Photoshop :: Adding Star Like Sparkle To Image

Jul 31, 2013

How the star like sparkles were added to this image. What in your opinion is the best way to approach this?(There is probably numerous ways to do this I imagine).

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Photoshop :: Sparkle Brushes And Sparkley Star Brush

Aug 24, 2006

where can I get a pack of sparkle and sparkley star brushes?

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Xara :: Photo Editing - Adding Star Field To Photo

Dec 17, 2012

Putting aside the fact that you really can't see stars at sunset, and that if Polaris ever shows up near a setting sun, it's the End Of The World -- it's equally easy to add the stars to a nighttime photo..Next. Am trying to build a collection of photo-editing tips on the Xara-Users forum -- [removed link -link broken and or requires membership to view]

Xara's a LOT easier to use than Photoshop. But it is different. I know Xara's really for vector artwork, but when you end up using it more and more for photo editing, it's useful to have a bunch of techniques in one place.

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Paint.NET :: How To Make Image In Star Background Frame

Apr 13, 2011

I was working on it for simpler works, but Now i like to learn more things as a good photo editing tool. I want to make a star shaped, balloon shaped frame with a image of some persons. I have attached a sample image, with person's face blured, I have to keep persons photo in that star shaped frame, ballon shaped frames etc.

Uploaded with

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Photoshop :: Sparkle Brushes?

Nov 30, 2006

i am looking for the sparkle brushes...

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Photoshop :: Sparkle Effect

Sep 18, 2006

how to achieve this effect?

notice the lines also.

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Photoshop :: How Do You Make Sparkle Effects?

Feb 22, 2008

how make the sparkle effect that I see on car ads and jewelry ads.

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Paint.NET :: Creating Star Wars Comic - Tilt Image Of Block

Feb 21, 2012

I'm trying to create my own Star Wars comic, and of course, being the traditionalist that I am, I wanted to start it out with an opening crawl.

The problem here is that I need a way to 'tilt' the image of the block of text so that it resembles the opening crawls from the movies. I've tried a few ways, but I can't find anything that does what I want it to do. I thought about 'pinching' the top section, but the selection tool doesn't have this function and I can't find anything in the tools to create this effect.

Am I going to have to import the text into a modeling program, tilt it, and render it as a 3D object?

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VideoStudio :: Special Effect - Diamond Sparkle

Jun 17, 2011

How I might create the effect of a diamond sparkling which I can use to overlay a video clip.

I want to add an effect to a face as if one of the person's teeth sparkles. I can remember in the movie The Great Race where this effect was added to a smile by the actor Tony Curtis. This is the effect I am trying to produce. I have looked at all the video filters but there are none which will produce this effect and it any case I think that I will have to do it using an overlay track rather than a video filter as I would want to position the actual sparkle according to where the 'tooth' is on screen.

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Xara :: Create Sparkle Effect In Designer Pro X?

Oct 29, 2012

I'd really like to be able to create the sparkle effect seen in the image below using Designer Pro X, but try as I may, I haven't figured out how to do this. It is a one-click effort in MediaChance's RealDraw.

The top image is the image without the sparkles; the one below it adds the sparkles, and the bottom image is just a black field on which the same sparkles are placed so you can see them without distraction.

Is there a (preferably easy) way to do this in Designer Pro X?

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Photoshop :: Adding One Image To Another

Jul 25, 2007

I have an image I need to place in another image. I cannot work out how to do this. If I open them both up.

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Photoshop :: Adding A Second Image

Feb 6, 2009

when I open an image and latter decide to change the sky how do I bring in the second as when I try it it changes the original image to the new one.

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Photoshop :: Adding Space To Image

Jan 21, 2013

I'm making an image that I want to have 5 different scales of. The scales are: 128x128, 64x64, 48x48, 32x32, 16x16. You guessed it, I'm making a favicon with multiple layers.
I create a canvas size 128x128 to start. Then I add my image to the canvas. I want the image to be transparent, so I remove the background by moving it up to layer 0 and deleting it. Now I hit (CTR + J) to create a copy of this layer to resize to a 64x64. The problem I have is when I copy the image it only copies the image and not the entire layer canvas size.the logo is about 126x90 so that’s what it copies. I need to make this image the entire 128x128, without losing transparency. Essentially what I am asking is can I add the extra 1 px to the width and 38 px to the height without actually changing the visual of the logo?

