InDesign :: Textframe On Masterpage & Individual Text On Pages?

Apr 3, 2014

Is it possible to use a textframe on a master page for means of common positioning of texts?
On pages based on this master page, I'd like to put individual text into this frame, or at least the exact location. Then, when I change the position of the textrame on the master page, the position of all textframes of the pages follow suit.

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InDesign :: Blank Pages Keep Inserting Themselves Into Text Flow Book Layout

Mar 17, 2014

I am working on creating a book layout for print. I opened the .doc file through my Mac text editor and placed in InDesign CC as a text flow. I am working on adding design elements now (after I adjusted the page layout of the text on all the pages) and blank pages keep inserting themselves in weird places (for instance page 7 will suddenly turn into a blank page and my text will move itself down while design elements such as chapter headings will stay in the place where I put them, but then be completely out of place according to where the text is now). I have tried to adjust it every way I can think of--- by moving all of the text up onto the new blank page and re-aligning the chapter headings, by moving the blank pages to the end of the book and deleting them, and of course, by just simply deleting them. (Deleting them just causes the layout to become mis-aligned even worse, and just re-adds the blank page I attempted to delete.)

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InDesign :: Different Odd And Even Pages?

Apr 1, 2014

InDesign CS4
Have a 100 page document as several chapters in a book.
How do you apply a Master Page to all of the odd numbered pages?
Or, simply, how do you apply different headers and footers for odd versus even pages; through the whole document and across chapters.

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InDesign :: Pages Are Not Showing Up

Feb 21, 2014

when starting a 20 page book the pages do not show up in CC

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Read Text File Into TextFrame

Feb 23, 2012

I'm trying to read a text file into a textFrame.  It reads in but is not including linefeeds so it's just one big long line of text.  I'm using the following code to read the file.  I attempted to insert a character after each readln() but that didn't work.  I also tried creating a variable that the readln() was stuffed into before setting the textFrame.contents to the variable, but that didn't work either. I'm stumped.
while (! notesDoc.eof) {
noteTextRef.contents += notesDoc.readln();}

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Illustrator SDK :: How To Set The Desired Font To Selected Text In Textframe

Dec 2, 2011

I want to change the font(let's say Times New Roman) of selected text in textframe when I click on  menu-item of my plug-in. I went through the Adobe Text Engine documentation and  tried some code for setting font but failed. I don't see any member function in IFont class to set desired font, so unable to move forward. see the code. I would like to know one more thing that how can we set a particular font for a textframe?
TextRangesRef rangesRef = NULL;
result = sAIDocument->GetTextSelection(&rangesRef);
ITextRanges ranges(rangesRef);


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InDesign :: Move Pages From One Document To Another

Apr 3, 2014

I am trying to move pages from one document to another. I have used all methods-drag and drop, using the move menu from the pages panel, etc. However, when I do move the pages, the pages that I moved appear in the new document with the master page items from that document on them, which I do not want. Also, I have multiple master pages in each document.

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InDesign :: Pages Panel Looks Distorted?

Mar 10, 2014

I'm working to apply master pages to a document for page numbers and such, and the pages panel looks distorted and won't load properly.  I have tried starting and restarting the program and computer.  The document works properly on another program in my office, but I really need it to work on mine.  I am running InDesign CS6 8.0.2.
how do I move a master page number over a box, creating the background color?  Do I have to apply it in another layer?

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InDesign :: How To Remove Two Blank Pages

Feb 17, 2014

When i try to print a perfect bound for my 66-paged document it keeps creating two new blank pages, how do i remove that 2 blank pages?

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InDesign :: Exporting Files From Pages?

Apr 1, 2014

I just downloaded InDesign. I have been getting away with using Pages on my Mac but I need bleeds and crop marks now and thus need InDesign. I have produced a brochure on Pages and it's ready to go. In the past I was able to use Adobe Reader or some other export to produce crop-marks for print ready material but it has all changed so I am forced to us InDesign. I will (eventually) train on this properly, but in the meantime I have time sensitive material. Is there a way to export my Pages document to InDesign? I tried to do a .pdf but the import into InDesign came up really bad (pixeled etc.) OR am I doomed to redo the whole project?

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InDesign :: Name Individual Cells In Table For Interactive PDFs?

