Illustrator :: Set Properties Externally And Use It For Text On Drawing?

Jun 25, 2013

I'm looking for a method to change the status text in an illustrator drawings' titleblock by changing metadata fields linked to fields in a drawing.
At work we are using SolidWorks EPDM for managing workflows in the engineering and design departments. This includes having the program set the file status texts in titleblocks of drawings/reports. The way this works is that the metadata of a file (Custom properties for SolidWorks and Ms Office files) is changed by EPDM. The Next time the file is opened the fields linked to the metadata are automatically shown the new value. Also if the file is in a read-only state (so non-editors still see and print the correct version of the file).
This method does not work for PDF and AI files since we can not access any properties. This means that our illustrators who design labels,etc. need to open these files themselves and change texts. Even if files are at a stage they should not be modified any more.

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AutoCad :: Display Attribute Properties To Text In Drawing?

Dec 29, 2011

I've a few points with some attributes (select point,properties and you see the different attributes of this point), one of those attributes is a textstring. It has a value (Dreumel). This textstring (value) is what i want to see and put in to the drawing. I want to display this value See the attachment.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Properties Palette Started Only Showing Current Properties For The Drawing

May 22, 2013

the properties palette started only showing the current properites for the drawing and not the properties  of the entity selected. what causes this i am using autocad civil 3d 2013.

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GIMP :: Text Tool Changes Text Properties When Paste Over Old Text Content?

Nov 2, 2012

i switched gimp 2.6 to 2.8 and new text tool behaves strangely, as i remember in gimp 2.6 when i try to change text content with selecting old text and pasting new text i could use same text size and same font with my old text without doing anything but now in the gim 2.8 whenever i try to change content of a text layer i need to choose again font and text size from toolbox options, but why do i have to do this, i have a text placed on my image with a certain font and certain font size and i just want to alter my text conten not the size of text or font , it changes automatically to back text size and font whatever i used last time in another work.

summary: i want to change my text content without setting my font and font size properties, i want to use my text layers old properties

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Illustrator SDK :: Drawing Text String On Document

Feb 18, 2012

I'm new to illustrator, how to I put a text string on a document.

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Illustrator :: Type Tool Drawing Uneditable Box - Cannot Write Any Text

Sep 30, 2013

When I take the Type tool and draw a text box it simply draws a box with no fill or stroke and I can't type in it. When I simply click with the Type tool, a one-pixel dot appears and blinks like a input cursor, and when I type it blinks like it should be moving but it's not. I can't write any text whatsoever...

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Lightroom :: Images Edited Externally Do Not Appear In Catalogue?

Aug 26, 2013

Before I upgraded to CS6 and ACR 8.1, LR would properly catalog the externally edited file and it would stack next to the original file.
But now, when I save the file in Photoshop, I would see that the filename change from RAW to Tiff, and the image would save into the source folder. However, there is no file of it in my LR catalog. I would have manually import the externally edited file into the catalog, which I'm sure this is not how it's supposed to work.

OSX 10.8.4
2.8 GHz i7
Software Versions:
LR 5.0
CS 6.0.13
LR 5 External Editing Settings:
Edit in Photoshop CS6
Format: TIFF
Color Space: ProPhoto RGB
Bit: 16
Res: 300
Compression: none (I keep choosing LZW, but it apparently never remembers my pref)
"Stack with Original" is checked
Additional External Editor is not setup.

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Lightroom :: Error Saying Metadata Has Been Changed Externally?

May 24, 2013

I recently added an external hard drive and am now saving my new pictures to that hard drive. Lightroom still lives on my hard drive. I imported some pictures into LR last night and several of them have an arrow icon on them and the error message says "Metadata has been changed externally" but it hasn't. These are DNG files that have not been opened anywhere other than LR. I did synchronize the settings of these pictures, but all within LR.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Copying Text Properties From A Paragraph Text?

