Lightroom :: Not Import Any Of Video Files

Jul 7, 2012

I'm running Lightroom 4.1 on Mac OS X 10.7.4.
I just installed Lightroom. Lightroom will not import any of my video files. After import fails to import them into the lightroom library it tells me "there is a problem with the video file" and it lists all of my videos.
90% of my videos were shot on various iPhones.
I have read the troubleshooting video

[URL]....and did not find it useful.
Google searches are not panning out either.

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Lightroom :: Existing Video Files Won't Import?

Jun 26, 2012

I have several hundred videos I have taken, either with a Canon SD800, Canon S95, Canon T2i or a GoPro.
New videos I take on this equipment works just fine when adding to Lightroom. But when I try to import older files, I get error: video file not imported with the quantity in parenthesis.
I have tried purging the video cache, I have tried task manager - disabling dynamiclinkmanager and dynamiclinkmediaserver. Occasionally I will be able to import one or two videos after doing this but then it hangs up again.
Running Win7, LR4.1.
I don't have anything else up and running when I do this.

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Lightroom :: Unable To Import AVCHD Video Files From Sony DSCRX - 100

Jan 28, 2014

I have lightroom 5.3 running on Windows 7 64-bit. I am unble to import AVCHD video files from my Sony DSCRX-100. I am not sure why, as lightroom 5 supports this video format.

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VideoStudio :: Import XMF Files Into Video Pro X5 Without First Converting Them?

Jan 12, 2013

Can I import XMF files into Video Pro X5 without first converting them? I cannot find the answer to this on the sales information. Also is there any way to import those XMF files into my current version (Video Pro X2).

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Photoshop :: Import Video Frames To Layers Set As Quicktime Files (PS5)?

Oct 29, 2012

For some reason, suddenly when I import video frames to layers, it is now set as Quicktime files that can only be opened (AVI,MPEG etc) and won't pick up MMV files at all. I used to make a lot of gifs fine with WMV files (thats the only format Photoshop PS5 would let me open for years), now it is set up as Quicktime files all of a sudden. It only opens AVI files as well, other video formats pop up with blank screens and then go transparent. Is there any way I can fix this? I'd like to be able to make gifs with WMV files again.
Is there some way you can open MP4 files onto Photoshop CS5 as well? Converting Youtube vids to WMV is quite a process.

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VideoStudio :: X5 - Video Files Too Large / Import Takes Long Time

Jan 16, 2013

I recently downloaded the trial version of VSP X5. And now, I have a new 12 MP camera as opposed to the 5 MP I had before. Anyway this new camera shoots in video mode at 1920, 1280 and 640. When I use 1920 or 1280 (HD), the file size of the videos are huge, so when I import them to VSP, they take a very long time to import. Is this normal when you want high res videos or is there something I can do to cut down on the file size. To test it out, I shot 20 second videos at all three resolutions. In 1920, the file size was almost a whole gig at only 20 seconds. It would be much larger than that for lets say a 20 minute movie. I'm guessing that would take all day to import.

Correction: Actually, It's taking long to "Create a Video File", not to import the video. Anyway, is it normal for the program to take so long to create a file? if it's a 15 or 20 minute video, it will probaly take at least a couple of hours to create at that resolution.

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Lightroom :: Video Will Not Import To LR4?

Apr 19, 2012

I have been unable to import video to Lightroom 4 from my Canon 7d (.mov files). I could import without issue using Lr 3.x. I would be able to do quick edits of photos and videos all in one place for friends/family events.

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Lightroom :: 4.2 Won't Import Video

Nov 21, 2012

Lightroom 4.2 won't import video, not from a Nikon D800, Canon 5D Mark II nor an iPhone. I just get "There is a problem with the video file." The files are fine, and somewhere in the past I was able to import videos. So what's changed?
LR 4.2
Mac OS 10.6.8

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Lightroom :: Cannot Import Video Into 4

Apr 28, 2012

I have videos from Canon FS100 (SD video in .mpg). I can view/ playback in windows, Adobe Premier Pro and edit them also. But LR40 cannot import them - no preview , and when I import it says "There is problem with file". Tried reboot / quicktime update erc. No effect. LR3 can import and playback these files!

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Lightroom :: 4.1 RC - D90 Video Import Failure?

Apr 6, 2012

I receive the following error when importing video files from a D90:
"The movie files contain no video frames".
The files import fine in 3.5.

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Lightroom :: Can't Import Nikon Video Into 5

Sep 2, 2013

I just noticed that I can no longer import .MOV files from my Nikon D800 into Lightroom 5. I am running on Mac OS X 10.8.4 on a Macbook Pro, LIghtroom 5.0, Camera Raw 8.1. I plug the camera into the USB port of my macbook pro (don't have a SD slot on my macbook pro)
When I click import in Lightroom the .MOV files don't even show up at all in the import dialog.
When I tried to import video from my iPhone 5, they showed up on the import screen and I was able to succesfully import them.

