Illustrator Scripting :: AI CS6 - ScriptUI And Images With Transparency

Jan 3, 2013

ESTK for AI CS6 is already known to create problems (e.g. URL....).It’s possible that, in dialogs created with ScriptUI, AI CS6 also fails to display images with transparency properly. On my (Mac) system at least, such images appear with an aliased edge.
If this is true it’s doubly unfortunate, since with CS6 Adobe chose to make AI’s background interface colour adjustable—which makes interface images with transparency something of a requirement.
One workaround, which sadly negates the whole business of variable interface background colour, is to create dialog images with a background colour instead of transparency, and then force the dialog to display with the same background colour. For this technique we’re indebted again to Peter Kahrel’s invaluable ScriptUI for Dummies (URL...). Page 69 of that publication shows how to do this—for example: =,[0.5,0.5,0.7 5]);
The process is, to say the least, quirky: and, as Peter mentions, poorly documented by Adobe. But I hope it may be useful to others trying to use ScriptUI. The more I see of AI CS6 the more I like CS4! I develop scripts for CS6 using ESTK for CS4?

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Illustrator Scripting :: ScriptUI - Bring Palette To Front On Mac

Sep 15, 2012

on my Windows 7 home computer I am able to create UI progress bars and popup messages for my UI window and everything works just fine.  Now, I come to work on the Macintosh and they don't work so well.  In this question, I would like to learn if there is a technique to bring a palette to the front when one is created, such as for this progress bar example, on a Mac.  The palette appears deactivated and in back for me.  It is unseen most of the time because it appears in the center of the screen behind the window by default, and when I move my window we can see the palette but there is no progress bar going on.
As you can see in the screenshot, my main window is deactivated because I attempted to get the progress bar active by deactivating the main window, obviously not successful.  I also set the palette to active, which did not work.And, as I have implied, on my home computer on Windows things appear just as expected with the progress bar working and palettes appearing in front and active. 

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Put Cursor In ScriptUI Edittext Form

Sep 16, 2013

          ↑ : now                            ↑  : i want
 function getInfo(){
var win =new Window ("dialog");
  win.orientation = "column";
var first = win.add ("edittext", undefined, ""); = true;

i know ".active = true" is solution. But it's not working my script.
what is my fault?
How can i put cursor in ScriptUI edittext form?

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Make Auto Line Alignment In ScriptUI

Oct 14, 2013

I want that form recognize new line character. (like ')So I programmed like this. But it's not working.
var win =new Window ("dialog", "test");win.orientation = "column";
var form1 = win.add ("edittext", undefined, "");form1.onChanging = function(){  if("
") == true){ = true;  }}
var form2 = win.add ("edittext", undefined, "");
var form3 = win.add ("edittext", undefined, "");;

How can i make it auto line alignment in ScriptUI?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Using Javascript And ScriptUI To Create A Form That Brings In Symbol From Library

Feb 25, 2012

I've been trying to pull together the right info to use JavaScript to create a form to bring in particular symbols from the symbol library based on the variables taken from the form. I've taken bits and pieces from various sample scripts and tried to make this work, but my problem appears when I try to use conditionals.This is a limited version of what I want to do, but it is enough to get the point across.
1. I want to select a script that has various dropdown boxes. I would like the first dropdown to give me 3 options: 10, 13, 18
2. I would also like another drop down box that gives me three more options: single needle, double needle, and knife edge.
3. I would then like it to have an "ok" button and "Cancel" button.
4. From here when I click the ok button, a symbol is brought in from the library depending on what parameters were given to the form.
ex. If I selected 10 in the first drop down and double needle in the second, I would like "SYMBOL A" to be pulled from the library and centered on the artboard.ex. If I selected 13 in the first drop down and double needle in the second, I would like "SYMBOL B" to be pulled from the library and centered on the artboard.
I've gotten the UI to pop up and it works as planned as well as bringing in a symbol, my problem comes when I try to incorporate conditionals and functions.Here is my script.
var myDoc = app.activeDocument;var Pallette = new Window ("dialog", "Create a Shell"); Pallette.add ("statictext", undefined, "Fill Opening in Inches:"); Pallette.orientation = "row";var myDropdown =  Pallette.add ("dropdownlist", undefined, ["10", "13", "18"]);myDropdown.selection = 1;var myButtonGroup =  Pallette.add ("group");myButtonGroup.orientation = "column";var btnCreate = myButtonGroup.add ("button", undefined,

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Illustrator :: Filling Objects With Texture Images - Transparency?

