Lightroom :: 5.2 - Export Raw Into JPEG But It Has Noise
Nov 26, 2013
I am using Lightroom 5.2 64bit version on my windows. After I export my raw in to the jpeg it has noise. But in the develop module it hasn´t. Also it has got a little bit noise in the library, but it´s the same picture. Where is the sense?
Here are some pictures of that problem:
1. The finally edited raw picture which I want to export.
2. The view from the library, you can see a little bit difference on the quality compared to the view from the develop module.
3. The jpeg after the export.
4. My export settings.
I don´t know what to do! I´ve googled a lot but nothing found.
When I resize and export my RAW files to JPG in Lightroom 4, my photos with hight ISO (1600-6400) picks up noise. Same photo export without resize is ok.
I'm trying to export a jpeg for web, selected 300w by 165h [as instructed by No 12 Design] at 72 ppi but LR consistently changes this to 220 by 165 during export! I can't figure out what's going on
After I edited my Raw images shot by Nikon D600, I'd like to export them to Jpeg format with my watermark. The watermark will not show if I exported the images in original size (6016 x 4016) as shot. However the watermark works fine if I resize the images to a smaller size, such as 1200 x 1024.
When I export my photos as JPEGs, the changes that I've made aren't saved. I open the exported photo but it looks just like the original with no changes made to it. I am using the trial version right now as I am waiting for the software in the mail. Could this be why? Below: the left picture is the exported photo and the right picture is what it should look like!
LR 4.2 will not send D600 NEF files to CS5 or CS6 whenever I right click on the image and chose "Edit In" this a glitch that is to be fixed in the upcoming LR upgrade or is this something I can fix now? Converting to a jpeg or dng before I can export to CS is a pain in the rumpus
I am trying to export a file as a pdf but it will only let me do jpeg. My instructor says that it should give me a choice between the two but it does not it only gives me the choice to save it as a jpeg. Is there something wrong with my Lightroom or is it something that I am doing?
On exporting I sometimes want to resize. This is not working. For example I want to export as a smaller jpeg and in the export box where one can "LIMIT SIZE TO" I put in there say 1500. But when the export arrives at the other folder it is exactly the same.
I'd like to use the Book Module more for exporting JPEG spreads so I can then upload them to a publisher, like Kiss Wedding Books. I'd rather use LR than InDesign because I like being able to edit the photos right there.
The problem I'm running into is that LR is trimming off pixels on export. So, a 12x12 page at 250ppi is not 3000x3000, but 2968 x 3000.
When using LR 4.3 and 4.4 on Windows 8 Pro x64 and trying to export a jpeg file with the file size as the limit I get the error "Some export operations were not performed. The file could not be written <<NameOfRAWFile>>"
This is only occuring with exporting files where the File Settings is set to Limit File Size to: <<zzzz>>K.I use 5000 as the default due to the limits of the site I am uploading too.
some time ago (and I cannot connect it to some specific action from my side) I'm facing an unpleasant fenomena: when I'm processing a CR2 (Canon RAW) file and exporting the result to the hard disk as JPEG, the resulting JPEG file looks completely burned out ... but only if viewed in the Lightroom. If I view it for example, in a browser, or with the FastStone viewer, or whatever -- it looks perfectly normal.
I used to have the option to export to full size jpeg. I got a new computer and now I do not have the option. Am I missing a free download or something that came after the original? I have LR version 2.7
Other than the obvious to export images before I edit them, or duplicating and removing all alterations after selecting and editing I don't see an easy way to do this in LightRoom. In Aperture I would select Export Original Photo, and then choose JPEG as format. It appears to me that the only Export Original Photo option in LightRoom will do just that...export a true original - meaning in RAW format. Not useful. I need to export JPEGs of my final selects, both in the edited form, and in the original unedited form as JPEGs.
