Lightroom :: Should Restore Catalogue From Previous Backup

Jun 18, 2012

I just managed to crash LR (4.1) big time, resulting in a BSOD and immediate Windows shutdown. What triggered this: both LR and my PC are usually very reliable, and in fact my PC has never before blue screened on me. At the time, LR was building a collection.
I re-booted and checked over my catalogue in LR, focusing on the images I'd been working on prior to the crash (all in the same folder on my HD). I see no obvious corruption with the images I was working on; in fact LR even managed to complete the collection. I allowed it to check the catalogue integrity and it found no issues. However I now have a nagging doubt that perhaps I'm overlooking something... Do you think it might be worth my while to restore from a previous backup, just to be sure no corruption has managed to rear its head in my catalogue, or do you think that, based on the lack of any warning signs, I should be OK?
This raises another related question: how do you know that a catalogue is corrupted at all? Does LR give you any warning/error message?

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Lightroom :: How To Restore To Previous Catalogue

Nov 26, 2011

I recently tries to open a new catalogue and now I can't get back to my recent catalogue with all its folders. If I try to open a prior catalogue it's always the wrong one. I did this yesterday and I want everything back to the catalogue from the day before. I am frustrated. I don't want to reimport all my photos.

I realise this sounds crazy. On the file menu when I open a prior catalogue it is never the right one!!

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Photoshop Elements :: Catalogue Restore Does Not Recognize Backup On HDD

Nov 11, 2013

I am using PSE 11 on Windows to perform a full catalog backup to extenal HDD. The backup complete successfully. I then move teh external HDD and Restore the catalog using PSE 11 on Max OS X (Maverick). After selecting the source and desination for the restore, I get an error message that the selected HDD does not contain a valid backup. I have twice backed up the catalog. The folders on the HDD contqain more than 300GB of data from teh backup. I get no error during the backup process.

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Lightroom :: How To Connect All Previous Work / Catalogue?

Dec 10, 2011

I had HD failure and now replaced whole to connect all my prevoius work / catalogue?

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Lightroom :: Catalogue Empty - No Photos On Previous Import?

Nov 22, 2011

I am trying to access a catalogue which had about 200 photos in it and i accessed daily for about a week, but it's now saying it is empty 'no photos on previous import'
I haven't moved the original files so it doesnt say anything is missing. I'm not getting any previews at all. I did back up but had since edited the photos.I dont want to have to edit them all over again so before i try to restore the catalogue with the unedited back up files, is there a way of finding my catalogue?

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Lightroom :: Back Up On Exit Replaced Previous Catalogue?

Apr 1, 2014

I imported 6 new photos into LR3 just now - worked on them and then did a backup before exiting.   I gave it a NEW name upon export, obviously.   
To my horror I found that LR had backed up these new 6 photos into a PREVIOUS catalogue - with the previous catalogue's name as well. I now have 6 new photos which have replaced the 300 or so that were in the previous catalogue. They have all disappeared. How on earth did this happen? 

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Lightroom :: How To Restore Catalogue Content

Feb 19, 2013

Is it possible to restore catalouge content that was not backed up?

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Lightroom :: Laptop With Backup Catalogue?

Jan 31, 2013

What viewing and/or editing capability will exist if the Lightroom catalog (not the full image files but only the previews) are exported and installed on a laptop? I would like to vuew the images while traveling and do minor editing but the complete image files are too extensive to transfer to the laptop. The comntempated procedure is to export as a catalog with neagtive files unchecked but available previews checked.

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Lightroom :: Restoring A Catalogue From Backup?

Apr 8, 2013

I am trying to restore my LR4 catalog from a backup. Here are the details.
- Lightroom installed on Windows 7 main drive - C:

- Entire photo collection stored in a separate internal hdd - F:

- LR4 catalog backed up on an external drive.
I had to reset my C: drive back to factory status, wiping out all of my installed programs. After the factory reset I had to reinstall my secondary HDD and it was recognized by Win7 with one problem. It is now listed as E: rather than F:.
After reinstalling Lightroom I copied my catalog backup into the appropriate folder and launched LR. It recalled the catalog with no problem but couldn't find any of my photos! Is there any way to tell Lightroom where they all are rather than reimporting? The photos are all in the exact same location as previously. The only change is the drive letter from F: to E:.
I tried to go into Windows and change the drive letter from E: back to F: but Windows won't let me name it F: for some reason.

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Lightroom :: Cannot Restore From Backup

Apr 11, 2012

I have not been able to restore my catalog(s) using the Backups.  My computer crashed and will not start up.  So I am thinking, whew – good thing my original image files and backups are stored on a separate (and unaffected) hard drive (plus 2 additional backups of all of this).  Until I tried to restore my catalog from the backups. 
I am contemplating what to do with the crashed computer, I decide to check the Lightroom backups just to ensure that work fine. 
.If I try to open the backup catalogs on my laptop (a separate computer from the one that crashed) without moving them from their current location/ folders (in backup folders on the hard drives) I get an error message that says the catalog file is not writable (due to incorrect permissions or because another Lightroom application is using the catalog). 
If I move the catalog backup to the laptop (to a folder location that has unrelated functioning catalogs), I get a message that says the folder cannot be found. I have tried to restore 3 separate LR3 catalogs.  I have not attempted to restore the LR4 catalogs yet.

