GIMP :: Fading Top Corners Of Image

Aug 6, 2013

How do i fade the top corners of this image so that the top corners are transparent.

i added a picture of rihanna wearing a t shirt with the corners faded i would like to know how to do this?

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GIMP :: Save Rounded Corners On Image - Extra Bits At Corners

Apr 11, 2011

I put rounded corners [from the decor part] onto my image, and when i saved it, it came up with these extra bits at the corners; which make the image actually rectangle. How i can get rid of them? i just want the plain round corners. =x


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GIMP :: Fading Edges Of Image

Mar 29, 2011

What I am trying to do is, I have an image. I would like to fade the image edges into the background which is colored black. So in essence, I want the image to meld into the background which is black. How is this done. I tried so many things and I cant seem to get it right.

Every time I get close, to getting it right, my image fades somewhat using the gradient tool and a new opaque white layer but I get white and silver boxes on the edges of my image?

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GIMP :: Removing The Image White Corners

Jan 17, 2014

I need to round the top corners of a simple gradient image to use as a header background for a custom web page using a border-radius: 1em.

For some reason I just cannot get rid of the white corners on the image. I used the same
steps given here to create the image with the rounded top corners:


1. Select -> Rounded Rectangle...
2. with Rounded Rectangle selected I used the regular Rectangle select tool to add "square" selection to the bottom of the Rounded Rectangle select.

This is the header background image:   

Here is what it looks like on the page so far, as you can see, the radius on the image corners looks consistent with the border:   

But if you look at this it appears the image corners themselves are still squared, the white voids are covering the border.

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GIMP :: Round Corners With Border On Image

Dec 28, 2011

Here's a link to the image in question; [URL .... I was just wondering how I could both round the corners and put a border.

For example: [URL] .... (I do not claim any part of the image in any way.)

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GIMP :: Replicating And Fading Out A Texture?

Aug 6, 2012

I trying to edit the linked image to be the background of a new site I'm creating. I need to make the image longer by copying the soil teture from the bottom of the image and fading it into black.


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GIMP :: Dashed Line Fading Into Distance?

Oct 16, 2013

Imagine you have an image of a landscape, and you want to draw a dashed/dotted border line (such as between two countries) that goes far into the distance. Naturally, the dashes (and the spaces between them) will get smaller. The line probably isn't straight, either.

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GIMP :: Brush Fading / Manual Stippling

Oct 21, 2013

I'm a paleontology student and in my work I have to create reconstructions and pictures of fossils, most of them stippled (similar to URL..... I used to work with Gimp 2.6, using paintbrush fading set to 1 px (i.e. every click of a mouse making one, perfect dot). I'm using a mouse, because I find it more comfortable and precise than a graphic tablet. Unfortunately, after Gimp update to 2.8 the brush options changed, the brush fading ceased to work as it used to, and I can't find a way to turn it on (tweaking the dynamics settings would probably work for a tablet, but I find it useless for a mouse). I know there are some plugins for automatic stippling/halftoning, but unfortunately they are not what I want, as they obviously mix information about shape (shading) and color, while I need my pictures to show only the shape of the specimens. Is there any way to make the paintbrush fading work in Gimp 2.8 as it worked in Gimp 2.6?

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GIMP :: Dashed Line Fading Into Distance?

Oct 16, 2013

Imagine you have an image of a landscape, and you want to draw a dashed/dotted border line (such as between two countries) that goes far into the distance. Naturally, the dashes (and the spaces between them) will get smaller. The line probably isn't straight, either.

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GIMP :: Merging / Fading Images Together And Other Things?

Jul 13, 2011

I've been playing around with Gimp and making some wallpapers and stuff recently. I'd really like to know how to do something like this: [URL]

It's really hard to explain what exactly I want to know, but I'd like to make something similar with a collage of smaller pictures that all sort of merge into each other like they do in the example. Questions:

- How do I get the backgrounds (of the whole thing, and each separate image) to just fade out/into each other so seamlessly?

