GIMP :: Uneditable Layers In XCF File

Nov 9, 2013

Gimp 2.8
Ubuntu 12.04 (Xfce 4.10 desktop)

I have a file in layers that I saved in xcf so that I could later edit the layers. However, when I re-opened the file I discovered I could not edit some of those layers.

Previously I saved-as the file under another name so I could export it as a flattened bitmap. It is those layers that I cannot edit in the original xcf file.

They show up in the layers box and I can highlight them, even turn off visibility. But I cannot select them on the file and edit them. I've tried raising the layers to the top of the layer stack, but that makes no difference.

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Photoshop :: All Layers Are Uneditable

Nov 23, 2012

I was working on a design with many layers and somehow they all became uneditable.
I say 'uneditable' because they're not locked. When I click on the layer the background of layer tile is grey (as opposed to blue)
When I try to click on the canvas the anchor point are all on the perimeter on the background image. If, I delete the background and attempt to click another element, I get a message that says the target layer is 'hidden'.

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Illustrator :: Prevent Effects From Being Rasterized / Uneditable When Reopen CS6 File?

Feb 22, 2013

Since upgrading to CS6: when I re-open Illustrator CS6 files, I find that effects such as dropshadow, etc. are rasterized as images or other elements that I can't edit as "effects". I'm the single author of these files, so they're being edited on the same computer and in the same program version. Why this is happening, and how to prevent it? It's really slowing me down.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Saving / Exporting A Vector File That Is Uneditable

Mar 27, 2012

Is there a way to either save/export a vector file that can not be edited.

I know there are tracing programs available, but I want to make it as hard as can be so this logo will not get re-edited.

I designed it for a customer (belongs to us) they did not contract/pay us for it.  We do all of their clothing.  She is sponsoring an event and the event coordinator wants the logo to put it on their advertising.  Just don't want it to end up on other clothes.

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GIMP :: Moving Layers In PSD File?

Oct 9, 2013

I'm trying to move text in a PSD file that I opened in Gimp. I've recorded a Screencast video here, (removed link because image is not quite ready to be shared with the outside world;-) which shows what I'm trying to do.

Basically, I have a line of text which is several layers deep that says "IS THE NORM". I need to move the word "the" over to the left a little because it's a little too close to the word "norm".

However, when I select it and Cut, nothing happens. I tried locking the layer, even though I don't really know what that means - just saw it on YouTube and figured I'd try it - but no luck.

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GIMP :: Finding Layers After File Has Been Closed?

Nov 18, 2012

Is there a way to get back all of your layers once you save a file andclose out of it? I am new and am creating magazince covers - All I need todo is change the pic - but did not want to have to re-create the entirecover if I did not need too...

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GIMP :: Export GIF File With Delay Specified In Name Of Layers

Oct 25, 2013

I am creating a gif animation with GIMP 2.8.6 in Windows 7 64 bits.

I open the png files with the option "Open as layers" and then I edit the name of each layer setting the delay and the mode, for example "layer1(1000 ms)(replace)", "layer2(5000 ms)(replace)", ...

If I go to "Filters->Animation->Reproduce" the animation is OK. But if I export the file to a .gif file, the delay between layers is the specified in the Export options and not the delay which I set in the name of the layers.

How can I export a .gif file with the delay specified in the name of layers?

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GIMP :: Command Line Tools For Extracting Layers From XCF File

Oct 17, 2012

I have seen mention of a utility called xcf2png which can extract layers from a XCF file and write them to a PNG, but it seems there is no Windows version.

Any way of doing this under Windows/DOS? I just want to extract a layer by name and write it to a PNG file with the same name as the layer.

Or even better - searches a XCF file for layers that (say) start with an underscore and exports only those layers to separate named PNG files.

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GIMP :: Retrieve Layers Structure In Plain Text File?

Sep 23, 2012

Is it possible to retrieve the layers structure in a plain text file or in a CSV or in a TSV file from an XCF project ?

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Photoshop Elements :: Layered PSD From CS6 Is Uneditable In 11?

Sep 24, 2013

I saved a layered PSD file in CS6 only to find it won't open in PSE11. It says it is uneditable or something like that and is already flattened with zero layers.