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Lightroom :: Can't Import Video Taken With Leika D-LUX 5

Nov 17, 2013

I cannot import video taken with my Leika D-LUX 5 into Lightroom 3.  The photos I take import fine. What can be done to correct this?

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Lightroom :: Can't View Or Import Video (4.4 And 5)

Aug 3, 2013

I have a problem with my PC. I cannot view or import video in Lightroom.

I have tried both Lightroom 4.4 and 5, with same results.
I have video in these formats: mts, mov and mp4, and they all have the same problem.
I properly have done some "adjustments" of my PC, but cannot find out what has caused the problem.

In the Import window, I see this message "Preview is unavailable for this file". After I press Import, I get this message: "Video support is disable"
For those movies already importer, I can move the cursor over the movie, and view "fast replay" of the movie. However, the play button do not show.

Pressing spacebar only zoom. As do double-click. I can view the videos using QucikTime or Media Player.
I am using Windows 8 64 bit.

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Lightroom :: How To Import The Video File

Oct 21, 2012

Lightroom 4 will not recognize the video files.  It will only import the photo files.  How do I import the video files?

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Lightroom :: V4 - Fails Mov Video Import

Mar 25, 2012

I have LR4, and Windows 7. After installing LR4, I could not import mov files. I rebooted, and no change. I have 8 GB of ram, and a duel core Intel processor. I tried to associate the mov files with LR4, and I tried moving the files, first on the SDram card from my Nikon D7000, then to the local hard drive. The result is the same. I try to import just one mov file, and nothing else, but the result is the same. There is a problem with the file. Each file tht LR can not open, opens fine with media player, or any other player installed on my system.

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Lightroom :: 4.2 Won't Import JVC Everio MOD (MPG) Video File

Oct 27, 2012

I have hundreds of JVC Everio video files that are natively created as MOD files on the camcorder.  However, I can copy them to my Windows 7 system and simply rename them as *.MPG files and they play fine in Windows Media Player.  I noticed that Adobe Premier Elements can import MOD files, but I get a "There is a problem with the video file..." error message in LR4.2 when I try to import the renamed MPG file.  The Import function won't display MOD files as a valid file format, but the MPG files do appear in the Import browser list.
Below are the specs from the MOD file renamed to MPG.
GeneralComplete name : F:Digital_Media2007Videos20071208V-Christmas_Trees!
DVDMOV00A.MpgFormat : MPEG-PSFile size : 88.5 MiBDuration : 1mn 47sOverall bit rate mode : VariableOverall bit rate: 6 902 Kbps

[Code] ........

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Lightroom :: Unable To Import Video Into Catalog

Oct 4, 2012

I have an issue where videos aren’t importing into my catalog, but the videos play fine on the machine. Forums suggest that there might be an issue with the video cache, and some threads suggest I try to purge the cache. I go to Preferences > File Handling > Video Cache Settings > Purge Cache, and I get the dialog:
The Video cache is being purged. This message with be dismissed when the purge is finished.
I’ve let that message appear for 24+ hours, and it still doesn’t go away.
My questions: Where videos don’t import? How to manually purge the video cache through some other method than the Preferences UI? .
Mac OS 10.8.2
Lightroom 4.2

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Lightroom :: 4.1 - MTS Import And Playback / Error Working With Video

Aug 5, 2012

After I've upgraded to OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion, I begin to see the following issue while trying to import .mts files from my Panasonic GH2 SD cards:
1. LR no longer sees individual files on the SD card. I know that this is because ML has decided to treat all AVCHD-related directories as packages and LR can no longer see the indivisual .mts files from the file system.  However, Premier Pro CS6 CAN. 
2. Even after copying the .mts files to an unrelated directory, LR is no longer able to import the files.  I get the "There is a problem with the video file"
3. The .mts files I previously imported into LR 4.1 with Lion no longer plays inside LR.  I see the thumbnail but if I attempt playback I get the "there was an error working with the video" error.
There obviously major compatibility issue with LR 4 and ML in relation to video files. I relies on LR for all my video file cataloging needs - now I am unable to do so.  All of this was working just fine with Lion. 

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Lightroom :: Why Do Not Have Sound When Import A M2TS Video File Into 4

Apr 10, 2012

I have M2TS video files stored on my computer.  When I import a file into LR4, I have no sound.  I also tried importing files directly from my Sony camcorder, but still have no sound.

