Lightroom :: Develop Settings Lost After Backup

Dec 7, 2013

I have opened LR5 and found ALL the pictures have lost development settings that cost me hours of work.when I open a folder in the Catalog the pictures are first shown for a couple of seconds with the edits (for example BW) than as originally imported. All the development settings are gone and can't be found anymore. The history is empty.The last thing I did when I last used LR was a backup.I opened the backup Catalog, but also this one doesn't show any edit.Is there any way to recover.
I am honestly tempted by throw this software to the waste bin.

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Lightroom :: All Develop Settings Are Lost After Moving Catalogue To External HDD

Dec 27, 2011

After my internal HDD became full with over 30,000 DNGs, I moved all my photos along with the catalogue to my external drive. Now when I open LR, not only do I have to reimport the catalogue every time, but all my develop settings are gone! Hundreds of hours down the drain. Why has this happened, and is there any way I can retrieve them? I'm using v3.4.

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Lightroom :: Rebuilding A Folder Structure Lost After Restoring From Backup

Aug 20, 2013

The external hard drive I was storing four years worth of photos on crashed the other day, and I learned the hard way that they weren't on the backup drive like I thought they were. Luckily I was able to recover at least most of them using FileSalvage. Unfurtunately, my ~15,000 images are now in three folders based on file type (JPG, TIF, DNG/NEF), don't have their original file names, and aren't in any particular order.
Is there any way short of manually sifting through the files for me to rebuild the year/month/day chronological folder structure I was storing them in? I'm running Lightroom 4.0 on a OS X 10.8.4.

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Lightroom :: Lost All Changes Made In Develop Module In V 5

Oct 13, 2013

I have lost all changes that I made in the develop module. Most of these photos where stacked with the raw copy on top of the jpeg.  Then I had picked the ones I liked and make changes to them in the develop module. Then I and changed them to DNG. This was over two weeks ago and I think I was trying to put them in to a collection. Now all I see is the originals as they appeared on the day they where imported.

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Lightroom :: Lost Basic Menu In Develop Mode

Jun 11, 2013

I have just downloaded LR5 & trying out the develop mode. Don't know how it happened but lost the 'basic' menu in develop mode, how can I gewt this back?

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Lightroom :: Tool Pallets Lost In Develop Module?

Aug 21, 2013

Using LR5 on my MacBook Pro I have recently lost the "basic" and "colour" pallets from thr right hand side in the Develop Module. How can I get them back?

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Lightroom :: Lost Basic Tool Set In Develop Mode

Apr 5, 2014

i have lost the 'basic' tool set in the develop do i get them back

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Lightroom :: Lost Options In Camera Calibrate - Develop Module

Feb 20, 2014

LR 5.3, Develop module - I seem to have lost all my options under Camera Calibrate. All I have now is Camera Standard and Matrix, where I used to have a slew of options. I'm still using the same camera and lenses, which are known to Adobe, processing RAW files.

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Lightroom :: Rename DNG Files Result Is Total Lost Of Develop Adjustments?

Apr 25, 2013

Last day i made a massive rename operation at all my DNG files with Bridge in order to reflect the capture date and hour in the filename. Then when i synchronize the Lightroom catalog all the develop adjustments was whipped-out.
There are any thing i can do to recover de adjustments?

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Lightroom :: No Develop Settings

Jul 1, 2012

I have no Develop settings.  So why are pictures not showing a 0 on exposure, contracts, whites blacks etc.

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Lightroom :: Do 3.5 develop Settings (XMP) Transfer To 4?

Nov 24, 2012

I subcontract a lot of event work. I'm still using an older MBP which is 32bit so I can't upgrade to LR4 yet which requires a 64bit processor.
The studio that contracts me is running LR4 and they don't seem to think that the develop settings I make in LR3.5 are transferring to LR4. Is this possible?

I'm thinking an easy work-around would be to export all the files as DNGs? This would automatically include all changes that I make wouldn't it?

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Lightroom :: Develop Settings Did Not Transfer In 5?

Jul 3, 2013

when I upgraded my catalog from Lightroom 4 to Lightroom 5, it appears that not all of the my develop settings transfered for all photos.  If I am to open the catalog in Lightroom 4, the appear to still exist.  How can I see all the settings in Lightroom 5.

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Lightroom :: Develop Settings Being Applied On Sync In 3?

Nov 9, 2012

whenever I sync any folder in LR3 some basic develop settings are applied. These happen to be my 'standard' edit settings - contrast, saturation, sharpening etc. but nothing major. I don't know if it's a bug, or something I've done myself. I can't seem to switch it off, I've tried looking at preferences (normal), the import presets (none), restoring Adobe default settings, resetting all settings and using these as the default. Nothing works.

