Paint Shop Pro :: Can't Get Past X4 Splash Screen

Dec 1, 2011

I have been using Paint Shop Pro for around fifteen years now and have always been very happy with each new version. I tended to upgrade every other version and have been using X2 for the last couple of years. With the recent announcement of Corel's service pack to fix some of the problems of X4, I decided to upgrade.

I uninstalled X2 and rebooted ready to install my shiny new copy of X4. All went well until I tried to start it up. The splash screen appears and starts to load up the components but every time it gets to "Initializing Palletes" it crashes and I get the "Paint Shop Pro has stopped working" and the options to close or go online and check for a solution!

I've tried uninstalling it, repairing the install, and also uninstalling it using the RevoUnInstaller as recommended by df but it didn't work. I also tried installing SP1 to see if it worked but didn't.

I can't even get this thing to start up at the moment. I need it for a few projects I'm working on and am beginning to wish I had left well alone!

I'm also dreading trying to re-install X2 as I can see that having problems if X4 has screwed up any deep-seated settings.

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Lightroom :: 5.2 Not Responding - Did Not Get Past The Splash Screen

Mar 10, 2014

I went to startup LR5.2 (local) and it all of a sudden did not get past the splash screen.  It hung with a "Not Responding" in the title bar.  I went to a backup file and the program seemed to operate normally.  I did another backup to make sure I saved a good catalog.  Today the same thing happened.  I again went back to the backup and that did not seem to work.  I have tried a number of things including deleting all of the preview files and upgrading to version 5.3.
Up until the other day LR5.2 was operating without any problems.  One more thing.  I finally got it to work by deleteling all of the preview files and going back to my backup.  It starts up and seems to be ok; however, when I close the program and try to re-start .. it again does not get beyond the splash screen.
I have subscribed to the CC version of PS + LR but I am only using PS - have not downloaded LR5 for CC.
I did increase the RAW space to 30 Gig and there is 119 Gig of space on the hard drive.  I use an i5 processor and run the 64 bit version of LR.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X3 Hang Splash Screen InitComMan With AMD Catalyst 11.10 WHQL

Oct 31, 2011

When I started to use the preview releases of AMD's Catalyst 11.10 drivers, PSP Photo X3 would hang every time on the splash screen with the "Initializing Command Manager..." text. I have to kill the "Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo.exe" process. I did a clean install of AMD Catalyst 11.9 drivers, and no problems again. At the time I though it a 11.10 preview behavior. Maybe something about being unsigned drivers (not WHQL/signed).

Well. Today 31oct2011 the AMD Catalyst 11.10 WHQL/signed drivers was released. No change, with 11.10 final X3 hangs on splash screen, back to 11.9 it works.

I know there might be other ways. Reinstall Windows, test out PSP X4, and probably more. But I'll run X3 on a virtual machine before I do a reinstall, would take me one week of work And from reading about X4, Corel have missed their target audience by a mile Why can't they understand that some of us, me at least, would pay full price for a major upgrade that did not give a single new feature. Just put all the work into tuning/bugfixing the ones already there. I'm serious about that angle.

Little more about my setup:
» Win7 Ultimate 64bit (SP1, patched up)
» AMD HD 6950 x2 (AMD Catalyst 11.10 WHQL drivers, with CAP 4)
» Corel PSP Photo X3 (Patch 5)

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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 Nag Screen After Closing The App?

Aug 25, 2013

when I close PSP X5 I get this blank white nag screen telling me I can get some free tips for being a better photographer and then in the middle there's a checkbox to tell it that I don't want it to appear no more so I tick it then click "close" nothing happens and clicking the red X doesn't do anything and I've checked process explorer and its linked to Corel PSP X5 for sure and to close it I have to kill the process every time.

Is this addressed in SP2 for X5? Or do I need to reinstall?

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Paint Shop Pro :: No Cursor In Screen Cap

Aug 2, 2010

Using PSP X3 on an Win7 Home Premium system with an ATI HD 5700 Series card.My Version is and video card driver/software was updated 2 days ago.

I do a lot of screen captures but I have not been able to get X3 to include the Cursor in the capture!!I have tried it in Full Screen, Client area, and Window but it never shows up.I have even un-checked it (Include Cursor) and re-checked it to make sure it was set

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Paint Shop Pro :: Getting Screen Tab Back On

Nov 28, 2012

Under the direction of the tech support i have reset my Corel Paintshop Prox5 back to factory settings, and now my Windows screen tab for lack of a better word, where you can move the windows screen around with your mouse, the part that has the Minimize,Maximize,Close, at the top, is now off, is there a way to get it back on ?Without it i cant have two screens side by side. One covers the other one up. When reloading i some how turned it off ?

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Photoshop :: PS 7 Splash Screen

May 15, 2004

Is there a way to open up the PS 7 splash screen (transparent lens)and edit it using Windows?

