GIMP :: Layers Come Out With Some Kind Of Transparency Tween (fading Away)

Jul 24, 2011

I have two layers , select them in the morph layers selection panel, and establish the selected points working the morph radius. But somehow the in between layers come out with some kind of transparency tween(fading away), and very little morphing is actually observable.

Attached File(s) sample.jpg (37.59K) Number of downloads: 9

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GIMP :: Set Transparency On Couple Of Layers?

May 7, 2012

I need to set transparency on a couple of layers, how do I do that in GIMP 2.8?

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GIMP :: Several Formats Cannot Handle Layers Or Transparency

Jul 28, 2013

I am well aware that several formats cannot handle layers or transparencys. GIMP however seems hell bent to remind me of this EVERY SINGLE TIME I TRY TO SAVE A FILE (and even pops up a second "Oh, these are the current defaults, are they ok?" type dialog on some formats.)

Is there a switch hidden in GIMP that reads something like:

"When I click Save, assume I'm smarter than a plastic fork and know what I'm doing and just save the file in whatever default format has been requested like I told you to and do not attempt to engage me in playing 20 questions."

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Photoshop :: Fading Transparency

Jul 26, 2009

I have a picture, which I want to be totally transparent in the left side and with the transparence fading away towards the right side.

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Photoshop :: Image Fading To Transparency

Aug 13, 2007

I need to make an image fade to transparency for a little projet of mine.

I tried to add a mask to my layer with a gradient [blanc to white] in it, in photoshop it gave the result I wanted, but when I save it as a PNG, the transparency is just not working like in photoshop. (Assuming I use it as an image in a website)

I tried to remove the contour thing, and photoshop see's only two colors [000000 and transparency] so when I open it in a browser, there is simply nothing. If I add a white background for exemple, the image will work, but I need the image to be really transparent so it can merge with my web background.

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Photoshop :: Mask Fading And Transparency

Nov 29, 2007

pictures of my car and adding effects and making my pictures really look good. I am in the process of making a new background for my computer i used a layer mask and set the background image to transparent.. I have the regular picture of my car as layer 1.. now when i use the gradient tool to show the transparency behind it works fine.. i save it as a PNG file and everything but when I go to set it as my background, the BLACK background doesn't fade into the picture.. the surrounding area where the transparent layer was showing through is always WHITE.

how can i make the black fade in? i know i can just make the background of the picture black instead of transparent but i want to be able to post these on the internet and give them to my parents so they can do the same.. so i dont want to make everyone have a black background to make it look right, which is why i want transparent.

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GIMP :: Edit Original Layer Below Alpha Transparency Or Adding Layers

Sep 23, 2011

Basically just want to make the middle separating line in the following image:

Identical to (same degree of horizontal fadeout into transparency):

I have spent hours on it trying to edit the original layer below the alpha transparency or adding layers, getting nowhere.

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Photoshop :: Fading Edge Of Image To 100% Transparency

Jul 11, 2012

I need to fade the edge of an image to 100% transparency, save as PNG, and then I can put it on another image and it fits naturally.

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Photoshop :: Fading Layers In Video

Oct 1, 2013

I have a multi-layer image that I would like to convert to a video in which the layers fade in and out individually.

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AutoCAD VB :: Why Does Locked Layers Not Fading With VBA

Dec 29, 2012

I have this application: It's a userform with a combobox filled up with all layers. There also are 2 commandbuttons and a label.When I apply the command button all the layers except the selected layer in the combobox lock. That's good.This is the problem:

Normaly when I lock a layer it is fading (laylockfadectl 80). But when I lock layers with this vba code it doesn't fading locked layers.

Option ExplicitPrivate Sub cmbx1_Change()Label1.Caption = cmbx1.ValueEnd SubPrivate Sub cmdAPPLY_Click()On Error Resume Next 'handle exceptions inline
Dim objlayers As AcadLayersDim objlayer As AcadLayer
Set objlayers = ThisDrawing.Layers 'make the layer selected in the combobox current

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GIMP :: Fading Edges Of Image

Mar 29, 2011

What I am trying to do is, I have an image. I would like to fade the image edges into the background which is colored black. So in essence, I want the image to meld into the background which is black. How is this done. I tried so many things and I cant seem to get it right.

Every time I get close, to getting it right, my image fades somewhat using the gradient tool and a new opaque white layer but I get white and silver boxes on the edges of my image?

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GIMP :: Fading Top Corners Of Image

Aug 6, 2013

How do i fade the top corners of this image so that the top corners are transparent.

i added a picture of rihanna wearing a t shirt with the corners faded i would like to know how to do this?

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GIMP :: Replicating And Fading Out A Texture?

Aug 6, 2012

I trying to edit the linked image to be the background of a new site I'm creating. I need to make the image longer by copying the soil teture from the bottom of the image and fading it into black.


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GIMP :: Dashed Line Fading Into Distance?

Oct 16, 2013

Imagine you have an image of a landscape, and you want to draw a dashed/dotted border line (such as between two countries) that goes far into the distance. Naturally, the dashes (and the spaces between them) will get smaller. The line probably isn't straight, either.

