Illustrator SDK :: Multiple Selection In ADM Lists

Nov 15, 2011

I have an ADMHierarchyList and I need it to support multiple selection.  I see numerous places in the documention that indicate there is a way to set multiple selection (e.g. "... in a list that supports multiple selection..."), but don't see a way to actually set this behavior.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Cut Lists Or Sorted Material Lists

Mar 6, 2013

This morning the shop brought back a set of drawings and requested that I provide a cut list for the fab department. Our drawings consist of an assembly drawing and materials list on the first page with several individual parts on each of the following pages. I am looking at including a column in the ML for the operation ( laser, saw, shear) and sorting the list by it. However when I do this the Item Numbers on the list are all confused. If a person were to look at a balloon on a drawing and then attempt to find it in the list it would be difficult and time waster.

The questions.

1. Is there a way to renumber the item list after sorting the material?

2. If I place an assembly view off the edge of the sheet for each of the following sheets and then place a materials list on each sheet, is it possible to create a plugin that would find which parts are on the sheet and hide all the other parts on the list? I have just started going through the "my first plugin" tutorial and this sounds like a place where it should be useful but I don't know which tags I need to look for.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Align Multiple Parts Lists

May 22, 2012

Is there a way to align multiple Parts Lists?

I have an i Assembly with 7 distinct members.  I have a parts list displayed next to each member.  I had no problem getting the views to align, but am running into a wall with getting the Parts Lists aligned (other than just eyeballing it).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Multiple Part Lists In 1 Drawing

Jan 29, 2013

I am currently working on a product where I want to make 2 part lists in my drawing of the same assembly. The first parts list has to view all the parts that are always delivered with our product, and the second one has to show the optional parts and features that could be delivered with the product.

I want both lists to be categorized the same way (comments, material, name), I want the numbers of the list to be chronological (also I don't want the second parts list to start the numbering at 1) and I want both lists to stay connected with their balloons.

Is there any way this can be done, like adding or removing part links to the list manually?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Check If Layer Is In One Of Multiple Lists

Jul 18, 2013

I am trying to write a piece of a program that gets the layers from a drawing, and checks each one against a list of layers. If the layer is not a member of any of the lists it asks the user which layer list to add it to. This is what I have so far, but every time I try to run it I get a bad argument error.

(setq layerspresent (vla-get-layers (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))(setq i 0) (repeat (vla-get-count layerspresent)(setq thislayer (vla-get-name (vla-item layerspresent i)))(cond(((progn(or(= nil (member thislayer 0list))(= nil (member thislayer detaillist))(= nil (member thislayer clearancelist))(= nil (member thislayer clearanceelist))(= nil (member thislayer doorsdrawerslist))(= nil (member thislayer hiddenlist))(= nil (member thislayer hiddenelist))(= nil (member thislayer deletelist)))));ifs((progn(initget "0 DEtail CLearance CLEarance-e DOOrs-and-Drawers HIdden HIddEn-E DELete")(setq userchoice (getkword "


 Depending on the user's choice the layer gets written to an external file where the layer lists get their layers from in the beginning and then adds the layer to the relevant list to use later in the program.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Read Lines From A File And Save To Multiple Lists?

Jul 22, 2013

I am writing a program to grab a bunch of layers from a list, check a drawing to see if the layers are on the list, and if not save to an external file. I have the second part of the program done, but I can't get the first part to work.

I am trying to open a file read the contents and save it to a list.

Here is the code I have so far, but it doesn't even get into the foreach statement.
(setq layerslist (list '"0list" '"detaillist" '"clearancelist" '"clearanceelist" '"doorsdrawerslist" '"hiddenlist" '"hiddenelist" '"deletelist"))(setq count 0)(foreach thislayer layerslist (setq f (open (strcat "C:\filterlists\" thislayer ".txt") "r")) (while (/= (setq text (read-line f)) nil) (setq (read thislayer) (cond ( (= 0 count) (cons (cons 8 text) (read thislayer)))( (append (read thislayer) (list (cons 8 text))) ) );cond );setq (setq count (+ count 1)) );while (close f) );foreach
I've also attached one of the text files. Im doing something in the wrong order, or I have something inside the wrong set of parenthesis.

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Illustrator :: Direct Selection Tool To Select Multiple Objects

Nov 21, 2013

When I use the direct selection tool to select multiple objects that also contain an image within a clipping set, occasionally the clipped image is included in the bounding box, even if it and its clipping mask are not selected.  Selecting other objects includes them in the bounding box, but even after deselecting everything the bounding box around the image remains and the only way to remove it is to drag a handle (which resizes the image) and then undo the action.  Obviously this is annoying and seriously interrupts workflow.  I've had this issue ever since CS4.

