Lightroom :: How To Gain Access To A Catalog That LR Says Is Not Valid

May 18, 2013

How do I gain access to a catalog that Lightroom says is not valid?

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Lightroom :: How To Access Catalog On Old PC For New One

Mar 6, 2014

I just bought a new pc, how do I access my catalog on the old one for the new one?

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Lightroom :: Using Another Computer To Access A Catalog Or Files?

Aug 3, 2013

I have LR installed on my MacPro and the Mac just died (graphics card issues). I'm going to just buy a new Mac, though I'm trying to figure out the best way to access everything in LR until then. All of the images and photos are stored on a separate internal drive that I can take out and access via a docking station.
1. Does the license for LR allow me to install a 2nd copy on my Mac notebook?

2. If I place a copy of the LR catalog file on my Mac notebook and plug the photos/videos drive into a docking station connected to my notebook, will everything open up?

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Photoshop Elements :: Access Catalog On External Hard Disc From Both Mac And Windows PC?

Nov 11, 2013

How can the directories and path be named, that catalog can access the same picture files.

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Photoshop :: Dot Gain

Apr 6, 2006

I need to set the dot gain on a couple hundred grayscale photos to 25% and know I can do it under the Color Settings dialog box. However, I need to do this correctly so...can anyone tell me if setting the gray dot gain to 25% is all I need to do in order to prep these files to print hi-res? These images will be printed in a high quality text book so I do need to get it right.

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Lightroom :: Can Update Catalog On Laptop And Then Transfer Updates To Master Catalog On Desktop

Jan 13, 2011

I don't want to have the original files on both laptop and desktop.
I want to make a copy of a Lightroom 3 catalog to put on my laptop so while on the move I can be geo-tagging and keywording to 8000 photographs. I don't want to drag an external drive with me. I just want to be able to work on the catalog metadata and have all the updates/changes stored there (on the laptop)(in the catalog) and then transfer the catalog back to the desktop (to the primary archive) and have all the updates/changes pushed back into the DNG's or the XMP sidecar files alongside the CR2's. These changes would be only keywording and possibly writing GPS data into them….NOT image edits (that would probally require access to the original image files)
As a test, I tried "exporting as catalog", TWO images (with the source images "unavailable"). I flash-drived the resulting catalog to my laptop. I opened the catalog in LR3 and made changes to the metadata. I tried both "saving metadata to file" and "updating DNG previews" (which would be useless anyway since I could not write data back to the missing originals) and also tried doing nothing and just closing LR,  then pulling the flashdrive and plugging it into the DESKTOP.(knowing the changes are stored within the catalog itself only) I open the 2 picture catalog in LR and see the keyword updates. Hurrah!
I switch over to the master catalog. All I want to do is import the updated metadata (keywording, contrast, etc…) back into the master catalog and push the data into the original DNG or XMP. On import I select "replace: Metadata and develop settings only" (with or without "preserve old settings" checked) and click import. Voila! NOTHING HAPPENS and the updated keywords are NOT picked up.
I know that the metadata updates were carried out because they showed up when I opened it separately in LR! For some reason they don't seem to making through the import process to the master catalog…

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Lightroom :: Sharing Catalog - Does Housing Catalog And Images On External Hard Drive Work

Jan 15, 2014

I will be managing a small portion of a client's overall image workflow by updating their web prescence on a regular basis with new work and retagging/uploading old work. I believe this requires the catalog and the image library  to be housed on an external hard drive that can travel between the two of us. We are both working on PC's with LR 5.3.
The workflow would look something like this:
Client downloads new images onto external hard drive and imports into LR "ClientCatalog" is created Flags Picks and Creates a Collection from those Picks.Hard drive is handed off to me where I open "ClientCatalog".Make suggested edits to images add detailed tags and metadata upload to various social media sites and websites return hard drive to client
Is there potential problem with this workflow? My assumption is that if everything is housed on the external hard drive then there are no worries about the catalog containing all the latest updates. Are there any "safety protocols" you would add in to this workflow (besides mirroring everythign on another hard drive)?

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Lightroom :: How To Merge Catalogs By Importing A Catalog Into A Master Catalog

Dec 15, 2012

I'm using Lightroom 1.  I tried to merge catalogs by importing a catalog into a master catalog, but there were some problems.  The one I noticed immediately was that the collections are not correct.  It imported the collections, but for example one collection now has only 4 photos when the originbal had 140?  How can I fix that?  (Although not necessariy a problem, it seems to have the wrong number of photos imported too.  It says the previous import was 3175 photos when it was more like 10,000.)