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Screen Capture In X3 On Windows 7 X64

May 20, 2010

I've used PSP for many years and used the screen capture many a time. But I can't get it working fully on Windows 7 x64. I usually have it configured to use F10 to start the capture of an area. It was working a bit (but never with IE8) about 30 minutes ago but just isn't working at all now.

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Paint Shop Pro :: 4 To 6 Pictures On Full Screen

Jul 10, 2012

Is it possible to have more than one picture (preferably 2 or 4 and maximum 6) on a full screen at the same time. So that choosing which picture you want to keep is made easier. Now I increase zoom of thumbnails but this leaves a lot of unused space around them including the different tool bars.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Unwanted Update Screen

Jun 24, 2012

I downloaded and installed Service Pack 2 for X4 some time ago. It created havoc with my highly customized workspace and I reverted to the System Restore point set before installing SP2. So, no SP2 on my system.

Corel Guide>Settings>Messages, both messages UN-ticked.

Clicked on Check for updates using the Corel Guide and also under Help>Check for updates, to see what happens.

Nothing happens, they just stop running I then close X4 and (quite a while later, usually when doing something else) a screen appears "An important update is available for PSPX4 Download update now!

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Paint Shop Pro :: Editing Two Images On Same Screen?

Dec 3, 2012

I'm a longtime user of PSP 8 and just downloaded the trial version of PSP X5, thinking to buy it. With PSP 8, if I wanted to edit two images on the screen at the same time, I loaded them both into the program and then used the minimize button at the upper right hand of each image to switch them out of full-screen mode and put them next to each other. PSP X5 no longer has the minimize buttons attached to the images. I can tab back and forth from one image to the other, but I can't figure out how to put them both on the screen simultaneously. Is this feature still present somewhere in PSP X5? How do I access it?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Edit Boxes Are Out Of Screen?

Jun 28, 2011

When I open up an editing box. ie Local Tone Mapping, Adjust Brightness/contrast etc etc, the box that opens up is only partially on screen, you cant drag it into a different position because the top part where you click to drag is off screen, even if I semi minimise the window it is still off screen. Is there a way when these are opened to dock them to one side or to a permanent position. Windows 7 64bit - PSPP X3

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 - Multiple Screen Captures

Sep 8, 2012

I've been a PSP user since PSP 7.

I've got a question about x4. When I do multiple screen captures and then I click on the minimized x4 icon, it doesn't just open back to the workspace like it used to in psp 7. It always opens this pop up of all the captured files I took and I have to select one in order to re-open the minimized x4. It's so irritating because I go back n forth a lot taking screen caps but it always has to force me to choose a file.

If there is a setting to skip it and just re-open x4 to workspace when I click on the minimized icon after taking multiple screen caps?

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 Full Screen Error

Jan 29, 2012

Image with resolution larger than monitor size, view in PSP set to 1:1...Ctrl+Shft+A for full screen view.

PSP switches to full-screen with move (hand) tool present for moving around the image. However, when the move tool is used it behaves like the Esc key and defaults back to preview view within PSP.

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Paint Shop Pro :: One Dialogue Window Is Off The Screen

Feb 9, 2013

I am not sure how this happened, but using PSPX3, when i need a new layer, the dialogue window is way to the top. The values and all are accessible but when i am doing live presentations or recording tutorials, this is an annoyance. It is so high that i cannot grab the top of the window and pull it down. It is only for that one dialogue window and only for that one PSP version.

I tried resetting the workspace to default, i tried reloading an old workspace, but that one stubborn dialogue window is still there on top.

I tried changing the screen resolution temporarily to see if i could "grab it" to move it back down, but it still is "ungrabbable".

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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 Screen Capture Setup?

Apr 24, 2013

Version (the SP2 patch was installed). But I'm unable to figure out how to setup screen capture because that option is grayed out. I'm unable to complete Step 1 due to the latter issue. That is: File | Import | Screen Capture | Setup; I can never reach the fourth selection.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Full Screen Preview

Jan 10, 2012

I just haven't found the setting, but I can't seem to make the cursor disappear during full screen preview in PSP x4! Is it something I'm not selecting?

I have searched to the ends of the internet for an answer, but have come up with nothing, however I noticed that there was an ESC key bug with full screen preview in PSP x3, and having a visible cursor would allow one to exit full screen without having to press a key. Could this be why the cursor is now visible? Now that I think about it, I've always been able to exit with either the ESC key or a mouse click. Still, this is something I've never seen before in any version of PSP.

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Photoshop :: How To Prevent The Splash Screen

Nov 17, 2012

Every time I drag an image into Photoshop CS 5 I get the splash screen shown below. I doesn't mater if I choose Yes, or No. I still get this screen. What can I do to prevent this annoying occurrence?

