.
The more I brush over, the darker it gets, but the flow and opacity are on 100%.
Here's a quick screenshot: [URL]
Also, the brush preview box is an odd sepia color?
I think it may have something to do with my color profiles, because every time I open PS, I get the message ' The monitor profile LCD color management and conversion appears to be defective.  Please rerun your monitor calibration software.'
I went to my control panel, deleted my color profiles and management, and nothing happened. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling.
It is frustrating, because I can't just draw a clean line, it always has this fuzzy border. My 'draw' tool works just fine though.

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VideoStudio :: X5 - Unspecified Error / Stopped Functioning

Feb 1, 2013

I can not start my VideoStudio X5. ERROR MESSAGE: The program has encountered an unspecified error and has stopped functioning. Please contact Corel Technical Support and send the dump file for analysis. URL....

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GIMP :: Tool Bar Not Functioning Properly On Mac

Sep 21, 2012

I love using Windows and Linux; however, my wife has a Mac Book Pro with X11...

She had an older version of Gimp installed, and recently it began crashing whenever she would select a text tool and tried to apply text to the image.

So, I uninstalled Gimp and downloaded a new version 2.8.2 from the Gimp website (without the addons). Upon opening Gimp there was no toolbar, so I went into tools and opened a toolbar. It appeared as one long toolbar to the left with width of one icon.

I was unable to close it, or click any of the tool icons on it. I'm unable to put in any dockable windows into it.... and the only thing I can do is maximize it full screen.

One workaround, which only temporarily and partially fixes it.... is to make the entire work area one window, then deselect that option and now the toolbar becomes the size of 2 icons . I still can't drop anything into it or resize it... or close it, but at least I can click on the tools and use them. However, once I close Gimp and Open it goes back to the old setup again...

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AutoCAD 2013 :: 64 Bit PC3 Files Not Functioning Properly

Aug 23, 2012

Our .pc3 files do not save the settings properly in AutoCAD 2013.

I've created new .pc3 files for AutoCAD 2013 for the three printers/plotters we use.  The .pc3 files are stored on a network drive.  The four test machines we have running all have the same location of the .pc3, .pmp, .ctb files is set in the "Printer Support File Path".  I created the .pc3 files with my machine; I filtered the paper sizes to be displayed and set the margins for each.  When I access the files from my machine I see only the two paper sizes I set to show.  If any of the other machines access the same exact file on the network drive they'll be greeted with eleven paper sizes none of which are either of the two I set up to be displayed.

If I create a .pc3 and .pmp file on a different machine it works properly only on that machine.  Every other machine will  be shown the same eleven paper sizes. 

This happens with the HP DesignJet T1200 HPGL2, the KIP 7700 Series, and our HP Color LaserJet 5500n.

All of the test machines are HP Z400s with Intel Xeon W3565 at 3.2GHZ processors, 16GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 with 1GB RAM running 64 bit Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 and 64 bit AutoCAD 2013 Service Pack 1.

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GIMP :: Layer Effects Not Functioning Properly?

May 23, 2013

For instance if i want to add inner glow for layer, let's call it logo, even though i use the python version of the plug-in i'm unable to see the preview and when i submit the layer effect it creates a new layer but there is absolutely no effect created.

I'm trying to move from windows and photoshop to linux and gimp as my only an primary os and tool in case of gimp. I mean is there any other way especially for stuff like dropshadow, stroke and stuff like that? I mean i can think of several possible solutions but all of them just seems so slow it makes me want to go back to windows and adobe products.

(Ubuntu 13.04, cinnamon)

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Maya Modeling :: Extruding Not Functioning Properly?

Oct 5, 2012

I'm currently working on a model and there are a few faces that need extruding. Whenever I go to extrude them rather than just adding to the face it simply takes the face moves it back (or forward) and adds sides to it, so rather than being a solid extrude it's a concave area.

Intel Core i7 CPU 960 @ 3.20GHz
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
ATI Radeon 5900 Series
3DS Max 2013
Maya 2013

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GIMP :: Layer Effects Not Functioning Properly

May 23, 2013

Experiencing trouble with layer effects? For instance if i want to add inner glow for layer, let's call it logo, even though i use the python version of the plug-in i'm unable to see the preview and when i submit the layer effect it creates a new layer but there is absolutely no effect created.

I'm trying to move from windows and photoshop to linux and gimp as my only an primary os and tool in case of gimp. So why is such a great feature so sucky in gimp? I mean is there any other way especially for stuff like dropshadow, stroke and stuff like that? I mean i can think of several possible solutions but all of them just seems so slow it makes me want to go back to windows and adobe products.

Could the problem be with my setup? (Ubuntu 13.04, cinnamon)

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Photoshop :: CS6 / No Handles In Blur Gallery?

Oct 5, 2012

I am trying to use the Iris Blur in CS6, but no handles are showing up for any of the blurs in the blur gallery. I've restarted the program and my computer and tried different files, still no luck. The pallette will open up and I can see blur but no handles. Is there some way that I could have accidently turned them off? When I first got the program it worked fine..