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Illustrator :: Why Are Logo Elements Suddenly Uneditable

Mar 7, 2013

the logos i created are suddenly no longer editable, neither paths nor text! i can select each element with the selection tool but anchor points don't show up so i can't edit them, and i can't select the text itself to edit it. nothing's locked, i've ungrouped everything, i can see the specs for everything. yesterday i used save to web a couple of times. today i started recreating the logos and it happened again after i exported (not save to web) once or twice. and today i can select the paths, but they're no longer a single path but a tracing, as if it was bitmapped and then traced. but i haven't rasterized or traced. and the type is still unselectable and uneditable as type. it happened again after updating. i have since reinstalled and reupdated, but i still have to re-create all four logos - and it's possible it could happen again! as it is, one "unrasterized" version of the logos allows me to select the paths but doesn't show the anchor points - and still won't let me edit the text.

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Illustrator :: Uneditable Type After Drop Shadow Effect Added?

Jul 12, 2013

When I create text in Illustrator and add a drop shadow it becomes "unedtable"? CS 6 version

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Illustrator :: Type Tool Drawing Uneditable Box - Cannot Write Any Text

Sep 30, 2013

When I take the Type tool and draw a text box it simply draws a box with no fill or stroke and I can't type in it. When I simply click with the Type tool, a one-pixel dot appears and blinks like a input cursor, and when I type it blinks like it should be moving but it's not. I can't write any text whatsoever...

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Illustrator :: Editing Colours - When Release Clipping Mask Gradient Uneditable

Feb 20, 2013

I'm editing a logo for a client. Part of their logo is a gradient behind a clipping mask. When I release the clipping mask the gradient is uneditable. I have checked my layers panel and ther gradient is listed as image. I am using illustrator cs5 on Mac os 10.6.8..

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GIMP :: Layers Turn Into Text Layers?

Jul 2, 2013

my gimp 2.8.6 makes majority normal layers turn into text layers..

Even if i "discard text information" from layer..and then save it as .xcf it doesnt work! Same layers appear as text layers when i open that .xcf Its not a big deal but it really slows me down when im working with layers..

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GIMP :: Revert Layers Back To Layers?

Jun 20, 2013

I merged my layers down to scale to proportion and I thought I was done with the project, so I saved it and exported. I then learned that I did something incorrectly, so I went back to the project only to remember I merged the layers and I don't know how to undo that. How do you revert the layers back to layers?

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Photoshop :: Adding Same 3 Adjustment Layers To Many Photos Then Export Layers To File?

Aug 3, 2013

I want to add the same 3 adjustment layers to about 20 photos and then in scripts, export layers to files, so that each photo includes the adjustments.

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Illustrator :: Layered Vector AI File With Raster (Photoshop) Layers Included As Vector Layers?

Apr 20, 2013

I've been using Illustrator since the late 80's but this request just now came up for the first time, twice in one day: the clients each want me to send them layered files (OK-no problem) wherein all the layers, even the raster layers, register as vector layers. Or at least all the layers, regardless of file-type (vector or raster) are contained within an unflattened Illustrator file. One of the clients specifically asked that the Type layer (No problem-all the type is on one layer) be  "vector mapped", whatever that means, while all the other layers can be Photoshop layers, if necessary.  So how do I hand them an open, unflattened Illustrator file containing both vector art and raster art? Can it be done in Acrobat, as a PDF? I'm working in AI and PS CS5, but I can and will upgrade if I have to.

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Illustrator :: Adobe CC Layers Setting For Exporting A File To Photoshop PSD File

Feb 21, 2014

Adobe CC layers setting for exporting a Ai file to Photoshop PSD file

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GIMP :: How To Keep Layers As Layers

May 17, 2013

I'll add a layer It will have ants around

I'll move it around and position to where I want it

Question 1: how do I get rid of the ants? I've googled on how to deselect, but can't can't find an answer

Question 2: I don't know what I do... but by selecting other tools or just clicking around like mad - the ants go away. Yippeee! Except... damn! The layer has now gone into the background and I can't move it around any more

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Photoshop :: How To Export PSD File With Layers To Fireworks PNG File

Feb 15, 2013

I'm working for to supply the work I've done as a PNG file that can be edited. I was told that a layered PSD file can be converted to a layered fireworks PNG file. I've tried all sorts of things but either ended up with a flattened image or each layer as a seperate file.

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Illustrator :: Import Several Layers From One File Into Another File?

May 29, 2013

I have ten Illustrator documents with appr. 100 layers in each document.
Each layer in all documents are named correctly for automatic script exporting to PNG files.
Now I want to import all layers from all ten documents into one master file. And importantly, I want to keep the exact names of each layer.