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Photoshop :: Adding New Image As Layer In PS CS4

Jun 26, 2009

i am using PS CS4. this is my second day with photoshop. i am very familiar with GIMP but i needed PS for making web site layout. so i downloaded 1G trial and now i do not know how to add a new image as layer in existing image. i tried to drag and drop and tried import , open as but could not find a way to accomplish that.

in GIMP it is file->open as layer option but in PS i could not find similar option.

the reason i want to do is that i want to add a image in header of web page layout.

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Photoshop :: Adding Text To An Image

Mar 10, 2009

adding text to an image. I have followed the instructions in both books and videos on how to add text (using the text tool) and when I get to the point of typing text in, it doesn't go 'in'. The box that I assume it should show up in just stares at me - blank.

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Photoshop :: Adding Clouds To An Image

Feb 1, 2009

I have several photos with a plain blue sky

Is it possible to add clouds to these images.

I made a few sky shots today that I can use.

I did find a way to add clouds using filters but was very time consuming brushing away all the areas where I did not want clouds.

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Photoshop :: Adding A Few Effects To An Image?

Jun 8, 2006

I am looking to do is add a few effects.

how to do for the life of me is make the phone look skinny like an hourglass look and the second I would like the opposite and make it look chubby. Advice on how to achieve this would be great, I tried the transform/skew%distort&perspective tools but am unable to achieve the effect I invision because when I try to move a corner the other corners and pull points are affected. Sorry probobly doesn't make much sense. The distort tool was the closest I could get to the hourglass look but it was too skinny..

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Photoshop :: Adding An Image Into The Text

May 3, 2009

how I can take an image, and have it only showing in a text.

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Photoshop :: Adding Filename To The Image

Feb 25, 2006

to add the filename to the image; i.e. print it within the picture, in a way OTHER than using Picture Package?

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Photoshop :: Adding Another Layer To An Image

Aug 14, 2007

I have an image and I want to add a box below the image but colour it "grass green" but I don't know where to start.

how I want the image to be without the colour.

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Photoshop :: Adding Perspective To An Image

Feb 10, 2009

I have an image on a transparent background, I'd like to add perspective to it when I do [Edit > Transofrm > Persoective], but I get the following error..

"could not transform the path because the selected portion pf the path does not include any pixels"

could it be that I have an image [exported from JPEG] rather than a native shape?

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Photoshop :: Adding Text To An Image

Jul 10, 2006

I have a photo that I'd like to add text to. The text is very simple, and I would like it in the upper left corner of the image. If someone could be so kind as to maybe work the image if they were so inclined, and then maybe explain how it was done.

I've tried simply using the text tool, but for starters, the text isn't displayed properly. For example, when I typed an "F," the displayed text was a, "?." Sounds like a font issue, I tried all the fonts, they all display a "?."

Second, I know I need to make a new layer for the text to be added to the image, but I'm not sure how to go about doing this. I'm not sure what kind of layer to open for it, and I'm not sure how to blend the layers once I do. I also want the beginning letter to be one font, and the following three to be another. For example, the beginning letter to be a cursive lowercase, large font "f," while the other letters are arial font lowercase, smaller font, "ine." With the period included in the text. This isn't what I want the text to read, but it should help you guys that choose to help come up with something.

On a side note, I'd love to take those trees out of the pic. Would you guys recommend matching the color of the sky and brushing over, or is there another way that might be better. I'd like this pic to be as clean as possible.

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Photoshop :: Adding Animated Gif To A Still Image

Jun 10, 2009

how to do it had taken an animated gif (butterfly) and placed it on her breast in a still photo of herself.  I know that she used Image Ready and as I recall, she created the same number of frames of the still image as the animated butterfly and then she somehow merged the two together.  Can someone help, is there a tutorial somewhere?  I'm using 7.0. 

