Photoshop :: Background Saving Bug CS6 (stalls)

Jun 4, 2012

Background saving bug CS6
1. Was Editing a rather large and complex file, 16bit, 1,6GB
2. Pressed ctr+s to save the progress
3. Immediately launched a 3rd party plugin, Niksoft Define 2 (I mean with two keyboard shortcuts in a row, within seconds of each other)
4. Plugin started
5. Background saving got stuck at 0% and went nowehere as the plugin launched.
6. No progress on the background saving after the plugin exited, and not able to save as a new file because PS said it was already saving the file. After 20 minutes still no progress. Taskmanager showed PS using 0% CPU and no disk i/o activity even though it stated it was saving.

1. Duplicated the entire psb to a new file inside photoshop.
2. Saved and it worked fine.
3. Had to terminate photoshop via the task manager as it wouldnt let me exit "before file saving was complete".
 My workflow here was probably a bit quick and "inconsiderate", but I would still consider this behaviour  a PS bug - I mean whats the use of background saving if it stalls when you are doing other tasks. (OS W7 x64+PS CS6 EXT)

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Photoshop :: CS4 Stalls Out When Installing

Oct 20, 2008

I downloaded CS4, extracted the files. WHen I go to the desktop icon I click open the folder and double click on setup. Nothing at all happens for many minutes. Then I get the Checking System Profile dialogue and it progresses along until about 90% finished and then just sits there and goes no further. No error message -

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Photoshop :: CS6 Stalls When Trying To Launch From Bridge?

Jun 27, 2012

When I attempt to launch PSCS6 from Bridge, it hangs and I get a Run Time error... R6034. At that point all I can do is restart my computer. CS6 works fine as long as I don't try to get into it through Bridge. How to fix?

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Photoshop :: CS3 Lags Or Stalls Frequently

Jul 24, 2008

Photoshop and Illustrator CS3 just stop working every five to ten minutes for periods of about 10 to 20 seconds. Photoshop palettes and windows all go blank if I click anywhere in the application space during these brownouts. Sometimes the entire system stops responding to the point all I can do is move the mouse around pointlessly.

After it does whatever it is doing the app suddenly snaps back to life and anything else I may have clicked in any application in the meantime instantly responds allsuddenlyatthesametime in a flurry of dialogs and actions. Often when Photoshop comes back the palettes have no titles and seem to have been corrupted and I have to restart the app.

It doesn't seem to matter what I'm doing though I'm not entirely sure about that. Seems that it happens most when I try to use the brush tool or apply changes to text, but that may just be because I use those tools more than others.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Crop Tool Progress Slow (Stalls)?

Apr 17, 2013

I have CS6 installed on a Mac Pro desktop, 3.3 Ghz dual-core processor, 6 GB RAM, several physical drives configured as scratch disks, and no other applications running. I CAN'T be running out of RAM.
The files I'm cropping are .PSD files, no larger than 34 Mb in size.  I can't even crop a web-res image - the progress bar grinds to a near halt half way through a simple crop.  The machine has not locked up and PS does respond to "cancel" commands.
Graphics card is an nVidia GE Force 8800 GT, and the drivers are the latest from nVidia.I've restarted the machine and restarted PS.  Delete Photoshop preference file and try it again?

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Photoshop :: Saving With No Background

Jan 16, 2005

can you save with out a background? I created a symbol/logo type thing and deleted the background layer so all I see is the symbol and the transperant checkerboard. When I go to save this file it automaticlly fills in the extraspace as white. Unless I save it as a photoshop file. I know i have done this before for my website, i just cant remember. So, could you guide me through how to save this logo so only the logo appeared and not any white background.

I am using Photoshop 7.0

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Photoshop Elements :: Organizer Crashes Or Stalls When Browse Photos (RAW)

Dec 4, 2013

I'm running Elements 12 on a Macbook Pro with 16GB RAM and Mavericks OS. I find that Organizer stalls and/or crashes when I browse photos.  I'm shooting mostly in RAW.  Is Elements and/or my Mac not robust enough to handle the file sizes involved? 