Aug 20, 2012

When I copy properties from one paragraph frame to another, only font and its size is copied, not paragraph settings (spacing before/after paragraph, bullets, indentation etc.).  I never had problems with this - it started a couple of days ago (the update??).

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Externally Linked Files

Jul 19, 2011

I am looking for  a plugin / macro or something regarding externally linked files that

1. enables custom (or full) resolution of the file preview 

2. adds edit option that edits the file in its assigned application (eg .psd in photoshop)

3. then after saving by that application, having the preview in CD being updated, if not automatically, at least by means of a click 

(i can't  grasp yet why still after all those years, things like externally linked files and text styles are still in that primitive, not really serving any purpose, or working, form ..... why basic, key DTP features that are supposed to have so powerful potential are being so severely neglected ... really beats me) 

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Binding Externally Linked Images?

Apr 9, 2012

Is there any way the images that we externally get permanently bound in the document. I know “collect for output”method but the asked option seems to be more compact.

Windows 7 [64-bit], Core i3 - 3.02 GHz, 4GB DDR 3 RAM

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Code To Embed Externally Ran Rule To Ipt

Jan 12, 2013

I have put together some ilogic code which is embedded within a part template, this auto populates the iproperties with the profiles length,width and thickness, and also automatically updates when any changes are made to the said profile When I hit save.

This works a treat when creating new parts, the problem arises when re-using old parts from previous jobs (Which is a regular occurrence),prior to when the code was created.

So I have to run the code as an external rule, but this has caught me,and a few other people out, as we have forgotten to run the rule after making a change to the part so the iproperties aren't automatically updated.

 My question is, is there a snippet of code that I could add to my code, which embeds the the externally ran rule to the Ipt? 

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AutoDesk Smoke :: How To Sync Externally Recorded Sound To Clips

Jun 13, 2012

i'd love to see a tutorial on how to sync externally recorded sound to clips.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Export ILogic Form And Save It Externally

Oct 30, 2013

Is there anyway to export an iLogic form and save it externally?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPN Properties In Drawing?

Jun 20, 2012

Is there any way of accessing the properties from an IPN in a drawing as opposed to its assembly - which seems to be the  default.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving A Multi Value Parameter List Externally From The Part

Jan 17, 2013

I have an iLogic template part that has a multi value parameter. In this case the product code can be selected from a list of 4 codes. In futre we may need 5 and the 5th may need to be available to older parts.

I would like to avoid having to add the 5th as an option to every part we've ever made when the 5th becomes required.

I'd like to have the list of codes stored in an external file (Possibly an xml) and the template part reference that file to acquire it's list of available codes. That way I can add codes to the xml and all the files will have their list of available codes updated.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Updating Multiple IDW File Title Blocks Externally

Jan 18, 2012

I am trying to update the text in the idw title block externally via excel or ilogic. I know of the iproperty of the part or the iam and that being able to be incorporated in the idw title block. But is there any way of linking an excel file to the idw so once the excel file is changed it updates all the idw title blocks it references?

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AutoCad :: Properties In Viewport To Overall Scale Of Drawing

Mar 10, 2012

What these properties in a viewport mean to the overall scale of a drawing:

1. Annotation scale
2. Standard scale
3. Custom Scale.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Update Physical Properties From Drawing?

Aug 30, 2011

how I can update the physical properties for a part or assembly, from a drawing? My drawing template is showing the total weight for the current part/assembly, and I would love if Inventor could update this using iLogic, so I don't get the "N/A" value all the time. 

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AutoCAD .NET :: Writing Tool To Add Custom Drawing Properties

Jul 20, 2012

I have installed the autocad ObjectARX 2011 and .Net wizzard to start writing a .Net application for adding custom drawing parameters to all our acad drawings.  I have found two issues detailed below.  This is my first attempt at using c# with autocad so any pointers on what I am doing wrong will be well received.

