I just installed Photoshop 7 a few minutes ago, for the sole purpose of learning how to combine images with each other, I don`t know what name is used to describe this technique but let me try to explain. I have a total of 6 images jpg format that i would like to use and make into 1 image, i want some to be more to the front and some more to the back so the end result is mixed into this one image. I know about layers but do not know how to use it in photoshop 7. Added to this, i would like to know if anyone could help me on how i would merge 2 or more images together side by side so to give an effect of one fading into the other ...
So, as it says; I'm unable to preserve the apperance of my image as the Layers get Merged.
I have an Object which I intend to slap onto a background, I want the Object to be Faded from one side to the other with 1/4 Solid to the Left and the remaing 3/4 fading out to about 120-140 Opacity in the furthest Right Part.
I've failed to achive this when I use the Rectangle Selction to; select, copy, delete, make new layer, paste.
Repeating that process across the the 3/4 and then changing the Opacity Value of each layer in order to create a Fade effect.
Now here's the issue, when I try to merge the Layers the individual "Strips" change their Opacity Value as the Merge with the other Layers.
I want to Preserve the Appperance the Image have before the Layers are Merged.
I've tired switching Blend Modes but wihtout Success.
I've also tried to without seperating the Image into "Strips" in Layers, using the Gradient to cause a Fade, however it ends up fading all of the Image to some degree (and not just the 3/4), additionally I can't control the exact Opacity Value of the Fade.
I need to merge 2 adjustment layers with 2 image layers. When I do, the look changes. Are there ways to do this without changing the look? I have attached a screen capture of the layers affected. Additionally the "Stars" layer has a "Screen" blend mode. This is on a Mac.
I am trying to get a white layer with see through writing which reveals the background image underneath. (Almost like I have put a stencil over a photograph). I have discovered this is called a clipping mask.
However, I am having difficulty using a clipping mask over multiple text layers. It seems to only do it to one layer directly beneath. I do not want to merge the text layers as I want to mess about with the design a fair bit.
I have a document with three "normal" layers and two hue/saturation adjustment layers. They're at the top. The next two layers, and the adjustment layers, have layer masks. The bottom layer has no mask. The blend mode between the fourth and fifth layers (counting from the top) is "Hard Light". The blend mode for all other layers is "normal", and all opacities are 100%.
When I flatten the layers, what I get is not what I had before the layers are different, hard to describe exactly how. I notice that if I merge the fourth and fifth layers (with the "Hard Light" blend mode), and only those two layers, I get the same behavior as when I flatten the entire image.
So why would merging two layers that have the "Hard Light" blend mode at 100% opacity look different than when the layers aren't merged?
I've imported a simple .obj file with a few beveled faces into my PS doc and then created a simple 3d postcard layer. When I merged the two 3D layers, (.obj file layer is top layer) PS seems to have removed some of the faces in my places .obj file.. ??
Im wondering if anyone out there knows of a way to merge linked layers into a new layer, i.e. i have 4 shapes i want to put a stroke around but i still want all 4 layers seprate...how can i create a new layer copy from the 4 shapes without copying each layer twice?
as of right now i merge the layers drag it into to another document then i undo my merge and drag the merged copy back into my working document...it works but gets kind of annoying...
I drew a bunch of shapes with the pen tool and they come out as separate layers. Is there a way that I can merge the layers without rasterizing them so that I can edit the curves all at the same time?
I followed all of the steps for creating the fire text and I was able to do up to step 8. when it says to use the smudge tool I cant find that tool. On the main toolbars I only have the blur tool. In step 9 I do not understand how to turn on the view for all layers and merge them all at once ...
way of merging all the layers at once together in a photoshop application, but i do not know how to merge only ditinct ones that i want to. Is there anyway how, and if there is, a shortcut would be greatly oblidged.
I have to combine over a 800 files each with sixty layers to create a final document with 60 layers (for an animation). All the 60 layers in each file are named 01, 02, 03 up to 59, 60.
I am using Photoshop CS6 and at present I am merging by using the find/name function, then highlighting all the layers selected and then using 'merge layers'. Is there a quick command / action to merge all layers with the same names, ie all 01s, all 02s etc without having to merge each set of layers separately.
We are Fine Art Printers using PS4 on Windows XP and 7. Because we have to proof individual colors and individual areas we often have over 20 adjustment layers and masks on images greater than 1 meter square. The masks get hugely complicated and the images sizes are often well over 1GB.
Normally we would take a Snapshot(?) Shift+Ctrl+Alt+E as we get an area correct, then move on to proof the next. We have an image with dark blue/black cloud and noticed the image lost contrast and colors subtly changed when we did this. We have tried flattening layers, merging visible layers, merging down adjustment layers and even saving as a JPEG, but the colors change slightly each time layers are merged. A global change like Levels is not an option for fine art images. We need to simplify the images and reduce the memory used for printing.
Just downloaded CS6 Photoshop off the creative cloud and the merge layer command does not work. What is happening is there is one layer with a layer style then a shape layer and when I hit Cmd E it merges the layers but the layer style will not merge with it. I was chatting it up and everything they recommended did not work. It works on all my other co-workers computers and we are all on the cloud. I tried renaming pref. folder, settings folder, re-installing, holding down shft+option+cmd on start up. I also created a test account but that turned out to be a major inconvenience. Once logged into the account there is nothing there. The suggestions just started getting more ridiculous as chat proceeded. Nothing.
