Lightroom :: How To Use Keystrokes Or Shortcuts To Toggle Between Menu Items At Top Of Screen
May 14, 2012
I'm taking a photography class and we're getting a quick lesson in using Lightroom, working on Macs. I'm never used the program before and I use a PC so I'm not familiar with Mac either.
I'm catching on pretty quick, but Im wondering, is there a way to use keystrokes or shortcuts to toggle between the menu items at the top of the screen. The assistants in the class said that on a Mac you can access these menu items with the mouse, but in a PC you use the Alt + a letter and can get to the sub-items with either letters or the arrow keys.
Screen Capture is not recording menu items in FL Studio
I am recording a series of video tutorials for the audio production software FL Studio. I have duplicated the problem in two version of FL Studio, FL Studio 8 & FL Studio 9. I start a screen capture and everything is recording fine. Part of my tutorial includes selecting a menu item in FL Studio. After my recording is finished I am noticing that the menu (dropdown) is not displayed in the screen capture. I can see the mousing clicking the menu items but the menu is not displaying. All other aspects of screen capture are working perfect.
I am using Corel Video Studio X5. No updates to the program have been made, the computer I am using it on was only connected to the internet during activation.
When launching, the window labeled "Adobe Design Suite Premium CS3" opens - it's only filled with white, and no text or graphics (I think it's usually the window asking me if I want to register, which always comes up when I launch the program (rather annoying in itself). However, now it seems that the launch gets "hung" on this window, as, even the the program starts, all the menus are grayed out, and I can't open any files or do anything. Also, the window mentioned above only has the yellow "minimize" button available in the top left corner, so I can't close it or otherwise get rid of it. Since even the Quit function is grayed out, I have to quit the program with a force quit. Also, this same thing happens in my other CS3 programs (In Design) as well.
I tried trashing the photoshop plist file (com.adobe.photoshop.plist) and also the com.adobe.118.registration file, which had no effect.
There are three "plug-in extras" menu items in various places (one in file, one in library and one in help) in the library mode. Do they have different functions?
I have been unable to select previous folders used for export by selecting them from the usual dropdown menu in the export dialog box. All the folders created by the Choose option since installing LR4 are shown, but the are grayed out an inaccessable. I am unable to locate the Preferences file in my user library (Mac Lion 10.7.3) to delete it to see if that might work.
As the User's Guide says: The Keep Faces Together setting can be turned on and off when using Extrude by ctrl+shift+right-clicking on the object whenever the Show Manipulator Tool is displayed.
How to use it? I tried as it said, however nothing occurred. H
(I tried by these steps: Select the object -> clicking Extrude -> clicking Show Manipulator Tool in Modify/Transformation tools -> ctrl+shift+right-clicking the object -> Extrude)
Full screen view is a minor, but convenient new feature in LR5. It's a quick way to look at a photo without distractions. Being able to flag, color code, rank, and apply Develop module edits with shortcut keys while in full screen are all pluses. Also, the primary "bug" in the Beta, that the F key did not work like a toggle and take you back to the prior view, has been fixed. However, the keyboard shortcuts still do not work consistently.
If you initiate full screen from the Library module, pressing E, G, or D all work correctly. Even the shortcuts to specific Develop module tools work right. For example, R opens up the cropping tool. However, if you initiate full screen from Develop, pressing E or G still works, but pressing D or any of the Develop tool shortcuts has no effect.
For no apparent reason I can no longer add ratings/picks/colour labels to my pictures through either shortcuts or the menu. The only way I can add ratings is by clicking on the ratings dots when I have the grid extras turned on.
How do I add custom menu items to the main menu in Illustrator?
I would like to build my own menu with scripts that I use alot. This is a powerful feature that I use alot in other programs, but I have not seen any examples of this in illustrator.
Somehow I activated a mode where when I click on an object, if there are several objects there, it will bring up a little menu to pick which one I want, similar to Inventor if you hover or say "Select other...". How do I toggle this mode? Turns out I like it sometimes but usually I don't need it.
i have toggle dcl , and lisp as an example , who can say that how can i make combination by toggle and define to change lisp ? and of course run to change lisp after my choise from toggle menu
I just installed acad mep 2013 and I'm having some problems with the right click menu. I was using 2012 previously and I would right click, then press M for the move command. Now I have to press V for move in the right click menu. Is there any way to change which keys to press for the right-click menu?
