Illustrator :: PDF File - Portrait To Landscape View
Sep 16, 2013I opened a PDF file that is in landscape and it shows up in portrait view, so I can't edit it easily, since it is sideways. How can I change the vew?
View 2 RepliesI opened a PDF file that is in landscape and it shows up in portrait view, so I can't edit it easily, since it is sideways. How can I change the vew?
View 2 RepliesWhen i change from portrait too landscape the drawing still prints in portrait. What can i do too solve this?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a document with two pages, and each page is two pages wide.
The document needs to be four pages on top of one another, but I don't know how to convert the original. I know how to change landscape/portrait views in Preferences, but the document itself is two pages wide.
if I have a portrait photo and want to change it to a landscape photo. I used resize to change the the dimensions of the photo but the results make the photo a bit distored.
View 1 Replies View RelatedOur company is setting up the Publish command to utilize the different title blocks within the Layout Tabs so we can create one file PDF(Multisheet). Our title blocks vary from sometimes been all portrait to on other occasions been a mix of both portrait and landscape layouts.
The issue that has arisen is the following example:
Layout 1 - Portrait
Layout 2 - Landscape
Layout 3 - Portrait
When creating the PDF using the publish command it doesn't not recognise the Landscape format therefore is not creating the Multisheet function or creating this function but the rotation of Layout 2 in the example is portrait. Where as when they are all Portrait sheets it creates 1 file which is what we are after.
i have a lovely picture that is taken in landscape and i want to change it to portrait so i can print it and hang it. how do i do this with out losing qualtiy in the print.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do you change a picture from portrait to landscape in Photoshop CS5?
View 4 Replies View RelatedPhotoshop is opening my landscape shots from my digital camera in portrait format. The thumbnail is landscape and Illustrator and all my other programs open it landscape.
View 5 Replies View RelatedCan gimp change the picture from landscape to portrait. Like when u rotate the camera 90 degrees while snapping the picture. Tried all kinds of options/preference in gimp but printer (hpc6280) just will not rotate a 4x6 print. I believe it works with 11.8.5 paper (not sure).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI noticed a weird preview bug in Lightroom 4.3 under Windows 7.
In Library mode, preview window set for single large preview:
1. Hit a portrait-oriented photo in the filmstrip below. The photo is previewed properly (sharply)
2. Hit a landscape-oriented photo in the filmstrip below. The photo preview is blurry
3. Hit another landscape-oriented photo in the filmstrip below. The photo is previewed sharply
4. Hit the landscape-oriented photo from step 2 again. The photo is previewed sharply
Every time I hit a landscape-oriented photo immediately after a portrait-oriented photo, the photo is previewed blurry. But if the same landscape-oriented photo is previewed immediately after another landscape-oriented photo, then everything is fine.
In other words, previewing a portrait-oriented photo screws up the preview for the next landscape-oriented photo. It looks like not every portrait-oriented photo has this effect. But the ones that do have this effect consistently in 100% cases.
I read the list of fixes in the upcoming 4.4 version and they mention the fix for blurry previews on Mac only.
I have also tried using photomerge in CS5, and the same results occur. I used a stable tripod and made sure that both the camera and the tripod was level.
View 16 Replies View RelatedI have download the offical template 075 -080 HD-project template and like it so much. But I am having problem changing some of the picture to portrait so as to fit my pictures. I have try two ways of changing it
1. Directly replacing the picture with my portrait picture but black strips on are both sides.
2. Adding new portrait pictures to the project and copying the attribute (less the size ) over to my picture but the attributes does not fix properly to the pictures. The picture change to a tiny small picture.
Why when I add picture to the timeline on the track it always go to the end of the timeline and I have to move them back to the specific timeline. How to to quickly change the pictures from landscape to portrait and how to add pics to timeline without pics moving to the end of the line.
I am trying to figure out a way to automatically crop a photo to say 4x6 INDEPENDENT of whether it is landscape or portrait while running a batch script. This is after I have done all my editing on the file (the first thing being that I turn the portraits the correct way).
I can sort (using windows) the file size and that tells me which are portraits and which are landscapes. I then create two directories, move the files to the appropriate directory and then run the crop script (making sure the horizontal and vertical crop dimensions are set correctly). This is a pain and wanted to see if there is some way to automate it without having to parse the files into two directories to start.
Someone new needs to use our drawings, and requires DXF. However this end user has requested that our landscape drawings be rotated to portrait for their use.
Without having to alter our entire drawing to accommodate, is there an easier way?
We just recently updated to AutoCAD 2013 from 2011. We use Publish to create PDF files that we send to our customers. When I tried to create a PDF in 2013 some of my drawings are oriented landscape while others are oriented portrait. I went back to 2011 and used the same drawings and it created them all oriented landscape.
Am I missing a setting somewhere in 2013?
I am trying to change a landscape 4x6 photo to a portrait 4x6 using compose in ps element 12 and it doesn't seem to work.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've got A4 document and when trying to switch from portrait to landscape it just crashes. Is there any other way to do this than from File/Document Setup?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI recorded these two Actions:
1) resize a Portrait orientation image to a height of 800 pixels (constraining proportions) and then “Save for Web” to a jpg with a quality of 24%
2) resize a Landscape orientation image to a width of 800 pixels (constraining proportions) and then “Save for Web” to a jpg with a quality of 24%
How can I create one Action that will work for both Landscape and Portrait images (setting the longest dimension to 800 pixels keeping the other dimension in proportion)?
