Looking for pointer to a resource that will explain how to migrate important resources from Photoshop CS2 to CS3. Principally interested in actions and metadata templates, but there may be others.
we have just upgraded from Inv 2011 to 2013. I am trying to create the drawing templates in 2013 by using the blank 2013 template and then copying our border from 2011 onto it. This works a treat apart from 1 thing.
The i properties do not get copied over as well so the sheet is blank from drawing number, title and the custom properties etc.
I downloaded a couple of actions from the web to my actions palette and they worked fine, but then I got greedy and downloaded a few more and that’s when things went south. Now none of the actions work - by not working I mean when I mouse over the Play Selection icon at the bottom of the action palette I get that little circle with a line through it. This happens with the PS default actions as well (I also get the circle on the Stop Playing/Recording and Begin Recording icons).
Somewhere in the following is probably what messed things up.
I downloaded actions to my computer in zip files. Copied them over to the actions folder (or somewhere) and unzipped them. I went back to the actions palette and hit “load actions” and loaded them. On the second set of actions that I downloaded I remember thinking “why am I copying and pasting these files - I bet I should cut and paste them, so I did and that may have been the start of the great crumble of 2004. PhotoShop help says: (under Saving and loading actions) “Actions are automatically saved the the Actions Palette folder in PS7.0 Settings folder. If this file is lost or removed, the actions you created are lost”.
I have searched for the settings folder and couldn’t find it, but the actions still show up on the actions palette - they just don’t run.
I’m a little fuzzy on the details on the above steps. In fact, I probably did something different on each download.
one more thing, I reloaded PhotoShop, but still nothing.
My computer crashed and I removed all apps and reinstalled so now none of my actions appear. However I do have a backup file of all of them and want to reinstall but before when I was using cs6 ( Im assuming same thing as CC as it was all on the subscription plan ) I would click actions then the right arrows and it would bring me a big screen of all the actions ( even the ones that were just preloaded in ps ) and it was a big box with all the actions and some options to record etc...Now that box isn't there and it's just a single column drop down menu.
I'm trying to find a template for a pocket folder. I have the dimensions, but I'd like to find a template that has the interior pockets all folded out, etc pre-designed where I can just go straight into designing without working on designing canvas sizes, etc..
I recently was asked to design a site from one of the standard templates that you can purchase on the web. It came with two PSD files for the two page templates and then several graphics and such that were created for the starting site.
Has anyone used these templates before and , if so, is there a tutorial anywhere for using PS to get your site up and running?
I am new to PS and downloaded the 30-day trial from Adobe until I have purchased by full blown copy.
I'm trying to create some templates, as I'm really loving the smart objects features. It really plays along with the style of graphics I make, which is basically custom objects.
If I go to create a new template in Photoshop Elements 6, what sizes gives the best resolution or print quality.
Basically I am looking at creating photocards for 4x6 and 5x5 and would like it to look good when printing out. Therefore the higher resolution the better.
I have a questions about templates in photoshop that I need some clarification on. First off, I have several sites up and running and of course I use photoshop alot, but only for certain things it seems and making web pages in photoshop or what exactly photoshop can do in that area is somewhat unfamiliar territory. Anyway, I went and got a template the other day of a website to tinker with. Inside its .zip folder, the author included a template with a .psd extension. So, I pulled it up in photoshop and the entire front page was there, but was sliced so to speak.
Each area like header, body, sidebar, and other graphics had been sliced or something. So leads me to the question, 1>>why did he not just make the whole thing one big bkground and make tables for the html code to overlay instead of seperating the pieces. I can't wrap my mind around this. and 2>> If I went into photoshop and started a 72 res background, what would be the ideal width in pixels i'd need to use for my template bkground... 780...1028?? Do i use the larger since some people have a higher res on there moniters?
Where are the MetaData Templates located in PS C6 on a Mac that you can add your contact and copyright information to?  On a Windows machine they are located in Owner/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/XMP. I have some templates that I want to copy from a Windows laptop over to a Macbook Pro.
I have had a problem with opening some PSD template files. It doesn't happen all the time and it doesn't happen with every template. All of the templates were downloaded as zip files and opened and saved using Photoshop CS 5 on a Windows XP PC. When this happens I am getting an error message to the effect that the file can't be opened as it was done in a different version of PS. When the files were saved, they were saved as PSD files and the compatibility check box is always checked. The thing is, sometimes the file will open and sometimes the same one won't.Â
good web sites to download royalty free backgrounds, templates, textures, etc. for Photoshop. I'm willing to pay a small annual fee to join the site, but of course free is always good too. I'm looking more for a site that has Photoshop or other design applications in mind.  I've found a couple of sites through Google, but they seem old and not updated as often (they still mention compatibility with CS4 and 5).
I have created layered templates in CS6. I've saved them both as psd and tif formats (an industry requirement). I have no problems reopening the files but some of my colleagues get an error when opening the tif file. This is the error message "This document contains unknown data which will be discarded to keep layers editable. To preserve the original appearance instead choose flatten to load composite data as a flattened image."
I am trying to insert a photograph in photoshop CS3 into Avery template # 8386 for photoshop which I downloaded from Avery. The template opens up with the 2 postcard outlines to place the images into, but the background of the template is checkered like I have seen in layers, which I do not really know how to do. When I go to insert the picture into the template nothing goes in...I can't seem to select the template and zip in the image. I am using Photoshop CS3 and I want to print these postcards with photoshop managing the printing.
I'm looking to make a site template for a local chinese cultural center who promote and organise martial arts, dragon and lion dances and chinese festivities, and this is my first attempt at making "themed" templates ....
ive been looking for a way to use the brush on for example a winamp skin, so u get the shine from a source of light, if u know what i mean. I know the brush with color dodge effect should be used but wont get the technique to make it look good work.
how you add links to the buttons and such. I found slicing, and I assume this is how you add a link to one of the buttons in the template you made? Btw what is the standard size for a template? 800 x 600? Thanks guys, Im just trying to learn how to make some new things
My pc, a P4 with plenty of ram is locking up using PSD CS3 occasionally. I am editing some premade website templates and that's when it's doing it. Clean boot...no browser running but AVG is running.
It was doing it with one template, but then stopped. Now, with a new temp it's doing the same thing.
creating your own templates for jigsaw puzzle pieces? So far, I can create these in CS6 (no longer seems to have Texturizer with a jigsaw puzzle texture like earlier PS versions) by using a single template (found with a YouTube video on this topic) for a specific number of pieces, confined to the one template.  I would like to make jigsaw puzzles with a variety of pieces, so it would be useful if I could create my own templates with different numbers of pieces. There are PS plugins but these have costs associated with them, especially if used commercially. If possible, I'd rather create my own templates (in PS or AI). For example, I'd like to create an "easy" puzzle template with 20 pieces.  If none exist, an option would be to re-install PS CS 4, 5 or 5.5, alongside CS6. Not sure which is the last version to have Texturizer with a jigsaw texture, but it may be CS4 (by additional download for CS5). But, not having seen or used it in earlier versions, I also wonder if it has sufficient configuration options to choose the number of pieces for a jigsaw? As mentioned, would like to create a range of templates all with different numbers of pieces.