GIMP :: Layers Locked / Can't Edit

Oct 15, 2012

I exported a few png's out of Avid that I want to edit in Gimp and bring into After Effects. It's a process I've done many times before. However, none of my tools seem to be working. They either give me the circle with a line through it or have no effect at all. I've found a few similar posts on various websites, but none of the solutions have worked for me. It's a brand new file, I'm opening for the first time., which is the only variable I can think of.

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GIMP :: How To Edit Multiple Layers

Apr 12, 2013

I'm making a .gif image but the video clip frames I imported have an undesirable rectangle at the very end (it's just starting to fade in). So I'm trying to go frame by frame and edit each layer individually to erase the rectangle. I only have a handfull of frames to edit and then I should be good to go but figuring out how to switch to editing other layers has proven difficult. So far if I turn off the top layers when I try and edit the underlying layers it only draws on the top layer. I didn't want to move any of the layers since that would be much harder than just editing them where they already are.

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GIMP :: Unable To Edit Layers Outside The Canvas

Jun 9, 2013

why are we not able to edit layers outside the canvas?

I often create images were the canvas size is fixed (e.g. display resolution). I then add layers to it that are often larger than the canvas. I would now want to select the superfluous parts of the just added images (e.g. to make them transparent), but I can't select parts of the layers that are not on canvas!

I also can not see any layer content that is off-canvas. A workflow I'd prefer would be copy everything somewhere (not necessarily inside the canvas) and then align it layer by layer, which is hard when one can not see the content of the off-canvas layers.

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GIMP :: Edit Multiple Layers Or Frames?

Jul 30, 2013

How do I edit multiple layers or frames?

I am working on a GIF and I want to change the brightness, saturation settings etc but it seems that I have to edit the frames one by one, which is extremely tedious. Is there a faster way to do this?

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GIMP :: Edit Layers Without Deleting Them And Starting New Layer?

Nov 12, 2013

Is there a way to edit layers without deleting them and starting a new layer?

Example: I am creating a border on a separate layer. When I created the layer I set the X and Y sizes. As it turns out, I need to adjust the X and Y sizes. So far the only way I've been able to adjust this is by deleting the border layer and creating a new one.

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GIMP :: Edit Original Layer Below Alpha Transparency Or Adding Layers

Sep 23, 2011

Basically just want to make the middle separating line in the following image:

Identical to (same degree of horizontal fadeout into transparency):

I have spent hours on it trying to edit the original layer below the alpha transparency or adding layers, getting nowhere.

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Photoshop :: Need To Edit Locked Photo.

May 24, 2008

I am using photoshop cs2 on windows xp. I intend to edit a photo which is a gif file.

I open the photo File-->Open--> <<file name>>. It opens but everything is locked/disabled. Only the tools menu like crop/select etc are enabled. Even the layer is locked and it is disabled.

Please suggest what could be the problem and how can i edit it. It is not a read only file and it does not have any permission issues.

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Photoshop :: Can't Edit / Use Any Tools Of Images Because It Says Layer Is Locked

Feb 25, 2013

I can't edit/use any tools of my images b/c it says the layer is locked.

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Photoshop :: Layers Are Always Locked

May 15, 2008

I am using Photoshop CS2 and whenever I open a .jpg , .gif or use my scanner and scan something into PS the layer always starts out locked.

Is there a way to change this so it is not locked everytime?

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Photoshop :: Layers Are Locked

Mar 8, 2009

I am using Photoshop CS2 with Windows XP. Why are all the photos that I import into Photoshop have the layer locked. I tried to save them both as .psd and as .jpeg. But, it makes no difference. In the layer pallette, the layer is marked as locked but the icons at the top are all grayed out.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Can't Snap Locked Layers

May 12, 2012

I need an overrule that can not snaps object in all locked layers. How to do that.

