Illustrator :: Move Text From One Artboard To Another?
Nov 13, 2012
I have 3 artboards open and am trying to move text from one artboard to another, each piece of text is on a different layer, but when I use the selection tool and just drag it across to the next artboard, nothing shows up. How do I move text from one artboard to another?
Apart from hiding or locking component layers/objects, is there another way to toggle the feature that moves artwork with the artboard when one performs transformations on artboards? I once experienced a session on the mac (AI CS6) where my artwork was not moving when my artboard was (this despite the layer being printable, unlocked and displaying correctly)
I'm trying to create a script via javascript for Illustrator.
My problem is : I have a AI file with multiple layers, i want to create one artboard per layer, in order to export a multipage PDF ( each page contain 1 layer ).
The layers represents the differents type of print ( vernish, color, hot gold, pressure ... ) and/or color type ( Pantone, CMYK, cut, kisscut ... ). My client want a PDF for see each type of print or color type per page.
I'm trying 2 ways :
1st solution : Create new artboards, and duplicate ( or move ) layers content on the new artboad, but the function move/duplicate don't work to move content on another artboard.
2nd solution : Create new document with the same number of layers as artboard and duplicate layer to the new artboard on the new document.
Is it possible to use the "Rearrange Artboards" option in the Artboards flyout menu and also move not only the artboard itself but also the hidden artwork (layers, objects, etc.) on that artboard?
I have tried check-marking the "Move Artwork with Artboard" option, but that still does not move the hidden artwork. The default behavior seems to be that only the active or visible artwork is moved along with the artboard, but the hiddden artwork is left behind somewhere on the workspace where the artboard used to be before it was moved.
I find this a little cumbersome, since I often hide artwork that I'm testing and having to make them all visible again to just move them with the artboard would break the dinstinction between all the many very similar layers, objects, etc. that I might be working with at a given time.
Basically, I have an open AI document and would like to duplicate its artboard and then move it to a new position(X axis, 50pixels away from the original). Doesn't seem too hard, but I can't figure it out. This is for CS5.
var docRef = app.activeDocument; var abSrc = docRef.artboards[0]; var abSrcX = abSrc.artboardRect[0];
Taking that into account if I add (1224 + 144) to abSrcX and abSrxW it creates another artboard 2" away from the previous at 17" x 11". If I want to run it again, I just to add (1224 + 144) to abSrcX and abSrxW again. Now to figure out how to do this dynamically on the fly.
Today Illustrator CS4 decided to start crashing on me when I try to paste text into the art board. It will also not allow me to type text into the artboard. Whenever I try to type, it just does all the tool shortcuts. I have alread tried deleting the preferences and that hasn't worked at all.
I am using Illustrator CS5. I just got a new MacAir and was required to install Java6 (not sure if that's exactly what it was called) in order to use Illustrator. Now when I select the TYPE TOOL, it turns really light gray and then disappears whenever I move it onto the artboard. It worked before..
In InDesign I am able to assign a variable showing that page. Example = Page numbers in a book.
Is there a way to do this in Illustrator? Example = Panels for a structure. Labeling the panel with the artboard name.
For now I am doing this manually. I would LOVE to speed the process up.
DETAILS: The artboard names will exist on the artboard itself when printed (very tiny, in an area hidden by metal posts, for ease of assembly at a construction site). I also need the artboard name to show up outside the artboard in a slug area (much larger for easy viewing in the file).
I'd like to just Change the name of a duplicated artboard, and have those pieces of text change themselves, rather then me typing it in two places for every artboard... I can have almost 100 artboards in one file on the structures I work with.
1.) I dragged out vertical and horizontal guides from the rulers and then created a new art board. The new art board now has the horizontal guides carried over from the first art board. How can I have separate guides on each of my art boards? I am using art board rulers.
2.) Is there a way to layout vertical and horizontal guides on an art board and copy them over to a new blank art board?
I am creating a logo, and I want all black parts to be visible, and all white parts to be invisible.I work in Illustrator CS5, and I have text with multiple strokes on top of another object...I want only the inner fill of the text to knockout to the artboard, while keeping the strokes intact.