- Is there a way to make a layer transparent in some parts but not in others?

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GIMP :: Layers Come Out With Some Kind Of Transparency Tween (fading Away)

Jul 24, 2011

I have two layers , select them in the morph layers selection panel, and establish the selected points working the morph radius. But somehow the in between layers come out with some kind of transparency tween(fading away), and very little morphing is actually observable.

Attached File(s) sample.jpg (37.59K) Number of downloads: 9

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Photoshop :: Fading In, Fading Out Images. (rollovers)

Mar 22, 2003

i need to make his image into a site.. now i got some ?'s

he is using it for wallpapers, he wants the wallpapers part of the main image on its own layer, so that it is translucent then when you go over it, it will go to full color (no tranparency). do i have to do this as a gif and make it a rollover or something, do i need to make it a seperate image?

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Photoshop :: Fading One Image To Another

Mar 20, 2005

how do I have 1 image gradually fade into another? i know how to adjust transparency, but that adjusts the entire image and not just a portion of it (from my limited understanding of the program).

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Photoshop :: Fading An Image

Dec 10, 2003

I created a lovely new image for my website using Photoshop CS. It's a very vivid, colorful design. I would like to use it as a background for my business card but it needs to be faded. I've futzed (a real techie term!) with the hue/saturation and the brightness/contrast but can't seem to find a 'washed out'look i'm going after. Any suggestions?

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Photoshop :: Fading An Image

Sep 29, 2005

How can i make an image fade away, not blur , but fade/dim like you put a plastic sheet in front. I tried having it too bright but that did not look right ..........

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Aging / Fading B&W Image

Apr 27, 2012

I have a black and white picture with edges, greys, blacks and even the whites that are too precise, aggressive and defined. I want to make a picture taken today look as if it was 50 years old, I want to wear it down and get it to stand out less because I want to put it next to pictures of people in older b&w pictures. 

I have an inkling that if only I could wear down the blacks and greys I could get this down.

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Photoshop :: Image Fading To Transparency

Aug 13, 2007

I need to make an image fade to transparency for a little projet of mine.

I tried to add a mask to my layer with a gradient [blanc to white] in it, in photoshop it gave the result I wanted, but when I save it as a PNG, the transparency is just not working like in photoshop. (Assuming I use it as an image in a website)

I tried to remove the contour thing, and photoshop see's only two colors [000000 and transparency] so when I open it in a browser, there is simply nothing. If I add a white background for exemple, the image will work, but I need the image to be really transparent so it can merge with my web background.

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Photoshop :: Fading An Image To Transparent

Dec 6, 2007

I've made a .psd which fades from white to 100% transparent. I was hoping to export it as a png 24 and put the image over some text in a webpage to make the text look as though it had a fade on it.

The text is automatically updated, thats why i have to do it this way. When I do save for web as png 24 and place it over text in dreamweaver and preview in safari all that happens is the image shows as a black solid image! What can i do?!

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Photoshop :: Fading The Edges Of An Image

Jul 23, 2006

I need to take an image and fade the edges of it to white.

I have 2 days to figure this out because I got put in charge of making the program for my wedding. I know computers inside and out but have never used photoshop before.

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Photoshop :: Fading An Image To Be Used As Background

Aug 22, 2004

i have an image that i want to fade make look alot paler - it must be simple?
want it to still be as sharp but alot less prominent as im using it in a background. I know background images are frowned upon but this will look good wen iv taken it down a few shades lighter.

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Photoshop :: Fading Out Part Of An Image

Jan 21, 2003

fade out part of an image. Say I have a jpeg, and I want to have the last third of the image naturally fade out, how do I do it? I don't want to use the gradient, I want to actually fade out the image.

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Photoshop :: Fading Edge Of Image To 100% Transparency

Jul 11, 2012

I need to fade the edge of an image to 100% transparency, save as PNG, and then I can put it on another image and it fits naturally.