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Photoshop :: Adding Flash File To Image

Apr 5, 2013

I have created a banner for a website in Photoshop.  On the right side of the banner I want to have a flash file I created with transitioning imaging. I also use Dreamweaver but the banner is such that I cannot add it together in dreamweaver ,  or at least I haven't figured out how. 
The best way I would like to do it is in Photoshop but will the Photoshop image allow the swf file to play?  I tried to create a gif in Photoshop but that doesn't play like I would like.  I am only using three images 330 px by 248 px so it isn't huge. 

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Photoshop :: Adding A Background Image To Another Shape

Oct 7, 2013

I am trying to add a background image to a jigsaw puzzle piece, Been using the magic selection tool and 'paste into' but i cant seem to get straight lines, Ideally i wanted to keep the 3d style of the image, with the new multicolor background, is it easier to create a 'flat' version and then turn it into 3d afterwards,using illustrator or Photoshop or am i best doing what i was doing originally? images are below to show what i mean.

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Photoshop :: Adding A Border Around Image Or Layer

Apr 26, 2008

After I made a selection and then go to modify-Border, the border comes out feathered. Is there a way to create a hard edge border around an image or layer? Also what's the easiest way to create a border around a type layer?

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Photoshop :: Adding Sequential Numbers To Image

May 2, 2006

I've been given the task of numbering our blueprint files (.tif format). I need to add around 800 ballooned numbers to each drawing at specific locations. These are just numbers with a circle around it.

Currently, I'm manually adding the number as text and then drawing a circle around it, then the next number, another circle etc.

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Photoshop :: Adding Image With Shadows To Background

Aug 14, 2009

I have a product collage at my company that has a white background with natural shadows. Is there a way to add that to a colored/textured background where the shadows will look correct and I won't have to manually erase all the white?

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Photoshop :: Adding Text Layer To An Image & Trying...

Jul 14, 2009

I am trying to add a simple text layer to some relatively small JPEG files - each file is only about 3 or 4 MB in size before any editing or additions are made to the files. I am using P-shop CS2 on a PC with Windows XP SP2.When I add a few lines of simple text (with no special effects) to any of these files and attempt to save the edited file as a .TIFF or .PSD file with the text as its own layer in the file - the resulting .TIFF or .PSD file is a 30 or 35 MB file which is hard to work with because of its size. These files have only two layers in them - the text layer and the base image. It just does not seem logical that a simple text layer would make a file increase in size by 10 times.

I would like to try to save the edited image files as .TIFF or .PSD so that I can go back and make future edits to the text layer.I have tried to save the edited file with the text layer as a .zip file but these files are also still very large - 20 MB or so.Maybe I have some basic file settings wrong that are making the files so large? Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can add a simple text layer to a relatively small image file, save it as a .TIFF or .PSD file and keep the resulting file size manageable?

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Photoshop :: Adding Height (or Width) To An Image

Mar 29, 2006

how do I add height (say 200px) to an image without distorting what I already have on the canvas? Whenever I add an additional 200px, everything stretches. How can I just add 200px of extra white/blank space to the canvas?

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Photoshop :: Adding Jpeg Artefacts To Image On A...

Jan 19, 2009

I have a low resolution image 'A' from someone that has been jpg'd, perhaps a few times. It has pixels that are visible without too much effort, and edges to objects that are not regularly stepped, say 3px wide then 1px down in places (lets call this vari-stepped). Studying the image, the pixels are in fact formed into blocks or squares of pixels.

I now have taken into this image part of another far better image 'B' and need to make it look like it belongs there. Adjusting colours and focus and softening edges is one thing, but it needs that jpg artefacting adding. Simply dealing with the addition beforehand and lowering its resolution doesnt do it, as the resulting pixels are not blocky, edges are not vari-stepped. The jpg feel to it is not there.

What controls can I use to achieve this on the image in that layer after its brought in, with Photoshop CS2 or even P'shop 7 which I still use as I prefer layer links there ! By working in the image I can compare effects to the recipient image. Perhaps only the latest Pshop has what I need ?

Pixelate filter is not enough, its too crude, lowest setting is too much, it doesnt do the blocky look, or the vari-steps.

Getting a better image 'A' is not an option.

It would be great to have an ability to tell P'shop to analyse the image 'A' and apply settings to make image 'B' the same.

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