I tried "knockout" tool, pathfinder merge, creating outline from text, and nothing has worked so far.I've browsed online forums for answers and nothing works.
I want all the black to be one file, and remove all the white. I tried the "select same" function, but this didn't work either.
I have an Illustrator document with ~100 artboards, each artboard named by me. Each artboard has one textbox in it. Is there a way to take whatever name I assign to the artboard and print it into the text box inside that artboard? So in the end I would be able to see the name associated with each artboard on the artboard itself. Ideally I could run the script once (i.e. "turn it on"), have it populate all the text boxes with the artboard names, and then have it dynamically update the textboxes when I change an artboard name regardless of whether the file has been closed and opened since I originally ran the script.
What happened to the option/enter command in the move object dialog that has been around since the early days of Illustrator??? Instead of having to mouse click the "copy" button in the move object window, one could just hold down option with Return or Enter and the Copy command would happen rather than a simple move. Immensely useful for prepress work!
I have a big artboard with a simulation of a webpage, and a smaller artboard within it, where I'm designing the artwork, so that I know how the big picture will look. In the end, I intend to export the contents of the small artboard. The problem is that whenever I click by accident on the small artboard, my view of the web page gets off-centre.So in short, If I could just lock the small artboard, that would solve this annoyance. For now, I have two options: either delete the artboard and set it back in the end (it's got to be perfeclty positioned though) or, quite practically, just create a custom view with a shortcut that I can use instead of the "Actual size" one (Cmd+1).
I have a AI CS6 file with 16 artboards. I need to 'save for web" a jpg of each artboard. Is there a way to automate this, by setting up an action - or is there any way to do this? I'll be having to do it frequently.
I have a bunch of artwork that I need to fit to artboards that need to be the same size, basically I'm looking for something similar to "Fit to Frame" in Premiere/After Effects.
I'm designing some business cards, which have an 1/8" bleed, along with elements that hang outside of the border of the card. Is there a way in Illustrator CS3 that I can say, "hide everything outside of the Artboard" so I can see what the finished product will look like?
I know I could print them out or output to PDF and see it without the non-Artboard items, but these approaches seem clumsy and labor intensive. I'd like it if I could have some sort of "cropped view"--where everything not on the Artboard is hidden--to work in.
I'm finding that when i add a second artboard to an existing ai, then save and close, it has disappeared on reopening.
I have both pieces of artwork (one for each page), but 1 of the artboards will have disappeared. Irritatingly the remaining artboard sits between the 2 pieces of artwork - in the wrong position for both!!!
I am struggling with the "sAIArtSet->MatchingArtSet()" in restricting it to find the artset from the selected artboard only.
One way is to iterate through the found art set and compare art's artboard index with the index of the selected artboard. Wanted to know if there is some internal SDK suite which does this iteration in a more optimized way ?
I need to get rid of the black border around the artboard. The two images show my drawing lined up with the art board and then inside the artboard. The dark gray is not the artboard.
As you see, the artboard has a black border. I need to get rid of it. It shows up in my project when my color key is green. The black won't go to transparent.
is it possible to make a new document and instead of having it shaped like a rectangle/square, to have it shaped like a octagon? I'm making a square shaped business card, but I want the right side of the card to have a zig-zag pattern cut out on it.
I have setup a display panel with 4boards at various sizes. (Spreads). I now need to make a PDF but as artboard spreads as this is needs to be shown like this for sign off.
When saving for web or exporting an artboard is there any way to pre-populate the save file name dialog box with the artboard's given name. It would save having to re-name the file and make good use of that metadata.
We currently use CS3 in our Art Dept at the sign company I work for. Sometimes designing/layout for some projects can be a pain when they go beyond the max artboard size constraint in CS3. This is especially true in my dept which does all the large format digital printing. I find myself having to switch back and forth between some of my sign software, which has almost limitless area for design and layout. Not that we can't work in scales but life would be so much easier if we could do things in full scale. Now to the point, does CS4 have larger artboard size than CS3?
Is there a way to size without Illustrator CS6 rounding up? example, I need my document to be 3.625 x 2.125" to output a file to a printer and illustrator keeps rounding up to the third decimal 3.63, Is there any way around this? I found going back to CS3 works but all my files have conversion issues opening that far back.