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Photoshop :: Saving .gif With Clear Background

Jun 22, 2008

I have made an image which I am planning on using for my website's logo. Now it was a png at first but decided to go for a .gif in the end.

Yet when i save the image even though the layers I want to save only take up a very top part of my image (the other layers are there to template my website so I know how it looks)....

Because the image is 800x1000 yet the logo is much smaller than this.. when i save the layers which are put as visible from the layer window I get an image file which is 800 by 1000 in size and just the logo up the top.. below it is just blank see through nothingness but it is acting as if the image is there.

Kinda like:
|end of image|

I want it to just be only:

And nothing else. Is there a way to save just certain layers from the layers window?

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Photoshop :: CS Changes Pure Black Background When Saving As Jpg

Apr 29, 2012

CS5.5, Windows 7 64-bit (just in case that's needed) I have a layered PSD image.  One layer is black (#000000).  I flatten the image and sample the black area, and it is still pure black.  I crop and resize the image - still black.  I save as a jpg, and when I reopen the jpg, the black is no longer pure - (#010101). 

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Photoshop :: Saving An Image Without A White Background

Jan 18, 2007

I created a logo in photoshop. It has no background. When I save the logo in another format for use in other programs it saves a square white background. This is bad when i want to paste the logo ontop of an image. How do i save the logo without the white background?

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Photoshop :: Preserving Transparent Background When Saving As Jpg

Feb 10, 2009

I have removed the white background from an image. The transparent background remains preserved when I keep it as a psd. but when I try to save it as a jpg or print to pdf the white background reappears....

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Lightroom :: 5.3 Stalls On Opening?

Jan 16, 2014

I have Lightroom 5.3 (64 bit) installed on my desktop and laptop. My images and catalog are saved on an external hard-drive that connects to both laptop and desktop via eSata. I just started experiencing trouble with Lightroom on my desktop - when I open the program, it stalls on the startup screen (Lightroom 5, all the designers names, etc.) and won't go any further. I am not experiencing the same problem with the laptop, LR works just fine using exactly the same images and catalog. Both computers operate on Windows 7 Professional.

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Photoshop :: CS4 - Saving PNG With Transparent Background And Blend Mode?

Apr 10, 2013

I have a logo that I want to layer on top of a background image that will together act as the header for the webpage.
The easy thing to do would be to create an image on photoshop layering the background image and the logo, with the logo blend effect, and then save and upload. Problem is that I want the background image to resize with the browser window - without resizing the logo.
Therefore, I figured I could save the background image and logo files separately, and then layer them using HTML and CSS. For it to look comparable therefore, I want to keep the background of the logo transparent. I would also like to set the blend mode of the logo to linear dodge (add) - so that whatever size the background image is scaled to, the logo remains the same size, with the same blend mode. The problem is that when I save the logo as a transparent png file (24-bit), it is not maintaining the blend mode.

(Photoshop CS4)

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Photoshop :: Saving Extracted Image With Transparent Background

Feb 27, 2006

Is it possible to save an extracted image as a JPEG file with transparent background? I would like to use the following image of a Christmas ornament without the white background.

Using Photoshop 7 and the magnetic lasso, I had no problem extracting the original image from a white background. I then open a new transparent canvas and copy the extracted image to this canvas. However when I choose to save as a JPEG image, I'm back with the white background. I see in the Matte menu I can choose other backgrounds, e.g. black, grey, etc.. But is there any way to save the extracted pixels without any background.

The reason I ask is that I want to use this extracted image in PrintShop, a card making program. I would like to be able to insert the image of the Christmas ornament without any background. Very often in creating a card you've already created a colored background. It would be nice to be able to insert the ornament without the rectangular white background.

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VideoStudio :: X2 Repeatedly Stalls When Burning?