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GIMP :: Brush Fading / Manual Stippling

Oct 21, 2013

I'm a paleontology student and in my work I have to create reconstructions and pictures of fossils, most of them stippled (similar to URL..... I used to work with Gimp 2.6, using paintbrush fading set to 1 px (i.e. every click of a mouse making one, perfect dot). I'm using a mouse, because I find it more comfortable and precise than a graphic tablet. Unfortunately, after Gimp update to 2.8 the brush options changed, the brush fading ceased to work as it used to, and I can't find a way to turn it on (tweaking the dynamics settings would probably work for a tablet, but I find it useless for a mouse). I know there are some plugins for automatic stippling/halftoning, but unfortunately they are not what I want, as they obviously mix information about shape (shading) and color, while I need my pictures to show only the shape of the specimens. Is there any way to make the paintbrush fading work in Gimp 2.8 as it worked in Gimp 2.6?

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GIMP :: Dashed Line Fading Into Distance?

Oct 16, 2013

Imagine you have an image of a landscape, and you want to draw a dashed/dotted border line (such as between two countries) that goes far into the distance. Naturally, the dashes (and the spaces between them) will get smaller. The line probably isn't straight, either.

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GIMP :: Merging / Fading Images Together And Other Things?

Jul 13, 2011

I've been playing around with Gimp and making some wallpapers and stuff recently. I'd really like to know how to do something like this: [URL]

It's really hard to explain what exactly I want to know, but I'd like to make something similar with a collage of smaller pictures that all sort of merge into each other like they do in the example. Questions:

- How do I get the backgrounds (of the whole thing, and each separate image) to just fade out/into each other so seamlessly?

- Is there a way to make a layer transparent in some parts but not in others?

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Photoshop :: Fading In, Fading Out Images. (rollovers)

Mar 22, 2003

i need to make his image into a site.. now i got some ?'s

he is using it for wallpapers, he wants the wallpapers part of the main image on its own layer, so that it is translucent then when you go over it, it will go to full color (no tranparency). do i have to do this as a gif and make it a rollover or something, do i need to make it a seperate image?

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Photoshop :: Tween A Group Of Groups

Apr 9, 2013

How can I tween a Group of Groups to scale?
I use my Pshop groups in a similar fashion to how Flash uses Display Object Containers. I have one group containing the rest of my groups serving as a 'master group' so I can perform global transformations to all of my layers. For some reason, it stopped letting me scale.
Using frame animation (yes I'm using frame on purpose, not motion), I would like to get the master group to tween a scale and tranlate. I can get it to translate it's XY coordinates, but for some reason the scale doesn't work anymore. It was working before but not now. I even tried converting the group to a smart object but that doesn't work, and that's fine, I try to avoid smart objects where possible.
How to get this to work or what I might have done wrong to the file?

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Photoshop :: Can't Select Layers With Transparency

Apr 4, 2013

1. I can no longer nudge grouped layers. Photoshop complains that it cannot nudge layers in a group.
2. When I try to move a layer selected in the layer panel (or selected via ctrl-alt-right click), a click on the layer selects the layer effect above instead.It seems like there is some kind of click through enabled. If I click on a transparent part of the layer, the layer below get selected instead.
My first thought was that this had something to do with "Auto-select layer/group", but it's disabled. how can I go back to normal mode, so I can click anywhere in a layer, transparent or not, and move the items in it etc?(I'm using Photoshop CS6.)

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Photoshop :: Layers, Merging And Transparency

Oct 27, 2004

I just installed Photoshop 7 a few minutes ago, for the sole purpose of learning how to combine images with each other, I don`t know what name is used to describe this technique but let me try to explain. I have a total of 6 images jpg format that i would like to use and make into 1 image, i want some to be more to the front and some more to the back so the end result is mixed into this one image. I know about layers but do not know how to use it in photoshop 7. Added to this, i would like to know if anyone could help me on how i would merge 2 or more images together side by side so to give an effect of one fading into the other ...

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Photoshop :: When Adding A Tween - Images Become Pixelated

Nov 8, 2013

I've used timline/animation in Photoshop for awhile, but just noticed, when I add tweens between two images, the original images become pixelated when I save as animated GIFs.
Test #1 Photoshop file with two layers -- each with a photographTimeline: frame 1 has image from layer 1 and frame 2 has image from layer 2Choose Save For Web and the images look pretty goodI realize that GIFs are only 256 colors 

Test #2 Create Photshop files as in Test #1Add a tween with 1 frameChoose Save For Web and the images look pretty good 

Test #3Create Photshop files as in Test #1Add a tween with more than one frameChoose Save For WebThe images are now pixelatedTrash...All but one tween and an image is no longer pixelated, ORAll tweens and an image is no longer pixelated  In other words, Saving For Web is fine as long as I don't add any tweens. As soon as I do, the images become pixelated. Take out the tweens, the pixelation goes away. And, I have tried to make all kinds of adjustments to the GIFs.