So, after installing CS5 in 2009, it's now 2013, and my keyboard shortcuts are gone. Well. All of the useful ones such as copy, paste, new, open, etc. Save for Web is still working, and a handful of commands I don't use are working, but not the ones I use all the time. I look in the menus for the commands for copy and group and such, but there's no shortcut assigned. And I've been looking online how to fix this, but everyone is saying go into Edit>Keyboard Shortcuts and voila. The only problem, is my Edit menu doesn't have a Keyboard Shortcuts option, and I can't figure out why.
I am using CS4 for Mac. My tools and window panels were missing on the side. I placed them back in but noticed something odd happened under the Image tab in the menu bar. Normally I can select from the color modes under Image to change RGB photos to CMYK. For some reason, the CMYK mode is now missing unless I manually select SHOW ALL MENU ITEMS at the bottom of Image - Mode tab. How do I fix it so that all the color modes appear when I go to Mode under the Image tab? This happens every time now when I open a new file. It doesn't seem to save when I quit out of the program. I couldn't find it in Photoshop preferences.
I'm getting all of my menus corrupted after using CS6 for a couple of hours. See below. . This is happening for all of my windows (Navigator, preferences, etc.) I have to close the program and re-open to fix.
Running Windows7 64-bit. 12 GB RAM with an ATI FirePro V8700 card with 1 GB on it as well. I have all of the latest drivers for the card (installed yesterday). This should be blazingly fast, and it's chugging along like my CS3 used to with 4 GB RAM. Are these issues with speed and the corruption of the menu items related?
In Photoshop (Mac OS X), I typically use the pattern type cmd+shift+/ to open the help menu, type the phrase of the menu item I want to use, and then hit enter to activate the selected menu item.
I just checked Photoshop CC and the enter key does not seem to correctly behave as it should. Instead of activating the selected menu item, it just dismisses the help menu.
Is there a way to force the enter key to behave correctly, as it does in other apps?
Why are my menu items greyed out until I hit a tool icon?Example Photoshop, click "FILE" = everything greyed out except "recent" whose submenu (list of recent files) greyed out. If I hit any tool icon, menu items appear.ALSO .....eyes on layers have no effect ubtil I click elsewhere, navigator panel empty until I click an increase or decrease there, etc. I need to always click elsewhere for something to happen.I am running Vista Ultimate with a high capacity video card. I removed all my plug-ins, I ran PS4 script-cleaner and re-installed applic 3 times -
resetting itself to factory defaults. Now I notice it has taken to hiding a lot of my menu items and I have to click 'Show all menu items' every time I open a menu. Most frustrating. And I can't find a way to force the blighter to do the decent thing and keep on showing me all the menu options. how to do this as the help files are less than forthcoming.
So I recently began teaching myself about the Maya program but I have an issue with the tutorials for the 2012 version. It appears as though the tutorial was not updated along with the 2012 Maya program and its menu changes. where the Markings Menu is on the 2012 edition?
Out of the blue today, my OSNAP shortcuts disappeared. Whenever I'd bring up the menu, I could not hit the E key on the keyboard for Endpoint or any other shortcut keystroke. Upon more research, this applied to all menus. Turns out this is not an Autodesk issue but a Windows setting. Here's how to restore if you encounter this as well.
1. Hit the Windows + U keys to bring up the Ease of Accees Center
2. Click on "Make the keyboard easier to use
3. Check Underline keyboard shortcuts and access keys
I am updating a user to ACADM 2010 from R14. His actual R14 menu was customized so that the menu bar shows 'File' 'Drawings', 'Options', 'Edit', 'View', etc. from left to right. So far I have been able to get the 'Drawings' and 'Options' added to the classic 2010 menu.
However, the 'Drawings' and 'Options' show clear the right of 'Help' (see attachment). I need to get them moved over to a position between 'File' and 'Edit'.
These are drop downs with 5 to 6 levels. Having them on the right makes them look very messy because the cross back and forth.
Photoshop hides some of the menu items. Often I don't know exactly what I'm looking for and need to be able to see everything. It also restricts the use of keyboard shortcuts. I'd like, for example, to be able to go Alt-I-M-C to change the image to CMYK, but since the CMYK option is hidden it doesn't recognise the last bit and I have to use my mouse.It's a small niggle,
I am wondering if it is possible to have pulldown menus items be brought in on the layer that they were created on versus the layer that your template has current. I created pull down menus and (not thinking ahead) put them all on layer 0. They come in with all the attributes they were created with, but come in on the current layer. Can I change that?