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Lightroom :: The Colors Have Disappeared From Develop Settings

Nov 17, 2013

I'm running OSX 10.9 and Lightroom Version 4.4, for some reason the colors have dissappeared from my Develop Settings, as per the screenshot below, this applies to my White Balance settings as well.

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Lightroom :: 4.4 - Transfer Photo Develop Settings From One Catalog To Another

May 14, 2013

I have several Lightroom catalogs from over the years, many of the from older versions and many of the catalogs contain develop settings from photos I have on my current catalog.
The thing is I have some picture folders with rates, develop setings and more things from an old catalog that I want to transfer to my new catalog from Lightroom 4.4. I want to transfer just the settings and rates, nothing else, i already have the photos, sometimes with many photos rated and developed.
Is there a way to transfer just the settings and rates of a certain set of photos from one catalog to another one?

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Lightroom :: Change The Quick Develop Default Settings?

May 31, 2012

My White Balance has managed to find a new scepia setting, and I can't get it back to "As Shot".

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Lightroom :: Import Tags From Another Catalogue Without Develop Settings

Oct 16, 2012

How do I import tags from another catalogue but not the develop settings of each image?
Here's whats going on:

I started with 5000 images on a hard drive. I gave a copy to someone else working on the project.

I physically moved images into real folders and edited all the shots.

She left all the images where they originally were and tagged each image.

I want to combine her tags with the edits that I've done, with the images in their new locations I've made.

I have a copy of her catalogue file.

I tried importing her catalogue into mine- which will pull her metadata tags, but only also with pulling her develop settings which resets all my work.

How can I import ONLY her metadata tags?
I can't open her catalogue and write the tags into XML sidecars because I've moved the images from where her catalogue says they are.
I realize we should have done this differently from the beginning, but with that being said- if I could import only her metadata tags then that should work. But Lightroom 4 only gives the options of importing BOTH metadata and develop settings.

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Lightroom :: 5 - Where Develop Default Settings Stored For In Windows 8.1

Dec 12, 2013

I want to use my Default Settings on another computer, so I need to find them and then copy them to the correct folder in the second computer.
Second question. If I also happen to apply a Preset during Import that has some of the same Develops as my Default Settings, like Lens Corrections or Sharpening, what will happen? Will the effects be cumlative/additive/doubled or will LR only apply the effect once?

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Lightroom :: Matching Develop Settings To In-Camera Picture Styles

Oct 6, 2013

For certain shoots it would suit me to have my pictures import and look like the embedded jpegs which are created using Canon's standard picture styes. Is there an easy way to create LR develop settings to match the popular Canon styles such as Standard, Portrait and Landscape so that I get approx the same amount of sharpness, contrast, colour balance. Perhaps someone has already done that and they've shared the Lightroom Presets.

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Lightroom :: Copy Develop Settings On Multiple Images From One Folder To Another?

Apr 5, 2014

I have a bunch of Fuji X-T1 raw images that I have converted to DNG form. Once Lightroom supports X-T1 raw images directly, I would like to replace the DNG files by the corresponding raw files (which I have saved) without having to redo all of my edits.
I've tried an experiment with a NEF file, which Lightroom supports: If I convert it to a DNG file, import the DNG file, then replace the DNG file with the corresponding NEF file, Lightroom still thinks the file is named DNG. This behavior makes me nervous. So what I would like to do is to import all of the Fuji raw files, then transfer the develop settings from each DNG file to the corresponding raw file, then finally archive and delete the DNG files.
Is there any way to do this other than by hand? That is, if I have a folder with a few hundred DNG files, is there any way to tell Lightroom to take the develop settings of every file in the folder and transfer them to the correspondingly named file in the folder of raw files?
way of accomplishing this that does not involve copying and pasting the data for every image by hand?

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Lightroom :: Develop Module - Copying Settings From Previous Picture

Apr 1, 2013

Is there a way in the Develop Module to press the Previous button at the bottom of the page to copy all the settings from the previous picture used, but NOT the CROP?

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Lightroom :: Color Settings (Red Or Blue) Not Applying On Label In Develop Module

Jul 18, 2010

Today is the first day with Lightroom 3, where I have over 200 photos from an event, that I am walking through each photo.  I am in the develop module and I am setting the color label to red or blue.  What seems to be constantly (not every time) happening is when I click the color for the label, LR will move to the next photo, but not apply the color label.

