Illustrator :: Logo With Strapline - Type Goes Light When Made Compound CS6
Sep 27, 2013
We have made a logo with a strapline, we have to make a version with the line in a solid box with the type (which is outlined) transparent, we have done that using pathfinder, but when it's printed the type is coming out much lighter than when it's just white type in a box.
Tried setting it to overprint which made no difference. The vectors are all identical.
I am trying to animate a casino-like light board made of tens of light bulbs/leds. I thought the easiest way to do it would be creating a matrix of bulbs arranged by material ID and then design a pattern in multi sub-object materiel so I could somehow scrub through it and achieve animation effect. The material modifier allows to change ID for the whole object only and MaterialByElement shuffle ID`s in a random manner.
I am having an issue placing my Ai file, saved multiple ways, in InDesign without losing quality? Maybe save settings or a step-by-step? I work between Ps, Ai, Id often but just started using Ai to create my own graphics.
I design flags for people and have worked with Illustrator for just over a year. Most logo's I've worked are 2D and I've never had any issues that I could overcome ( I learn as I go along) however I have been given a logo which has the Extrude & Bevel effect on (which I haven't worked with before) (see first image). I have to make this logo much bigger but when i do it stretches and reshapes the logo. (see 2nd image).
The scale stroke & effect box, is checked. I am working in CS6. So how do I resize this logo proportionately?
I have some negative space I created(black area, see first image) that I want to fill with type, not just a simple fill.
Basically I want to create the negative space from a bunch of small minus signs(-) that need to line up as they go across. If I type on each path one at a time as the text doesn't line up that way. This needs to be one continuous path. (see second image)
Unfortunately if I add them together, it creates a compound path, which you cannot type on, unless I am mistaken? So I need them to be a path, not a compound object.
I designed a logo for some family friends, and the main part of the logo is hand-drawn, and it is made of multiple (a TON) of strokes. The company is getting t-shirts made, and the t-shirt company contacted me to get a "vector file with the fonts outlined." I know quite well how to do this on actual fonts, but how to outline a series of strokes.
To be precise, I mean light rays coming from dj player and if you notice there is blue foggy impression on t shirt , How these things can be made in Corel Draw X4?
I am trying to create a compound shape from a compound shape I have prepared.
The first part works okay. I can combine the hexagon-compound-shape I have created from multiple hexagon shapes.
I then want to cut away the edges on a part of the compound shape (using a box of 4 rectangles), which is supposed to give me a rectangle with only the lines from the compund-shape inside this rectangle (image 1).
But when I cut away the box around my hexagon-compound-shape (using the Pathfinder window), the hexagon-compound shape inside behaves strangely, with only some of the lines showing and other lines missing (image 2).
I would like the rectangles to simply just cut away the lines that the rectangles are covering, and leave behind the lines in my hexagon-compound-shape, as they appeared in image 1, and not having hexagon-compound-shape changing which lines appear and disappear.
i'm currently working on a design that requires a 3D rending of a logo with light shining through the type. i tried using the lighting effects in the render filter but i doesn't give the effect that the client requests. i hope i'm not being too vague. its requested that the light be seeping through the type with the letter forms just outlined.
I would like each type of light to only be listed on the schedule once. The schedules seem really unstable, everytime I look at it the whole thing has changed. There are so many extra items listed and I don't know where they came from. The mark numbers are weird like AAAA, AAAAAA, BBBB, BBBBB. I don't know how these got added or why they have such strange marks.
how I would achieve this exact effect in Photoshop? The 2 light blue type of effects, one at the top of the image, the one at the bottom of the image. It isn't just regular lighting, as it uses a totally different light blue color. I don't know how to achieve this effect
I'm redrawing the Realtor Logo which is a simple square, and inside that are a rectangle, triangle and a semi-circle with a flat edge on the left. When combined, look like the letter R reversed out of a black box. When I select the all the elements and tell it to make a compound path, only the rectangle knocks out the background square and the semi circle and triangle just appear to be grouped with the square instead of knocked out!!! I've tried everything including moving the square to the front and the back, etc. How do you find out if the semi circle I drew is a closed path? I made the semi circle by drawing a circle and a square and then using pathfinder to edit them into a the left flat edged circle. The triangle I simply drew with the pen tool.
I'm trying to create a compound path in AI CS4 for Mac, but I have not been successful. What is best way to create a compound path using the SDK? I just need to make a compound path out of two non-overlapping rectangles so that I can create a clipping mask. Nothing tricky.
The SDK is not clear about the best way to go about creating a compound path, but I figured that programmitically selecting the two rectanlges and then using the built in "adobe_makeCompound" action would work, but it doesn't.
When the above code is called while I'm debugging, I get a dialog box that reads: The object "Make Compound Path" is not currently available.