Feb 11, 2013

I have a Dell Studio 540 desktop running Vista Home Premium. Burner is a PLDS DVD+-RW DH-16A6S ATA Device. I recently burnt 1hr35m mpg to double layered disc without any issue. I then used VSX2 to create DVD using slightly modified menu templates and 12 chapters. I felt the initial stall may have been a glitch so attempted again. The burn stopped once more at 99% complete as indicated in attached jpg.

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Maya :: Stalls At 99% When Reading The File?

Dec 7, 2012

For the past three day I've been modeling a character for an animation im making, but now when ever i try to open the file in Maya, Maya stalls at reading file 99% and stops working.

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Photoshop :: Saving Pure White Background In CMYK Mode

Jun 13, 2013

This has started to happen to me recently, working across indesign and Photoshop, for some cutouts it is easier to have a "pure white" background (0%c, 0%m, 0%y, 0%k) rather than transparency, it keeps down file sizes and speeds up workflow etc - plus sometimes press images just come like that.
recently I have noticed that some images, despite being saved as a "pure white" background, are coming out with 1%c, 1%m, 1%y, 0%k backgrounds once I re-open them. Doesn't matter if I save, Save as, copy the image, duplicate it, I keep getting the 1% color back in. This is occasionally causing problems with printers.

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Photoshop Elements :: Saving Image That Had White Background Removed?

Feb 5, 2013

Ive, ive removed the white background of an image that was a png file, how do i get that image with the white removed onto my harddrive with the transparent background intact?, i save it to my hardrive but the white keeps showing up, 8

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Photoshop :: CS4 / White Background Turns Yellow When Saving As TIFF In CMYK?

Mar 11, 2012

When I convert an RGB psd to CMYK color mode in photoshop everything works normally, but when I save as a TIF and open the file in any application other than Photoshop any white space in the image background is yellow.

I am running Photoshop CS4 on Mac OS 10.5.8.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Freezes And Stalls When Activating Master LOD

May 7, 2013

I have a top level assembly which has more than 5000 components.

It was saved previously in a particular LOD.

Now i want the same assembly to be uploaded to the vault in turn which i should be reactivating the master LOD.

The moment I click activate the master LOD, inventor freezes and stalls for couple of hours.

my machione has a very decent configuration with 32GB ram memory.

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Paint Shop Pro :: On Close X5 Message Window Stalls Program

Jul 25, 2013

Just recently, upon closing PSP x5, a message window pops up, the title area usually references using the e-learning center or "Explore more ways to learn and love photography", but the window itself is empty except for the message "Do not display this message again" with a checkbox and a Close button. The Close button does not work, nor does the red X close window button. I have to go into Task Manager to finish closing the program.

I'm on a Windows 8 machine and this just started happening after months of use.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Install Of 2013 Stalls At Autodesk Material Library

May 29, 2012

installed 32bit AutoCAD Map 3D 2013?

My install fails at the AML 2013 - Low Rez and I can't install Map at all.

  I don't think there is an option to no install the Material Library...

Here is my log file from a few minutes ago...

2012/5/29:12:31:55 gluckett PRAGUE Installing Autodesk Material Library 2013 - Low Resolution:   ADSK_EULA_STATUS=#1 MUILANG=en-us ADSK_SOURCE_ROOT="C:AutodeskAutoCAD_Map_3D_2013_English_Win_32bit" FILESINUSETEXT="" REBOOT=ReallySuppress ADSK_SETUP_EXE=1

 2012/5/29:12:32:47 gluckett PRAGUE Install Autodesk Material Library 2013 - Low Resolution Failed Installation aborted, Result=1603

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GIMP :: GIF Won't Maintain Transparent Background After Saving

Feb 18, 2013

I'm making a .Gif with transparent background. I've added an alpha channel on all layers and erased background I don't want to move in all layers except the last one. I've set it to combine the layers in the "Save As" pop-up, dithered the image (positioned,) and enabled dithering of transparent while converting to index. Looks fine in Gimp, but after I save it, the alpha layer saves as solid black instead of staying transparent to show the first layer's background. I would like to stay positioned indexed instead of automatically as it keeps the integrity of the image better. Is there a step I missed in keeping the layer's transparent after saving?