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Photoshop :: Why Is CS5 Crashing On Splash Screen

Aug 28, 2013

CS5 is crashing on the splash screen, even after re-installing. This is the Error info.

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
  Application Name:    Photoshop.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:    4bbc56b6
  Fault Module Name:    ntdll.dll
  Fault Module Version:    6.1.7601.18205

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Photoshop :: Freezes On Splash Screen

Sep 9, 2005

Photoshop CS freezes on splash screen. I have been using this since CS first came out without problems. Now it will not go beyond the screen and locks up with 100% CPU usage. Athlon Barton 2500 w/2G Corsair Ram, 2 - 160G Seagate 7200 HD's configured with Raid +1. All other programs work normally...just PSCS

Should add that I have uninstalled CS and reinstalled it. I have also removed each 1G stick of Ram and tried it...then swaped the other stick...

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Photoshop :: Transparent Splash Screen

Dec 4, 2005

I am trying to make a 'splash' screen for a GUI. However, the picture I am using pops up with the corners being visible; I do not want that. I would like them to be transparent. I have tried 'Export Transparent Image'

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Maya :: Stuck On Splash Screen Doing Nothing?

Jan 17, 2014

about three weeks ago, maya 2014 started being stuck at the splash screen saying "Maya loading" and doing nothing. I also tried running it with admin permissions, repaired it, uninstalled and deleted AppdataLocal-and-RoamingAutodesk, then installed again. I also tried installing Maya 2013, to see if that starts up: it doesn't. EDIT: I also tried restarting that license program The only thing I can call a reason is: It randomly asked me to license and stuff, after i accidently opened it twice. Then I 'clicked through' (I did read it though) and killed the second process. After that it stopped working.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Get Past License Acceptance Screen (PSE8)

Nov 3, 2012

I have been using PSE 8 for a while, and recently installed the version 11 trial copy to see if it made sense for me to upgrade.  Everything seemed to be going OK (PSE 11 converted my PSE 8 catalog OK etc.) until tonight.
A few minutes ago, I tried to open up version 11 and it gave me an error (#6) that said there was a configuration error and I needed to uninstall and reinstall version 11.
So, I uninstalled version 11.  That seemed to go fine.
However, before trying to re-install version 11 I decided to play around with version 8 for a while.  Only now, every time I double-click on my PSE version 8 shortcuts (one for the main program, one for the organizer), I get a screen asking me to agree to the Adobe software license.  I click "accept" but then the license screen just goes away and the program never starts.

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Paint Shop Pro :: (Border) Around Screen Captured Images?

Oct 20, 2012

After screen capturing an image, when viewed in the PSPro X workspace, a thin white border shows on the right side and at the bottom.This shows what ever is captured, it wont clone brush or crop out.I have to apply a border to disguise it.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Screen Capture Doesn't Work In X4

Oct 4, 2011

Screen capture doesnt work in psp x4. I tried searching for this but no info at all on it. I have to resort to using the print screen option in windows and then paste as new image.

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Photoshop :: CS3 Closes After Splash Screen Loads?

Sep 10, 2012

I am using Photoshop CS3 on a PowerPC Mac running OS X 10.4.11. Some days ago, I attempted to run photoshop by clicking the icon on the dock.The splash screen loads fine but immediately as the splash screen loads photoshop closes automatically. I have already tried the following:

1. Rename TWAIN file by  adding the ~ in front of it 

2. Deleting photoshop preferences by using Command+Shift+Option .

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Photoshop :: Change / Customize CC Splash Screen?

Oct 18, 2013

I DO NOT want to deface the splash screen, but just add our company logo.
I was able to edit the Illistrator CC just fine.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Splash Screen Image Location?

Sep 20, 2012

Where is the Photoshop CS6 splash screen PNG image located on Mac OS X?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hangs At Splash Screen?

Jan 26, 2012

We've got Inventor running on about 12 Win7 x64 machines in a lab and recently one of them has started acting up.  Inventor will not get past the splash screen.  The Windows event log only says "app hang."

I've tried uninstalling Inventor and manually removing any trace of it I could find from the C: drive and the registry and reinstalling to no luck.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Change The Splash Screen?

Apr 19, 2012

how to change the splash screen?  We are trying to change that replusive picture of robots and screens...

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Revit :: 2013 Freezes On Splash Screen

Aug 8, 2013

I'm running Revit 2013 on Parallels 8 (Windows 7 x64bit) on a Macbook Pro, it has been working fine for over a year untill today as it freezes on the startup splash screen and the 'SECSplashwnd' becomes non-responsive. Nothing significant has been changed as it was working fine 8 hours ago.

I have tried repairing the Revit installation, restarting windows and mac, uninstalling Microsoft Framework and reinstalling. Problem Details:
Description:A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.

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