Can I/How can I open old Corel .wi -files in Corel PaintShop Pro X4? I have a trial version but I could buy the program if it can open and convert those files. Is there any free converter which can do this?
One of the reasons I have always liked PhotoPaint is because one can do some amount of video editing with it which is handy for animations or title frames to use in video editing programs. PhotoPaint has always been my preferred tool for making animated gifs from avi or mov files.
I see that it will open uncompressed avi or mov files but if they are compressed, it won't open them properly; such as showing the frames as solid black.
Is there a way to import additional codecs or filters or whatever for avi and mov into x5?
I've been given a .cdr file to use. I can't open it in X4, but X3 opens it. Not sure if it's opening it correctly, but it's opening it. X4 just comes up with an "unsupported file type" error. Did Corel drop support for .cdr files in X4?
I can't open files saved in X4 in v9. I couldn't figure out the text tool in X4 & saved the file so I could finish in v9 but v9 says it is not a valid PSP file. This is very frustrating since I need to be able to use v9 until I learn X4. Second, I have 64 bit version of Thumbnail view installed but it still doesn't allow me to see all of my PSP files in Windows Thumbnail view.
My daughter in law who is Vietnamese took some photo's and downloaded the Jpeg files onto my pen drive.
When I transferred these files to my hard in the UK, I found that the photo's would not open. Looking at the properties, it showed every Jpeg photo was in in "Read only format" and contained 0 bytes. The hole folder contained 544 M bytes of photo's. I then deleted the shaded out part of the "Read only" file and pressed OK, but this did not allow the file to be read.
I then tried to open the photo's in Paint Shop X4 and this was a success.
A few days later I tried to re access the Jpeg photo's and again, but I cannot open the Jpeg files with or without X4. (working with Widows Home Premium)
I can't see a way to search for this issue that seems faster then looking manually. X4 will open X3 jpg's, but not X3 TIF's. X4 will open the older PSP files, but X3 TIF's show up as black rectangles in X4 workspace and won't open. I've uninstalled X3 already, but do not consider re-installing it as a solution. Previous versions of PSP have been backward compatible for me. If I open a RAW file, edit it and save as a TIF, it will open.
OK time to do something about deleting the annoying pop up that pops up about every fifth start up of x5. I'm now using my travel computer with x5 installed. I also use this computer for internet. I'm registered with Corel. So how do I stop this pop up from reoccurring?
I received this flash key with my Corel PSP X2 and it's mostly in Chinese But it Says in English it is for Vista or XP.Will it work to save folder or two in PSP Px3 Ultimate? I will use it on my computer, the note below popped up. Unfortunately it is not available for your device because of restrictions that Apple has put in place. Click here to see a wide array of the latest smartphones and tablets that do support Adobe's Flash Player.
How do I turn off the window that opens every time I open PSPX5 that says, "You must sign in to use the Corel Guide". Register? Register to the guide website?
I haven't seen the Corel Guide since I closed it the first time I opened the program nor do I want to.
Getting the error message "Corel PaintShop Pro X4 has stopped working". So far no workaround discovered, still does not work.
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium, fully current with updates. Memory: 8GM RAM 1 TB HD in each C; and E: CPU: AMD Phenom 3GHz processor GPU: ATI Radeon Graphic 3100
First installed in Windows 7 in
C:Program Files (x86)CorelCorel PaintShop Pro X4Corel PaintShop Pro.exe, then in E:Program Files (x86)CorelCorel PaintShop Pro X4Corel PaintShop Pro.exe (currently)
1. Installed, that error message 2. Patch, that error message 3. Removed, rebooted, e-installed, that error 4. Rebooted, reinstalled in XP, Works in XP! (I need it in Windows 7) 5. Removed ESET (needs to be relicensed anyways, this is priority right now) 6. Spybot shut down 7. Everything else works 8. Have been with PSP since JASC owned it as 4.0 (?) back in the mid 90s. 9. Frustrated with no answers, no solutions.
No AV, Spyware checkers, Malware checkers running. I took ownership of, have all permissions to and "Run as Administrator" Corel PaintShop Pro.exe
This is the application log: Log Name: Application Source: Application Error Date: 1/16/2012 5:39:18 PM Event ID: 1000 Task Category: (100) Level: Error [code]....
