I usually make a 6 petal flower shape by creating a petal, flipping a copy and rotating 2 copies at 60 degrees. (at left, below). But I want to make a 5 petal flower and cannot figure out how to do that. let's say I have an elongated oval and I want to rotate 4 more copies at 72 degrees. And I want it to be "mathematically perfect / evenly spaced, using the black dot as the point of rotation. how would i do that? On the right - you can see what i am aiming for, but there's no way to be perfect doing it by hand.
I've used the blend tool to create 10 circles going from smallest at the top > largest at the bottom. When I Align > Distribute evenly on the vertical axis - the circles aren't evenly spaced. I'm guessing ai is doing the math from the centerpoint? How can I get them distributed so that the space between each circle is the same. F- 10 px from the top of one circle to the bottom of the one above it.
When I create a shape, like a rectangle, it starts out slightly rotated or skewed. When I take another shape, like a half circle, and reflect it, it rotates at a slight angle. This happens every time I start a new file. I don't see rotation in the appearance panel. When I look at the transform panel it lists rotation at zero. Yet all of my shapes tilt down and to the right.
I would like to use a vector object made in AI as a custom shape to be used as a cookie cutter in elements.. I imported the AI file in photoshop but the "define custom shape" entry under "edit" was grayed out.
When I use "object/blend/replace spine" it will distribute the objects evenly around the circle, but with no rotation. My issue is that I have objects shaped like people and would like them evenly around the circle, but rotated correctly so that their feet are all touching the circular path and their heads are always facing out. How can I achieve this?
I am working on a personal data visualization project but currently stuck and can't go forward. As you can see below in the image, I created all my data bars and tried to distribute them on a 360 degree path myself.
But clearly, I couldnt able to create a perfect 360 path.
All of the bars are each group objects on their own. I am sure there is a way to distribute them perfectly on Illustrator but I cant find it. There is a option on Blend>Replace Spine but it is not active.
I am fairly new to Illustrator, currently working on a project involving circular return address lables. On the labels, the address text follows a circular path with bullets between the name, street, and city/state/zip. Now that I've entered all of the text onto the curved path, how do I distribute it evenly along that path? In other words, how do I ensure that the same amount of space exists at the beginning and end of my line of text? Right now, there is "leftover" space at the end of the address.
I'm working in Adobe Illustrator CS6 and neither the Distribute Spaces Option nor Distribute Object Option are working.It doesn't seem to matter if it's a print or web document. Doing the same thing to the same document/graphics in CS5.1 works perfectly.
Copypasteing the correctly distributed objects from CS5.1 to CS6 works ok, and if i then repeat the Distribute spaces option nothing changes and it stays correctly distributed. (read: it doesn't badly distribute like before)
Completely unlike the way Illustrator worked in previous versions, when I rotate a shape (say a square) that has a gradient in it, the gradient does not rotate with the object. For example if it is a black to white gradient and initially the black is at the bottom of the square, if I rotate the square instead of the gradient moving to the top, it stays at bottom. Same thing if its rotated to other rotations, 45 degrees moves the black to a corner etc. I can't find this anywhere, is it a preference? I've had 2 installs of Illustrator now on 2 clean Windows 7 installs and its still the same. A very frustrating workflow being that I am an animator, I don't want to have to manually change a gradient everytime I do another frame.
I need to create a text with a rectangle background and a coloured border around this rectangle. Here is what I do:
- I create a text - I select the text and add a fill and a stroke that I then transform into a rectangle - I now have my "label" as I want it to be but now I need to rotate it.
Problem is I can rotate the text but fill and stroke don't follow, they remain horizontal and just adapt so that it still fits the text. As a result I have a rotated font with a big rectangle box. Can I rotate fill+stroke with the text?
I am trying to work out how to rotate a pattern swatch without that rotation affecting all the other pattern swatches on my palette. I don't want the rotation to apply to just one instance of fill, I want to edit the actual swatch so that whenever it is used in the future, that rotation is applied.
I have tried the obvious - eg going to object, transform, pattern only... and it works, but it also rotates all my other swatches; and I can't work out if it's rotating it for just that object or if it's actually updating the pattern swatch orientation.
Additionally some comprehensive tutorials on making patterns using the updated CS6 software - everything I've found so far just raises further questions for me. I'm talking about, for example, being able to change the width or rotation of a stripe within a pattern and have it still tile seamlessly.
how to rotate an extrusion a specific number of degrees. I can easily do it with Isometric views and the preprogrammed Off-Axis views. However, I just chose a random rotation.
