Illustrator :: Triangle With Rounded Corners And Straight Sides

Feb 26, 2014

How do I draw a triangle with smooth rounded corners and straight sides?

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Illustrator :: Get Miter-joined Vertices On Unfilled Right Triangle With 3 Different-colored Sides?

Mar 6, 2013

I want to create a right-angled triangle (just the three sides, no fill) where each side is a different color (say red, blue, and green). For generality, let's assume it's a scalene (rather than isosceles) right triangle. I want the weight of each line to be about 3pt. (But I guess that's not a crucial number. Let's say I'd like the sides to be 20 or 30 pts thick, for the thrill of it.) I know how to draw the three lines of specified width, make them different colors, and arrange them into a triangle. My problem is how to make the vertices (corners) look miter-joined rather than have them overlapping each other, which obviously looks terrible and like something an infant drew in Microsoft Paint. ;-) If I join the 3 paths into a single shape, they all become the same color, so I'm thinking I have to keep it as 3 separate lines (paths). The only solution I can think of is: Instead of drawing three lines of 3pt weight, draw three extremely thin rectangle shapes (about 3pt wide), one of each color, and rotate/position them so that they form the sides of a right-angled triangle. Then go in and do some visual surgery at the vertices to make the vertices look miter-joined.

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Illustrator :: Square Or Polygon - Transform One Of Sides From Straight To Smooth Curve

Jan 19, 2013

Say I have a square or a polygon. I want to transform one of the sides from straight to a smooth curve. Is there a way to do this?
I have the pen tool and I'm tracing an object. I want to create one curved side then continue on with straight edges. However the tool insists on creating 2 or 3 curves at a time.
Is there a way to create a single isolated or part of a shape curve thats adjustable with both endpoints. It seems that curves I create often are missing adjustment levers at one of their endpoints making it harder to get the shape I want.

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Illustrator :: CC Rounded Corners On Placed Photos?

Oct 24, 2013

Illustrator cc rounded corners how to make?  Placed photographs need rounded corners.  Cannot make it work.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Expand Appearance From Rounded Corners?

Jan 4, 2013

Expanding Appearance on a closed path with stroke, fill, and a Round Corners effect produces a group of two paths in CS6. A path with just a fill and a path with just the stroke.
Is there an option to just generate one path like CS5 and earlier?

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Illustrator :: How To Get Rounded Corners To Be A Workable Path

May 21, 2013

I have a rectangle that I have applied rounded corners effect to.

I need to combine this shape with others, but when I do so, I loose the effect. How do I get the rounded corners to be a workable path?

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Illustrator :: How To Find Value Of Corner Radius Of Rounded Corners

Aug 30, 2012

Is it possible to find the value of the corner radius of the rounded corners for a rectangle that was created with the Rounded Rectangle Tool. This if for CS4.

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Illustrator :: Pixel Perfect Stroked Rounded Corners In CS6

Oct 26, 2012

I cannot attain pixel perfect stroked rounded corners without a stray pixel being shown on one of the corners.  I need pixel accuracy for UI I'm developing (i.e. for screen, not for print).Here's what I'm doing:

1) New document, Align New Objects To Pixel Grid.  Document units are in pixels, and Preferences>Units all are set to pixels.
2) Create grey rectangle, something like 100x32
3) Set a 1px black stroke, outside
4) Apply Rounded Corners, 6px radius
5) Make sure you're in Pixel Preview Mode
6) Notice the one stray pixel in the bottom corner that is out of place at the edge of the round.
Here is a screenshot that shows my tests.  Note if I use Center Stroke, it seems to work at first glance, but then applying other effects (e.g. 3 px inner glow) are incorrectly applied (due to pixel snapping of the centered stroke).

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GIMP :: Save Rounded Corners On Image - Extra Bits At Corners

Apr 11, 2011

I put rounded corners [from the decor part] onto my image, and when i saved it, it came up with these extra bits at the corners; which make the image actually rectangle. How i can get rid of them? i just want the plain round corners. =x


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Photoshop :: Make Rounded Corners - But Background Has Color And Shows Square Corners Of Palette?

May 15, 2011

I know how to make rounded corners. But the background has color and shows the square corners of the palette.

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Illustrator :: Adjust Degree Of Curvature On Corners Of Rounded Rectangle?

Aug 22, 2013

How to adjust the degree of curvature on the corners of rounded rectangles in Illy?  This can be easily done in PS but I'm not seeing any options for this in Illustrator.

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Illustrator :: Rounded Rectangle Corners Show As Black Instead Of Transparent?

Oct 31, 2013

I created some buttons in Illustrator CC that have a white background and rounded corners. When I Save for Web as a Gif, I checked Transparency. However, the rounded corner area show a black background around each corner. When I save for the web,do I need to choose something else in the Matte and Transparency dropdown menus?

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Paint.NET :: Triangle With Round Corners

Nov 5, 2012

I would like to create a triangle, but with (really) round corners. Not just the points rounded off a little, but the corners going around evenly like circles.

(see infantile free-hand drawing attachment as an example)

Is this to accomplish in an easy manner?


The attachment seems to be missing, so here's a link: [URL].......

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Illustrator :: How To Center A Triangle Inside Another Triangle

Apr 10, 2013

So when I create a triangle by using the star shape tool and only giving it three points. When I have my triangle, I duplicate it and make it smaller. I center them both up on the canvas, but they don't look centered. As you can see in the picture provided, the bottom has more of a width that the others. I've tried using the alignment tool and the smart guides. I do resize the triangle using shift so it doesn't mess up the shape too.