I have had a lot of fun editing pictures and Photoshopping photos with jasc psp. My version stopped working so I decided to get the new version. This new version is nothing like I am used to. What is the best way to transition? I can not even figure out how to copy area and past onto another photo. Its discouraging considering I knew the other version so well.
I cannot produce Curved Lines (read: Arcs). I'm wondering if the capability to do this in the PSP X5 program is glitchy--perhaps requires a fix? Normally, I formulate short-cuts or 'tricks'--nothing has worked here for my purposes however.
I have had a Corel account for several years. I bought, downloaded, and installed PSP X6 Ultimate several days ago. When I first loaded it, a window appeared asking me to register for a "Corel PaintShop Pro X6 Membership" (Standard), or to login under my existing account. However after I fill in the blanks for either new or existing membership and click the button, nothing happens...absolutely nothing. Then a smaller window opens that asks me to sign in (or if I'm not a member, offers an opportunity to learn more about PSP X6 Membership). When I fill in those blanks and click the button, I'm notified that I am not a member, so I click the link to learn more about PSP X6 Membership and am directed back to the window that doesn't do anything.
Twice now using PSP X4 I have got a message encouraging me to complete a 5 minute survey. I take the survey, press submit at the end, and get an annoying window to a Corel X4 ad page with no browser controls. The please take a survey message window is still there underneath. When I close the Corel X4 ad window, is asks if I really want to cancel?
I recently had to uninstall PSP X3. I cannot locate the download for this version on Corel. I do see patches and updates. Where can I locate the download so it can be reinstalled?
I went through a system restore yesterday. Im not sure how maybe somebody scheduled it without me knowing. Anyway I have tried and tried to reinstall Paint Shop Pro X5 but something pops up saying "Your system has not been modified. To complete istallation another time, please run setup again."
No matter what resolution I save a jpeg at, they all seem to open at 480 dpi. I would like my jpegs to open at their native resolution. I have looked through the options and settings, but can't find the command to change this. (When I go to resample it always displays 480 dpi)
Downloaded the trial - Installed fine, loads fine, everything seems to work fine except the effects menu.
As soon as I try to open the effects menu it crashes... this happens in both Win7 x64 AND Win8 x64 (tried for fun) Corel X5 works fine in both, BUT its the 32 bit version... wonder if i should try that
I've been working on an image for about 4 hours... (PHOTO PAINT X4) The screen is now frozen with a small box saying ''out of memory'' I haven't saved the file for a few hours. Or has all this work now gone. I now also have this message with no text, what it might be and which button I should press!? Or is there some sort of shortcut to save.
Just installed the trial version of Corel Paintshop Photo Pro X3. Now I try to open old files made around 1999-2001 with Corel Photo Paint (from Office 7 Professional). None of the files are recognized. Funny thing is, WordPerfect X3 does recognize those files, and is able to import them in a document. But what do I have to do to be able to work with those files again in Corel Paintshop?? Or in any other photo-editing program for that matter?
Till X3 Photo-Paint opened and saved transparent PNGs as a seperate image with attached mask.Example:I have an image and load a B/W mask into it.
When I save this as PNG and reload it in X3, Photo-Paint displays again exactly what I have just saved:
However when I open this same PNG in X6, the image and mask get merged into a single object:
It's in effect doing automatically a "create object from selection" function and discards then the background.Why? I can't work with the full background image anymore, because the transparent parts are missing, and the mask is also gone. Is there no way to open the full PNG, without any merging and deleting of masks, just the way X3 was doing it?Also, the only way to save a transparent PNG in X6 is to check "save only selected objects"? When I don't check this, but still check "transparency" in the PNG export dialogue, then the mask won't be saved nonetheless.
For some reason now when I import a high resolution bitmap file into Photo Paint for editing it reduces my dpi to an extremely low resolution. It just started doing this today.
The Coreldraw Graphics Suite X5 is my first foray into this product since version 3 (way back when). PhotoPaint supports CR2 files.
Except that in my case it doesn't do so consistently. Files from my Canon 5D MkII occasionally open fine (just this evening, I started getting a problem withe these as well), but 7D files consistently crash the program and I have to exit.
I have SP3 installed.
This machine is a 6-month old 64-bit HP desktop (AMD multi-core processor) with 8 GB of RAM. Photoshop, Lightroom, Painter 12, and PSP X4 work without incident and open all supported files smoothly.