Illustrator :: Repeating Circle Even Number Of Times Across 597" Linear Space
May 12, 2013
I have to repeat a circle an even number of times across a 597" linear space. The circles need to be approx 24" apart, but evenly spaced. How can I do this without having to manually calculate the spacing and the # of circles required?
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Oct 1, 2012
How can I repeat text several times and put it into a circle with the words continuously repeated into the circle if that makes sense.
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Nov 25, 2013
How can I space dots evenly around a circle in Illustrator?
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Aug 30, 2011
I'm trying to switch over to a gamma/linear color space workflow. 3dsmax and multiple blogs state that displacement, normal bumps, and bump maps should be noted in 3dsmax as gamma 1.0. All other maps (diffuse maps, etc) should be noted as gamma 2.2 (or whatever gamma you created them in) so 3dsmax can properly convert them to gamma 1.0 during its math calculations.
This is all fine. It makes sense that if you make a color bitmap in Photoshop, what you see on screen is being created/tweaked at gamma 2.2 and needs to be converted in 3dsmax (corrected down to gamma 1.0). 3dsmax notes that Mudbox and certain other software produce normal and displacement maps already in gamma 1.0 so these do not need to be corrected. Similarly, black and white bitmaps used for bump and displacement also should be noted as 1.0, not 2.2 (not adjusted down to 1.0).
1) If I create a normal bump map in Photoshop (plugin), is that going to be gamma 1.0 or 2.2?
1b) Does it depend on which format I save it in? For example, jpgs default to gamma 2.2 (no gamma listed), while targas can note inside the file which gamma they use.
1c) If, in Photoshop, I simply open a normal map created in Mudbox (made and saved at gamma 1.0 automatically), resize it in Photoshop, and resave it as a jpg, have I inadvertently converted it to a gamma 2.2 image?
2) If I make a grayscale bump/displacement bitmap in Photoshop, it does not need to be adjusted from gamma 2.2 (but is "already" gamma 1.0). Why then would I note that same grayscale bitmap, created in Photoshop, as gamma 2.2 if it's used in any other slot (reflection, roughness, cutout, glossiness, etc)? By using Photoshop, aren't I looking at gamma 2.2 adjusted grayscale values on the screen when I create the grayscale image?
2b) Conversely, are displacement/ normal/ bump maps made in Mudbox only gamma 1.0 if they are saved in a non-jpg format?
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Nov 15, 2012
I have teached myself working with autocad version 2004 so maybe its not the right way of drawing but I draw 3D objects using solids!
In the past I could take or put dimensions on this solids to print and pass on to colleagues but on our new 2013 version I seem incapable of doing this I can not select a point on a solid and continuously get the message invalid point!!!
working in 3D modeling space using parametric linear! what am I doing wrong? or is it an setting that I need to change?
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Nov 11, 2013
it's my job to create drawings for patent applications, and These drawings usually consist of multiple pages with one or more drawings on each page. Each of these drawings has to be given it's own unique identifier (for example Fig. 1, Fig.2 etc).
In the process of designing a complete patent application it is often necessary to change the order of figures around and/or add new ones, remove old ones and so on. Now we get to the macro part.
What I need is a macro that identifies an artistic text placeholder (let's say <figures>) and replaces it with a text that says "Fig. x", x being counted upwards starting from 1. In essence I need the macro to count how many times it has already replaced <figures>, and insert the correct number. After the macro has done it's work I want every placeholder replaced with "Fig.1" or "Fig. 2".
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Aug 8, 2013
How to find no of times specific blocks used in a drawing?
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Dec 19, 2013
What's the difference between linear and bi-linear when using gradients? they seem to do the same thing to me (or I don't notice a difference)
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Jan 24, 2013
Illustrator CS6 (16.0.3) on Mac OS 10.6.8.
I've set up an action that will add crop marks to a selected object. The action works great when clicking the play button on the panel, but when I assign a Function Key to the action, it runs the action twice (giving me 2 set of crop marks). I've tried different Function Keys thinking it was a keyboard shortcut conflict, but that has made no difference.