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Photoshop :: Rounded Corners

Feb 11, 2003

This may seem like a relatively stupid question but...

I want to make my own graphics for a website. I want the tables to have rounded corners similar to the ones on the following website. (the main window that says article has a rounded left corner)

page with rounded corner

I don't want to "rip" them I want to know how to make these things on my own. I could do just a plain rounded corner with no problem it is the 3d effect that I'm interested in.

If someone could just point me to a tutorial or something like that for basic website graphics I would be grateful.

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Photoshop :: Rounded Corners

Jun 13, 2004

with my rounded corners looking jagged, so I must be doing something wrong. I use the rounded triangle, changed the radius and even tried smoothing the selection but they still come out rough.

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Photoshop :: Rounded Corners?

Jun 10, 2006

how to make the rounded corners on the pic in the navigations section?

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Photoshop :: Rounded Corners

Apr 9, 2004

I need to make white rounded corners on a picture with a radius 10.

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Photoshop :: Rounded Corners

Feb 2, 2007

Im working on a little project and i have a design im almost happy with. All of the corners are square so i want to change two of them (top left and bottom right) to rounded corners while still having the red border in proportion.

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Photoshop :: Making A Straight Image Rounded

Sep 12, 2002

I've got an image that is basically banner style:


It has four different country flags on it. What I'd like to do is turn that image into a circular image. Hopefully you know what I mean. I've tried to use the shear filter but can't get it to look right.

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Photoshop :: Scale Rounded Corners

Oct 14, 2013

I love that Photoshop CC has a way to modify rounded corners on rounded rectangles, but when I try to scale the rectangle with the transform tool, the rounded corners keep the same measurements rather than scale in proportion to the rectangle size. Is there an option that I'm overlooking here?

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Photoshop :: Square With Rounded Corners?

Jan 21, 2005

I'm trying to figure an easier way to change the coners on a rectangle so that they are rounded. I want the sides to remain straight though. Now I could use the pen tool and drag them,

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Photoshop :: Partially Rounded Corners?

Jan 3, 2005

I am trying to make an image have the shape like the one used on this webpage's navigation.

Initially, I thought I could acheive this by using the same technique you use for rounded borders, but since only two of the borders are round, I assumed that it could not be done this way.

So, now I'm assuming I have to use the pen tool in some way.

how or if the pen tool is even the right tool.

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Photoshop :: Transparent Rounded Corners

Dec 16, 2004

I am making a table with rounded corners, but i am having difficulty setting the transparency. I want the round part to be the color it should be...#9999CC and the outter part to be transparent. The problem I have is when I put this on a table, the blue part shows fine on a blue table, but the outter part shows white. When I put it on a background image the round part shows up transparent and the outter part shows up pure white. I want to get rid of the white space and have the background image be able to show on the outter part.

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Photoshop :: Rounded Corners Picture

Mar 10, 2004

I'm trying to find the proper way to round the corners of a picture I have. It's a normal picture but I would like to round the corners.

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Xara :: PNG Can Have Rounded Corners - JPEG Cannot?

May 12, 2013

I might have gotten bum information: I probably should have purchased Xara Photo and Graphic Designer MX 2013 but instead I bought Web Designer 9 Premium (someone told me all of the graphics stuff is included in the web versions)

that said... I need to make rounded corners of images, from what I've been able to garner: a PNG can have rounded corners, a JPEG can not the work around is said to be to add a border to the rectangular jpeg, then round the edges of said border, then color the border the same as the web background (effectively creating round corners of an object that really has 90 right angles)

So... I load up my rectangular image... then.. what are the steps to create a border (one that will permit me to do as described above)?

The youtube tutorials I've been able to find thus far, seem to be for older versions of Xara software and/ or they include some kind of ClipView tool that apparently the Web Designer does not include

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3ds Max :: Smoothing Corners Over Rounded Surfaces

Feb 13, 2013

I'm currently working on modelling a helmet with a little bit of detailing. I have this rim shape that curves around the back of the helmet, but there are supposed to be some hard corners near the back. Every time I try to sharpen the corners with support edges (using chamfers, using extrude with no height, adding edge loops) I always get these nasty corners. Check out the pictures. Is there any way to retain the round shape of the helmet while sharpening the corners?

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Photoshop :: How To Create Rounded Corners On Image In CS6

Sep 17, 2012

In the previsous version of Photoshop, I use to do the following so that my pictures had rounded corners:

Open a pictureClick the layer mask button twiceThen use the rectangle tool to get my rounded corners on the preloaded image - Presto, all done! 

This does not work in CS6. I just want to have rounded corners (radius 5) to my photos.

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Create Rounded Corners In PNG

Jan 18, 2013

I have an image that I would like to have rounded corners with a transparent .png background. What is the procedure to create this?

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Photoshop :: Change Radius Of Rounded Corners...

Mar 15, 2009


I have made a shape with the Rounded Rectangular Tool (U) with a radius of 7 px. How can I change the current button to have a radius of 10 px?

I can manage to get the Transform Controls to show, but cannot get it to change the radius.

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Photoshop :: Making A Square/box With Rounded Corners

Feb 8, 2005

how to make a square/box with rounded corners?

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