Lightroom :: Catalogue Empty - No Photos On Previous Import?
Nov 22, 2011
I am trying to access a catalogue which had about 200 photos in it and i accessed daily for about a week, but it's now saying it is empty 'no photos on previous import'
I haven't moved the original files so it doesnt say anything is missing. I'm not getting any previews at all. I did back up but had since edited the photos.I dont want to have to edit them all over again so before i try to restore the catalogue with the unedited back up files, is there a way of finding my catalogue?
when i try to import phots from another catalog (from my laptop to my desktop) in Lightroom 5 the dialog box closes before i can select the files i want to import. tried exporting the photos from the laptop to the desktop and then importing on the desktop and get the same issue
Just started using Photomatix pro. Used autoimport to reimport into LR 3. Can only see Photomatix tiffs when switch to all photographs. This pulls up all 8000 plus photos rather than just the file folder in which I am working. Is there a way to get these tiffs to show in previous import photos?
I am travelling to the UK and wish to export my photograph collection as a catalogue to my laptop (without the original photos) and work on organising them, deleting unwanted photos, etc and then reimport the catalogue on my return. My question is this - if I delete a photo whilst on my laptop, on reimport into my main computer will lightroom then go and delete this photograph from my original collection as I hope it will do?
I recently tries to open a new catalogue and now I can't get back to my recent catalogue with all its folders. If I try to open a prior catalogue it's always the wrong one. I did this yesterday and I want everything back to the catalogue from the day before. I am frustrated. I don't want to reimport all my photos.
I realise this sounds crazy. On the file menu when I open a prior catalogue it is never the right one!!
I just managed to crash LR (4.1) big time, resulting in a BSOD and immediate Windows shutdown. What triggered this: both LR and my PC are usually very reliable, and in fact my PC has never before blue screened on me. At the time, LR was building a collection.
I re-booted and checked over my catalogue in LR, focusing on the images I'd been working on prior to the crash (all in the same folder on my HD). I see no obvious corruption with the images I was working on; in fact LR even managed to complete the collection. I allowed it to check the catalogue integrity and it found no issues. However I now have a nagging doubt that perhaps I'm overlooking something... Do you think it might be worth my while to restore from a previous backup, just to be sure no corruption has managed to rear its head in my catalogue, or do you think that, based on the lack of any warning signs, I should be OK?
This raises another related question: how do you know that a catalogue is corrupted at all? Does LR give you any warning/error message?
I imported 6 new photos into LR3 just now - worked on them and then did a backup before exiting. I gave it a NEW name upon export, obviously.
To my horror I found that LR had backed up these new 6 photos into a PREVIOUS catalogue - with the previous catalogue's name as well. I now have 6 new photos which have replaced the 300 or so that were in the previous catalogue. They have all disappeared. How on earth did this happen?
I use Auto Import to import my RAW files. Each time LR imports my files the Previous Import count number increases. Is there a way to reset this count so it shows a true reflection of the photos from my previous import session?
Correct me if I'm wrong but if you manually import files the Previous Import count number resets itself automatically. I've Googled this problem & this question has been asked before - all users were utilising Auto Import.
When I download new photos from memory card, the actual photos download to storage drive, but LR 4.4 catalogue shows grey and "?" This is first time it has happened. I've formatted my cards and tried again, but no luck.
I'm trying to import a catalogue into Lightroom 4.4. The catalogue I'm importing has 3397 images but only 1806 of these images have been imported. I tried to reimport, but the import dialogue box won't let me tick any of the boxes. With the preview window open in the import dialogue box it seems that some images are missing, yet they are all there when I go to the folder. The images and catalogue I'm trying to import are on my desktop. I have verified and repaired disk permissions after clearing my caches.
I'm trying to import my PSE catalogu into Lightroom3. However, LR will only offer the (old) PSE9 catalogue. I have several catalogues in PSE10 and need to import at least the largest one.
I am a relativcely new Lightroom user, and brand new to Lightroom 4. (I just upgraded after a hardware failure forced me to get a new computer.) My photos all came up missing -- mainly because the new computer assigned a different drive path to the external hard drive where most of my photos were stored. I spent much of yesterday locating 5000+ photos in my old catalog. Late in the day I tried to import the "located "photos into the new Lightroom 4 catalog. I am not sure what actually happened, but the photos do not currently appear in either the old catalog or the Lightroom 4 catalog. Fortunately, Lightroom does seem to know how to find them, because if I click "find previous process photos," the re-located photos are displayed. How do I get these photos incorporated safely in a catalog? Do I need to do take appropriate steps before conducting any other processing of photos?