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Lightroom :: 4 - Disable Video Support Option For Import / Processing?

May 27, 2012

Is there a way to disable lightroom 4 from importing or processing any file with a video extension mkv, 3gpp etc, as its really slowing down my workflow.
My typically workflow consists of pulling my files off of my memory carsd manually via explorer (into a specific folder under a root folder which I create manually).  I then synchronise the root folder in lightroom.
Unfortunately LR4 seems to take over and hour to do this since I have a lot of uncateloged videos.  LR fails each time to catalog the videos.
LR3, since it didn't support video, was blazingly fast and performing the same operations in LR3 takes minutes as oppose to hours.

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Lightroom :: V4 And 4.1beta Video File Import Error / Failure

Apr 21, 2012

Findin that Lightroom 4 and 4.1 are not importing video/movie files.  Without exception every attempt made has resulted in an error.
In many cases just the first frame gets imported and converted to a low grade jpg image.
The same files import cleanly in to Aperture 3.x without difficulty.

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Lightroom :: MPEG Video Captured From Tape Camcorder In Premiere CS5 Will Not Import Into 4.3

Feb 15, 2013

MPEG video captured from a tape based camcorder in premiere cs5 will not import into lightroom 4.3. Why, when it is created in an adobe product?

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Lightroom :: Won't Play Video Files?

Aug 7, 2013

My Canon 60D video (*.mov) files are sucessfully imported to the Lightroom catalog, but Lightroom won't play them in LibraryLoupe view.

but it shows video frames, when I hover mouse from left to right edge of item in LibraryGrid view. Seems like output of "Loupe" for video is broken and play control (scroll and buttons) is disabled. Have tried LR 5.0 and LR 5.2 RC.

Quick time 7.7.4 plays this files perfectly.

OS: Windows 8.1 Preview

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Lightroom :: No Audio In V4 With Video Files

Mar 13, 2012

the audio does not work on any of my video files, now that i have upgraded to LR4;  the audio for these files works fine in LR3; audio is working with slideshows in LR4. 

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Lightroom :: Importing Video Files

Jan 11, 2012

After installation of LR4 Beta,Thumnails of Video files(AVCHD) were not generated. After restarting the system, I could view thumbnails and also could import files in to LR4.I enjoyed using vibration etc and it is easy to export (to H264) in comparison to cs5 PP. Now 2nd day onwards, I am not able to view thumbnails(video files) for importing nor files could be imported.Files already imported work fine with thumbnails. (Thumbnails while importing Video files are  being displayed normally in LR3 without any problem)

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Lightroom :: 4.1 And 4.2 Not Accept MPG Video Files

Sep 7, 2012

Lightroom 4, 4.1 and 4.2 will not accept .mpg video files.  I have to Convert these files from .mpg to mp4 in order for any of the lightrooms 4--4.2 to accept the videos. Yet in the [URL].... it states : Extensions supported---MPG, so why do I have to convert all my video files to mp4??????

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Lightroom :: Keeps Changing NEF-RAW Files To DNG Files Upon Import

Jul 31, 2013

I am currently using a Nikon D7100 and recording my photos in the Raw/NEF-RAW format.  Recently, whenever I am uploading my photos to Lightroom 5, my photos are changing to .dng files rather than staying in the NEF file.  When I go and look back at my previous imports from the past few times, they are in NEF and NOT in .dng.  Why is this doing this and how do I turn this feature off so that my files remain the same going from my camera to my computer through importation. 

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Lightroom :: 4 - When Import Files Load As CR2 Files Not DNG

Apr 4, 2013

I just upgraded to a 5D and LR4.. when I import the files load as CR2 files, not DNG files.  When the files import it takes 4 files to find them. It also will not recognize the file names in the library.  How do I fix this to import like it did in LR 3??

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Lightroom :: Using 5.2 Cannot Upload MP4 Video Files To Flickr

Sep 8, 2013

When i used the older Lightroom 3 I was able to upload video files (.mov) to Flickr. Now, with LR5.2 Flickr shows those files as grayed out .mp4 files and do not upload.Same camera, Canon 7D.

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Lightroom :: No Audio In Some Sony Video Files?

Sep 19, 2012

i down loaded some videos from a sony hand held but there was no sound in any of the videos?

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Lightroom :: No Sound On Sony Video Files In 4?

Nov 28, 2012

I can see my mts video files in Lightroom 4, but however they do not have sound. Is there anything that I could do to have the sound? (The sound is working for videos that I made with my Nikon 3100 camera, but not for the videos that I made with my Sony camera.) Also, is there a way to light the video files from Lightroom 4 to Adobe Premiere, as Adobe Premiere seems to have more editing capabilities and plays the sound from my Sony videos?

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