1. Where do I go in LR to change the location of the library?
2. Why are all the 2013 images I'm importing into LR going into the 2012 Photo Folder? Can I move all of the 2013 folders from 2012 Folder into the correct 2-13 Folder
3. Instead of giving my the correct import data 130712_photos, I ened up with a folder named 20130712? How do I correct this problem?
In Lightroom 2, I entered data into the Location field. When I transitioned to 3, the Location field then changed to Sublocation in the Default metadata panel, but it had my data in there. Recently now the Location column in Library Filter does not list the entries in this field, it just shows everything as Unknown Country. How do I fix this, or have the data show in the Filters?
How to change the storage location in Lightroom 3.6.?
I use my internal hard drive NTFS of my MacBook Pro as my storage location of Lightroom 3.6. being installed in Snow Leopard now but the data of my photos get too big now. I have two fast and big external hard drives eSATA now which I want to use for my data/photos. I know how to copy the data from one hard drive to another but I don't know how to change the settings in connection with Lightroom easily. I still want to watch all fotos on my MacBook Pro but don't want to save any fotos on my internal harddrive any more. Isn't it possible to have the programm Lightroom on my internal harddrive but the data on two times on two different extermal hard drives? If I look at Lightroom - settings of catalogue - I see that the internal harddrive location is my storage location now but I my two external harddrives don't appear as folders. Why? How to change that so that the external hard drives appear in Lightroom and I can watch all my fotos immediately (sometimes using external hard drive 1 and sometimes using external hard drive 2)?
My external hard drives are in HFS+ but I use the software of Paragon so that there shouldn't be any problem to read and write the data (I use also Final Cut Express so my external hard drives are HFS+ and not NTFS).
I want to impert many data from CDs - should I copy the fotos first to my external hard drive and then import it into Lightroom or is it easier to import the data directly from the CD in Lightroom so that I don't have to name the folders two times? I see that I have to sort the fotos from the CDs in new different folders and an used to do that in Finder of my MacBookPro. In Lightroom I don't want have to click each of hundreds of fotos to be able to put it into the right folders ... But how to import only a part of a CDs quickly into the right (newly created) folders?
The page numbers in the print module are beyond the edge of the prints my printer generates. Is there any way to change the location of the page number?
My computers HDD (C:drive)crashed. I have installed a new SSD and totally renewed the installation of my PC including new installation of Lightroom 4.
Luckily I kept my (10.000) photo's ánd LR 4's catalog on D: drive. (And ofcourse also BU on NAS)
Since the new installation the drive that was previously D: is now called F: , I don't know why. D: drive on the new installation is now the DVD- drive
I can restore my catalog but LR4 can't find the photo's. How do I change on all 10.000 photo's te location name from D: to F:???
I am trying to change my default import location on my MAC Pro Tower, to one of the internal HD's. I have named the HD Photo Location, and have created a folder in it called it "My Lightroom Photos". I have been able to create this, but cannot seem to ber able to make it my default when I open LR 3.5. I have to manually go in and change it. Is there a way that this can be changed to make it my default?
I'm experiencing a bit of an organization problem with Lightroom 3 which is probably rather easy to fix, but I just can't seen ti figure out how. When I import photos in Lightroom it automatically creates folders (2011-12-14 for example) and I would like to change the location on my computer for these folders, but I can't find where to do it. It now creates these folders in my regular Pictures folder which gets really messy due to this. How can I change this? And how do I relocate all the excisting folders on my laptop, without having to find all the missing photos afterwards.
I have been using LR each and every day I have never once utilized any of the four default terms cooked-into the 'Metadata' Library Filter ('Date', 'Camera', 'Lens', 'Label').
Is there a way for me to set up new metadata search terms as defaults so I don't have to putz w/changing the same-old-same-old each and every time I open this filter?
Lightroom v5.3: I'm a long time DNG file user for Pentax and Nikon cameras. I recently discovered that about 300 of my RAW Nikon files already imported into the Library are NEF files instead of DNG files as my other 5700 files are.