Jun 14, 2012

I'm drawing some illustrations and want to fill overlapping objects with a paper texture. I have done this using the Transparency window and placing a paper texture image over each object. The problem is that where the objects overlap to create the whole picture, they are quite transparent and so you get the effect of layers of tissue paper. I want each object to look completely opaque, but despite opacity being set to 100% on each object, they don't.
I've tried filling the objects with lighter / darker paper texture images and tweaking the Transparency settings to Darker / Ligher / Soft or hard light, etc.

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Add Images In Multiple Artboards

Mar 1, 2012

I need to add images in multiple artboards (each image in different artboards)
Initially i added an artboard and placed the image
Dim illus_doc As Illustrator.Document

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Illustrator Scripting :: Placing FXG Images And Working With Symbols

Jan 20, 2012

Place fxg images in illustrator using applescript or actionscript? We spent a ton of time trying to troubleshoot it today and counldnt figure out why, but we couldnt seem to place them on a page. That and symbol scripting has been pretty tough to find any reference or examples of scripts.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Embed Multiple Linked Images?

Sep 27, 2012

I have been tying to figure out how I could easily embed multiple linked images easily. I have some 1000 .svg  images which have about 1-7 .tif images linked in to them. I now need to get those links embedded and becouse of the amount of images I'm hoping to make an action out of it. I have a script to embed single image in .svg but haven't have luck with multiple embeddings.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Export JPG A Series Of Images From AI File

Dec 13, 2012

I'm using a Javascript that will export as JPG a series of images from an AI file (that part is working fine), then rename them (that part isn't working). Writing and troubleshooting with Extendscript.
Trying to eliminate as many possible places to go wrong, I came up with the following:
myfile = new File; myfile = myfile.openDlg();
var newName = "";
When run targeting Illustrator, it does nothing.

When run targeting ExtendScript, for some reason this blasts the file into oblivion, never to be found again.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Automate Action Set - Selecting Raster Images

Mar 8, 2013

I would like to automate an action set that selects a raster image (linked file) that has been grouped with vector art and then converts that selected raster image into a vector (live trace)
I'm using cs5 on a mac. As far as format goes I have hundreds of eps files that all have at least one raster bitmap tif which was imported as a linked file and then grouped with vector art. So I will like to run a batch script command that will select only that bitmap raster image (because I want to maintain the present vector art in the file) and convert that bitmap tif to vector- and save the file which will hopfully be in vector format.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Batch Convert Vector EPS To PNG Images With Scale

Nov 29, 2011

I'm looking for a script/program that if you run it, all the .eps files in a folder will batch convert to a png-24 with 250% scale.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Get Names Of Placed Images Into Text File For Database?

Jan 7, 2011

I know nothing about scripting in Illustrator, but am willing and interested to give it a try if this sounds doable.  All we want are the names--just a simple list of the names, such as

7009 LL.eps
Rsb shadow design.psd
of placed images (in our Illustrator CS5 art) into text that we can either import (from a tab- or comma-delimited text file) or paste into our Filemaker database.
Right now everyone is RETYPING the names of all placed images into the database, with consequent mistakes, missed images, etc.  Then when we search our database to find which art uses a certain image...results are not to be trusted.
(If we could cut/paste from either the Links palette or Document Info, that'd be fine... but nope.  Not in Illustrator, although we were thrilled to see InDesign CS5 has "Copy Info For Selected Links", which is VERY useful.)  In Illustrator, we can export Document Info to a text file, but artists seem to find that long document too unwieldy, and they revert to typing the names, especially if they only have a couple of placed images... and then we're back to error-laden data no matter how careful they try to be.
Is such a script even possible?  If so, where/how might I start?  We're on iMacs with the Adobe CS5 suite (and Filemaker 11, if that matters).

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Illustrator Scripting :: Relink Multiple Images And Link Filename To Artboard

Jan 21, 2014

I have been looking for a solution to automate a printing and ordering process. I have a design template with 2 pages both 8.5x11 in size. One page represents the front and other the back for double sided printing. I have 6 different images per sheet so in my links panel I have 12 total links, 2 of each. I was wondering if there is a script to update all the links with the same filename with other image? Currently I have to search through all the images and update each one.
I have 6 artboards dividing the 8.5x11 sheet proportionatly. Each artboard represents a different order. Is there a script to write the linked filename to the bottom corner of each artboard?

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Resize Artboard To A4 Size And Images Placed In Center Of Artboard

May 23, 2013

i have around 500 eps formats images with different artboard size.
i need to resize the artboard to A4 size and the images to be placed in the centre of the artboard.

