I just noticed a serious UI issue. Say I'm zoomed in and am creating acomplex freehand selection. I'm now selecting stuff at the very top ofthe canvas, and I happen to miss a bit and touch the 'ruler'. Suddenly,GIMP switches to the move tool and I've lost the whole selection! Does this behaviour can be turned off?
(I know I can turn off the rulers, but it's annoying having to turn themoff and on all the time since they are sometimes useful.)
I'm zoomed in and am creating acomplex freehand selection. I'm now selecting stuff at the very top ofthe canvas, and I happen to miss a bit and touch the 'ruler'. Suddenly,GIMP switches to the move tool and I've lost the whole selection! How this behaviour can be turned off?
(I know I can turn off the rulers, but it's annoying having to turn themoff and on all the time since they are sometimes useful.)
Is there a way to make rulers be off by default when I start Gimp? Iknow it's just a matter of clicking ctrl+shift+r, but that's easy to saywhen you've just lost a huge, painstakingly made selection …
you've zoomed in to start this painstaking freehand selection withlots and lots of points, and when you get to the end, nothing getsselected. Then you notice that, once again, you had done a Select Allsome time ago (invisible because you zoomed in) and forgotten to SelectNone before clicking the lasso.
What do people do to avoid this? (I know the obvious answer is "rememberto check what your selection is all the time", but that's seriouslyflow-disruptive.)
GIMP could blink the image or something when you add selectionpoints that don't increase/decrease the already selected area, but Iguess that might take some time to implement.
*) Open the image "Ok.png" - you'll see there's a small green triangle on the right. *) Mark and delete a bit of the triangle. *) Save the image (I checked the 3rd (gamma), the 5th (resolution) and the 6th (time) checkbox).
When I now open the saved image in a different viewer (I use the picasa viewer because this viewer shows the transparent areas nicely), the image is still transparent.
*) Delete the rest of the small green triangle on the right. *) Save the image.
When you now open it in a different viewer, then suddenly the background isn't transparent anymore. (It's then like the 2nd attached pic - Fail.png)
I am having trouble with my CS3... have used for a number of years. It won't open a file. I click file, open.. and the selections go grey. I have uninstalled and re-installed and it does the same thing. I have re-installed on my data drive so there is plenty of room. I have 3.5 gb memory.. nothing else open.Â
I have the layers tab open in my toolbox, so I can see all the layers listed. I'm wondering if there is a fast way to find a layer. I'd like to click on my image and (ideally) see the layer highlighted in the toolbox, so I don't have to search for it.
Running Mac os x Mountain lion (latest release 10.8.3 I believe) and Latest release of Gimp (just installed last week 2.8.4)
If I double click and open a file (file format doesn't matter, jpg,tiff, xcf etc) the file opens gimp and it opens correctly.
However If once gimp is open I try and double click on another file it pops up an error "The document "text.xcf" could not be opened. Gimp Cannot open files in the "Gimp Image" format.
If I then close gimp and double click that same file it opens gimp and the files opens as normal.
It doesn't matter if i'm logged in as administrator or a regular user. I've tried downloading the program and copying it back to the app folder again.
Perhaps I need to wipe out the GIMP folder in ~/Library/Application Support ?
Right after one makes a selection, say by using the Rectangle SelectTool, is presented with handles that allow altering the selection.
If one then selects another tool without deselecting is being deprivedof these handles while the selection remains active thus rendering himunable to alter the selection in that fashion.
Thus forming my question: is there a way to make these handles to(re-)appear on a non-freshly created selection?
Still really trying to get used to CS6 and how differently it works...very annoying.  For instance, my display comes up with the vertical ruler starting at -300 and going across left to right to 1600. Of course, the tool bars over lap anything on the right. The horizontal goes from -50. I want it to be, like any other NORMAL screen at 0,0 in the upper left corner. How is this done? It's VERY annoying!
We have Photoshops CS. Whenever we re-sized a photo with the rulers in view, the actual "inches" would be fairly big, ie the photo would be quite big on screen. Something has changed and I must have inadvertently done something and now when the rulers are in view, the actual "inches" size of the image is very small so the photo is small on the screen. How can I get it back to how it was before?