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Lightroom :: How To Merge Catalog 4.4 (empty) With V3 Catalog With Many 1000 Photos

Apr 29, 2013

I had to reinstall an OS in my computer due to a virus.  As a result LR 3 in no longer installed.  I still have the catalog on a backup disk and have just installed and updated to LR 4.4.  What is the best way to merge the V3 catalog with V4 and are there any things I should expect or look out for?

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VideoStudio :: Audio Gain Adjustments Don't Work

May 31, 2011

I bought VSX4 about a month ago and run it on a Windows 7 computer.I have been working on a project that has several audio tracks.

When I burn a DVD directly from the project, the audio gain adjustments do not work right so there are volume problems on the DVD. It gets louder or softer as it plays ... unlike the project when played.

When the project is saved as an mpeg file, the audio goes out of synch. The gain is no longer a problem but the sound starts out fine but gets progressively more and more out or synch as the DVD plays.

As I looked through the forum , I noticed that someone else has a similar issue with a different version. It was suggested to get a patch download,Is there such a patch for VSX4?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Setting Gain For Broadcast

Feb 24, 2014

I am here making some work braodcast safe for a client and came acroos some footage that is peaked at 100. What is a ok level to bring that back to?
I was thinking to myself, how far back could you bring it before it changed perceptually? I was thinking to bring it back to 80. I had this in the back of my mind while thinking about this. URL....
In terms of motion graphics and also in terms of live footage.

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Lightroom :: Option To Export All LR4 Catalog As A New Catalog

Nov 12, 2013

i have an 8 giga LR4 catalog (about 300000 images).just installed the new LR5 and tried openning the LR4 cat in LR said it needs to upgrade, but in the middle of the prosses i had this messege: "lightroom encountered problems when trying to update the format of the catalog file and cannot use this catalog in this version of LR"
i saw that there is an option to export all my LR4 catalog as a new catalog and than import it into LR5.i haven't tried that yet since i'm worry that i might loose some info. will this process (of exporting and importing) keep all my LR settings? like develop user presets, keywords and collections?

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Lightroom :: 4.3 Created New Catalog And Ircat - How To Only Have One Catalog

Feb 10, 2013

I only want ONE cataglog.  Today I installed and upgraded Lightroom from v. 3 to v. 4.3 which was OK.I wanted to upgrade my ONE and ONLY existing catalog keeping the same name.LR created a second catalog and added a - 2 to the name and it's a .ircat. 
How can I return to having only ONE catalog and library?

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Lightroom :: Catalog 3 Didn't Transfer To Catalog 4

Dec 15, 2012

My catalog 3 did not transfer to catalog 4.  I tried to manually transfer files.  Now I have as many as eight copies of some pictures, none of others.

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Lightroom :: Cannot Operate Without Valid Temporary File Path

Sep 25, 2012

"lightroom cannot operate without a valid temporary file path" when ever I try to load lightroom.

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Lightroom :: Error Applying Transforms - Verify That The Specified Transform Paths Are Valid

Feb 22, 2012

I bought the lightroom 3 cd and installed it. When I downloaded the 3.6 update and tried to install it, I got this error message : Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid. Ive tried uninstalling the 3.2 version and then installing the 3.6 version, but that didnt work either.

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Photoshop :: Weight Gain, Weight Loss

Aug 31, 2006

How do you make someone appear thinner or fatter in Photoshop.

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Lightroom :: Access Library From The Web?

Nov 29, 2012

I use a QNAP Network Attached Storage as the home for LR library so that a number of computers in the house can access the same files and various other DLNA clients can do slideshows on partcular directories if we want.
This is great when we are on our home network, but if I want to work on an image in LR while I am away from home I have to remember to make local copies (to my laptop HD) in advance.
I have a static IP and can access the required directories and files through a browser or VPN when I'm away from home.  I was wondering if it's possible to give LR the web address of the directory I want to use as my library so that my photos are available to me anywhere so long as I have a web connection?

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Lightroom :: Cannot Access RGB Colors In LR3

Feb 5, 2013

I would like to create a cross process preset using the RGB color channels.  When I go to my Tone Curve panel, the RGB options never appear.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Internet Access Is Required To Access

Apr 26, 2012

Just loaded 2013. Of course right away I get an error. "Internet access is required to access the Help" Well as you can see I have internet access.