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Automate Importing Variable And Datasets Into Graphs Via Scripting

Dec 18, 2012

I'm try to automate the importing of the Varaible and datasets into my graphs via Scripting, but the ImportVaraibles() function doesn't seem to work.  Here is my Script, mostly copied from the example script provided with Illustrator (CS5).  And, this works manually, using the file names in the script, via Load Variable Library
    Set appRef = CreateObject(strIllistratorVersion)
       'Open the file and import the datasets
        Set docRef = appRef.Open(strTemplate & "")
Here is the problem, after I delete the previous library, then this next line, right from the example, does nothing
The script then exits with 'No Datasets in this document'
docRef.ImportVariables (strXMLFolder & "Lumber_200-500.xml")
'appRef.DoJavaScript "alert('Template:" & strTemplate & strRange & ".ai  |  XML file:" & strXMLFolder & ""  & objFile.Name & "^')"
        If (appRef.Documents.Count > 0) Then
            Set docRef = appRef.Documents(1)

If I remove that delete line, the script runs, but just uses whatever Variables I had last loaded, not the XML file.
It's simply not loading.  What do I need to do to get it to load?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Access Graph Data Through Scripting DOM?

May 6, 2012

Can you access graph data through the scripting DOM?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Create Mirror Text And Stroke Text In AI Scripting

Mar 16, 2013

the Script of creating mirror text and stroke text in Adobe illustrator scripting.

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GIMP :: PNG Images And Transparency

Apr 8, 2013

My Gimp version……2.6.8.

Until recently Gimp has either supported transparency of .png image files or automatically added an alpha channel to the image. This I don't know. I do a lot of rendering and have always been able to take a .png or convert any image type to a .png, create a path, and delete everything outside of the path and end up with a transparent background.

But something has changed where I must now manually add an alpha channel to a .png image in order to end up with a “transparent background”. what changed in Gimp that I can no longer just erase or delete a selected area of a png resulting in a transparent area?

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GIMP :: Preparing Images For The Web / Transparency?

Mar 11, 2012

I need to put images on websites such as headers, buttons, icons, just text and so forth.

I have saved my work first as .xcf for later editing. Then I save my work as .png that I have created with a transparent background. However, when I go to put them on the websites I am building there is Always a white background. ??

Even when I upload them to Photobucket there is a white background. But when I make .png images in Inkscape they load fine to Photobucket with no white background but again, when I try to put the Inkscape .png images on my websites they too have white backgrounds.

Also, when I save files with a transparent background as .gif and upload them to Photobucket the transparent background is there but the images look just awful. They are no longer smooth around the edges & look like the pixels are sticking out all around the images.

Also, when I save files as .gif and upload them to my websites they too have a white background. ??

I've been using Dropbox to send images to my biz partner and both the .png and the .gif are showing up with white backgrounds in Dropbox as well.

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GIMP :: Images Transparency Intact In PNG Format

May 22, 2012

I'm having trouble getting GIMP 2 to save some of my images with their transparency intact in .png format.

I've already performed the process of adding alpha layers and then removing the area I want to be transparent and then I've exported several images which have successfully retained their transparency.

I have three images, no different from any of the other twnty or so, that when I export them, do not retain ther transparency and instead fill in the entire background with white.

I've done other images before and since these three adn can't figure out why they're giving me trouble.

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Photoshop :: Scanned Transparency Images In CS5 Extended Size?

Jul 20, 2012

I'm relatively new to photoshop and I have been searching for a simple answer to this question.
I'm working with images scanned from 35mm transparency film and black and white negatives. The average size when opened in photoshop is .88inches width x 1.297inches height at 2000 pixels/inch. I'll be putting these images on the web as well as printing some. 
My question is:

Can I work with them as-is in photoshop and change the size later (for web, printing etc) or is there some general size I should change them too prior to working on them in photoshop CS5 extended?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Setting Background Transparency Color For Multiple Images

Sep 11, 2013

I have imported a number of raster images into a drawing and wish to turn the "blank" bits transparent. I can set them all to "Background transparency = YES" in the Properties bar, but as far as I can see I need to go through each one individually to set the relevant transparency color, since as soon as I select more than one tile the "Transparency color" tab disappears.

Is there a way to do a multiple select as the "blank" color is the same for all the tiles? I'm planning to use a lot of tiles and this will be incredibly laborious and inefficient otherwise. I am using Map 3D 2011.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Can't Turn Transparency Of Raster Images Off When Using Data Connect

Jul 23, 2012

I have a set of four images I am referencing into a drawing through the data connect feature found in Planning and analysis that overlap. I am running Civil 3D 2013. I would like to be able to clip the images as well as turn off the transparency but I can't seem to figure out how. If you select the images cadd thinks it is an image referenced outside of Data connect, but the clipping tool doesn't work, and it doesn't even matter if you de-select print transparency in the page setup, it still prints transparent. Is there another set of commands or tools that I am not aware of that allows you to edit an image brought in through the data connect?