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Lightroom :: How To Restore Accidentally Deleted Catalogue

Jun 2, 2013

I am a Lightroom 4 user and I have accidentally deleted the catalog AND the backup folder.  I am completely panicking -- is there a way to restore my catalog?

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Lightroom :: Bring Edits Into Another Catalogue From Backup?

Mar 5, 2013

I just discovered that a folder with hundreds of edited raw files has lost all of the edits. This files were created and edited prior to Lightroom. I was not using XML files at that time. The only thing that I can think of that has happened since then is the conversion from 3 to 4. I can go back into a version 3 backup catalog and the edits are there. I have tried to resave all metadata in the version 3 catalog to XML files but that had no effect. Is there any way to go into a backup catalog and somehow bring those edits into another catalog?

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Lightroom :: How To Backup / Restore Presets In 4

Sep 16, 2012

I need to re-insatll my PC and wanted to know how I can backup/restore my LR4 presets/preferences.  The most important for me to keep are the Smart Collections, Keyword list and Export settings (to Flickr).  I also use a number of plug-iins, but I imagine I simply need to re-load these (however, if I can keep the settings associated with these plug-ins that would save a lot of time).

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Lightroom :: How To Restore Presets From Backup On Mac

Oct 2, 2013

I bought a new laptop and transferred data from my old one to my new one via Time Machine. All my photos were successfully transferred, but all my presets, settings, changes to the photos that I made are gone. How do I recover that?
I also upgraded from LR3 to LR4 at the time that I upgrade my laptop so that updated my existing catalog, if that's relevant.

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Photoshop Elements :: Separate Photo-backup Necessary When Use Catalogue-backup

May 26, 2013

When i back-up the catalogue, i assumed the backup would be mede of al the tags added to photo's. When i check the catalogue-files, i see a whole lot of jpg-files. My actual photo-collection contains jpg-, raw an avi-files.

I have a habit of making a copy of all my photofiles, but now it seems double
Question: Does de backup-function of photoshop elements 11 actually make a backup of tags and photo's?

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Lightroom :: Catalogue Preferences - How To Change Where To Backup From Show To Choose

Mar 23, 2014

In Catalog preferences how can I change where to backup from show to choose?

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Lightroom :: Delete Backup Drive Images No Longer In The Catalogue?

Dec 10, 2012

When I import images into Lightroom 4 I always automatically backup to my external drive. I then edit my images and usually end up rejecting about 1/3 to half of my images. I delete these permenantly from my PC and the L4 catalogue. BUT they still appear to remain on my backup drive which is now innevitably full. Is there a quick and easy way of deleting these rejected images or syning the master files with the catalogue to free up nearly half of my backup drive?

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Lightroom :: Unable To Restore Backup - Catalog Is Too New For Current Version

Dec 27, 2013

My external hard drive recently crashed and now I am trying to restore my Lightroom catalogs.  When I try to open the most recent back-up, I keep getting a message stating the catalog is too new for the current version of Lightroom.  I have not done anything to my most recent version of LR. 

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Photoshop Elements :: Restore Catalog From Previous Version

Nov 11, 2013

I have a problem to restore a catalog from a previous version of photoshop. But I have a catalog only under a .buc extension instead of a .tly extension I should have.

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Photoshop Elements :: Stall When Try To Backup Catalogue?

Jan 27, 2013

I am having trouble with backing up my catalog.  It stalls after I click on back-up catalog.  It has been in stall mode for 8 hours.

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AutoCad :: Backup And Restore Variable Sys Cad?

Jun 4, 2013

How we can backup and restore variable sys cad?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Restore Previous Text Style

Jun 5, 2012

I wrote (setq oldtext (getvar "textstyle")) to save the current text style,

(setvar "textstyle" (getvar "dimtxsty")) to change the text style to the current dimension text style (which appens to be romans) and later (setvar "textstyle" oldtext) to restore the text style to its original setting but it won't work.

This is the same format used to save and restore osnap in many lisp routines.

When I check the program in the visual lisp editor, oldtext returns "standard" (the original text style - so that part works) but "textstyle" returns nil.  I even tried (setvar "textstyle" "standard") to no avail.  "Textstyle" remains romans.