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Dec 11, 2012
I have some 3D sand in a bottle and I'm trying to map a sand symbol to it, but it's coming up way to large. Illustrator will not let me duplicate the image when I try apply it through 3D extrude & bevel - map art option. It doesn't seem like this should be a difficult task. Basically, my sand picture is 1000px x 1000px. I saved it as a jpeg, then imported it into my swatch gallery in illustrator (pretty sure that's the correct way). When I try to apply it to my sand using "map art" I have the option to "scale to fit" which distorts the image horribly. I want it to be a 1:1 ratio, if that makes sense, only smaller and duplicated 10x or whatever to cover the whole object. It's not a seamless picture that I'm mapping, so if there's a filter that I can apply that would make it less noticable. I'll attach a screenshot of the sand to show you what I'm talking about. The top layer of sand looks almost perfect, but the bottom one looks terrible because I had to stretch symbol to cover the whole object. If you can tell from the image, each grain of sand is stretched horizontally by like 10 so it doesn't even look like sand.
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Mar 29, 2013
I want to create a pattern that does not repeat (as a backrground). I've tried using swatches but this just repeats the same pattern. If you look at this example below, the pattern (behind the hands, log, etc) looks completely random. How would I go about recreating this effect? Would I need to draw the whole thing manually?
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May 9, 2013
In Illustrator CS4. I want to create a repeating pattern, using a swatch. I've done this before succesfully but not sure why this one isn't working as planned.
The small image at the bottom (just the area inside the artboard) is the spacing I want between the characters, but the pattern at the top is what I get.
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Oct 1, 2012
Vertical or horizontal stripes are no problem, but they are angled cannot get a seamless repeating pattern. I tried using snppaing 2 lines and running a blend between them, thinning the stroke is half in and half out so this to do this with 8° rotation on the line?
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Mar 12, 2013
Found these lovely patterns - a concentric circle 'zig-zag' design, and a 'bank-card' style wave in an Illustrator template - but how they were made? URL....
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Apr 4, 2013
Made a change in a document that involded a Linear Fill... now everytime I open this file the message is repeated until I force quit AI_CS6.
iMac 10.8.3 1, 2.9GHz i5, 8 GB Ram
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Oct 9, 2013
We have been bringing points directly into a 2012 Civil 3d drawing using the same method for quite a while. We use a numeric descriptor code and the points are filtered correctly. In this particular drawing, one description code was singled out and "locked" in the drawing. The points and symbol show in the drawing slightly muted but when I try to edit the points I am unable to do so. I have tried the "unlock" command with no result. The symbol displayed by the point number is a red circle over a pencil.
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Oct 13, 2013
When making a pattern into a swatch and applying it to letters, I am noticing that you can see an abrupt point where the pattern stops and repeats. How can this be done so it is not visible?
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May 27, 2013
I'm working with Autocad 2011. My objective is to create a dynamic block made up of a circle with a letter or number inside. Here's the tricky part. As I add additional letters or numbers the circle increases in diameter automatically to fully encircle whatever it is I type. The more letters or numbers the larger the circle and the fewer the letters or numbers the smaller the circle?
Or is there a lisp routine for this type of request?
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Nov 24, 2013
I have made this planet and I want its ring to look as it's spinning around it, So the upper of the ring should go behind the actual planet! How can I do that? Also how can I add some volume to the ring to make it look a bit more realistic?
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Jun 25, 2013
We struggle a bit creating a seamless repeating pattern that includes embedded images with clipping masks applied.Our pattern is a 550x550mm black square with various embedded inserted on top. All of these images have Clipping Masks applied to hide unwanted areas.These images are placed so they create a seamless repeating pattern and this includes areas that overlap the square.Once we create a swatch from this pattern the repeatable area becomes too big as it includes the unwanted areas hidden by the clipping masks.Because the repeatable area is now too big it's actually not repeatable.
Pathfinder/crop to delete the unwanted areas in the images etc.We though of just live tracing the images, but due to the complexity this is not an option.Do we really have to do our "cutting" in Photoshop .
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Jan 6, 2014
I compile all of my data in Arc and get my data referenced and looking good. Once all of the data I need is in place and ready to be exported, I export the map out to an AI file. This has worked fine and still does. I am new to AI and have great Arc Knowledge. Here's where my issue begins:
- Once I bring in the map to AI, the roads look horrible and nothing like they did in Arc. I exported it at the small scale (county) and the linework looks horrible. Roads that were straight in Arc are all zig-zagged and did not convert over smoothly. This would not be an issue if there were only a couple of them, However, I am dealing with thousands of unsmoothed roads. The smooth tool works, however, one line at a time and then it leaves loose connections. So this tool is not really an option for me.