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GIMP :: Transparency (Alpha To Selection) - Remove White Background From Images

Aug 20, 2011

For quite some time I've been trying to find the best way to remove a white background from images. I've checked out the sticky thread on this forum and as my image isn't of great quality and because it features quite a lot of white that won't apply.

Recently I found this tutorial which is supposed to work great (as seen in the comments). However, I think that because of a GIMP update that won't apply anymore somehow. I was hoping you guys might know what was causing it.

Everything works well until I get to step 7, where I have to select to Alpha. There it selects just the outlines, but my selection includes inner parts of the image, not just the background. And then after I invert and delete, the white that remains still has transparent parts that show up on the upper layer. So, am I doing something wrong with the Alpha to Selection, is that tutorial updated or is there a better way to remove the background from ie. a logo with just one background colour which isn't of great quality.

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Xara :: Copy / Paste Original Images And Converting To Reflections By Using Transparency Tool?

Jan 26, 2011

I am having problems trying to produce an image with reflections. I have been doing it in the past with Xara4. My procedure is to take a number of images, create copies of them, flip them then add transparency once they are in place as refelctions. These are all placed onto a dark background; reflections are stretching beyond the background at this stage. And in the past if I select all, then Arrange>Combine Shapes>Intersect Shapes then I can have the whole image without the transparent regions of the reflections. My plan is to have the background transparent and save all as a png to preserve the transparency on web. But it doesn't seem to happen in my latest attempts. Instead at the Intersect Shapes stage I get a tiny part of the background as my final image....

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Illustrator :: How To Set Transparency For New Paths

Nov 8, 2013

I trace a lot of line drawings in my work to add regions of color or to create a layered watercolor effect.
In previous versions on Illustrator (I currently use CS6 but I think CS5 worked the way I liked) I could set the opacity to whatever I wanted and new pencil or pen objects would be trasparent as I drew them. Now my paths are opaque no matter what my setting in the transparency menu and it's impossible to see what I'm tracing.
I used to be very productive drawing blobs of color and overlaying quickly for a nice watercolor effect, but now I have to draw a blob, select it and set it's opacity, then draw my next blob and do the same thing. Very time consuming and not good for quick evaluation of whether or not my image is looking good.

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Illustrator :: PNG Transparency NOT Working

Jun 10, 2012

For the past several months I have been struggling with a problem with Illustrator CS4:
1. I have an RGB document 167px wide by 169px high.
2. I have an icon in the document with a rectangle background of 167px wide by 168px high, aligned to the bottom of the artboard.
3. Using both the "Save For Web"" and "Export" options to save the file as a PNG, Illustrator "FILLS" the 1px transparent portion at the top of the image with the rectangle color.
Therefore, I have a PNG that is 167px wide by 169px high with a rectangle background that is also 167px wide by 169px high.
What I want is a PNG that is 167px wide by 169px high with a rectangle background that is 167px wide by 168px high with a 1px space at the top.
The output dimensions in the "Save For Web" dialog are correct and it even shows the 1px transparent space at the top in the preview area.
YES, I have "transparency" checked in the "Save For Web Options". I know HOW to save with transparency and have done so successfully countless times before.
It seriously just... stopped working. I fear I may have changed a setting that would cause this, but I cannot find anything that even relates to the transparency for a PNG other than the simple check box in the "Save For Web" dialog. I only saw one other forum where a user said Illustrator was "cutting off" the transparency, but that question remains unanswered as well.

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Illustrator :: How To Create A Transparency

Aug 19, 2013

create a transparency?

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Illustrator :: No Transparency On New Object?

Dec 18, 2013

I've just been semi-forceably updgraded from Illustrator 10 all the way to CS6, and I'm noticing some things that seem to behanve differently. I don't know if they're "normal" now or not, but any way to change, that would be fantastic.
The main thing is about transparency. When I select an object that is 50% transparent and then select the Pencil and start drawing, the resultant new object holds all of the appearance of the old object—stroke color, stroke width, fill color—but NOT the transparency. It always shows up 100% opaque. That forces me to then go and select the 50% transparency for every object I draw, which can be a lot.
Is there a setting that will allow new objects to "hold" the transparency setting of the previously selected object? Or do I really have to manually change the transparency of each and every one after drawing it?

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Illustrator :: Why Gradient Transparency Not Printing Right

Mar 25, 2013

When printing a vector illustration in PDF format, my gradients that fade to 0% over a surface aren't coming out right. The gradient appears like a box with a hard edge, rather than fading away. It looks like this when viewing the file , but when printed I am getting this . (don't mind the color, it is a bad quality photo)
I am using an HP z5200 postscript printer.

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