Apr 15, 2014

I'm creating interactive PDFs for a client that include tables with empty cells that will be populated afterwards (depending on what information a customer puts in on a form).
The forms are created in InDesign and exported as interactive PDFs, but I need to be able to name the live fields (in InDesign) before I export the Interactive PDF, so that I don't have to select each indivual field in the final PDF and rename them.
The reason I want to be able to do this pre-PDF production, is because the forms will be rebranded over and over again and I don't want to have to rename hundreds of cells time and time again in Acrobat Pro.
The deveopler who's populating the cells already has predefined names for them, so I can's simply give him the names that Acrobat automatically defines.

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InDesign :: How To Export Facing Pages To PDF For Print

Mar 5, 2014

I have a InDesign document and I am trying to export to PDF for print. My facing pages are always exported as sinlge pages and I don't know how to prevent that. I can use the interactive PDF as this is for print.

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InDesign :: CS6 Crashes Moving Pages Between Documents?

Feb 7, 2014

I have on several occasions experienced a crash (more specifically "InDesign has stopped working and needs to close" - that's a crash I think) when moving pages between different InDesign documents (some were converted from CS3, but saved as CS6 files first).  It seems to happen only betwixt select files.  I have avoided a crash by moving even numbers of pages - but not always.  Perhaps I am unaware of some document/spread shuffle setting?

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InDesign :: Script For Switching Objects On Odd And Even Pages?

Mar 5, 2014

Script for InDesign 6 that will replace one object with another depending on whether the page is odd or even?

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InDesign :: Correct One Word And It Appears On All Pages?

Mar 22, 2014

I am working on a 230 page book. In proofreading words...can I correct one word and have that correct
appear on all pages?Is there a control for that?

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InDesign :: How To Override Master Pages For The Entire Document

Mar 24, 2014

how do you override master pages for the entire document, not just page-by-page? I have a multi-page document and want to ba able to edit type of all pages but the text areas are locked.

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InDesign :: Book - Remaining Single Pages Into Spreads

Apr 19, 2014

I'm exporting a Book to PDF in spreads:
[Document A]
[Document B]
Document A ends with an even (left) page. Document B starts with an odd (right) page. I want those two pages to merge into a spread when I export to PDF, which simply doesn't happen. I'm left with two single pages instead. I have tried every option under Book Page Numbering Options. All my pages and spreads are allowed to shuffle. I'm working in InDesign CS6. I've wasted two whole days trying to figure out if this is even doable.

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InDesign :: Alternating Master Pages (non-spread Layout)

Sep 19, 2011

I'm putting together a book for a client, and the publisher wants the files in a single-page layout pdf.  It's a book, and I want the opposing pages to have wider spine-side margins, so I'd like to be able to set up every other page with a different master page to accomplish this.  Is there any way to automatically set this up?  I'd hate to have to go through and manually select every other page of a 200+ page document and set the appropriate master page.

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InDesign :: Autoflow flows All Pages To Textboxes On One Page?

Feb 4, 2014

I'm working on a document with tables, and when I ask it to autoflow, using the Shift- Click, after the first table, the rest of the tables are on one page, with long cylindrical text boxes, instead of the pages with large textboxes on them. 

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InDesign :: Unable To Detect The Correct Number Of Pages?

Apr 15, 2014

My InDesign document has a total of 55 pages. My page numbers are set up in a master. Some of the pages display the page numbers correctly: "Page X of 55" but others do not "Page X of 43". Why is it unable to detect the correct number of pages?

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InDesign :: How To Maintain Spreads After Moving Pages From One File To Another

Feb 13, 2014

I'm consolidating several book chapters into one Indesign file, by way of clicking on the thumbnails on the Pages panel and selecting 'Move Pages...' from the contextual menu.
The problem I'm having is that I can't maintain the page flow between chapters on the destination file, resulting in a broken spread between chapters when exporting to PDF. Here's a screenshot to better illustrate the problem, here seen in between pages 18-19:
I've tried turning on and off the following options on both the source and destination documents but nothing changes:
- Allow Selected Spread To Shuffle

- Allow Document Pages To Shuffle
I've also removed all the sections from the destination document (as you can see on the screenshot, page 19 does not have the little black arrow which denotes a new section), with no luck either.
I also tried dragging the thumbnails manually but to no avail; I just can't figure out how to keep the page spreads between chapters together.

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InDesign :: Does Printing Pages With Ai Links Take Longer Than PSD Links?

