Lightroom :: Importing Folder From HD To Catalog?
May 21, 2012I can find my pictures on my hard drive but not on my catalog short of synching my whole HD how do I transfer one folder to my catalog?
View 1 RepliesI can find my pictures on my hard drive but not on my catalog short of synching my whole HD how do I transfer one folder to my catalog?
View 1 RepliesI'm using Lightroom 1. I tried to merge catalogs by importing a catalog into a master catalog, but there were some problems. The one I noticed immediately was that the collections are not correct. It imported the collections, but for example one collection now has only 4 photos when the originbal had 140? How can I fix that? (Although not necessariy a problem, it seems to have the wrong number of photos imported too. It says the previous import was 3175 photos when it was more like 10,000.)
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes "Import from another catalog" import photos already in the target catalog (i.e. duplicates), or only photos not already there?
View 4 Replies View RelatedJust installed LR 4.2 and trying to migrate PSE catalog. W7 64bit.
Not showing any option to import PSE catalog under file menu or anywhere else I can see. Uninstalled and re-installed PSE. No change.Stuck without the catalog and LR not useful until I can do this.
Using an iMac OS Lion 10.7.5. When I import a folder from the HD to the Catalog in LR4, the file sequence changes. The files on the HD were sorted and renamed in sequence using Adobe Bridge. When the files appeared in LR4 the sequence has change drastically and in no apparent sequence. There is no file name visible in Catalog. Why has the sequence changed?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI find that I edit files on my laptop but I want the files, with their edits to reside on my desktop computer also.
I had been exporting the folder as a Catalog, but can't think of shy I can't just copy the folder with both the RAW and XMP files and import the folder on the Desktop PC. This option seems to work just as well as the catalog option.
Any reason I should choose one way over the other? Using Lightroom 4.2?
how do you close out a folder or catalog so that you are back to a blank start?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI want to import my LR4.4 catalog into LR5 with its keywords so the pictures keep their keywords in place.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI downloaded a trial version of Lightroom 5. I imported my catalog from PSE10. All I get are grey squares with a black box in the corner.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possibile to import a collection from a catalog to another ? My main catalog is at home with all the pictures stored on NAS; when I'm abroad often I start to organize the travel pictures in a "temp/local" catalog on notebook. The Import Photos from catalog is fine to import the pictures with their develop setting, but I would like also to import the collection, expecially the custom user sort order I did in the collection (so I think the Export collection as Catalog is not useful).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to simplify my existing catalog, in order to move it to a new computer and to then upgrade to LR4. When I right click on a top folder, and click "Add parent folder", I do not get a new visible parent folder, and my existing folder disappears from view.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have checked the invisible files rebuilt the desktop, restarted loaded a back up from different drive - photos are in place but the lightroom folder is gone.
Yet the drive in question space, has not changed still full. I'm loosing a lot of work two three full days between backups had added a lot of new material.
my main question is How can I free up the 86 gigs of space this 'missing folder' is still taking I'm seroius never seen this before.,228000 images were organized in that folder I had done a lot of work and was having issues generating previews due to space on drive was clearing space opptimized then did a 'get info' on the lightroom master folder just moments before lightroom crashed for third time today. Poof entire master catalog folder gone. Main drive size exactly the same.Seems isolated to lightroom..all aspects of my mac are fine.
Is there a file limit, folder implosion feature? I'm current and purchased just to do this organization.
how to set up LR on new computer.Have my photos on external drive and want them to go to the D: drive.Moved the LR Cat folder to my C: SSD drive with LR off.
Opened LR and relocated LR to new file location on C: drive.Lr shows all my Picture folders from year 2000 to year 2014 with the expected ? marks.I don't want the picture folders on C: drive but on D: drive.
In the import screen, on the left side of the screen, i start opening my tree to find the folder of photos I want to import but it doen't scroll down. The folder I need is further down, what can I do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI imported images into Lightroom from a folder I created on my desktop, I got images from Iphoto, and now Lr tells me images are "offline". I cannot work on them. I haven't purchased license yet and am using the 30 trial, though I don't thing that should matter.
View 15 Replies View RelatedIn lightroom, I press file/import from another catalog or from another application and get put into finder/pictures. I can't find the name of my elements catalog (which is pc Catalog). When I press on the one or two entries that mention the word catalog, I get sent back to lightroom where I'm told this is an invalid catalog.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI merged two catalogs in Lightroom 3.6 by using File -> Import from catalog....
Both catalogs had flickr photosets, and I wanted all the photosets to show up in the main catalog into which the other catalog was imported. However, the flickr photosets apparently were not imported.
Is there any way to import these, or are the links between my photos and their status as being published to flickr permanently lost for the photos which were imported?
I accidentally deleted my LR4 catalog, which I cannot recover. I have been unable to import folders from the source without all the files appearing as a single batch, i.e: no sub-folders in the import window. Must I import the content of each sub-folder into the corresponding destination folders separately: must I uninstall LR4 and reinstall it so that it can create a new default catalog? What is the process I need to follow in order to import the sub-folders?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI accidentally removed a folder with images from my lightroom catalog. The lightroom .lrcat file seems to be intact (112.400kb) and the images are still on my hard drive.
