Photoshop :: Website Templates?
May 2, 2006I am looking for free web templates including html,css,psd with illustrator logo template?
View 3 RepliesI am looking for free web templates including html,css,psd with illustrator logo template?
View 3 RepliesI am looking for free web templates including html,css,psd with illustrator logo template?
View 7 Replies View Relatedwhere I can get free photoshop website templates to download?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am looking for free web templates including html,css,psd with illustrator logo template?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I put templates on an online website for viewing by potential clients.
View 3 Replies View Relatedwe have just upgraded from Inv 2011 to 2013. I am trying to create the drawing templates in 2013 by using the blank 2013 template and then copying our border from 2011 onto it. This works a treat apart from 1 thing.
The i properties do not get copied over as well so the sheet is blank from drawing number, title and the custom properties etc.
I have web design premium CS3, and I just started experimenting with making my websites in Photoshop. In the meantime, I have been experimenting with Flash and love it. My question is, if i build a webpage in photoshop, how do I add my flash file to it? I tried the photoshop help section of photoshop itself and there are tons of different types of files it says I can work with, but I still havent found a way to add a flash file to my PSD web document.
View 8 Replies View RelatedWell I re-did my web site and finally got it mostly finished and published. I am trying to get an overall opinion on it so far.. I would appreciate any C & C's ; comments, critiques. There are a few small things (2 typos) that I know I need to fix..
View 9 Replies View RelatedAre there any templates out there?
I'm trying to find a template for a pocket folder. I have the dimensions, but I'd like to find a template that has the interior pockets all folded out, etc pre-designed where I can just go straight into designing without working on designing canvas sizes, etc..
Has anyone used Photoshop to edit templates? I'm thinking of purchasing a website template and the seller assures me I can edit it with Photoshop.
I recently was asked to design a site from one of the standard templates that you can purchase on the web. It came with two PSD files for the two page templates and then several graphics and such that were created for the starting site.
Has anyone used these templates before and , if so, is there a tutorial anywhere for using PS to get your site up and running?
I am new to PS and downloaded the 30-day trial from Adobe until I have purchased by full blown copy.
When you do a website with photoshop... do you put the text on the image or do you create a layer and put it on top of the images?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a series of images in a folder on my PC. I'd like to use CS5 to automatically generate a web page to display these images. This used to be easy with older versions of PS. In fact PS provided several format options for the resulting web page. I can't find this capability in CS5? What happened?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am looking to slice a website up in Photoshop, I have created my design in photoshop for 800 x 600. I think this size is wrong as i haven't allowed for the scroll bar in the browser...
I notice i can use the slice tool, or slice from layers etc.
What about place holders i have left for "pure" text which of course i will enter in my html editor? But i should imagine i want it to export with the text place holder in the html file otherwise the html with the graphics are not going to line up?
Also i have created a box with rounded corners, i presume i should only be exporting the four corners and using some trickery to lower file size..
I have designed a page in photoshop and I have been researching on how to get that image to be a website with hyperlinks, anyway I have learned that I need to import my image into ImageReady but I can't seem to find that option in Photoshop CS3 - my question is where would i find Image Ready or is this a Pluggin I need to get?
Also, will creating my site via photoshop slow the site down? Will the site not load completely depending on the browser used?
Right i have created my template etc.
And what i want the site to do is where the content box is for text instead of having to use photoshop to edit what text is in here i want to be able to edit it through notepad or frontpage.
Even when i view the site you can not highlight the text as it appears as an image.
I have a logo on a website that I'm doing that looks like crap on the blue background I have. I have to keep the logo (as it is on every truck in the company), but I'm hoping I can clean it up a little. Does anyone have any recommendations?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI spliced all the images, and then ..saved for web, now the question is how do I make it in to an actual website? Everything right now is just images, but how can I make the site actually editable through html, etc.
I also would like input on the site if you could. The main thing I don't like are the text on the buttons, I've downloaded a whole bunch of different fonts, but I can't find one that looks perfect.
How do i make a nice looking website with photoshop?
how to make a nice 3d looking website.
creating a rollover button for a website that Im creating. Ive attached the first image needed to create the rollover. Please open it up and take a look at it. As you can see the button is extruding out of the image. What I want to do is wen you click the link that the button will pushed down, or embossed if you will. Im not sure anymore how to make this effect. I dont think the emboss filter or blending options can create an effect like this but if any of you have any idea how to create this effect (of the button being pushed down when you click the link) ...
View 9 Replies View Relatedhow can i make a website using photoshop?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to have a logo that goes with the site name Perhaps a mac logo twisted or even something that does not go with the name but sticks out and looks good. Just don't want something that looks thrown together which is pretty much what all my attempts have looked like
I have tried but having the simple logo I have now was the best looking thing I could make.
If someone can help and your a Mac user, I have a few application licenses from my site sponsors that I have to hand out and can give a few apps out in return. Doesn't matter to me. Would just be great to get something better looking.
making a website layout, like what image size to start out with?
View 6 Replies View Relatedhow they made this one and applied the 3d lighting and what not.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was wonder if anybody knew where i could go to design a free website. I dont even know where to somewhere that pretty much lays out the steps to go through.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to create a simple header for a website which starts off at one edge of the page with a straight line and then curves over as it reaches the other end. I want to then fill it with a gradient.
I've tried working with the pen tools and line tools in photoshop but just can't get the curve right and can't then do a gradient fill.
I am having a hard time making a layout for my personal website where I put my best work samples, stuff about me and so on. This is for my high school web design class. I want it to look dynamic, something that is unique.
View 2 Replies View Relatedget a nice calendar templates
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to create some templates, as I'm really loving the smart objects features. It really plays along with the style of graphics I make, which is basically custom objects.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIf I go to create a new template in Photoshop Elements 6, what sizes gives the best resolution or print quality.
Basically I am looking at creating photocards for 4x6 and 5x5 and would like it to look good when printing out. Therefore the higher resolution the better.
I like to make my own templates for wedding albums.
View 6 Replies View Related