Any solution where I don't have to create a whole new admin account just to see if CS6 Photoshop works correctly? Adobe customer portal is about worthless.
So I have been trying to learn to be as non destructive as possible..one problem I've recently had is that when I try to merge layers, I will lose the mask that was on one of the layers.
Is there a way to merge two psd files into one? I'd like to copy a layer from an image file to another but it wont allow me to do so, so merging the 2 psd files is the only solution I can find.
I'm having a huge issue in designing my up and coming website.
I've numerous layers within my soon to be designed page - however, a few of these layers are set to different blend modes (Overlay, Screen and Lighten).
I need to ensure that these layers remain looking the way they do on my page when they're part of my flattened site, but it's just not working for me. When I flatten all layers, it looks as I want it - however I can't do that, as I will ultimately be using a tiled background layer, and the background layer I'm using now is only as a guide.
how I can merge down a ('Screen', for example) layer, without it losing its screen look?
I'm trying to use one image as a background for another image. I can make a layer on one image, and a layer on the other. But I can't see how you maerge the two?In Pshop you simply select it all then copy and paste and you have 2 images in seperate layers, but Elements doens't work like that.
Layers with a layer style applied, mostly of the bevel or emboss variety, lose the effect when the layers are merged or the image flattened. Doesn't seem to happen with any other styles, like drop shadows or glows: those will stay, but the bevel will not. These are all Normal layers, nothing tricky going on. It's a program fault and I need to know if there's a workaround. I'm having to resort to saving the whole unflattened image as a jpeg so the client can proof the work, but sooner or later I'm going to need to flatten the image.
Using Mac PS CS5 Extended, abundance of RAM & Disk space.
I want to be able to take a document, that has multiple layers, inside of multiple groups with various layers having various blending modes applied to them and from within that document, select simply two of those layers, one with a Divide blending mode and the other layer Normal, merge those two layers, but have the visual appearance of the merged layer maintain the visual appearance of what the layers looked like before I merged them.
Everytime I attempt this, Ps takes my Divide layer, reverts it back to Normal and then merges the layers, thus changing the appearance of what it was before the merge. This is not the desired result.
I understand that when you flatten an entire series of layers, it applies all the blending modes and maintains the visual appearance. Is there a way to do this with just two layers instead of all the layers?
I'm making an animated GIF, and what I want to do is overlay each layer of the animation with a layer of text. I know the hard and long way by creating a copy of the text layer and merging it with each and every layer of the animation, but is any faster way of doing this?
I have created a layout in Illustrator (CS6) and seperated the individual images I require into named layers. My intention is to export as a Photoshop file (keeping all the layers), then using 'Script' in Photoshop to 'Export layers to files..', so I can get automatically save all the elements in the layout as individual transparent png.
When I export the files as Photoshop a warning comings up saying that 'some layer have been merged' and then when I open this file in Photoshop, all but a couple of text layers have been merged into 1 layer. I think it's something to do with the transparencies set in Illustrator but don't know how to resove this.
If it can't be resolve in the method I am using at present, my only other option is to switch off all but 1 layer in Illustrator and export this layer as a png, but as I have many elements to the layout (including on and off states) and this is just one layout page of many, this manual way of export the files will take me forever!
I can stop these layers from merger into one layer when exported to Photoshop, then any way I can automatic export the layers I have set up in Illustrator, as transparent pngs in a simular way I can in Photoshop.
I scanned a drawing I made as a .jpeg, opened it in PS CS4, converted the background to a layer, added a curves adjustment layer, and when I try any of Flatten Image or Save as Jpeg the results disregards all or part of the effects of the adjustment layer. The same happens for a levels adjustment layer . I have attached the original jpeg and the .psd with the curves adjustment layer.
I know the title sounds weird, but I am having trouble keeping my levels from reverting back to their default look when saving as a jpeg or attempting to flatten or merge my layers. I can attach a link to the PDS if you would like to take a look at it. The layer that is losing its levels settings is called "Stars". I don't change my levels often, so I am sure its something I am just missing. The levels are just changes on a single layer, as stated above its the layer called "Stars".
I'd like to paste a guys eyes/nose onto Darth Vaders head in a convincing way (skin color/edges/shades) but where to go from here. How to create spoofs like this or pointers on which tools to use? I have this in 2 layers in xcf of course...
1. I can no longer nudge grouped layers. Photoshop complains that it cannot nudge layers in a group.
2. When I try to move a layer selected in the layer panel (or selected via ctrl-alt-right click), a click on the layer selects the layer effect above instead.It seems like there is some kind of click through enabled. If I click on a transparent part of the layer, the layer below get selected instead.
My first thought was that this had something to do with "Auto-select layer/group", but it's disabled. how can I go back to normal mode, so I can click anywhere in a layer, transparent or not, and move the items in it etc?(I'm using Photoshop CS6.)
My preferences are set up to display the layers transparency as grid size medium and grid colour light but when I use a layer the background is always solid black rather than the chequered design it is set up to be. I have tried altering the preferences, I have tried re-installing CS4 but nothing seems to make any difference.