In creative cloud i selected English (Arabic enabled) as a preference. I reinstalled Photoshop because I had already installed Photoshop with English as a preference. I still can't type joining Arabic letters. How to type joint Arabic letters in adobe Photoshop / illustrator?
cant write Arabic in my paint-shop x5 , and all my graphic work should be arabic, and hebrew , when i write in arabic it should be like this for example امير you see not sepereated but it goes like that ا م ي ر !!
We have “master collection CS5.5 MLP international licensed version” it’s working fine but in Photoshop Arabic language is not working properly , I tried with a Photoshop CS5 extended middle east version it’s working fine in Arabic language . Can I get any Arabic language pack for Photoshop?
I downloaded CS6 MENA version (invoice above) and it was working fine, up until today. Now the arabic settings are not showing in Illustrator - I can't change the orientation of the text and the text is not joined. I checked the "about Illustrator" drop box and it doesn't specify that this is the MENA version. I checked Indesign, it doesn't have the probelm with Arabic text and the "about Indesign" section says that it is the MENA version.
I downloaded the CS6 trial to see if we can upgrade our Macs without waiting for a ME version.
I got Arabic fully enabled in Photoshop – but not in InDesign and Illustrator.
I don't find the options as described in the document above; text direction, character direction, left-bounded pages (in InDesign), and so on...
Is it possible that these feature are not integrated in the current version of CS6 or do I miss some hidden preferences (like in Photoshop the "Middle Eastern" text engine option?
I need to edit some arabic text in Illustrator CC but I can not find the "Adobe World-Ready Composers". find out where to set it up or download the plugin?
I'm running CS5 and need to add some Arabic to an existing Ai file. Should I get the Middle Eastern version of Ai or is there a cheaper and easier alternative?
I need to create artwork with Arabic text in it working on a Mac OS x CC. We need to copy from a word document into Illustrator so that it is editable. I can't find how to do this, and I need to get the ME version. Is this true?
I can go to Google Translate and type in a phrase and get it rendered into Arabic, and it looks correct. But when I copy and paste the Arabic characters into Illustrator, the letters that come out (using one of the many Arabic/Farsi fonts I have) aren't the same. It's as if you had "Mary Had A Little Lamb" in Arabic in Google Translate, but when you copy and paste you get "wblwevarrtblempswciartmfe" - total gibberish. I can paste it to a TextEdit file and it looks correct, just not when I paste it into Illustrator.
Here's a screen shot. At the top is a screen shot taken from having pasted it into a TextEdit file. The bottom is the exact same "paste" into Illustrator.
When I hit (t), i click anywhere and start to type but nothing shows up. its a blinking dot. Even if i make a text box, nothing will show up not even a blinking cursor.
to get Illustrator to open the files I needed (I open various files based on input from the user).Then I want to save them back off again using a variance of the file path of the file that was opened.I am having difficulty getting the file path of the open doc ... trying to use
XCode is very unhappy with me at the moment. It is telling me that I am illegally referencing the FilePath object from inside of my button proc.
I don't know if I have the right includes in the file or have obtained the correct suites for what I want to do.The api reference says not to use the AIFilePathSuite but to use the ai::FilePath as a wrapper instead. Any examples of the SaveAs?
Basically what I want to do is take the file I have opened using the OpenAction and modify the path (take off the file name, and the last folder and then append the new folder name and file name). Then perform the save as (using native file format).
//save the doc as in a folder named as id to hold supporting files ai::FilePath aiFile; sAIDocument->GetDocumentFileSpecification(aiFile); aiFile.RemoveComponent(); aiFile.RemoveComponent(); std::stringstream out; out << "\" << displayedLogo->getLogoID().c_str() <<"\"<<displayedLogo->getLogoID().c_str()<<".ai"; aiFile.AddComponent(ai::FilePath(ai::UnicodeString(out.str())));
When I take the Type tool and draw a text box it simply draws a box with no fill or stroke and I can't type in it. When I simply click with the Type tool, a one-pixel dot appears and blinks like a input cursor, and when I type it blinks like it should be moving but it's not. I can't write any text whatsoever...
script that would sample the underlying color of anchor points in a selected gradient mesh and apply it to them? I was just thinking of ways to speed up the process of creating a vector drawing based on a picture so that all you would have to do is model your mesh and then let the script apply the colors.
I'm trying to write a script that renames a layer, and group within the layer, then an object within the layer (but not a part of the group) and have it run in a loop.
Here's what I've got so far, the group rename doesn't work.
#target Illustrator var doc = app.activeDocument; idLayers(doc)//IRename layers idGroups(doc)//Rename groups function idLayers(doc){
I haven't put in anthing to rename the single object yet since I cant even get the group rename to work. I suspect that the group re-name section isn't working because I'm either using bad syntax or an invalid command.
I have been watching Video tutorials for Photoshop CS3, the instructor is Ted LoCascio and his instruction videos are very good so if any one knows any videos similar to his but for Illustrator CS3.
how to connect lines in Illustrator, I have used Micrografx Designer in the past and it allows you to take multiple lines and "join" them so that you can fill inside them.
I have tea labels I want to label for Canada, but don't know how to change the text into Canadian French... Illustrator says it has that language, how do I use it?
I seem to be having a problem installing Adobe Photoshop CC , everything was working great in the beginning , but as soon as I began installing it I had a message display saying "Please Close The Following Application " Which in this case is Adobe Illustrator. I already have it closed , even in task manager , I can't see the Illustrator.exe.
is any way to import splines into 3Ds Max without using Adobe Illustrator. I have Sketchbook Designer and Inkscape, and the DWG/DXF files they produce do not import into Max.
Why can't I open DWG files in Adobe Illustrator CS6? I recently upgraded to Mac OS X Mountain Lion & got a new Mac Pro. Then I signed up for the Creative Cloud. Now I cannot open any DWG files in Illustrator. Why?