Illustrator :: PNG Export At High Resolution But Keep Pixel Size To 500x700
May 30, 2013
Artwork is done at 5x7in, i want to export this as a PNG for print purposes however the more i increase the ppi the bigger the pixel size. I want to export it at a high resolution but keep the pixel size to 500x700.
Is this possible?
Currently to achieve the 500x700 pixel size i change the ppi to 104, if i switch off anti alias then its fine for straight lines and shapes, however if i have a line or shape at an angle it gives these shapes a jagged edge!
I was designing a Business Card using Illustrator and after finish when I was trying to save the project like an .eps with High Resolution the program didn't work and gave me an error "Stopped working" , I tried again and the same happened..
I have a screen capture video which is 1024x768. I want to edit it and export as .mp4 in its same resolution--1024x768. You would think this would be easy, but it's grayed out. I tried Settings, create a custom export format and it was grayed out there too. How do I export my 1024x768 video as 1024x768 .mp4?
I have started offering the option to buy high resolution pictures to cd. File Settings, Image Size, Output Sharpening - so many boxes and not sure which to check or leave unchecked A couple of the pictures I cropped to 4x6 but the others are all the original as I shot them.
I do a lot of animations so I create FG maps and freeze them. I normally render at 1280 x 720 and create my FG maps at 480 x 270 and samples per pixel at min 4 max 64.
Does samples per pixel effect FG maps. I read somewhere it doesn't and that you can quite happily render FG maps at min 1/64 max 1/64. Which would increase the speed of the crateing FG maps.
Would I be better lowering my samples per pixel and highering my output size?
I'm usually in a constant battle with flickering especially with folaige
I am getting black pixals that show up around my photo when I export to PDF High Quality Print and print. Some of my other photos have the pixals show up when I open them up in preview but they are white. How are you able to get rid of these?
Here is the image. If you click on it you will see the white pixals.
i have a client who needs a big image (2000x2830) resizing to 595x842 and saving to a .pdf file and still keeping its high quality resolution even when its zoomed in on. So far i have resized the image (just using IMAGE-IMAGE SIZE and put in the numbers 595x842) but it has lost its quality when zoomed in although it does look good at 100% but i need it to look good even at 500-600%.
I am trying to export PDFs of drawings with a high resolution image covering almost an entire A1. I realize of course that the file will be very large but it is much larger than I feel it should, and there are also some discrepancies.
The original image is around 100 MB, but only about half is visible in the viewport, so the PDF should be around 50 MB if there is no compression (only negligible amounts of text and lines besides the image), however if I plot it to a PDF using Adobe PDF, setting the resolution to 300 dpi and medium JPEG compression the resulting file is 150 MB. If I choose 72 dpi and low JPEG compression the file looks very bad and compressed but is still around 40 MB in size. This is far too large considering the amount of compression visible in the image, it looks like a 500 KB file tops.
However if I use the DWG to PDF printer instead of the Adobe PDF I can get a very good looking file at around 2,5 MB. Very suitable for printing, but the compression shows if you look up close in the computer (which is a requirement for these files). The odd thing here is that it makes no difference what resolution I set it to, 150 DPI to 1200 DPI creates the same looking file at exactly the same size. I'd like to be able to create a 2,5 MB file to email and a very high quality file for archivation, but not 150 MB large.
Another odd thing is that if I print another file but with the same type of image (a different facade) with 1200 DPI I get a very high quality file of 40 MB, but if I repeat the exact steps and settings for the first file I end up with a 150 MB file. Of course some differences in the image would account for some of this, but not nearly of this magnitude. I deleting everything from the large file and copying in the content from the small file, and successfully printed a 40 MB file again, so there doesn't seem to be some setting or bug in the file I am printing from, rather something in the original file with the image that I have Xref'ed.
How I would go about creating a very high quality file that doesn't bloat up way more than the original image? A 40 MB file is great considering the images are huge, but I can't get this result consistently.
I have created a flier in Illistrator (CS6). I want to output a high res PDF, and went through the print window so I could customize it, rather than just 'save as PDF'. Now I can't find a way of converting the ps. file into the finished PDF product. Does distiller still exist? I don't have the acrobat suite and need this output swiftly.
I am having trouble exporting a graphic in high-res format. The artwork I created is 2 inches by 2 inches in Illustrator, which is the size it will be when printed. When I export the file, I choose png and select '300 ppi,' leave anti-aliasing as 'none,' and use a transparent background. However, when I import the graphic into other applications (word, etc) the graphic is blurry and, in no way, high-res. I've tried exporting it as a PDF and get (from what I can tell with the naked eye) the same output. It might also be worth noting that I get a blurry output even inporting the .ai file, too. I've checked the Illustrator document resolution and it is set to maximum (300).
When I save the file as EPS , I want to enable all the options in EPS Options Pallet. I have enabled all options except setting high resolution in Transparency option.
URL....I am editing thousands of images that need to be exported as High Res .eps's. Is there a way to make [High Resolution] the default rather than [Medium Resolution] ?
I am making a large back drop with a collage of photos of people. each image ranges from 8x12 to 16x 20....the photos I got from the professional photographers are showing up fine. My photos, taken with a 5D in Raw and exported at high res are showing up grainy...not sharp! I tried the raster settings like a friend suggested and set it to 150ppi or even 300ppi and no change..