As I write this I'm trying it out to notice a pattern.  What I see is photo 1, I click on the red label and the photo is labeled red and LR moves to photo 2.  I click on the red label and LR does not set any color label and moves to photo 3.
Another thing that happened is I was then at photo 3 and clicked on the blue label.  LR did not set the blue label but jumped to photo 4 and put the blue label on that photo

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Lightroom :: Why Do JPEG Files With Develop Settings Open In Photoshop Camera Raw

Dec 10, 2012

Why does an image that has been altered by Lightroom cause the RAW Converter to open when trying to view it in Photoshop. Perhaps this might work; if I import, enhance and convert a RAW image in Lightroom to a jepg image it will open in Photoshop without issue. However if I then alter the jpeg image in Lightroom, update the Metadata and try to view it in Photoshop it cause the Photoshop's RAW Converter to open. Is the alter image's information held in a side car file (xmp) that can'r be read by Photoshop? If so would I need to re-export, (convert), the image again in Lightroom to embedd the changes thus making sure it could be read by all the various programs that are available to view images. As is I send photographs to newspapers and print houses it is important for me to know if they would be receiving fully adjusted images or only the adjustments that were made prior to converting from RAW to jpeg. Just in case...I am new to Lightroom.

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Lightroom :: Copy / Paste Settings In Develop Module Never Works First Time

Mar 12, 2012

Only just noticed this one since upgrading from LR4 Beta to LR4. First session developing a few shots taken over the weekend (.CR2 RAW files). When I only have a few shots, all taken in the same environment,  I tend to just get the first one right and then Copy the Develop settings, and paste them onto each subsequent shot.
What happens on my 64 bit Windows 7 box - the first time I paste the settings to any shot, I get the task bar appear at the top right, which after a brief time changes to 'task completed' - but no settings have been pasted. If I then paste the settings it works the second time.

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Lightroom :: Copy / Paste Color Tint / Temperature Settings In Develop

Dec 8, 2013

Lightroom 5.2 I have been trieing to copy and paste settings from one .dng file into the next in the develop module. I tried to copy (shift command c) the color temperature and tint and paste in the other file (shift command v) but nor Kelvin nor green magenta balance changes.

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Lightroom :: Backup Strategy Using 2 Outboard Hard Drives As Master And Backup

Dec 19, 2011

hiya! so my master media library is running off a 1 tb outboard drive to lightroom and i have a 2 tb outboard drive as a master backup, i drag new media over to the drive through finder on a mac- will this be able to connect to lightroom's catalog in case of the primary drives eventual failure? is there a better way?

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Photoshop :: How To Backup CS4 And Bridge Settings

Apr 21, 2012

I am being forced to get a new computer and need to know the quickest and easiest (and least techie) way to back up all my settings from both bridge (like workspaces) and Photoshop including keyboard shortcuts, actions, and probably several other ones I haven't even thought of.  I am currently using Windows XP and will be importing them in to Windows 7. 

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Lightroom :: Main Develop Module Controls Have Disappeared From Develop Window

Feb 11, 2014

The main develop module controls have disappeared from the develop window.  How do I recover them?  I'm working with Lightroom 5.3.  The missing controls are the sliders for exposure, contrast, clarity, etc.  I must have inadvertantly clicked something that made them disappear but nothing I've tried brings them back.  I've never had this experience in the years I've been using Lightroom (since version 1.1).

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Lightroom :: Basic Develop Tab Has Disappeared In Develop Module?

Jun 29, 2013

I can't process any images as the basic tab has suddenly can I get it back?

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Photoshop :: Can Presets And Settings Be Recovered From A Computer Backup To Install In New System

Aug 14, 2013

I just installed PS-CC and LR5 on a new computer after a catastrophic failure on the old one, which was running PS-CS6 and LR4. Is there a way to recover my custom settings and presets from a full backup of the old computer and apply them to the new applications on the replacement computer? I have full backups, but no export data for any of the settings or presets. And because the old computer is dead, I can't just run an export.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Create Backup Settings To Apply To Another Installation?

Aug 6, 2011

what to copy from my home installation of Coreldraw 12 so I can put it on the installation I use at work.  I want to save EVERYTHING, hotkeys, default new documents, default and custom palletes, macros, command customizations were I have applied certain hotkeys like ctrl+m or whatever to run those custom made macros/vba scripts, things like snap to grid, snap to object, wether or not to save backups and if so how often, etc... Bascialy ABSOLUTLEY EVERYTHING.

I tried copying CorelDrw.ini, coreldrw.env, and GlobalMacros from my home computer from the folder:

C:Program FilesCorelCorel Graphics 12Draw

and then pasting it into the same folder on my work machine, clicking OK when asked if I want to replace the already existing files there.  Some things worked, some things seemed not to.  For example, the macros i wrote copied over fine, but the hot key association i made for them didnt, i had to set that up again in Customization.

I would love to find out how I can really back up all my settings so I can simply copy them over to my work machine instead of taking a couple hours to re-enter everything in.  Also, I think all serious corel users would want to keep a backup copy handy in case they ever have to re-install corel or if they buy a  new computer, etc.

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