Is there anyway that i can reimport the folder and that lightroom applies the changes that i earlier made on them? I assume all that information is stored in the catalog file? But when i try to reimport them, no changes are being made.
I have managed to have to re-load my Lightroom 5 catalog which unfortunately is a month out of date. During that month I changed my folder structure and whilst I can see the folders and images on my hard drive, my Lightroom 5 catalog is as it was a month ago without the new folder structure and with a lot of photos missing. Obviously the link between the images and Lightroom has been lost because I changed the folder structure without backing up the catalog. re-link my photos and album structure to Lightroom ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I attempt to import photos into an existing folder LR creates a duplicate folder with the same name. The original folder (orange) does not show the imported photos, when I try to move the photos from the duplicate folder (red) over I receive the error message "files already exist in this destination." My lightroom hardrive folder appears correctly, no duplicate folder. Also, on import I am only renaming the files, a sub-folder is not created.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI imported a catalog from my laptop into a catalog that I have on an external hard drive. This has now resulted in two images of the external drive under the folder list in the Library view.
You can see there are two folders called Oxford (which is my external drive). The first contains the images from the catalog that was originally on the external hard drive. The second one contains all the imported photos.
The directories under Oxford are correctly visible when I browse to them on the computer.
I have a 180GB SSD, which I specifically bought, to make Lightroom (4.4) faster and to store 1:1 previews. Initially, I set up Lightroom catalog (containing 18221 images) to never delete 1:1 previews and stored the previews in a high quality mode. This quickly fill up my SSD. I would like to set it up to store as many previews as it can while leaving atleast, say 20GB, free on SSD. The alternative, which is to discard 1:1 previews after 30 days or so, is not really acceptable to me.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow can I import JPEG files with dashes in the file names into the library? In batch from a folder?
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy old folder structure built up over years before I started using Lightroom has hundreds of subfolders and is entirely logical. I can import all the photos into lightroom, but not the folder structure.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I was just importing all my xmas shots yesterday, and I kinda did it wrong in a result, the folder I created is now the "main folder" i.e the one that has all my photos under it, as subfolders and as a result, ALL my photos has now gone offline or missing.
The new folder I created sits on top of the hieracy, and I dont want that of course, I want it under my "2011" folder, which was the main... I cant move the new folder called "xmas 2011" and If i try to delete it, it says do you want to delete 2200 pictures, which is everything I have under the original "2011" folder...
Im pretty new to lightroom, and the file handling and renaming of libery's seems very confusing, but this is really bad and its ALL my pictures being listed as missing of offline
I tried to open via backup, but the lastest backup I can find is from Aug 2011, which I know isnt true, as I back up everytime I have used lightroom, but I cant find any other back ups !!
My problem is that when I'm importing photos from my folders on the computer to my catalog in Lightroom 4, Lightroom doesn't import all photos from my folders. It imports the first 3-4 photos rom my folder.
View 1 Replies View RelatedTrying to troubleshoot a weird issue w/ Lightroom 5.3 on a PC. Updated my current catalog and wanted to import a couple of old catalogs to consolidate images. The first two of the old catalogs updated and imported just fine, previews were merged, data seamlessly integrated -- all good. But the third catalog is giving me no end of grief. It goes through the update process to be LR5 compatible, but when I say "import everything" on the list of found images/folders, it tries for a bit, then fails out with "unknown error". This happens regardless of what I pick from that catalog -- even a single folder. It also happens if I export a sub-catalog from the old catalog and try to import that. But the updated catalog runs just fine on its own.
I've tried optimizing the offending catalog and checked for any possible issues with folder names, missing images, incompatible formats etc. etc.
I'm reluctant to try the "reverse" operation and import my main catalog back into the old, "challenged" catalog for fear of future corruption.
I had copied a .PNG file into the source folder and wanted to import it into the Lightroom catalog.
However the import dialog does not show that file in the source folder at all.
I also tried the method of selecting the source folder and using the "Synchronize" option. But that did not show the .PNG file either.
My clumsy work-around was to open the file in CS6 and save it as a .JPG file.
So my question: how can I tell Lightroom which file types (extensions) I want to be able to import?
I found a curious bug in Lightroom 4.2.
If I have pictures taken after 23:00, Lightroom creates an import folder in the next day, but the dates in the files are correct.
Example: The file's date is: 29/11/2012 23:19.
However if I hover my mouse over the image in the import dialog:
The date that appears is 30/11/2012 00:19. Here's the detail:
After you import, you get the image in the wrong import folder, but the meta on the image is correct:
I've started to notice this before, but always thought of a wrong date on my camera. Just noticed that this happens with my camera, iPhone, and any other photo that has a time after 23:00.
After a little re-organizing, lightroom has started putting new files into a new 2011/date folder, rather than continuing the old. It's driving me nuts, because I can't figure out how to get it to align again.
How do I get it to continue the dating, rather than starting over? I've already tried exporting the catalog and re-opening with it. Still doesn't continue.