I'm having extreme trouble creating a high-res 3d wrapped image. Here [URL] .... is the image.
You can see that the 3d rendering is only a few points, all smooth curves. My raster effects settings are high (CMYK 300PPI). The symbol image that I've wrapped is a 300PPI JPG file created from Photoshop, saved as a JPG, then placed and embedded in AI. Yet that text is atrocious. You can even clearly see the poor anti-aliasing colors that are going on. Several letters are not able to be read at all.
I've tried rasterizing the object using high res settings, anti-alias on and off. I've tried copy/pasting as a smart object into Photoshop. I've tried almost everything I can think of and I can't get this text to appear crisp on the bottle. It's a simple bottle, only 4 or so points and there are only 3 possible surfaces to map. I deliberately drew it that way to reduce any drag on the system. I'm on a 2009 iMac running Mountain Lion and 16GB RAM, i5.
This issue has plagued me honestly for months and I always end up doing a significant amount of retouching in Photoshop because of it. I'd like to create a crisp 3d wrap in AI if possible to hasten my workflow.
Maybe the answer is that AI isn't really suited and I need to look into a more dedicated 3d program.
OK, I'm creating a tradeshow graphic for a client. I designed the whole thing in Illlustrator CS6. But for the proof, I used a low res image of the sky (before we purchased it). Everyone was happy. It was a low-res RGB image imported into Illustrator, then the whole thing was exported as a pdf.
Once they approved it, I purchased the high res image. RGB. Same image... just high res. I popped it into the Illustrator file and exported it in exactly the same way. But now, the image looks much more purple. The low res pdf showed it as much brighter, lighter blue.
My client prefers the lighter blue. When I look at the two images in Photoshop, they look the same (in terms of color). should I be worred? Why is there such a color difference?
When I open a high resolution image in Ai they look somewhat distorted and choppy. They are jpeg files that I am placing in order to envelope distort onto a mesh. For some reason any bitmap image I open with Ai looks like this. However, when I open the same image with Acrobat Pro or Ps the image looks perfect. Images are RGB in both apps.
Image in Ps or Acrobat Image in Illustrator
There most be something in Illustrator that is causing this. Images are being embedded and cannot be linked since they need to be distorted. I am runnung CS6 on Intel iMac Maveriks.
I'm trying to create a high resolution version of a low resolution texture used in a game. I've found a pattern that I think is acceptable, from a real image.Now the question is this: how can I colorize the large image to that it is as resemblant as possible to the original one? I've tryed a simple colorize, but the result is not so good...
I am a Photoshop newbie and I have a series of graphics (all 72dpi from a website) that I would like to print in 300dpi. Is it possible to take a 72dpi .jpeg or .gif file and easily convert it to a higher resolution printable graphic? If Photoshop can't do it, is there any type of program that can?
I'm making some graphics to be printed on a car. I have some lines with outer glow on them, but Illustrator won't render these unless I use 72DPI in raster effects reslution. I would like to go higher, but it won't give me anything. Guessing it's to heavy for Illustrator maybe? Is there anything I can do about this? I'm making my graphics in 1:1 scale, but I do it in a lower scale since it's just vector art anyway, however how would that effect my glow? Since it's a raster effect.
I export high res TIFFs and PSDs a lot from Illustrator. One option is EMBED ICC PROFILE. I'm going to PS to build my composite. When should I embed the profile, and when shouldn't I?
When I open in PS, even if I don't Embed, doesn't PS know what colorspace the doc was created?
I have designed something in Illustrator at 5x7in i want to export this as a PNG to keep its transpareny and its going to be used on a website, however exporting this as it is at 72ppi just isnt clear enough. Is it possible to export this as a PNG at 300ppi but keep the original pixel density?
I have a Mac OS X version 10.8.2 and Adobe Illustrator CS6.
When i save a file "for web" as a jpeg with a specific pixel size (320x50 for example) and then send it by email to someone, when they open it the dimensions somehow change. Even though on my mac when i "get info" from the jpeg the dimensions are correct.
I created a graphic to use on the web (72 dpi), client called and now they want to print it postcard size so they can mail it out. The Original image is 480 x 611.
Most of it is just text and a few rectangle marquee boxes to give color. There are three pictures used. What's the quickest way to replicate this? can I just create a new document at 300dpi and drag all my layers(except the pictures) into it from the low res one or do I have to recreate everything?
I just installed CS6 and am trying to save a high resolution PNG in Photoshop. When I go to File > Save As there is no longer a PNG option available. How do I save a high resolution png?
This may seem a simple issue , but i want to make a picture that is 140mm by 170mm using an existing hi res image , i've put the sizes into a new document in ps.
I then dragged the high res photo i need into Photoshop, the photo is 6144pxl by 4113pxl so is very large, but when i drag it to PS it goes really small about a quarter of the size of the new document template, i then drag the image to to my new correct sized document template but i have to enlarge it , which in turn makes it go blurred.
Now that I've build my slideshow using VS x4, I'd like to merge a copy of the hi res pics in a top level folder of the ISO master. I was not successfull at creating the VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders, adding another "PICS" folder and burning them to a DVD.