Illustrator :: How To Get Soft Inner Bevel On Type Or Vector Shape
Mar 27, 2013
Can Adobe Illustrator match or simulate inner bevel effects of inDesign and Photoshop? If it is possible, how to get a soft inner bevel on type or vector shape in Adobe Illustrator CS4 that can be set up to be identical (or, at least, very close) to the layer styles of PS and the type/fill/stroke/object effects of ID. So far, I have not been able to achieve the same look with 3D extrude and bevel in AI. I want a solid red object with a soft 16 point white-tint highlight and a soft 16 point black tint shadow. If it is not something that is possible with 3D extrude and bevel settings, this something that must or could be done manually with the gradient mesh tool?
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Apr 29, 2013
I'm trying to vectorize my image and Photoshop makes this hard, and im told AI is the better option,. I dont have the program and wasd wondering if you can do it? Ill give you a virtual high five if you dio...
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Dec 5, 2012
Trying to mask type with a vector pattern (place a vector pattern in a type clipping path), but nothing seems to be working. Never had issue before. Tried path in front, pattern in front, converting type path to compound path, converting vector to compound path. A couple of times it looked like it worked, but the pattern was invisible within the path. Illustrator CS6, on a Mac.
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Apr 1, 2013
When I put a vector shape over a background color the color of the vector changes, how can I ensure I keep the original colors?
At the moment my background is grey and when I put a lime green vector in front it's turns it to a dark green.
I'm using CS6
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Jul 22, 2013
I have a question about the layers I created in photoshop and I would like to open as a vector in illustrator.
The layers in photoshop as a smart object are done in pen tool.
The question is a little confusing, but what I'd really like is to take an art that I created in photoshop pro after effects, as a vector. Only when I open the AE, rasterize all layers and can not work by increasing the elements.
Hence I wonder if I can bring all these elements created in Photoshop vector shape in Illustrator pro.Without me having to "redo" everything in illustrator.
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May 23, 2013
As you can see by the screenshots, this logo is vector and shows up perfectly in PHotoshop. (it was created in Photoshop and is a layered Vector PDF). I bring it into AI, though and the top portion of the talking heads disappear. Though their shape oultines remain. A grey box shows up when I click a lot. I am really a photoshop gal, so all this Illustrator stuff is foreign to me. I'm thinking the grey box is containing my art and only showing what falls within it? How to expand it or remove it so that all my logo will show up in AI?
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Jun 9, 2013
I have to make an illustration with a 2D text that rolls on a 3D cilindric path. I don't know if is it possible on AI. Maybe I have to do this on a 3d software?
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Nov 19, 2013
I'm on this project that i need to digitize an old artwork. It requires vector (AI) & shading (PS).
I have all line art done in AI. There's like 50 layers on it. The original artwork has "shading" and "highlight" on it used by Air brush.
I just want to import all the layers in photoshop at once. It will be time consuming if i do it one by one SO is there any way that I can transfer all the vector path from AI to PS?
I tried Meshtool and its hard to control. Unlike in Brush tool in PS, I got the freedom to adjust the opacity, softness, etc.
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Mar 13, 2013
why in CS6 some vector files have this odd outline around shapes. It's visible when editing the file, exporting the file & placing it within Photoshop as a smart object.
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Dec 12, 2012
I would like to fill in (the shape of the letters of) a word with another word (using repetition). What is the easiest way to do this in Illustrator (CS3)?
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Oct 10, 2013
I just purchased a new iMac and have been using Illustrator (CS5) for some graphic design work. However, it's driving me CRAZY because the type and shape cursors are a super small and a light gray in color. It's very difficult for me to track the cursor with my eyes when it is small and gray on a gray and white artboard. Is there some way to make the cursors more easily visible? As far as I can tell, this is only an issue in Illustrator.
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Feb 1, 2014
I need to know how to make the type tool take the shape of the ellipse I am typing in.
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Sep 19, 2013
Using: WIN7, Adobe CS5, PS, AI
When I need to move a project from Photoshop to Illustrator, I need an automated way to prep shape and vector mask items for export--preferably preserving the structure and layout that already exists as layer names and order, character and paragraph settings, and of course global registration. My scripting is limited to recording actions, so I need to find an existing script or get coached on this. Any recommendations?