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Paint.NET :: Saving Pictures With A Transparent Background

Dec 31, 2012

Every picture from google (or mostly) has a white background, when it is a picture of a single object. Is it possible to save the picture after cutting out the background? I'm working on a video whit a video editing program and I need to insert the picture without the useless white background, just the object.

In the middle the picture of an object whit the white background. I want just the object without the white background.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Drawing Loads Slowly Stalls On Finding Interior Borders

Jan 9, 2012

I have a drawing the loads slowly and makes Civil3d become non responsive for i while.

It seems to stop with "finding interior borders" as the action in the lower left corner it has some datashortcuts and xrefs on to a network drive.

How to find what is the causing the slow down?

I will start by removing all the xrefs and datashortcuts and see if it works?

I think I have read about slow load times with network drives recently but can not find the post again.

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Paint.NET :: Saving Text As Image With Transparent Background

Feb 2, 2011

I am trying to save text as an image.

I've typed in the text in the color that I want. I've clicked on the magic wand, clicked on the white space and I get the checkered background. But it also covers my text and then when I try to use the saved image, it's all completely transparent.

How do I do this so that the text shows up, but the background remains transparent?

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Illustrator :: CC Image Looks Pixelated After Saving With Transparent Background

Nov 18, 2013

image looks pixelated after saving with transparent background...
i created a logo in adobe illustrator cc and i wanted to saved it for web in order to be able to copy and paste the logo where ever I wanted but the image looks extremely pixelated after saving as an png, and for web.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Change Background Color When Saving TGA

Apr 9, 2013

I've been using an older version of Corel Draw and Photopaint for years on end (Version 10 on win XP). A recent hard drive crash has moved me to the latest version of CDR/PP (X6)in Windows 7/64.

I'm amazed to see that Photo Paint hasn't changed dramatically over the last decade - most of the tools and options are where I am used to finding them. However, one function of the latest build of PP.

I do a fair amount of video editing and I use PP to create .tga files with transparency for the timelines. In version 10 of PP, I would create an object, say a red arrow for example, >mask create from object>image / paper size / background color to red> save as .tga. The background color would appear as red and would become transparent when I changed the image properties in the video timeline to "straight unmatted." Having control of the background color is important for good transparencies in video as any fringes will blend with the objects. The issue i'm having with X6 is that no matter what I do, the background color saves as white, which causes a halo when transparency is applied in the video timeline. How to change the background color when saving a .tga?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Change Background Color Of Page When Saving To PDF?

Jan 29, 2012

I am making a logo design to be printed on a t-shirt.  When I make the logo I am making it on an 11” x 8.5” paper size.  The logo is not rectangular.  When I save the logo as a pdf file, the page background is showing.  I also convert the pdf file to a jpg file and the white background shows.  I went in and changed the page background to No Background, It did not work.  I went to Options>Page size and turned off the Show Page Border, it did not work. 

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Photoshop Elements :: Saving Revised Photos Without Saving Original?

Oct 16, 2012

I have started editing photos using the Photo Fix Options in Instant Fix. I have then switched to Photo Editor to fine tune my edited picture. When I use save or save as, to save the edited picture both the edited and original appear in the files. If I start in in Photo Editor and save  there is an option to uncheck that reads "Save in version set with Original" However I am more comfortable with beginning in Instant Fix and then switching to photo editor. For some reason when I go to save after switching from Instant fix to Photo editor the uncheck feature is no longer available. step by step instructions to save revised photo afterusing Instant Fix first then Photo Editor.

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Lightroom :: Saving Or Saving As Directly From Photoshop To Disk AND Into Catalog?

Jan 26, 2013

If I create a file in Photoshop without coming from Lightroom or duplicate a file in Photoshop that I opened from Lightroom, is there a way to save the new file from Photoshop to the desired directory on my local hard drive and simultaneously have it added to my Lightroom catalog? Or do I need to save the file then import the file into the catalog? I'm working with CS6.

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