- My next attempt at smoothing out the lines in the masses, was to select the area in question, then Object>Simplify>Smooth. This works on some, but did not produce the output I was looking for. It smoothed out all of the selected roads, but instead of keeping them all together and just smoothing out, It moved some of the longer roads and long story short, the roads became inaccurate and did not shown what was really on the earths surface.
- is the scale of exporting out of Arc. At the small Scale, the map is rough, nasty and needs some smoothing. However, when exporting on the larger scale, the roads turn out fine, just as they are displayed in Arc. I have been messing around with this idea since it produces the output I am looking for, however, scales and whatnot are all out of wack creating more than wanting distortion as well as gridding out my map to export, then reassembling it. I could do that, but this map will need to be accurate and an error in this that could mess up the coordinate system.
There are multiple ways to smooth out data in Arc, however, the data looks fine in arc, it only has conversion errors when brought into AI.
Experienced this error with linears and scales? I am going to locate a new road shapefile and see if it will come out better in AI, but if there is a workaround.I have tried other files that I have, and some are better than others, however, all have large areas that will need to be smoothed.
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Apr 13, 2013
I'm facing a very weird problem with circle and interception osnaps. Maybe I'm wrong, but I've a space between the osnaps interception and the the circle line (pointer) when I'm trying to move it to the bottom or top line.
The problem doesn't occur with line. The osnap will go directly to the interception, but with the circle, I just can't understand... It's currently messing my drawing up, as I'm trying to move the circle tan point to another interception.
Here is the screenshots with only interception snap checked (working in milimeters if it does matter):
Well, seems it does occurs with all the snaps too, tested it with "nearest" too, and look how descaled it is:
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Nov 23, 2011
I have some code in a VBA program I'm trying to convert to .net that loops through all the entities in model space as in the code snip below. What I can't figure out is how to get the total number of objects in model space at the start so I can use this info to advance a progress bar. ie the equivilent of VBA's "ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.Count"
Dim bt As BlockTable = tr.GetObject(DB.BlockTableId(), OpenMode.ForRead)
Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = tr.GetObject(bt(BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace),
' Loop for each entity in the modelspace
For Each entId As ObjectId In btr
'<code sniped>
'advance progress bar
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Oct 27, 2011
We are using AutoCAD Architeucture 2010. We would like to be able to use exisitng room numbers for a renovation project. Currently the building has room numbers with letters in them, ie AS112, T112 or C112. Unforunately the letters change multiple times on 1 level. So we can not simply change the desigination on the construct level. how to do with with 'spaces' in AutoCAD Architecture?
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Aug 6, 2013
How to distribute object (circle) in selection of great number of points?
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Aug 26, 2011
number 3.jpg
How would I put an outline around a number with a space between the number and outline?
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Nov 10, 2009
Is there a way to close the space between the Room Tag leader and the room number box? See the attached png file.
This gap seems to get larger if the room name is larger.
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Feb 4, 2013
Suppose I have an object filled with a linear gradient. This object is the only selected. I just would like to change the angle of the gradient to 25 degrees. So I think I could do:
var doc = app.activeDocument
alert(doc.selection[0].fillColor.angle) // the result is the exact angle of the gradient fill of the selected object. Suppose 12 degrees.
//now the try to change:
doc.selection[0].fillColor.angle = 25.0
No errors are found by the Extended Script does not change anything. As Illustrator reference manual does not say this property is read only, I think I could write.
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May 29, 2012
for some time now I cant use Times New Roman, Arial, and some other Font Families that comes with Windows 7. I can use the fonts in Word but not in any Adobe product. Why? That wasnt happening on Windows XP.
Another thing, is it possible to sort the fonts in illustrator..
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Mar 2, 2012
Almost every time I add a linear gradient to an object I want to change the angle from 0 to 90 degrees.
Is there a script that I could use for this, so that I could assign a keyboard shortcut and press that instead of clicking the box & typing 90 all the time? (i.e. select an object, run a script & it would apply the standard black to white linear gradient at 90 degrees instead of 0.)
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Mar 6, 2014
Alright, so I'm running Windows 7 64-bit and Illustrator CS5.
Times New Roman Regular does not display correctly on my machine when using Illustrator CS5, but Bold, Italic, Italic Bold display just fine. Times New Roman does display correctly in every other program I use. InDesign, Word, etc. I've attached a screenshot to show what I mean.
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