Every-time I synchronizing a folder, Lightroom always shows Previous Import for the found images.I think this is very annoying, since I manually have to point to the synchronized folder.When I synchronize a specific folder I expect Lightroom to stay on that specific synchronized folder!There should at least be an option for this in the preferences but I haven't found anything...
I'm currently following a longer Lightroom 5 course on Lynda and this don't occur on the authors mac when synchronizing occurs!Is this a windows-only issue or should I dig deeper into my manual?
My SSD C: drive is too full so I am wondering what I can transfer to my HD. About 1000 of my 7000 photos are rated 1 star. I might never want to see them again. Should I transfer them out of the LR 5 catalog and just keep them on my HD and its backup HD? It would be nice if I could still call up a tiny image of them using keywords.
So yesterday I was editing tons of photos, using the Previous Button once at a time to add the previous photo's adjustments to the next selected photo and everything was a great.
Today I hit Previous and the selected photo AND every photo after it gets adjusted.
What could I have possibly hit to change the behavior of the button?
There's me thinking I was dead clever. I use Box for my business filing, so have unlimited storage and can sync to my two Macs. But it turns out that Box can only sync 40,000 files, and, the killer is, it won't sync the catalogue previews file. These are things they plan to sort in their summer update.
So, there's me thinking I could use Box to run Lightroom on two Macs, in the field and at home, all nicely syncronised. But it's not quite going to work. I'm wondering if I can just copy the previews file back and forth over my home network, and let Box sync the rest.
So sometimes you want to just import everything on a card into LR in one go, and then move it around later (like when you shoot 2 jobs in day, but you need to have the files in separate folder).
At the moment I have to import into LR, come out of LR into explorer and move the files, then reassociate them in LR. I would be nice If you could just import an empty folder and them move the files within LR
Running Macbook Pro, OS 10.8.4.Trying to import abouth 65 images from a folder on my desktop. I can clearly see the folder and all the images in Finder, so I know they're there.
However, in LR4 the folder in question is ghosted (others are not), with no contents at all. Note: I have heard of a PNG/XMP image issue with this problem, so I converted all the images to .jpgs, but still have the same issue.
Under 'Edit' I clicked on 'new catalogue' and named the new catalogue 'Lightroom Sanbonani'. I am not too sure what I did after this (maybe pressed the 'enter' key) but suddenly Lightroom closed down. When I re-opened Lightroom, I saw that all of my photos that were on the left hand side in date folders had disappeared, INCLUDING all of my 'Collections' and work that I had done on the photographs.
The photos are obviously all in my 'backups' folder on my harddrive, but all of the work that I had done in adjusting the photographs in Lightroom are no longer to be seen. I now have to do the adjustments all over again.
Why did I 'lose' all of my photographs inside Lightroom?
How can I add photos to an existing catalogue in lightroom straight from an sd card. I've tried the add function and this didn't work and I've tried importing whilst the catalogue I want to add to is open and it still doesn't work. The only information I could find about this explain how to merge to existing catalogues which isn't what I want to do.
How do I import tags from another catalogue but not the develop settings of each image?
Here's whats going on:
I started with 5000 images on a hard drive. I gave a copy to someone else working on the project.
I physically moved images into real folders and edited all the shots.
She left all the images where they originally were and tagged each image.
I want to combine her tags with the edits that I've done, with the images in their new locations I've made.
I have a copy of her catalogue file.
I tried importing her catalogue into mine- which will pull her metadata tags, but only also with pulling her develop settings which resets all my work.
How can I import ONLY her metadata tags?
I can't open her catalogue and write the tags into XML sidecars because I've moved the images from where her catalogue says they are.
I realize we should have done this differently from the beginning, but with that being said- if I could import only her metadata tags then that should work. But Lightroom 4 only gives the options of importing BOTH metadata and develop settings.
I've created a BIG catalogue with photos from various drives. And each time I've used "export" to copy the photos to an internal drive on a brand new computer with a huge drive.
I'd like the main catalogue to ALL refer to the files on the new huge drive?
I had the hard drive replaced on my mac. I did a restore from back up drive to my new hard drive. First LR4 couldn't find the catalog so I pointed to it. Then I opened lightroom 4 and it cannot see ANY of my photos. I don't want to link each folder full of photos it will take hours. Isn't there another way to do this so it finds them all at once? Photos are still located in the same location on the new hard drive after restore. Nothing changed except the hard drive.
I am installing LR4. I tried to update the catalog.I received the message that LR encountered problems when trying to update the format of the catalog file and cannot use this catalog in this version of Lightroom. When I click on the See Adobe Technote button, I received the message that that file is unavailable from the Adobe Website. I don't want to loose all my catalog information from my previous instralling of LR2.7.