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GIMP :: How To Put Layers Into Groups

Jun 27, 2013

how I can put my layers into groups now, but there are a few problems I've seen pop up.

First are foremost, when I disable the visibility on a group, if I use the move tool it will select layers from that group that were visible before the group was made invisible. Seriously, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever that I would ever want to move an individual layer that I can't see. This clearly is a glitch and needs to be fixed.

Second of all there is an issue with a layer's mode when it is in a group. For example, if a layer is set to multiply, if it is set in a group it will only multiply on layers within that group. Now this I can see a good use for, but honestly, it is not how I usually want to use layers. I'm not usually trying to separate the actual graphics in my image, I'm just trying to organize my massively long layer dialogue into something more useful. It's great to collect different aspects of my image and keep them all together. But basically every time I need a multiply layer or other effect, I need it to effect the whole image. To keep it effecting an entire image I have to make two separate groups, each above and below the layer, in order to organize my image.

Now, since there is certainly an advantage that could be given by not having such layers have any effect outside of their group, I can't argue that the feature should be removed. However, I do think it would be fantastic if a property could be added to a layer group that would allow for such layers to effect the image outside of the group or not.

The third thing I have to say about groups is linking. First of all, as it stands, when I activate linking on a layer group it has absolutely no effect, making the option redundant. However, what would be useful is if I could link an entire group to itself and then move every layer within a group in tandem.

Often times I want to move several groups of layers around so I can arrange a composition. For a simple example, maybe I have several images of characters, each built with a layer for flats, lighting, textures, etc. And to arrange the composition I want to move the whole character with all its layers to one spot, then grab another character with all of its layers to another spot.Conventionally, there are only two ways I can do this. Either I flatten each of those groups and move them as single layers, destroying my ability to alter them with any level of convenience, or I have to manually link every layer for that character, move it, un-link every layer, link all the layers in another character, and repeat.But it would be so much nicer if I could link all the layers within several groups, and move each group as a whole without moving any other layers.

Since the link option on a layer group doesn't do anything anyway, it seems reasonable to me that enabling it should have that exact effect. Using the same example, if I have each character in its own group, I activate the link option on all of those groups all at once, and then I can grab a layer on any group and that whole group will move, but not any other layers.Even if it automatically linked all the layers in that group to all other linked layers, it would still be much easier to activate and deactivate the link on just one group each time I move that one group, rather than each individual layer.

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GIMP :: Layers Will Not Toggle

Dec 25, 2012

GIMP example.docx (Size: 141.1 KB / Downloads: 31) I just found about GIMP several days ago. I really like the features that are offered and cant wait to dive in and play around with it. However, I am getting a bit discouraged because it is not working on my computer the way it does when I visited some u-tube videos. So far I have a problem with the layers. I selected, new, added two layers, therefore I had three layers to work with. When I would toggle between the layers the picture didn't change at all, the screen only allowed me to view the last picture I imported. So, I thought I would hide the third picture and work with the second to see what would happen. I scaled the second picture and it scaled them all (note: the pictures where not linked). I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program and it still did the same thing. I am working with Windows 7 if that makes any difference?

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GIMP :: How To Scale Several Layers Together

Sep 17, 2011

How can I scale several layers (objects) together?

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GIMP :: Can't Select Other Layers

Jul 28, 2011

I was rotating a layer in GIMP but now I can't get off this layer/select other layers.

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GIMP :: Can't Seem To Rearrange Layers

Jun 30, 2011

I've tried multiple images and file extensions, but it seems as though I can't rearrange my layer order anymore. Is there a reason this would happen, or is there a keyboard shortcut I can try?

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GIMP :: Separate Layers To PNG?

Oct 6, 2012

How to separate layers in gimp and save them in png format, theres a function for this in photoshop, so how do you do this in gimp? Basically i designed a template and i want to be able to click any layer and save it in png format but its not letting me, or how to save all layers automatically?

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GIMP :: How To Duplicate Several Layers Together

Sep 17, 2011

How can I duplicate several layers together ? (in one layer manager)

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GIMP :: Can't Move All Layers At Once

Jan 3, 2012

Although I'd like to move all of my layers at once, because I resized my canvas..

I can't even get one to move. What am I doing wrong? I followed these instructions.


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GIMP :: Line Art - How To Do Layers

Sep 2, 2013

I don't draw line art but I borrow the free ones and color them, and I was wondering how I do layers because I have tried before and it just isn't working, and I need them because it makes it makes it easier to do. I have been managing without them.

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