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Photoshop :: Tween Is Producing Transparent Transitions

Sep 6, 2013

I have two frames. Each contains a transparent background and an completely opaque object. When I choose the tweening option with specified number of frames, I get a semi-transparent transition.

If I first duplicate the first frame, then select all three frames and choose tweening I also get a semi- transparent transition.
I even copied the layers before converting the whole thing into a Frame Animation - with the same result.
(I also saw the older Topic here: [URL], but it was no use to me, since I even had this effect when I first duplicated the frame).

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Photoshop :: Tween Movement With Puppet Warp

May 2, 2013

First of all, Photoshop is only available at my school for the time being, so I can't provide screenshots. I'll try to explain properlly though. Basically, I'm just looking into having a man bend down to talk to someone for an animation, and to provide frames in between. I already have the timeline up, and I know how to use the puppet warp. I want to automatically have new frames created in the timeline in between the ones of the man standing and bending. These are my attempts of what I tried to do.
I duplicated the layer of the man. One of the man standing, and one bending down. In the timeline view, I opened up my layers and clicked the stop watch under the "Position" option of both layers. I don't recall what happened, but this attempt didn't work.With the two layers, I tried editing in the stop frame view. I clicked the two frames of both layers, and clicked "Tween" below. I then chose how many frames I want to have be created in between, and the result gave me frames of an opacity difference. In other words, it was fading from the man standing to bending.I had a single layer that I was planning to work with this time in the stop frame view. When I used the Puppet Warp for frame 2, I think I recall it was working fine. But when I tried tweening the two frames, I ran into another opacity problem, and I think I recall the first frame changing into the warped frame. 

So is there a way to tween motion in Photoshop?

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Photoshop :: Using Tween Feature When Creating Animation?

Nov 1, 2012

I'm creating short GIF animations with a group of students in PS CS6 extended. We are unable to use the tween function consistently. Sometimes Photoshop inserts blank frames, sometimes it duplicates the first frame exactly

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Photoshop :: Applying A Transparency Layer To 600 Layers?

Apr 25, 2013

if its possible to apply a Transparency (bottom) layer to all 600 (top) layers quickly?

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Photoshop :: Layers Transparency Appears As Black In...

Feb 17, 2009

My preferences are set up to display the layers transparency as grid size medium and grid colour light but when I use a layer the background is always solid black rather than the chequered design it is set up to be. I have tried altering the preferences, I have tried re-installing CS4 but nothing seems to make any difference.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Adjust Transparency Of Locked Layers?

Apr 16, 2012

how to adjust the transparency of locked layers?  Also when I isolate a layer the other layers appear semi transparent, is it the same setting to adjust this transparancy as well?

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Paint.NET :: Preserve Opacity / Transparency When Merging Layers?

Jul 27, 2012

So, as it says; I'm unable to preserve the apperance of my image as the Layers get Merged.

I have an Object which I intend to slap onto a background, I want the Object to be Faded from one side to the other with 1/4 Solid to the Left and the remaing 3/4 fading out to about 120-140 Opacity in the furthest Right Part.

I've failed to achive this when I use the Rectangle Selction to; select, copy, delete, make new layer, paste.

Repeating that process across the the 3/4 and then changing the Opacity Value of each layer in order to create a Fade effect.

Now here's the issue, when I try to merge the Layers the individual "Strips" change their Opacity Value as the Merge with the other Layers.

I want to Preserve the Appperance the Image have before the Layers are Merged.

I've tired switching Blend Modes but wihtout Success.

I've also tried to without seperating the Image into "Strips" in Layers, using the Gradient to cause a Fade, however it ends up fading all of the Image to some degree (and not just the 3/4), additionally I can't control the exact Opacity Value of the Fade.

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Illustrator :: Applying Clipping / Transparency Mask To All Layers?

Feb 27, 2013

Alright, so I'm about to rip my hair out. I'm a Photoshop guy who occasionally vectorizes stuff into Illustrator CS4 by exporting work paths. Usually it works fine, but it's been a few years since I've done this and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to apply an opacity mask to an area of a layer so that it is transparent through all objects of the layer down to the background.
Basically, I created an image with text in Photoshop. I exported work paths to illustrator and colored/filled in all the objects. I need to cut out certain parts of the image so that they're transparent through to the background so that when the image is printed up on a shirt, fabric shows through rather than ink. This sounds like a stupid question, and it probably is, but I just can't get it to work.
I've gone through all the steps of creating an opacity mask, but every time I make the object transparent, I just get a white fill from an underlying object. It will not cut through to the transparent background. I need to get this object to cut through all layers.

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Edge Animate CC :: Shaky / Jumpy Tween In Content Viewer

Apr 15, 2013

when placing a .oam file into indesign then previewing in the content viewer the 'tween' is not so smooth.
Is this a content viewer issue? The animation is simply a 1 second file with content coming in off the stage in a linear movement.
I want to be sure when published to the app store the final result will have a smooth movement.

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