In the example below, I made some stairs. Getting them to go in the opposite direction is easy - I just mirror the profile. However, I can't figure out how to properly rotate the stairs 90 degrees.
How to calculate these? I'm sure there's a way, but my brain can't get over it. I'm used to working in 3D modelling software where you can rotate based off a relative plane, not the fixed plane that Illustrator uses.
I am trying to rotate the stroke on an end point of a line that I've drawn. Is there a way to do this while keeping the line in tact?
Desired Effect:
Notice the top point on this line. I've faked the rotation that I'm talking about. Is this possible to do without destroying the line, adding a white element above it to look like I cut if off, etc.?
I have a square object I want to rotate in Illustrator CS6. The object wants to rotate from the center. I want to rotate it from one of the corners. How do I change the reference point from which to rotate around?
CS4 Bug - Rotating jpg gets center stretched and size expanded.
What happens is I have a jpeg in a separate layer. I then shrink it to overlay on another layer. I begin to shrink and rotate it, and then at some point (seemingly a certain angle) during rotation the image's bounding box gets stretched like 500% or some gross number. How do I stop this from happening?
I placed a .psd image in Illustrator CS5 at 100% at 600ppi. My link information is telling me that it is at 600ppi. But when I do a 90degree rotation, my link information is now telling me that I have a picture resolution of 859ppi x 420ppi. Why is that? From what I know and learned, a resolution doesn't change except when we change the scaling of an image but not rotating it.
This made me wonder because when we receive files from customer with embed images, how can I know that this image wasn't rotated and that the link informations panel is giving me the right numbers?
I have been messing with a simple black rectangle and when I transform it, jagged edges appear. This is the base for a logo for web. I have anti-alising checked in pref. The logo looks horrible and blurry/jagged on the edges even when previewed on several screens from pc to mac.
this is also happening with text, that has been made an object (top of text seen in the rectangle.)
How would I go about creating a shape with a donut hole in the middle, which contains nothing. I don't want to layer it. I simply want a donut, with, let's say a black fill and a hole in the middle which would allow a photo to be seen. Something like a frame.
I have a series of objects that I have created - 8 in all that I want to wrap around a circle shape.I have tries creating an art brush but the shapes gets badly distorted.
I am working with couple big shapes on my document, and some of them are so big that they out of my document borders. It is quite annoyes me because I always looking at my work and when I see thing I dont need outside working area is disturbes mes. What to do so I could hide them ?
I am trying to paste 3 shapes from Illustrator into Photoshop. The shapes are layered; I need them to be separate layers in PS. I am copying the shapes from AI and pasting into PS as separate Shape layers. The problem is that when I paste the shape layers, the position in which they land on the canvas is not consistent... they don't line up properly. This means I will have to manual reposition the shapes in Photoshop?
(as a side note, I'm baffled that there is not way to export my AI document as a PSD, and retain the layers as vector shapes... exporting to PSD requires I rasterize the artwork. Has this been added to CS6?)
how to adapt text on shapes.i have taken this building with a rounded shape and trying to map the text to look realist 3d,as if its mapped to the front and side of the building.so far im only going in circles and ive tried,scew and wrap tools.also mapping the text using the 3d feature,but still looks unaccomplished.
how can i get rid of these unwanted white spaces between two shapes in illustrator.İ spend my whole week to fix this, i tried everything but didn't work. İt's not something about antialiasing, when i import these shapes to photoshop or another programs, i'ts looking worse.
The rectangle will not to the circle correctly or evenly. This has been happening too much recently and I move on and find a way around it. I've had enough though.
I've turned off and on Snap to point, Snap to grid, Smart guides. Everytime I drag the rectangles edges to the circles, they magically somehow snap back to the original spot or further than I wanted it.
Nothing fixes it. I'm extremely furious! Why is the edge of my circle able to be there but not the edge of the rectangle? I've even tried to increase and decrease the shapes. Still, nothing.
I'm new to illustrator and having trouble with changing the background color of the working board. I'd like to see how my very simple shapes look under dark conditions (black background).
So, while I was able to change the color of the background, my shapes, along with their fill colors, just disappeared. They're there, "behind" the background and I can't / don't know how to bring them to the front.
Is there a way to darken the color of multiple shapes all at once? Eg, If I had a number of shapes all in different, pastelle colors and wanted to see how those shapes would look in more prominent, darker vertions of themselves, how would I do that?
E.g., turning the light purple of the shape below to the dark purple in the image.