I have googled and waded through numerous forum posts trying to research this on my own, so I know about the ability to export my path collection, but that's usually inapplicable in reality. It only deals with vectors from the Paths palette. In Photoshop, I use the Paths pallet to store master and WIP paths, but all the working paths are either shapes or vector masks--or active type layers. Often enough that it's become an issue, I'll need to move the whole project to Illustrator. Obviously, the process has issues; I'm not expecting the rastor layers or Photoshop styles to carry over, but I see no reason why I can't capture text, shape and vector mask elements.
They all have a vector component, but simply opening a PSD in Illustrator flattens (badly) the layers. I select the "Convert Layers as Objects" but have yet to see it extract editable text. I'm not sure if it even attempts to do anything with vector shapes or masks. I've got a process for moving a project one element at a time, using registration marks--but this requires turning text into shapes most of the time, especially if I am trying to preserve kerning and leading crucial to the layout. Maybe I just have not found the right info, and there is a way to transfer editable text without losing character and paragraph settings.
For now, I'd be happy to stop wasting time doing a ton of conversions and renaming by hand, just so I can preserve the work I've already invested.
One suggestion, posted under a multiple path export question, was to use scripting... but no one explored or explained how to go about it. I'm not asking for the impossible, however. I simply working out my own solution: if there is no application method for transferring the elements, try to script a method to prep those elements for export. Before I even attempt to reinvent someone's wheel, I am putting the question out there:
I kept at it and managed to open my current project PSD in AI with text and shape/mask vectors successfully--not as cleanly as I'd hoped but the relative positioning of things was acceptable. I am still interested in hearing people's suggestions on better ways to transfer work from one tool to the other, though. I know this is going to come up for me again and again.
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Jul 27, 2007
Is this possible? I'm in Windows, Photoshop 7.0. I also have a pretty early version of Illustrator, not sure which one.
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Mar 26, 2013
When converting a vector or Illustrator file (such as a logo) into a shape layer any gradient fill is lost. Is there no way to ensure the gradient fill is converted across or is this a matter for a future release of After Effects?
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Nov 21, 2008
I am dealing with text in some non-unicode encodings. The text includes the soft-hyphen character (0xAD) - which under ISO 8559-1 encoding is rendered as a hyphen.
When I paste this text into photoshop, the soft-hyphen disappears. The soft-hyphen is still there (if I copy the text and paste it back into notepad it is visible, also it shows up in the text layer's name) but it is not being rendered.
Now in Photoshop 7 the soft-hyphen renders as expected so I believe this is something caused by Photoshop's transition to Unicode in later versions (I see this 'problem' in Photoshop CS3 and CS4 - don't have CS or CS2 to test).
* Is it possible to change the type tool's behavior to the older version - i.e. to show soft-hyphen?
* Would anyone know if CS/CS2 behave like this as well?
I need soft-hyphen to be rendered because I am working with an old/legacy font which 'renders' soft-hyphen as a different glyph.
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Aug 26, 2013
I want to make a vector shape from a path. Is there a way to bypass having to define a new custom shape? I just want to quickly add the vector shape to a new layer, but I don't need it defined as it'll just be used once.
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Oct 8, 2002
how to use the vector type in Photoshop 6. I can use type/text without loosing resolution, but mine always looks pixilated except I increase image size to 250dpi and above.
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Jan 18, 2014
I was playing around with the new AI CC fetures, notably Live Corners. Live Corners is very useful, but in doing this, I discovered a possible BUG in 3D Bevel. (See screen shots, below.)
There is nothing apparently wrong with the path Live Corners produced (no double-points, etc.), so I found no object repair possible before applying 3D Bevel.
After discovering this, I undid the 3D Bevel, and rotated the object slightly. Here is what 3D Bevel does now:
AI CS6 does the same thing, but the errors are in different places. AI CS5 has different looking errors, and there are many more of them.
Any thoughts on workarounds? Or am I just stuck with an AI CC 3D Bevel BUG?
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Jul 18, 2012
I'll omit the long background --- suffice it to say I did this once and need to do it again, but can't recall the toolchain / workflow I used.