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Photoshop :: Fading Image Edges To Black

May 17, 2011

Each page is just an image file, and the page background is black. So for the image to go into the page seamlessly, the edges have to fade to black. So far I've only been able to do it with specific kinds of pictures that are already black, or have very dark edges, and I just use the burn tool to fade it to pure black so it blends in nicely. If you go to the page, you'll see what I mean. However I'd like to be able to do a similar thing with brighter images, or images where the edges aren't already black/dark. How can I fade bright images to black in a convincing way? When I try using the burn tool, it doesn't bring it all the way to black, and if I use the gradient tool (i.e. from transparent to black or something), it's hard to get it uniform all the way around the image.

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Photoshop :: Fading An Image (.swf File) Into Background

Apr 7, 2005

I have an image recently turned into a .swf so that it can expand/contract to any browser resolution ( I originally worked in Fireworks, but have access to Photoshop so any help is appreciated.

I'm trying to get the image (.swf) to fade nicely into the background color #960. On some computers it works quite well, on others you can see the line between the two very visibly. Is there anyway to get a better color match between the file and background?

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GIMP :: How To Round All Square Corners

Aug 5, 2012

Suppose we have a standard QR code composed of hundreds of squares and their hundreds of square corners. (e.g., [URL]......)

How can I get Gimp to round all of the internal and external square corners - let's say to a 10 pixel radius?

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GIMP :: Rounding Corners On A Small Logo?

Oct 21, 2012

I have a small logo (92x80 image) that I want to round the corners on. There seems to be two ways to do this. One is the filter/decor method, but this is greyed out in my menu. The other is select/rounded rectangle; I can do this one but I can't get it to complete the procedure. After selecting "rounded rectangle", I can see the dashed lines going around the rounded corners. But I can't get the rounded image to save - it saves as the original rectangle not rounded.

What am I missing? The on-line GIMP manual does not explain what needs done. I tried carriage return after selecting rounded rectangle, but that does nothing. I also tried every crop method I could find. I've spent about three hours trying to get the rounded corners.

I am probably missing something simple. Do I need to create layers - a transparent layer? I am not sure exactly how to do that.

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GIMP :: Macro To Scale Then Round Corners?

Jan 10, 2012

I'm looking to use script-fu to automate a process I do at work.

What I do is find images, paste them into GIMP, scale them down, and round the corners.

I've been playing around with script fu to make it automatically scale the image and round the corners, but I've run into problems with the image variable needing to be changed each time something is pasted.

Is there a way I can automate this, perhaps some code that will set the image variable to whatever the current window is, or am I stuck doing "manual labor"?

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GIMP :: Stroke Path Using Pen With Sharp Corners

Sep 10, 2013

I am trying to stroke a path in a vector image I am making, but how you are supposed to make sharp corners while stroking with the paintbrush.

I know that if I just choose the "stroke line" option, any corners in the path will be sharp instead of rounded, but I need to stroke with the brush so that I can apply brush dynamics. Can you even do this?

^^this is what happens with the brush

^^This is what I need to happen, but with brush dynamics

why is stroking paths so dang hard.

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GIMP :: How To Create Animated GIF With Round Corners

Jul 7, 2013

How to create an animated gif with round corners? I know to create rounded corners for normal images with the crop function, but I don't know how to make rounded corners for animated gifs.

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GIMP :: How To Create Smoothed Rounded Corners

Mar 15, 2012

I've created a 1px border rounded rectangle, (image attached) however, the corners sems jagged and flat. Is there a way to create more smoothed rounded corners?

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GIMP :: How To Create A Border With Just Top 2 Corners Rounded

Jan 15, 2014

I need to know how to create a border with just the top 2 corners rounded? I saw a video tutorial, but the instructions were not clear at all, and it also paid no attention to details like how to make the the corners the exact same size. I want to use it for my company's marketing emails, so the top 2 corners would be rounded while the bottom will align with my email page

(see att'd sample).

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