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Interface Not Functioning Properly?

Jul 2, 2012

I am trying to link to parameters in sub-components of an assembly, and feed dimensions to them. When I am in my iLogic interface I browse to the the part in the assembly and click the plus sign next to the part I am interested in. I then click the "User Parameters" section under that part and find the parameter I want to change. Now the normal workflow is to double click the parameter and it shows up in your iLogic code like here in this example:
Parameter("MSS_Cabinet1_Frame:1", "Splice_Length2") = Cab1_SpliceLength2
Well when I try to do this now, I get this:

So obviously something got messed up in my machine and iLogic is no longer formating the code properly. It only happens on my machine here, everyone else in our department still works fine. I have also determined that it is happening on all files new and old.

My fear right now is that I may have to re-install Inventor and I do not want to have to do that. I do have a call in with tech support through my local reseller, but who knows how long that will take.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Mesh Modeling Not Functioning Properly

Feb 19, 2013

view the screen capture video here: [URL]

Basically, I create a simple mesh primitive box.  I set the selection filter to vertex, and select all vertices on one side of the box.  If the selection of all vertices actually registers, it simply moves the entire object, not just the vertices selected.  I've tried this in all directions, and the same thing happens..  Other times, it chooses to only move one of the vertices, a result I cannot reliably reproduce -- it just sort of "happens".    Scale and Rotate all function normally.

This is happening for me in Civil 3D 2011 as well as Civil 3D 2013.  I launched "Civil 3d 2013 as Autocad", and this problem doesn't seem to happen.  Also, in "Civil 3d 2013 as Autocad", the vertex nodes all select as red, not as blue as seen in the screencast link.  I spend all my time in Civil 3D, and would like to find out why this is happening so I don't have to constantly switch platforms.

This has also been posted over in the Civil 3D group, but since it's a regular "Autocad" entity, I was hoping to have more luck here.

I'm running Win7 Pro, 16GB ram, 2.67 Ghz 8 core processor and latest service packs on everything.

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Photoshop :: Layer Disappear When Using Blur Gallery

Jun 3, 2013

The same thing happens on all three blur gallery effects (field blur, iris blur, tilt shift). Once I pick the filter the layer becomes empty. The strange thing is that when I manipulate any of the controls the object appears, but once I stop holding the mousebutton down on the input. The object disappears again. When i apply the settings (enter or the ok buttoon). The layer is empty.
I have used these filters a lot, this just happend suddenly. And I can't fix it. Restart does not work.
Adobe Photoshop CS6 running on MacBook Pro 2.3 GHz i7, osx 10.8.3.

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Photoshop :: No Pins Visible In CS6 Extended Blur Gallery?

Oct 20, 2012

In the Blur Gallery of CS6 the blur pins are not visible. I have tried the shortcut H to show the pins, but this did not affect any change. The pin with the adjustment ring and the other adjustment points are not visible. I seem to be able to add pins with the cursor (push pin with + is visible) and make adjustments on the sliders, but no pins. The M key will display the mask and the P key will toggle the preview on/off.

the problem exists in all 3 blur filters (Field, Iris, Tilt-Shift). I'm operating on a PC running Windows 7 Pro 64 bit, with 12 GB of RAM. The program is Photoshop CS6 Extended. I don't seem to have any other Photoshop issues to date. I've closed and opened the program, restarted the computer, and re-loaded the program from the disk

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Photoshop :: How To Find Blur Gallery To Edit Pins

Dec 17, 2012

I can't find blur gallery to edit pins

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Photoshop :: CS3 Blur Filters Stopped Working

Aug 3, 2008

I have been using PS for years and CS3 for months. A few days ago, all the blur filters stopped working. They are still in the filter list, but nothing happens when I click on them. However, the blur tool still works. All other filters and plug ins work (except where the plugin makes use of the built in blur filters). I have tested many images, checked that I am in RGB 8 bit mode, removed and reinstalled Photoshop, reset the preferences using ctrl-shift-alt on start up. Still nothing.

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Photoshop :: Page Gallery - CS6 Not Working Properly?

Mar 3, 2013

issues with PageGallery and CS6? I have uninstalled and reinstalled PageGallery until my fingers are numb. Today I thought my version of CS5 was causing a conflict so I uninstalled it, uninstalled Page Gallery, reinstalled PageGallery and now have two different issues. The first is an error message that an exe disk can't be found (the download does't require a disk) and when I bypass that message and try to make a page from PageGallery, the error message is: cannot connect to Photoshop: class not registered.