On another similar note, is there any way to see the switch between the original unedited photo and the edited photo?Meaning true original, pre crop / rotation and all? Love the option to see just the other adjustments, but I often would like to see what my crop has done as well to the image quickly. Aperture had a true "Original Master" viewing capability.
Other than these two things, I am loving the transition to LightRoom!
As does Export to JPEG and Send Book to Blurb. No dialog box, no error message, no crash. When I click the button with any of the export options, absolutely nothing happens. This is with a 6-page sample spread. I am using the 4.1 trial version on Snow Leopard.
I have been playing around with the exporting options to a JPEG file (such as low sharpening, high sharpening, etc.). However I did not track what I was doing diligently as I assumed I could "read" it later. For example, a particular picture has 4 exports several minutes apart. I can line up each export based on exported name and time stamp. But I can't tell what options I selected during the exporting process. Is there a way to find out what export options I selected for a particular export? No other develop changes were made, just playing around with the export options.
i cannot export my saved book to pdf or jpeg or blurb. Nothing works. If i start a new book , then it works but i would have to redo the entire layout.
Long time photoshop and lightroom user (long time user of all things Adobe). First post here in the forums. I did a search for my question but I think it was too specific, so it returned zero results.
My question is about Lightroom's JPEG export vs Photoshops Image Processor. When I export a RAW file to JPEG from Lightroom, the file size is freaking huge. The JPEG is as big as my original RAW file (~25mb). Settings are set to default - 100 quality. Everything else remains untouched.
However, when I use Photoshop's image processor (I launch it through Bridge, easier that way for me) and process the RAW images that way, my JPEGs are roughly 5-10mb in size. Settings in Image Processor are quality 10 and thats it. No actions being run or anything.
why Lightroom exports JPEGs that are roughly 2-4 times the size of Photoshop's JPEGs? My initial thoughts are that the 100 quality setting in Lightroom is more like Photoshop's quality 12 (that always makes me think of Spinal Tap - "Why don't you just make ten louder and make ten be the top number and make that a little louder?" "These go to eleven.") Ideally, exporting out of Lightroom would be much easier for my workflow.
The jpeg files generated with LR export menu are not displayable on my TV (store on a DNLA server), instead of Jpeg generated with CaptureNX2 (from the same Raw file).
I cannot seem to exprt my images and retain the orginal jpeg file number once I have watermarked them... I choose the "save with original file number" option in the drop down list but it still exports them with new numbers. How do I keep my original numbers?
I run Lightroom 4.4 under Apple OS X10.4.4..When I export files Exif Tool (in Graphic Converter) under ICC header shows for Jpeg "Primary Platform = Microsoft and for = Tiff Apple; and under ICC Profile Color profile for Jpeg = HP but Adobe 1998 for Tiff. I can see that there is a difference between the profile for Jpeg and Tiff (eg sRgb and Adobe1998) but don't follow why the Primary platform differs and shows Microsoft for Jpeg and that the jpeg profile is HP
I'm running LR4.1 on Windows 7 64 bit with 5D MK ii raw images and just discovered the Book module 'Export Book to JPEG' produces files that do not have output sharpening applied.
Book = JPEG Size = Standard Landscape Cover = Hardcover Image Wrap JPEG Quality = 90 File Resolution = 300 ppi Sharpening = (Every setting produces the same results) Media Type = (Every setting produces the same results)
When selecting 'Book = PDF' the sharpening is very obvious and is applied as expected based on the Sharpening setting:
Glossy Low = least sharpening Matte High = most sharpening
I'm using a Mac. My windows friend sent me a jpeg of a piece of art we're working on. It looked fine in the web browser. It looked fine in Preview when I opened it, and it looked fine in Photoshop. But when I save it from photoshop after adding just a small thing to the image, the whole thing comes out a bit brighter. I have no idea what's doing it. I've tried Save For Web and Save As and it comes out the same each time. I have played with color settings in the past slightly, but it was my understanding that only affected how photoshop displays the image and I wouldn't expect it to change an image I imported then exported again.