I _think_ it was Macromedia FreeHand 8, and that I used a plug-in w/in that program, but I can't recall. Any way other than rendering the drawing as a half-toned bitmap and then tracing it? Or re-drawing the image on top of such a bitmap?
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May 7, 2013
I don't have much experience in Illustrator, and I'm experiencing an issue with the 3D Extrude & Bevel effect. Namely, there are "artifacts" where the anchor points lie on the paths.
Here's a sample:
You may need to zoom in on this image to see them, but there are thin white lines that bisect the extrusion where the anchor points lie. There are also abrupt changes in the appearance of the extrusion at these same points. These anomalies don't appear in Illustrator, and it's only when I convert to an image or PDF that they show up.
Is there any way to remove these artifacts using this effect? And if not, is there a different (better?) way to achieve the same effect?
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Apr 18, 2012
Is there a way to give Bevel & Emboss effect to text in Illustrator, the same way like in Photoshop?
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Sep 20, 2012
I am trying to use the 3D 'Extrude and bevel' tool on a complex shape (a map of the UK)The vector is a compound path, when i apply the effect when its quite small it works, however when i increase the size of the shape the outline fails to render properly and hence is not filled as it should be, there are gaps in the image.
I have scale stroke and effects turned on.If i try to apply the effect on a version that is already the size i want it i get the same problem.
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Mar 24, 2013
I am currently designing a logo with the extrude and bevel effect. It is fine at full size, but when I copy and paste it and scale it down for another file--a.e. a business card--the effect is lost.
Why is this happening? Do you have to apply the effect seperately when the object is rescaled?
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Jan 31, 2013
I am using Illustrator and trying to recreate the following:
This was originally created in PowerPoint - TearDrop shape. 3d effect: Bevel top type: circle. width 40 height 10. Nothing for the bottom. Surface material Warm Matte and 3-point lighting. Nothing else for depth/conture. I'm not concerned with the shadow. When I try to recreate in Illustrator I end up with something similair to below regardless how much I adjust things.
Notice the overlapping folds. This is a single object comprised of a circle and square to get a tear drop shape however when I try to make it look like the above first object I can never get that nice crisp 45 degree line to the center, it is always curved or overlapping, or does not apply the effect to the center, leaving it very flat centered. Adding light points in and moving does not work and I of course receive the "bevel self-intersection may have occurred". I don't see a bevel option for "circle" and not sure how else to accomplish or steps that I may take.
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Jan 2, 2007
I made a vector shape of an arrow (see below) and then rasterized the layer.
Then I double-clicked the layer and gave the grey shape a 1px black stroke outline. Only after hitting OK, the 1px black stroke shows up as a thick, grey stroke.
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Feb 6, 2008
I cannot find how to fill a vector shape. When I mouse over the vector mask thumbnail in the layer's pallette I only get three options, if I right click I only get blending options.
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Apr 25, 2013
I've been working on converting a vector into a shape and am having no luck. I've done this before and have had no problems. I import my vector .ai into AE as a comp (sequence tickbox not selected). Once I've got it in, I drag to the project, then click layer > create shape from vector layer. My shape populates at the top, my .ai file is off and what is just one of the three colors, along with the shap. I've checked the the shape's contents, every group has the correct fill with the correct blending mode.Also, I've tested other logos with the same results--one color displays while the others don't. I'm working with "ray-traced render engine" And, I've reset my preferences.
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Mar 24, 2013
I am designing a logo using the Extrude and Bevel effect for some depth. When applied--using the Plastic Shading option--it darkens the original colors.Is there a way around this to maintain the hue in the original color.
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Dec 2, 2013
Why does the color look strange, is it only because it's green? I have it set to custom color>green because no color/black was only grey. This is still desaturated & very grey. Playing with the settings didn't seem to work.
What's with the pixelated edging? It's an inner bevel & appears on the rounded parts.
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Jun 30, 2012
I am trying to create the handle for a coffee cup in this tutorial here [URL] .... but the settings that I apply in the 3D Extrude & Bevel effect have no effect on the image. What am I doing wrong? I have the line selected.
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