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Photoshop :: Liquify Tool Stopped Working Properly

Jan 9, 2013

I used the liquify tool on a selected area of a picture and it worked fine. Well, now when I select my area and try to use it, it just slightly warps the area and does nothing else. The liquify screen and options never come up. I think it's just repeating what I did in liquify the last time I used it instead of giving me the option to do what I need to do. It just won't let me do ANYTHING with the tool other than the warping(what I think is the "repeating" of the previous uses effects) everything else in photoshop is working fine for me, this is the only problem I'm having. Before this, it would just crash when I tried to open liquify but I fixed that by changing the video codecs/plugins to the ones  that work with it so that is no longer a problem, it doesn't freeze or anything. So why is it just repeating what I did last time?

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Photoshop Elements :: Detail Smart Brush Stopped Working Properly

Feb 12, 2014

Detail Smart Brush use to have the same brightness as Smart Brush as in Bright Eyes, Whiten Teeth, etc.  Now when I use Smart Brush, I get the same brightness as always, but when I try to use the Detail Brush, it is darker than Smart Brush.  It used to be that I could go over an area as many times as I wanted without an accumulation of brightness with the Detail Brush.  Now if I go over an area I already went over, it lightens it more.  Have I done something to cause this?  How can I get it back to the way it was before (and the way I can still use Elements 11 which I did not uninstall).  I tried Sign Out, uninstall and making a new install but the problem was there again.  Is it possible that this was updated by Adobe and intentionally changed?

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Photoshop :: Customize HTML Gallery / Web Gallery Template In Bridge CS6

Nov 25, 2013

Using Win7 64bit + PS CS6 64 bit ext on a 16GB PC.  In which folder do I find the web gallery templates for Bridge CS6?  Is there info available on how the programming/ configuration works with the info passed by Bridge - filename, contact info, copyrights, description/title, email, etc.

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Photoshop :: Web Photo Gallery (Flash Templates) And Gallery Config.xml

Nov 30, 2005

I've had a great time using the Web Photo Galleries in Photoshop CS and CS2, especially since I'm fairly deft with HTML and a total Flash dunce, so the Web Photo Gallery Flash 1 and Flash 2 templates have served me well and allowed me to make fun Flash stuff without having to learn. But, with learn-by-doing, there often comes a point of confusion, and I think I've found mine.

I noticed that (when using the gallery "Flash 1"), if I click the little ? in the bottom right, the file name will come on and stay on throughout all the pictures. This is exactly what I want since that's where I do all my captioning and it really adds something for me to be able to see that. My question: how in the world do I get it to do this by default? I'm always telling friends/family, "oh, click the little ? in the bottom right and it'll show the captions," but am certain there must be some way to do this by default.

I fiddled in the galleryconfig.xml file, but there's only this line

HTML Code:
<var symboltype="boolean" name="showHelpButton" value="true" />
which actually just tells the button to be displayed, but not for the thing that happens as a result of pushing the button to stay displayed.

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Photoshop :: Blur Random Curves From One Side To Have Same Blur Distance And Effect On Whole Curve

Feb 24, 2013

I have some random curves (already created) and I want to blur them just from one side to have the same blur distance and effect one the whole curve.

To more precisely describe what I need, I need to create gradient with direction of normal for every "point". The best example I have found so far are borders in Civilization IV game. Here are two examples:

As you can see, there is a solid curve, which gradually blends (i.e. alpha channel is lowered) till the gradient disappears. I have the solid curve and the question is, what would be the simplest way how to do this (the number of curves is around 100) gradient.

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Photoshop :: CS6 / Blur Tool Not Working (blur Filters Work)

Jul 23, 2012

I just got PSE CS6 and the blur too will NOT work ....blur filters work, but not BLUR in the tools panel I have tried: unintstall/reinstall, updating, using it no a picture straight after opening it, duplicate layers, selecting an area and then blurring....flattening an image, every single different setting in the the blur tools menu bar NOTHING works. And everything I find about blur is the new blur filters....

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Photoshop :: How Do I Get Nice Blur Edges After Gaussian Blur

Dec 18, 2005

i have outlined this pic and used the Gaussian blur , but how would i soften the edges of the blur so it doesnt look so "sharp"? I want it to kinda blend in so to say here is the pic.

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Xara :: Move Gallery Tabs So That Page And Layer Gallery Tab Is First In Line?

Oct 9, 2011

Is there a method to move gallery tabs so that Page & Layer Gallery tab is first in line (at the top) of docked gallery tabs at the right of the screen? I can move gallery tabs, but cannot make Page & Layer gallery tab move to the top.

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Xara :: Get Gallery Tabs At Bottom For Gallery Pane Docked On Right?

Jul 18, 2013

In version 9. How do I get the gallery tabs at the bottom, for a gallery pane docked on the right?

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Lightroom :: How To Update Saved Gallery When Module Change And Click On Saved Gallery Icon Changes Are Lost

Jun 3, 2012

I created a Web Gallery and forgot to update the folder name for the FTP server.

How can I update the saved gallery? If you change module and double click again on the saved gallery icon, the changes are lost.
Here is what I get via right click:

How do you solve this without the need to delete and save the gallery again?

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