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Lightroom :: Can't Access Hue Tab In Develop Module

Dec 8, 2012

I can't access the "Hue" tab in develop module. I can only access Hue by selecting "All."

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Lightroom :: Folder Access Across All Modules?

Mar 9, 2012

Something that irritates me with LR(2,3,4) is that the FOLDER panel is not available across all modules. hence you have to create a collection or preselect your pictures first in Library .

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Lightroom :: Access To Library From Elements 11?

Dec 17, 2012

How do I gain access to my library from an expired "trial version" of Lr?

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Lightroom :: 4 - Access Denied To File

May 10, 2013

I am using Windows 7, Lightroom 4 and Photoshop CS5. My workflow is to download in LR, some editing, and then to finish in PS-

The first problem I saw first in LR when certain files had the message "Access denied to this file". I could not open, edit, move, nor copy these files, although other photos taken on the same day and downloaded at the same time were unaffected. These files can not be opened in any other program.

The second problem has happened to me twice now. I use two external hard drives - "Freecom F" and "Elements G". There is very little on G-only backups.

On opening LR I see that "G" has all the folders from "F" although they are all "missing". "F" drive does not appear at all in library mode, but if I try to import, then "F" appears, but all the images have the message "Appears to have been already imported to LR".

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Lightroom :: How To Access Metadata Panel

Nov 25, 2012

Setup: Windows
Lightroom Version 4
  (downloading update to 4.2 as I write this)
I'm attempting to add a caption to a few images while in "Library" mode.
The help file directs me to do it with the 'metadata panel' .  I don't see it in my current display so going to "Windows/panels/metadata" and click that.  But nothing happens... when I open the menu again I see no check mark in front of  "metadata"
I also tried going to "Develop" mode and then using  "Windows/panels/metadata", but again checking that does nothing.
Trying the KB combination Ctrl + 4 appears to do nothing as well.I may just not be recognizing the panel when I see it, but I've found nothing that says "metadata" on the current lightroom display window when in library mode.
Possibly I'm in some mode that is preventing the metadata panel from displaying, so tried closing and reopening LR.  But closing and reopening appears to have worked not one whit.

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Lightroom :: Cannot Authorize Access To Flickr

Nov 18, 2013

v. 5.2.I cannot setup Publishing Services to flickr.      
I get to the window asking flickr to authorize LR to work; I select to authorize, but it doesn't work.

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Lightroom :: 3 - Unable To Access The Library

Dec 16, 2012

My battery was dying on my Macbookpro and I decided to cancle the backup of lightroom before it did. However, it shutdown before the the program cancled. Now lightroom wont load the library because it says it is read only. Here are the erorr mesages i recieved . I already know it was a dumb thing to do; just looking for solutions now. I had a lot of work on there about 16000 pictures.  Here are the dialogs I am geting. My Lightroom 3 Catalog Previews.lrdata seems to be the right size it's 11.1 GB

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Lightroom :: Don't Have Access To LR5 Adjustment Panel

Jan 16, 2014

With Adobe tech support, I consolidated my LR 2.7 catalog with LR 5 catalog. But when I opened up the older photos in LR5, I had only the L2 2.7 Adjustments available.
Do I need to reimport the older photos? I thought that an yellow triangle with an exclamation point in it would show up to update. Is 2.7 too far a leap to LR5?

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Lightroom :: Can't Access SLIDESHOW Module

Mar 19, 2013

When attempting to access the SLIDESHOW module I get the error message "an error occurred when attempting to change modules.  This occurrs when using either the main task bar at the very top of the page under "WINDOW" or the horizontal list of modules near the top right of the page.

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Lightroom :: Can 4 Access Files From A Server

Mar 14, 2012

Our workgroup is considering getting Lightroom to access files.  We would like to be able to use it with the files we share on a server.  Is this possible or does Lightroom only work with files stored on the hard drive of one computer?

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Lightroom :: Why Can't Access Multiple Photo Catalogs

May 12, 2012

I have had a couple of catalogs that were accessible under "open recent"  under the "file" tab.  Suddenly those other than lightroom 3 catalog have disappeared.  They arrived after passing 9,999 photos.  Is there somewhere elser I should look?

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