I'm running CS2, and when i open a document of any type the size of the image isn't accurate. For example: when i open an image of 800x600 pixels and set the magnification to 100%, i should easily be able to see the whole image on my screen, however i can only see a small section of it. To view the whole picture i have to reduce the magnification to 25%.
When i look at the rulers at 100% magnification an inch for example displays as more like 2 inches.
I'm using a 20" monitor with a resolution of 1680x1050 so there shouldn't be a problem viewing these images at 100%
I use a PC and have Illustrator CS4. When I open AI, the rulers do not appear. I have saved my workspace with them showing, but when I open that workspace, they do not appear. I have to go up to View>Show Rulers (or do the shortcut). I know this is extremely minor, but my rulers appear in ID CS4, so I'm wondering why I can't set AI to do that, too. It's like having to plug in your keyboard every day...you just want it to be ready to go when you get ready to work.Â
What method do you guys use for exporting Freehand(MX) files into Photoshop (CS)? I've tried exporting as editable eps, psd(v. 4 I think it is) and simply to cut and paste, but everything comes out terrible when transformed from vector to pixel.
how do I undo rulers and grids. I have tried to uncheck everything and even got out of photoshop and came back in and still every singel image has a grid on it.
If you zoom the image using shortcuts (ctrl/cmd+ and ctrl/cmd-, the rulers resize with the image. But if you use scrubby zooming they stay with the window and it's only by hitting ctrl/cmd-R twice that they reset correctly.
The scale of the horizontal ruler is slightly larger than the vertical ruler. If I zoom so that the distance between 0 and 1" is 100mm on the horizontal scale, it is 94mm between 0 and 1" on the vertical scale (sorry for the mixed standards). This makes images look compressed vertically on my screen. Portraits make people look more "chunky" than they are. Is this adjustable? I am using a Lacie electron19blueIV CRT with resolution at 1280x1024.
I've been using photoshop for about five years now, but I've just started to get into freehand drawing mainly as a way to hone my skills for my Flash animations. Everything was going fine until I hit a bit of a speedbump. When I start to draw curves by hand, the beginning is always jagged. There will be a straight line that makes a sharp turn and then goes into the ellipse that I want. I turned off smoothing. I'm using a Wacom Bamboo Graphics Tablet, Is there some brush configuration that I should be using to stop this from happening?
I simply want to import a piece of scanned line art from Photoshop 7 into a document in Freehand 9.
The line art, which is black lines, needs to be white inside of the boundary of those lines against the solid color background of the Freehand doc. For simplicity, lets say a ball, drawn with a black line, which is white inside, sitting on a blue background. (Yes, I know I can draw a ball in Freehand, it's just for the example.)
What I have tried:
In Photoshop, I select the white space around the ball with the Magic Wand then chose Select > Inverse to get the ball selected. Then I go, Layer > New > Layer via Copy, which creates a new layer with just the ball, white inside and no white background around it. I see the gray checkerboard pattern where the ball isn't.
But when I go to my Freehand doc and choose File > Import and bring in this Photoshop element it appears on the solid color background as a white rectangle (the PS canvas, I guess) with the ball in it. I don't want the stupid white rectangle, just the ball.
I save .eps files in photoshop 7.0., open them in freehand MX, make a .pdf and some pictures don't appear in the .pdf (but the old ones do). I tried the whole process (from scanning on) but it doesn't work. I installed the new full versions again... any idea about the export preferences or preview formats (freehand says it doesn't accept TIFF previews..!?)
I've used Illustrator for several years and it did it until..CS6... and now it notifies me that it is an unknown format... in both the Finder and Bridge. In Bridge I've set FH11 filetype preferences to CS6 and in the Findera FH11 file was selected and in teh Information Panel, Illustrator 6 was chosen as well as 'Open with...Change All' Â I have plenty of Freehand files that I convert on as needed and I don't want to install CS5 just for that purpose.
I have 14000 Freehand mx file and need to be able to open them in Illustrator cs6.... how can I convert them to ai files ... I do not have CS4 or CS5....
You used to be able to open Freehand 8 files in Illustrator CS4 by changing their extension to .eps, but that trick appears to no longer work with CS6. Any trick with CS6 to get them to open?
I have a new IMac on OS X Mavericks. I am to to the CC level. I have 25 years of Freehand files that I need access to. How can I convert these files to get them open in CC.Â