If I click the "Stop" button while debugging, the value of err is 1346458189 which is 'PARM'. So, maybe I need to set a parameter? The crazy thing is that there appears to be no parameters needed for the "adobe_makeCompound" action event. When I created the action manually, the resulting .aia file (see its contents below) has a parameterCount == 0. I've tried passing a parameter block without adding any parameters to it (instead of NULL), but still no joy.
I need to convert an autotrace shape into a pattern i can use in cad. The problem is part of it is a compound path which will not work.
In cs3 i would have just used pathfinder used minus front expanded and had a final path, but now i just get another compound path. Saw the tip on pressing the alt key but still get a compound path.
I am a complete novice with Illustrator. Ok now that we have that out of the way I have a logo that I had created for me that I would like to edit one small portion of. Basically in the middle of the logo is the word/text "EDCpen" (I believe the text is made up from compund paths).
I would like to edit it FROM "EDCpen" TO "EDCpin" however cannot get it to work. I am sure that I am doing everything wrong, however cannot seem to make this what I belive to be simple change.
Attached is a sample of the logo in jpg format. I have the file in both .ai and .eps formats.
I drew some simple paths in Photoshop with the pen tool, then exported the paths to Illustrator. All the paths came into illustrator as compound paths, though they look like simple paths in illustrator. Because they are compound paths, I can't join the ends of the paths to the ends of other paths.
Whe I select one of these paths:
Object>Compound Path>Release is greyed out and unavailable. "Release Compound Shape" in the Pathfinde palette menu is also greyed out and unavailable.
Is there any way to make these paths back into simple paths without redrawing them? I'm using CS6 versions of both Photoshop and Illustrator.
The best way I can describe what I want to do is, how do I use shapes like cookie cutters? I already know how to use clipping masks in order to achieve the visual equivalent of this, but I want to take the resulting viewable area and turn it into its own object/path. The problem is, when I, let's say, create a circle clipping mask over an image, the visual effect is a circular cutout of the image, but in Illustrator terms, what I'm actually left with is a group made up of the clipping mask and the image behind the mask. All I want is the cutout, and I want to me able to turn that into a (compound) path.
I've read a hundred different blogs/posts/tutorials, but they only teach you how to create a clipping mask, which is only half of what I want to do.
I have applied simple gradients to shapes. When I try to select the object with the direct selection tool, it selects paths made from the gradient, not the object itself.
Cs6 here.... I am trying to cut out a simple shape to allow the area under the shape to be trasnparent or Alpha. Like a Mask. Except when I use the Mask it does at it should do and mask the area where the shape is and MASKING or removing the areas not under the mask. I tried Compound path but I am not getting any result from it. My shape stays right on top of my work and does not "cut it out" to allow the Background to shine through as an alpha channel. See pics for clarity. I want to reverse this where the circle is cut out and the rest stays visible...
I am working on a file where there are kangaroos that are compound paths. I need to stroke only parts of them. Is there a way to do that? Should I just manually be drawing paths that go right up to the edge of the compund path (drawing my own stroke)?
I'm a novice here so here's my script. It works really well like it sits. It basically takes two objects in a large group and aligns them. I want to make each two objects combined into a single compound path. I have tried multiple things and they all just kick out errors and what not. I can't seem to get my head around the vocabulary for the scripting but the darkness is starting to fade the more I do.
#target Illustrator var idoc = app.activeDocument; var pi =idoc.compoundPathItems; var numn = prompt ("How Many Names?", "Enter Number of Names"); var dd = prompt ("How far below name is the number?", "Enter Drop Distance"); var nH = prompt ("How tall are the names?", "Enter Name Height in Inches"); dd = parseFloat (dd); numn = parseInt (numn); nH = parseFloat (nH); [code]...
Would Like to combine the aligned items into a single compound item.
I'm having trouble making adjustments to my compound path/shape, as I'd like to outline the inside of the shape with a stroke - but this doesn't seem possible as the stroke always surrounds the outside too.
So: I've got a simple rectangle with white fill, with a rectangle-window hole cut out of it using the compound path action so you can see the layers beneath. Now I want to stroke the window hole, but NOT the outside of the entire rectangle. I'd be happy to split the shape up and tried various options like divide, edit in isolation mode, expand (button is greyed out), all the pathfinders - but none of them allow me to do this only to the inside part of the path.
How I can perform this action? I'm working in CS5 and CS6.
Platform: PC/Windows XP SP2Adobe: Illustrator CS3 (13.0.2)
Is it possible to release all compound paths in an illustration at the same time (and if so - how)?
I receive drawings from engineering in either PDF or CGM format, which I edit in Illustrator and save as AI. I have to release compound paths in order to delete specific parts of the drawing.
This isn't difficult, but it is very time-consuming because the CGM(or PDF)-to-Illustrator conversion results in quite a few compound paths.
How do I use compound paths after image trace? Vector seems locked up after I create it. I have tried unlocking, ungrouping, etc. I want to knockout portions of the art. I only created part of the vector in image trace, and the knockouts are self-created.