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AutoCad :: Insert Separate Files In Model Space In Essence Creating Multiple Cut Lists For Drawing

Feb 22, 2013

working with acad 2012 and not having good luck with links and functionality with excel. tried the links manager,pasting excel/entities. trying to insert separate files in model space in essence creating multiple cut lists for the drawing. Is there a tutorial that goes in depth with this? just froze one file at work, lucked out and opened at home. Each cut list is an individual worksheet, which may be the problem.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Multiple Grip Selection Not Working When Pan Or Zoom During Selection

Jul 12, 2011

When I select a hatch or polyline or any object with grips for that matter, and hold down shift to select multiple grips on the object or objects and then press my middle mouse button to pan or scroll it to zoom, the grips that I have selected de-select, meaning I have to set up the view so that all the grips I want to move are visible before selecting them.

This is only happening on some drawings (although it is most of them) and only when I use 2012 not 2011. Which system variable it is that has gone screwy that I need to reset? or is it something else?

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Photoshop :: Multiple Selection

Jan 27, 2007

How do I multiply select 2 or more layers using PS2?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Multiple Selection Within Group

Mar 29, 2011

Is there a way I can do a multiple selection from within a group (without ungrouping)?

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3ds Max Modeling :: How To Set Value To Multiple Vertex Selection

Jan 29, 2012

I would like to know if it's possible to set a value to a multiple vertex selection.

Exemple : I have 15 vertex selected with different values on z axis.

I want to set all vertex to -100mm for exemple (in one action).

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Illustrator :: Selection Tool Suddenly Acting Like Direct Selection Tool During Click-and-drag

Aug 22, 2012

This morning, my Selection Tool (the filled-in arrow) is acting like a Direct Selection Tool (the hollow arrow), but only when I click and drag on a group.  It ends up select the anchors within the group rather than the whole group itself.
I've checked my preferences, quit and relaunched Illustrator a few times, and nothing seems to fix it.  The problem briefly went away a few minutes ago, but came back when I quit and relaunched for good measure.
It's happening in Illustrator CS 5.1.  I have CS6, and that version works fine, but I'm waiting on some plugins to be updated for it, so I'd like to use CS 5.1.  I'm also running the latest Suitcase Fusion 4.

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Photoshop :: Making A Selection Around Multiple Layers

Jun 26, 2012

Before I start looking for work on transforming PSD's into working websites, I would like to learn some of the functions and features of Photoshop Creative Suite 5.1.  
I recently learned:

Ctrl + Win + Click on Desired Layer… To make a selection around the layer 
Then I clicked on, "Refine Edge"… I was able to make a perfect selection around what I wanted using this feature. Very nice, by the way.  
There were multiple layers, I merged the visible ones to make one layer. All of the stuff that makes up the banner, at the top of the page. My question is:
Can I make a selection around multiple layers, i.e. buttons, other pictures, etc.?
Side note question:

Does the document size have any effect on the overall size? Meaning: let's say that banner up top is 775 pixels across & maybe about 450 pixels tall… That's about the size of the image (the selected layer). The document size is laying on, is also 775 pixels across… But, 950 pixels tall. Will that document size have any effect on load time for a webpage?

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Photoshop :: How To Move A Selection In Multiple Layers

Jun 29, 2012

people want to move multiple layers together. I know how to do that. I want to move a selection in two (or more) layers together. I'd also love to know how to use the free transform tool on a selection box in multiple layers.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Selection Filter On Multiple Layers?

Apr 25, 2012

to select object on a single layer

Dim strLayer as string = "road"acTypValAr.SetValue(New TypedValue(DxfCode.LayerName, strLayer), 2)  

how do you select all objects on multiple layers

Dim strLayer as string = "road,sidewalks"acTypValAr.SetValue(New TypedValue(DxfCode.LayerName, strLayer), 2)  

the above does not work. how do you select all objects on multiple layers?

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Photoshop :: Multiple Layer Selection On Canvas

Oct 23, 2005

Can you select multiple layers on the canvas rather than by doing it in the layer dialog?

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Photoshop :: Multiple Layer Selection Not Working

Apr 28, 2009

I can select individual layers either in the Layer Palette or on the canvas with no problem. It's when I use the selection tool with Shift, Cntrl, or Alt that I cant get more than one layer selected. I want to group and lock layers together so I can scale down the group to a maller image size. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Multiple Selection For Ncopy

Jul 23, 2013

Ncopy let us to copy object from blocks without explode but I couldn't select object multiple or by window selection..

what I can do to select multiple while using NCOPY command.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Selection Of Multiple Nested Entities?

Jan 11, 2013

There are blocks in the drawing, each containing several nested entities. Need a command which would find all the nested entities which got into the selection area provided by user (not necessary to select entities, just get the ids). GetNestedEntity() does what I need but for a single entity only. 

Selection of 'Trim' command does exactly what I need. How could I achieve the same behaviour?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Cannot Store Multiple Selection Sets

Nov 15, 2012

From the AutoDESK docs [URL] ......

"AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets. Add method
Not needed/provided" in VB.Net

Thus 'Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application. DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.SelectionSets' will not work.

So, I can't store multiple selection sets in VB.Net?

Why is it not provided? Or is there some other way to do that?

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AutoCad 2D :: Selection Deselection Multiple Picking?

