Lightroom :: Folder Access Across All Modules?

Mar 9, 2012

Something that irritates me with LR(2,3,4) is that the FOLDER panel is not available across all modules. hence you have to create a collection or preselect your pictures first in Library .

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Lightroom :: How To Change Modules

Oct 5, 2012

Just installed LR 4.2, 
I get the following error message
An error occurred when attempting to change modules.
What does this mean or is it a bug?

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Lightroom :: 4.1 - Switching Between Modules?

Jun 18, 2012

When switching from the Library to Develop module, there's a several second delay.  However, when going to the Book module, LR4.1 will beach ball for a good 15-20 seconds.  Other modules (Slideshow, Print, Web) are better, but....
My spec's:  2010 15" MacBook Pro, 2.4Ghz i5, 8gigs of RAM, 500gig 7200rpm HD, nVidia 330 with 256mb of video RAM.

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Lightroom :: Does Turning Off Modules Speed Up 4

Apr 18, 2012

It seems that in Lightroom 4 you have the ability to turn off individual modules by right clicking on them and unchecking whichever ones you don't use.  I'm wondering if when modules are unchecked, does that increase the speed or performance of the system?
I recently upgraded to LR4 from 3 and definitely experienced a major slow down.  That being said, when I uncheck everything except the development module, the sluggishness completely disappears.  Is turning individual modules off actually improve performance?

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Lightroom :: 4 And PS CS5 ACR Modules Aren't Compatible

Dec 29, 2012

Each time I want to edit an image from LR in PS (edit in PS as hdr, edit in photoshop as panorama,...) I´m asked to update the ACR module from PS CS5 to ACR 7.3 which is not possible. Is there a possibility that this incompatibility will be abandoned in future updates of PS and/or LR?

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Lightroom :: Error When Changing Modules

Dec 29, 2013

I just got Lightroom 5.3 for my Macbook Pro and have been attempting to use it for the past several days, but regardless of what I try nothing works -- I have spent several hours on the Adobe troubleshooting website going through every procedure several times and no luck. I've run disk recovery and tried everything including changing my Lightroom preferences to "read & write".

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Lightroom :: How To Change Modules While Starting 4.1

Aug 4, 2012

An error occurred while attempting to change modules while starting up LR 4.1. New install on a new MBP first time trying to start up

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Lightroom :: Error When Trying To Change Modules

Oct 15, 2012

When I'm trying to run Lightroom 4 on Mac, it gives this message: "there was an error when trying to change modules". I had the same problem with Lightroom 3. I changed my system and now I'm running OS X Mountain Lion.

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Lightroom :: Error When Changing Modules?

Mar 23, 2013

An error occurred when attempting to change modules. appears when  i try to open my try version of ligthroom

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Lightroom :: How To Get Library To Display In Modules Area

May 15, 2013

How do I get Libray to display in the Modules area?

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Lightroom :: Individual Modules Don't Load Until Click On Them

Jul 30, 2012

Modules take forever to load when LR4 is first started.  I've asked this question before, and Adobe's response was something I'd expect from MicroSlop ("it's a feature, not a bug) - specifically, it takes upwards of 25 seconds for the Book module to load (system specs below).  Adobe's response was that the individual modules don't load until you click on them.  Blurb book quality - I've had a couple of friends, and numerous posts on the Blurb forums, complaining about the quality of their books. I did several with Aperture and had no issues. Adobe seems to ARE extremely slow about issuing updates (3 months to get 4.1 out) and are dead silent in their blogs about

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Lightroom :: Error Occurred While Changing Modules?

Mar 21, 2014

we downloaded lightroom from are cloud account and we keep getting this error occurred when attempting to change modules.

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Lightroom :: Previews In Library And Develop Modules

Jul 23, 2013

Some entries say that previews in the develop module are more accurate than the library module.If we have sRGB or Adobe RGB monitor, is it possible to have different views in these two modules?

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Lightroom :: 5.3 - Error Occurred While Trying To Switch Between Modules

Feb 10, 2014

Lightroom 5.3 on Mac OS 10.9.1
After I have re-imported a corrupted xml file with print templates, LR starts with error "An error occured while trying to switch between modules" (or so, translated from german).This happens after selecting a catalog - however, regardless of the catalog choosen (even after creating a new one).Funny enough, for other users on the same system, the problem does not occur.

-> What can I do to get rid of the problem?
-> Do I have to reinstall / change or delete files?

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Lightroom :: Colors In LR5 Presentation Module different To Other Modules

Jul 12, 2013

I use a wide gammut monitor. The colors in the LR5 presentation module  are different to the other modules. It seems, that the color-management inside lightroom don't work correctly. In all other modules and photoshop the colors are correct.In the earlier versions of LR the colors are correct.

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Lightroom :: An Error Occurred While Attempting To Change Modules

Jul 27, 2013

I get this message even after 3 attempts to unistall and re-install lr5. I even deleted the downloads and re-downloaded it twice to make sure. It will not let me import or do anything.I an trying to do the free trial so I can decide between this or Aperture. If I cannot run the trial, I wonder if I will be able to run the full version! I will be using this in conjunction with nik soft or topaz, and need to know if everything will play nice together.

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Lightroom :: Re-read File For Getting Error When Changing Modules

May 18, 2013

I have read and reread the file for getting the error when changing modules.  I have a brand new macbook pro with vs 10.8.3 installed.  I have looked, searched everywhere in profile, library.  I have even downloaded beta lr 5 and the same issue exists.

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Lightroom :: Retina Display Support For Slideshow And Web Modules?