1.  If add the AcDbMgd.dll and AcMgd.dll references and set copy local to false as the documentation advises then I get a FileNotFoundException, could not load file or assembly 'acdbmgd'.  If I set the copy local to true then the error goes away.

2.  I tried using the code below to add a paramater but I get an exception on the first line System.TypeLoadException: Method 'CopyTo'.

Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Databasedatabase = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database;

//Users builder to edit the summary info (file properties) of the drawing

Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.DatabaseSummaryInfoBuilder infoBuilder = new Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.DatabaseSummaryInfoBuilder(database.SummaryInfo);
string key = "test";
string value = "testvalue";
infoBuilder.CustomPropertyTable.Add(key, value);
database.SummaryInfo = infoBuilder.ToDatabaseSummaryInfo();

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AutoCAD .NET :: Edit Drawing Properties From Windows Explorer

Feb 11, 2011

How would I go about editing drawing properties (Title, Author & custom props) without using AutoCAD. I need to replicate within VB.NET the windows explorer RMB > Properties capability.

I have heard mention of DWGProps.dll but cannot find it anywhere.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Lock Custom Properties Of Drawing File

Jun 7, 2012

I have Custom Properties on Drawing File. Naturally it is non-editable. But from AutoCAD When I write Command "DWGPROPS" it can be edited. I does not want it to be edited at any time.

Is it Possible to lock it using Coding? Or CAN we disable the Command "DWGPROPS" of AUTOCAD into AutoCAD?

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AutoCad :: Drawing Properties Window - Shortcut Combo?

Feb 26, 2013

Is there a shortcut combo to bring up the drawing properties window? I want a quicker way to edit custom fields.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Finding Sheet Set Properties For Current Drawing?

Apr 2, 2013

I am writing a program acts on the current drawing by using data in the SSM.  If the current drawing is found to be a member of a sheet set (using sysvar SSFOUND) it cycles through all the sheet in the sheet set looking for a sheet entry that matches.  Sometimes a match is not found because the layout name in the SSM does not match the layout  name in the current tab (sysvar CTAB).  Is there a more directly way...and one that works?  I just need a reliable way to get the AcSmSheet object the correlates to the current drawing.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Change The Size Of The Drawing Properties Dialog Box

Nov 5, 2013

Is there are way to make the size of this dynamic, So you can drag it wider and taller, There are other boxes that seem to be frozen in size. I use this with many custom fields and it's difficult to enter data when you see what your doing.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2008 - Update Template Which Has Custom Drawing Properties

Sep 7, 2012

I'm trying to update a template which has custom drawing properties.  In AutoCad LT 2012 (and obviously full autocad) there is an UPDATEFIELD command which updates the drawing properties.

This command is not known in my version of AutoCad LT 2008.  Is there another command I can use? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Title Block - How To Add New Properties To Drawing Environment

Nov 3, 2011

I want to add new properties so I can have new, custom rows when I go to Fields text in a drawing environment?

I can see how you add Prompted Entry ans so. Cant add anything to basic properties.

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AutoCad :: Drawing Properties / Reset Total Editing Time?

Jul 18, 2007

can you reset the total editing time for a drawing back to 0?

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AutoCad :: How To Lock Properties Menu To Left / Right Side Of Drawing

Aug 20, 2013

How do you lock your properties menu to the left or right side of your drawing. And have it minimize when you scroll on and off it.

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AutoCad :: Copy Drawing From One DWG File Into Another Without Copying Its Layer Properties

Feb 28, 2013

How do I copy a drawing from one dwg file into another without copying its layer properties along

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Print Out Report Of Drawing Custom Properties?

Jul 31, 2013

If we're in a drawing and pick the AutoCAD application button > Drawing Utilities > Drawing Properties we can, and do, use this to enter custom propterties. Is there any way to print out a report of a drawing's custom properties? Ideally, i would like to be able to select multiple drawings and print a report of each drawing's properties.

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