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Photoshop Elements ::10 Restore To IMac From XP Backup

Nov 5, 2012

I am trying to restore my catalog into a brand new iMac with Mountain Lion  and max memory.
I have created the backup several times, reconnecting all pictures and writing the tag info to the pictures.
After the restore. All the pictures are present and the category info on them seems correct ( properties and icons on the thumbnails ).
The catalog shows all the categories and sub-categories but selecting a category just gets the message that np pictures match the category.
If I try reconnect it says it's not required.
I've tried 4 times and I'm assuming it should work.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Backup And Restore The Catalog

Apr 8, 2013

I just got Elements 11 (Windows 8) this week end, and I have a few questions about the Catalogue in the Organizer.
I spent a few hours tagging people, organizing categories, and so on. After that, I did a backup of the catalogue, which from my understanding includes every pictures.
However, does a backup of the "Pictures" folder manually every month. My question is, are the people and tags I added in the Organizer embedded in the pictures, or do I really need to backup and restore the catalog to keep everything I have tagged? If I reinstall Elements 11 and add the pictures manually as I would the first time, will all the info still be there?

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Photoshop Elements :: Backup Process Calculate Catalogue Size As 0

Feb 10, 2014

When I start the catalogue full backup process PS9 calculates catalogue size as 0, and stops there, offering 'cancel' or 'return'. There are hundreds of pictures in the catalogue..

How should I proceed?
Also, is it possible to merge catalogues in PS9?

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Photoshop Elements :: Backup / Restore - Disappearing TLY Files

Sep 8, 2013

I have PSE11 on my old Windows XP computer.  I have installed it also on my new Windows7 computer and hoped it would be easy to transfer the photos by backup/restore via an external hard drive.
When I try to restore a backup on to the new computer, no tly file is found.  When I then look at that backup  folder in Windows explorer the .tly file is absent.  I tried again with an older backup, checking first that a tly file had was present, by looking on the old computer with Windows explorer.  Looking with explorer on the new computer - no .tly file.  Looking again with explorer on the old computer, the .tly file is gone!
I  am completely mystified.  I dont't want to keep trying as each successive backup is older.  If the .tly files are gone, I assume the backup becomes useless.

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Photoshop Elements :: Restore From Backup On External Disc

Feb 14, 2014

I've restored from a backup on external disc..... but it seems that all of my categories, filing, faces named..... all of the hard work I put into organizing the catalogue was NOT restored?.....
I'm not sure if there was something I didn't tick on the restore?.... but I would have thought, the catalogue would restore to the exact place it was backed up???
Mac Book Pro Mavericks PSE 12

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Photoshop Elements :: 10 / 12 - Catalog Backup And Restore Deleted Data

Mar 7, 2014

I purchased a new computer today and also purchased PSE 12 (I had PSE 10 running on a different machine/laptop).  On the laptop/PSE 10, I had about 20,000 digital on an external drive (all were tagged according to color, theme, etc via the PSE organizer).  All of the elements were stored on the external drive under a folder called "digital kits".  I used the PSE 10 backup utility to backup my catalog to ease the move to my new machine.  After I performed the backup, I renamed the "digital kits" folder to "digital kits-glw" because I intended to just move the external hard drive to the new computer and restore the catalog to the same path, “E:digital kits”, as I have other software that is dependent upon that path. 

The restore went pretty quickly, and I can see the correct folder structure within PSE 12 Organizer, but all I have is a bunch of blank thumbnails.  Upon closer inspection, the restore did NOT recreate the E:digital kits folder on the hard drive as I expected.  Worse, the E:digital kits-glw folder is virtually empty (just a handful of thumb.db files).  So, it appears the backup process deleted/hijacked all of my files.  (Note:  I did NOT verify the contents of the digital kits folder before I renamed it.)  Tech support is closed until Monday, and I’m just sick over the possibility of losing all that data, so I’m turning to you all.(I have a backup of the data, but without the catalog piece I would have to re-catalog all 20,000 elements!) 

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Photoshop Elements :: Restore Catalog In PE11 From PE10 Backup

Feb 14, 2013

Old computer was XP with PE10 installed.  Moving to new Win7 computer, so did catalog backup of PE10 onto a network drive.  On new computer, have serveral Drives: C, E, G (XP drive from old computer for moving stuff over to new system).  Installed PE11 on new computer to drive E.  Then opened PE11 and did a catalog restore from the network drive.  Set restore location to Drive E.  Restore said successful, conversion worked OK. Organizer in PE11 shows the pictures and references drive G (my old XP drive that is in my new system).  How do I get PE11 to change path to Drive E catalog??

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Lightroom :: Update Format Of Catalogue File - Unable To Use Catalogue In This Version?

Oct 22, 2012

I am installing LR4.  I tried to update the catalog.I received the message that LR encountered problems when trying to update the format of the catalog file and cannot use this catalog in this version of Lightroom.  When I click on the See Adobe Technote button, I received the message that that file is unavailable from the Adobe Website.  I don't want to loose all my catalog information from my previous instralling of LR2.7. 

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Photoshop :: Made Backup Of All Photos To External Hard Drive - Can't Recognize File In Order To Restore?

May 30, 2013

I have made a backup copy of all my photos to an external hard drive and photoshop does not recognize the file in order to restore the back up.

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