Apr 15, 2014

I'm reconstructing an old document originally developed with PageMaker.  I've recreated a half dozen pages hopefully with more uniform techniques.  The original line art for the pages was created in AutoCad and some were scans.  To bring them into InDesign some of the art is now in psd format and some of the newer art is in Illustrator AI format. 
I've noticed that the pages with photoshop art print pretty quickly (about 30 seconds).  The ones with Illustrator art take much longer (about 1:30 seconds). They go through a flattening process. 
I print these 50 page books on demand and that additional time would add about an hour. 
I guess the question is whether this is normal and to be expected or not.  If it is I'll likely turn everything into raster before going into InDesign.  That, however, seems like quite a bit of extra work.  Going from AutoCad to Illustrator (to add stroke) then to PhotoShop to change to raster and then into InDesign seems like a pretty convoluted work flow. 

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Illustrator Scripting :: Create Individual Symbols From Individual Layers?

May 10, 2012

Is there a way to do this? Is there a script out there that can create individual Symbols from individual layers?
EDIT: I pasted this in the wrong forum so i moved it over here.

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GIMP :: How To Apply Text To Each Individual Layer

Nov 18, 2011

Is there any way I can type in text, and put it in the same place in each layer without having to go to each individual layer and putting it in?

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GIMP :: Rotating Text As Individual Layers

Mar 24, 2012

I followed the tutorial linked below to successfully create cartoon text.

My Macbook was then updated to Lion and I checked I had the latest version of GIMP and have been trying all morning to create some more text in the same manner.

However no matter what I do when I select the layer that contains the single letter and I try to rotate it nothing happens?

If I do Alpha to Selection the selection rotates but then I cant do anything with it, stoke fill etc?

To clarify this is what I do:

Create a word
select a letter in the word
select new layer
name the new layer to match the letter just cut and pasted
ensure that layer is selected
choose rotate tool rotation takes place?

[URL] ..........

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Lightroom :: Slideshow Text For Individual Slides In 4.4?

Apr 29, 2013

Is it possible to place text in individual slides in LR 4.4? If so, how? Currently have only been able to have text apply to all slides.

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Photoshop :: Export Text InDesign To PSD And Preserve Text Edit Ability?

Oct 2, 2012

Is there a way to export text from InDesign to Photoshop and preserve the type as editable text in an area text box, similar to the export to PSD in Illustrator? Designed many web site pages in InDesign, and now need to covert all pages over to Photoshop quickly.

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InDesign :: RTF / Ungroup Imported Text Boxes From Parent Text Box

Apr 3, 2014

I have hundreds of diagrams in Microsoft word that need importing to Indesign. I have imported the illustration part of the diagrams via Illustrator but i now need to bring in the diagrams' text labelling.
The diagrams have a lot of text labels which each appear in their own text box, but if I save the .doc as an rtf and import it into InDesign, it imports all my individual textboxes into 1 large textbox which I can't seem to separate them from.
If I select one of my labels in Indesign and copy and paste it, it is now a separate text box - great, but InDesign won't let me select multiple text boxes within it's large text box and it just is not feasible for me to be selecting each box individually to cut and paste it.
Edit: Each individual text box (within the large textbox they have been imported into) appears to have been anchored on import. If I release the anchor this does what I need in the same way as cutting and pasting, but again, indesign won't let me select more than one and it would take far too long to select each box individually to release it. So I guess I'm either asking for a different import methos, or a way to select multiple textboxes that have been imported into a single text box.

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InDesign :: Pasted Text Differs From Copied Text On The Same Page

Apr 1, 2014

I'm printing a document trying to get two out of each page. I imported text, formatted it within Indesign cs3 and not it's time to copy the block and paste it onto the right side of the page. But the pasted version had a .50 tab at the first word which does not exist on the original side. How do I fix this?

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Xara :: Open PDF Breaks Words To Individual Text?

Jun 22, 2011

Couldn't wait for the CD so started into Ver 7 Designer Pro. (Win 7 Pro 64 bit) I opened a PDF I had created in another graphics package (Canvas) and every letter of a word was like a single text entry.

I opened same file in my PDF writer and selected some text, copied to word and it copied as words not text entities.

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AutoCad :: Rotating Lots Of Individual Bits Of Text At Once

Sep 9, 2013

Gave a set of schematics to a client and they decided they wanted all the wire numbers rotating 90 degrees... In the interest of efficiency, any way I can rotate all the pieces of text at the same time whilst maintaining their individual position rather than selecting a base rotation point (as I have about 400 wire numbers to make my way through ).


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