Apr 9, 2013

I have been working on a set of images from a recent vacation and created a web gallery to display them.  I am using a Retina MacBook Pro and I noticed that when loaded in the browser (Safari), the gallery images look slightly blurry - similar to "non-retina" prepared images.  I also created a slideshow in the slideshow module and they look the same.
if this is due to the fact that Lightroom is not rendering the preview images to be compatible with retina (HiDPI) support? I have invested in such an expensive piece of hardware and I'm getting such blurry looking images.

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Lightroom :: CC / Cannot Create Library - Error Changing Modules

Dec 31, 2013

I cannot create a Library in Lightroom due to the following error. "an error occurred when attempting to change modules".  I am getting no where with customer service.

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Lightroom :: Getting Color Shift Between Library And Develop Modules

Aug 24, 2013

For some reason I'm getting color shift between the Library and Develop Modules.

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Lightroom :: An Error Occurred While Attempting To Change Modules?

Aug 4, 2012

An error occurred while attempting to change modules while starting up LR 4.1. New install on a new MBP first time trying to start up

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Photoshop :: Textures :: How To Access Texture From Folder

Feb 10, 2004

I'm a bit confused about the "Texture folder" in the "Presets" of Photoshop CS.

What are these textures used for & how do I access them in Photoshop aside for navigating to the "Textures folder" buried in my C dirve.

I assume they are associated with the Texture filter, but I have some new "Amazing Sci-Fi" textures I want to play with, if I put them in this folder, how do I access them when I need them? For lets say just a fill/clipping layer etc.

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Lightroom :: Missing Bottom Toolbar In Both Library And Develop Modules?

May 10, 2013

filmstrip appears on bottom but the compare option, before and after and slide to enlarge grid view are all missing.

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Photoshop Elements :: Can Access JPG Files In Encrypted Folder

Dec 20, 2012

I've been reading about this encryption capability.  and I want to be able to put my pictures on an encrypted folder on my laptop.  
I'd rather the inventory of our house NOT fall into the wrong hands   LOL  nothing like a road map to where the stuff is.

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Lightroom :: Image On Screen Changing When Switch Between Library And Develop Modules?

Jul 6, 2012

I've noticed in the past couple of days that I will be refining an image in the develop module, feel I've gotten it the way I want it to look, and then switch back to the library module to export. When I do so, I notice the colors are quite different than they were just a second ago in the develop module. When I switch back to the develop module, it goes back to the way it looked in the develop module. How might I fix this?

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Photoshop :: Unable To Create File In This Folder / Check Access Rights?

Feb 11, 2013

I am converting 1100 files from RAW to JPEG in ACR and after about every 10 or 15 images I randomly get the script alert 'I am unable to create a file in this folder. Please check your access rights to this location'
Under the properties on that folder  'full permission' is checked for everything. All of the images that have been processed are saved into that folder as well.

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AutoCAD LT :: Access A File In Support Folder Which Doesn't Exist On System

May 30, 2011

I believe a dwg I am trying to access is affected by the acad.vlx virus as an alert comes up to check autodesk for solution (ID: TS13717811) however the published solution doesn't seem to work for the latest version of AutoCAD LT 2012 as it asks me to access a file in the support folder which doesn't exist on my system.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Add Single Resource Folder In Bundle And To XML File To Access Files In DLL

Aug 25, 2011

I'm trying to get the autoloader working. [URL] .....

Looks like it's a 'fairly' new addition and dead simple but..

All I need to do is add a single resource folder in the bundle and to the xml file to be able to access the files in the dll.

How to modify the xml file and refer to this folder in the dll?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><ApplicationPackage SchemaVersion="1.0" > <Components> <ComponentEntry AppName="DOTNETTEST2" ModuleName="./Contents/AutoloaderDotNetSample2.dll" LoadOnCommandInvocation="True" > <Commands GroupName="DevDays2010"> <Command Global="DOTNETTEST2" Local="DOTNETTEST2" /> </Commands> </ComponentEntry> </Components></ApplicationPackage>

 I can't remember where I got the resource files from.

Here is the DevCast for creating the installer. [URL] ....

Also is there a way to change the path depending on whether or not you are debugging?

In VB6 I used a function

Public Function IsIDE() As Boolean 'Returns boolean value of True if not compiled IsIDE = (App.LogMode = 0)End Function

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Lightroom :: How To Copy Imported Images Or Folder To A Specific Folder On Hard Drive

Dec 3, 2013

When importing something off of a DVD or CD how do I direct Lightroom to copy the imported images or folder to a specific folder on my hard drive? It seems to default to MyCatalog but leaves the location on the CD rather than copying it to the drive. If I remove the CD the images is reported as missing.

When I go to the top of the screen for importing I can change the source but the location info on the right is not active or changeable.I am new to lightroom and coming from Photoshop Elements background.

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Lightroom :: 5 - Install Program To Special Folder And Not Custom Folder On Drive C?

Jun 10, 2013

I have another question about installing LR5. How do I manage to install the program to a special folder and not the custom folder on drive c:?
I just run the installation through application manager. I set the installation folder within my presets to d:adobe...

But anyway it was installed on hard drive c:
A direct download of  the installer from adobe is not possible unfortunately.

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Lightroom :: Unable To Locate Folder / Images After Failed To Move Folder

Feb 24, 2014

I was in the process of moving a folder inside or LR. I might have clicked and moved it twice since it was very slow. LR wasn't able to complete the move and gave me an error message. After I clicked "OK" on the error message, I wasn't able to find my folder/images from the old or new location. I did a spotlight search on my mac, but I wasn't able to find them anywhere. Where has my folder/images gone? I tried to locate them without any success.

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