Mar 22, 2012

All of a sudden my Cad is now not allowing me to select multiple items one at a time without deselected the ones before. Everytime I select a new item to move it, the grips off of another item I would be moving would deselect. Where is the setting to set this back to where I can individually select multiple items without AutoCad deselecting the what I had selected already.

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Lightroom :: Selection Of Multiple Folders And Collections In 4?

Mar 22, 2012

With LR 3.6 I could filter folders or collections with other collections, using "Ctrl + [collection]".
In LR 4 (Windows) this does not work.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Multisheet PDF With Multiple Selection Of Windows In Modelspace?

Sep 30, 2013

i'm trying to create a routine, where i can select multiple windows in modelspace, and the plot a multisheet pdf.but I'm having trouble to create multiple pages, it only generates 1 page

I have modified sourcecode from Kean Walmsley:


- this routine creates a single-page pdf with only the last selected window.

- the pc3-file I use is able to create multisheets because the original routine with paperspace works fine

- I think it has maybe something to do with the pi.Layout = lo.Id ?
<CommandMethod("mplot2")> Public Sub MultiSheetPlot2() Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim ed As Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput.Editor = doc.Editor Dim db As Database = doc.Database Dim tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() Using tr Dim bt As BlockTable = DirectCast(tr.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead), BlockTable) Dim pi As New PlotInfo() Dim piv As New PlotInfoValidator() piv.MediaMatchingPolicy = MatchingPolicy.MatchEnabled ' A PlotEngine does the actual plotting ' (can also create one for Preview) If PlotFactory.ProcessPlotState = Autodesk.AutoCAD.PlottingServices.ProcessPlotState.NotPlotting Then Dim pe As PlotEngine = PlotFactory.CreatePublishEngine() Using pe ' Create a Progress


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AutoCAD 2010 :: Multiple Selection Of Objects By One Type

May 11, 2012

 My question is, if there any tool /command, utility in autocad to select all objects of one type at one time : for example all text objects or all dimention objects  if these objects on different layers and have different properties. in my work I have to insert many blocks(not annotative) or parts of drawings which were created by other people and have different from mine settings and properties of text and dimention objects. the insertions add so many layers and objects that I spend lots of time to correct them and to figure it  out.

is there any way( command, utility) to select and manage all of these  objects at one time?

P.S.i think it is very unconvenient that the  plain autocad  does not have dimentions and text as families or some sort of groups that s easy to manage.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Export Multiple ARTBOARDS To Multiple JPGs (AppleScript)

Apr 9, 2012

I´m aware that Illustrator doesn´t have multiple artboards options for JPG as it does with eps, or other formats, but is there any workaround for this? Looping current artboard and exporting them to JPG or something.  Or maybe there is someway to force the   "save multiple artboards:true" in JPG?
export document currentDoc to file exportFolder as JPEG with options ¬
{class:JPEG export options ¬
, quality:100 ¬
, artboard clipping:true ¬
, artboard range:1 - 2 ¬
, save multiple artboards:true}

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Illustrator :: Delete Multiple Layers By Selecting Multiple Object?

Jan 25, 2014

I'm going to connect my AI file to After effect. So I had to create lots of layers in order to edit them seperatly in After effects. But it seems like my amount of layers are too large because AE always crashes (not responding -> Force quit)
So I wanna break some stuff down in multiple AI files, but I don't wanna go and select every layer and delete it. That would take too much time. Is there a way to select the multiple objects in Illustrator and delete that but also its layer its in?

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Photoshop :: How To Use Same (selection) Paths In Multiple Images For Batch Processing

Mar 9, 2013

I have a whole bunch of photos I need to batch process, but, when creating an action for this, I stumbled upon the problem that the paths I selected with the pen tool, and saved under the "Paths" tab need to be in every image for to be used in the action.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Create Selection Set And Get Insert Point Of Multiple Blocks

Jul 3, 2012

What I am trying to do is create a selection set of blocks with the same name. Then step through the selection set and if the block has an attribute "Tag" with a Specific "Value" then get the insert point.

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Illustrator :: Multiple Sublayer With Multiple Gradient Meshes?

Nov 1, 2012

I successfully finished my first gradient mesh… Now, I tried to create another gradient mesh… As a sublayer under a parent layer called left eye… The left pupil was a sublayer also…
Illustrator through a fit when I try to do this… It went ahead and let me create the sublayer and gradient mesh, but… It wouldn't let me color the second sublayer/gradient mesh…
The newly created sublayer/gradient mesh had the same color as the first sublayer (the same color being the small horizontal tower that colors your different layers).
Maybe I'm just missing a step somewhere, to be able to have multiple sublayer with multiple gradient meshes?
I'm fairly new to illustrator and graphic designer, but… I'm starting to pick up on the features pretty quickly.

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Revit :: Doesn't Support Multiple Selection In Material Edition Dialog

Aug 27, 2010

Currently Revit doesn't support multiple selection in Material edition dialog, so when user wants to delete multiple materials, he/she has to select one, delete, then one again and again. It's really tedious and waste lots of time.


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