I know that I made an error somewhere along the way, but- Is there an easy solution to converting those existing NEF files to the DNG format?
I would like to change the default drive path location of the items that are placed into the Library panel on the edit window. I have a second hard drive and would like the items from the Library panel edit window to default to a drive path location on the second drive. I know I can export a library but I want the main Library panel work screen to default directly to a drive path location on the second hard drive.
I have screw symbols that were imported when I converted my FreeHand file. I can't seem to locate those symbols on my drive. Might they only exist in this file, or where would I look for them? CS5.5, OSX 10.8.2.
I am using a variety of different plug-ins for 3ds max, like FumeFX and RayFire, but my main harddrive hardly has any space left. So whenever I try to preview my creation in 3ds max, it always runs out of space and can't continue. i've tried for a very long time to find out how to change the location of the preview output, but everything i try doesn't work. I even changed a setting that specifically said "preview" and changed it to my other hard drive (which has 729 GB's free) and it still runs out of space.
how to change where all the preview files go for plugins such as fumefx and rayfire.
I was trying to load in some tool presets for my pen tool in Photoshop. Upon doing so I noted that clicking on "Load Tool Presets..." or alternatively any of the quick jump links i.e. art history, pencil brushes, etc... Photoshop would load absolutely nothing.
Upon looking to see where Photoshop was looking for these tool presets I noticed that it was looking here:
"C:Users*********AppDataRoamingAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS6PresetsTools" instead of looking here: E:AdobeAdobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)PresetsTools --- which is where the presets are actually located.
Is there any way to change where Photoshop looks by default? How did it get set to the incorrect location in the first place.
When I click on File, Open in CS2 (it came with the computer) Pictures is always the Library that opens. Can this be changed? I have created a Library called Photography. That is where I download and store my photographs and where I work on them.
In any case, does anyone know how to change the "location of installation media" for PhotoShop CS3?
I bought the download version and later burned a CD for installation and moved the download version to a backup HDD.
But after that, whenever I tried to re-install (deactivate or not), I couldn't use the CD and had to move all files to the initial location (with all same structures) before I could do anything.
This is extremely annoying since I wish to delete the initial folders for which I used for the initial install (i.e. I created a few folders named "working areaAdobePhotoShopCS3").
I had to create (and remember) all those folders for re-install. Anyone knows any solution for changing this so I can change it to using the CD I burned next time?
I just installed Smoke2013 without a problem! But I accidentally put the media storage in the main OS drive!! I want to use my Raid 0 drive. I unistalled it and delete all the autodesk folders and installed again but the setup program did't ask to use the other drive like the first installation!! It just used the main OS drive as before!!! How can I change the Media drive to another drive? Why when I unistalled Smoke and then re installed It didn't ask to select the media drive?
I need to manually override the weight and location of the c.g. inside a parts iproperties. I know how to override the weight, but I do not know how to manually override and modify the location of the c.g.
I recently had to delete my preferences file and I had forgotten how much I had customized my Photoshop (CS5).Now, however, I can't remember how I changed some of the default settings, such as the location of brushes, gradients, patterns and shapes, that I keep in a central location. Used to be, that if I wanted to replace the brushes, It would open to this location where I actually store all my brushes, not the default location on the C drive.
I'm really enjoying the new Generate feature in Photoshop CC. Any way to change the location where the generated assets are stored.
As you know Generate creates a folder in the same location as your PSD which is logical but I work in a studio where we are collaborating on web projects and it would be ideal if the generated assets were being saved to a web project's image folder instead of the location where we keep our PSD mock-ups.
Trying to make it where I wouldn't have to deal with the idiosyncrasies of the Project file, I created a default project that was rooted to my top level network drive.
All was fine until I did some importing from other formats. All of the sudden there was a new top level network folder called imports.
Ok, bitch session aside on the uselessness of project files, is there an entry in the project file details where I can change the location of this folder?
In SW, I was accustomed to importing a file and then saving it where I was going to use it, not in some convoluted folder structure that had no relation to my active working location.
I mean, why on earth would I want a separate folder for every little part I import?