I am using Photoshop CS5 v12.0.4x32 and Windows XP Pro SP3.
I make regular use of a Flash image gallery that requires me to provide small square 50 x 50px thumbnails whatever the shape of the original images. The only solution I have found so far is to first manually sort my original images into landscape and portrait folders and then run a different action on each folder to create the thumbnails.
Is there any way to design an action that would work equally well on both landscape and portrait images?
I can't print my drawings in PDF with format A2, A1, A0 in landscape with good orientation (A3 is ok). The attachment file "ScreenShot-A1" is the only correct pdf but oriented in portrait.
If I print with landscape orientation (preview on Autocad is good), I get the pdf file "Document-A1".
Note: We can't use DwgToPdf due to problem lines which disappeared or moved with different versions of Adobe Reader.
My company imposed PdfCreator V1.2.2.
I am working with AC 2012 LT on a Windows 7 x64 system and printing to an HP Laserjet 5200tn connected by USB. The issue that we are having is when we try to print a secion of a drawing. Under the printer properties, portrait is selected and the layout window shows a portrait orientation. However, when we preview or print, the results are in landscape orientation. I've gone over the printer settings a few times, updated the driver, and tested that other programs on the same computer don't have the same issue.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen i shoot " portrait " mode photos with my Nikon D70, PS shows them " upright", although the windows explorer shows them " landscape style ". I guess that PS reads te exif info from the jpg's, and uses this to show me the photos in a usable way. I want PS to show me the photos just like the windows explorer does, so i know wich one to " turn upright ".
How do i solve this little problem?
When cropping a portrait format to landscape format (same aspect ratio) AND rotate the crop slightly, the crop resets after clicking away from the image and back. It does not happen if the crop is not rotated.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn lr4 when I import photos in portrait form they are displayed in landscape. This didn't happen in lr3. Is there a solutionn to this problem other than manually rotating them?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a 5" x 7" (landscape style) image that I want to crop in Elements 9. I'm using the Guided mode on the Edit tab of the program. When I use the pulldown menu and I see the 5 x 7 crop box size that I want to use, I click it. But the crop window that appears, is 7 x 5 (portrait mode) rather than 5 x 7 landscape mode. I can work around this by changing my crop box size selection on the pulldown menu to No Restriction, but I'm then just guessing that I'll get precisely the 5 x 7 ratio that I want. How can I change the crop box from portrait style to landscape style so that I can crop my image 5 x 7 rather than 7 x 5?
View 5 Replies View RelatedLOCK ASPECT RATIO NOT WORKING! - when working in LR4.4 - if i have the padlock locked in place and the aspect set to "original" - when i press the left mouse button (keep pressed) and then grab a corner to change the crop from portrait to landscape, the aspect changes to "as shot" but does not lock the aspect. even though the padlock remains closed i can go past the normal aspect and make a square or any other shape, and the aspect has now changed to "custom" even though the padlock has remained closed throughout.
Desktop recording showing the problem!! URL....why is it so difficult to report a problem to adobe?
i would love to be able to create a single photoshop action for adding a border, plus a signature in the bottom right corner, that works for both portrait and landscape images.
need i say more?
i already have an action that adds a signature in the centre of the border at the bottom of the image e.g. the image below. what i want though is for that signature to be on the RHS and for the same action to work for portrait images as well.
supplementary info: reason for this is that I want to be able to export 300 wedding images (mix of landscape and portrait images) from lightroom in my pre-selected order (meaning the files are labelled from 001 to 300, ordered according to how the wedding day unfolded) and then use PS to add the border and the signature, in the same place, and for it to work for both orientations.
i need this to work for full sized exported jpeg images, i.e. i want the files that i give on CD to my clients to include my signature in this manner. so I don't want to copy the initial layer and then reduce the second layer size to leave a border around the second layer.
i hope i've been clear I think that this sort of presentation makes such a difference to final printed image, and I DONT want to have to go to all 300 images picking out the landscape from portrait ones (although this may be what I have to do and wouldn't really take that long but surely there's a better way!!!!).
The problem seems to happen ins CS5 and CS6 as well. We have a complex piece of artwork for a foil blister and we use a paragraph of text that has 3 transforms applied to which effectively step and repeat the paragraph of text in a repeat pattern across the artwork. This setup very precisely as it needs to be 100% accurate for print purposes as several units are printed side by side and the repeat runs across the units. Everything is setup correctly in Illustrator and then we re-save as a PDF with 'Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities' on.
We genearally save as a PDF 1.6 but we have tried all the combinations now. The file still looks perfect in Illustrator but when the PDF is opened in Acrobat (any version) the step and repeat (transform) on the paragraph of text is now no longer in alignment on onside of the artwork but still OK on one side. No matter what we do we can't fix this problem andit's recreatable each time. Also it's not file specific as we can build a new file and it will also exhibit the problem. We're only talking about a tiny jump here - <0.2mm but this means the artwork is out of spec.
Using LR v5.3. 6000 images on my HDD and in the LR catalog.
I wish to search for all images oriented in the portrait view. I've checked the metatdata search options, and think I've determined that there is no criteria for an image in the portait orientation orientation.
I am try to stitch portrait style shots on a panoramic view but it always set up as a landscape image I have used LR4 and bridge with no success. All my landscape style images are ok with no issues. Is it how im taking the pictures or is there a setting to use to set for landscape or portrait.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI wish to rotate my "entire view" to fit the portrait style.. idw. Well, the base must be rotated but I forgot the rule. [URL]
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