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Photoshop :: Locked Background Layers

Feb 21, 2008

I am trying simply to work with layers, however when I start a new document and then import a photo, the background automatically locks. The lock icon is visible in the layers pallate. I can drag that icon to the trash and import another photo but the first photo disapears as the layers all merge on top of one another and the lock icon returns.

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Photoshop :: Unlocking Locked Layers

Jan 17, 2008

Is it possible to unlock a locked layer? The program seems to decide which photo I want to use as a background, and locks it, and it's not the one I want to use anyway lol
Is it possible to change which photo is used as the background, and unlock the layers? Can't seem to find a reference to it in help section.

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Photoshop :: Does Anybody Else Here Hate The Way Layers Are Locked In CS2?

Feb 15, 2007

Is it just me or was it easier to lock/unlock layers before CS2?

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Photoshop :: Layers Locked Inadvertently

May 7, 2008

I am making a montage for my son's 40th birthday showing small pictures of him and our family over the years fro very early-age to the present time.

I had about 30 pictures already arranged as ALL the layers disappeared and the Background Locked layer is the only one left!

way of getting my layers back?

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Photoshop :: Unlock Locked Layers

Jun 4, 2008

I have been sent a template that contains 4 fully locked layers. I seem unable to unlock them to enable me to edit them. Can someone advise how to do this in cs3.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: 2 Layers Named 0 - Not Locked Down

Apr 9, 2013

In my layer prop manager, I have 2 layers with the name "0". How is this possible? Also, I'm trying to move the lines/polylines on either one of these layers and it won't move because it's locked. But when you look on the layer manager, BOTH of the 0 layers are not locked down.

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AutoCAD VB :: Why Does Locked Layers Not Fading With VBA

Dec 29, 2012

I have this application: It's a userform with a combobox filled up with all layers. There also are 2 commandbuttons and a label.When I apply the command button all the layers except the selected layer in the combobox lock. That's good.This is the problem:

Normaly when I lock a layer it is fading (laylockfadectl 80). But when I lock layers with this vba code it doesn't fading locked layers.

Option ExplicitPrivate Sub cmbx1_Change()Label1.Caption = cmbx1.ValueEnd SubPrivate Sub cmdAPPLY_Click()On Error Resume Next 'handle exceptions inline
Dim objlayers As AcadLayersDim objlayer As AcadLayer
Set objlayers = ThisDrawing.Layers 'make the layer selected in the combobox current

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Illustrator :: Editable Layers And Locked?

Aug 15, 2013

I would like to make a document which he can open in illustrator and only can edit the layers with text.The layers with my illustrations must be locked and not be editable.Who knows how i can save this document?And is it possible to do this with a PDF-document?

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Photoshop Elements :: 11 - All Layers Locked Always

Jan 16, 2014

I have PSE 11 and no matter how I save what I am working on, even as a PSD with layers, I am unable to edit the project after it is saved.  This started happening all of a sudden and it is difficult to work with being unable to simply edit as needed.

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Photoshop :: Increase Edit Or Preview Window Size Or Is It Locked To Default?

Feb 16, 2012

I have a very small document (image) I want to use the Liquify filter on but its goes so small while in the Liquify edit window It is really tough to get to what I need to see,My question is ,Is there away to increase the edit or preview window size or is it locked to default?

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Photoshop :: Background Layers Are Locked On All Files

Nov 12, 2012

My bg layers are locked on all my files. I can't move them to desktop etc. How can I unlock these.

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Photoshop :: Layers Locked Prevents To Move

Nov 14, 2013

I'm creating a travel-brochure. Initially it was a tri-fold but now it turns out that I need more space hence, I need to go up to the four-fold which covers a legal-sized page of 8.5 x 14, as opposed to the standard 8.5 x 11.
However, the added three inches to the canvas size was added on either side of my project when I really want everything to the left margin with the 3 inches left over on the right, which would be characterized by an extra flap or fold.
Now I have a lot of layers and elements going on which have not been flattened. So I thought that if I highlighted everything by clicking on each layer with the control button depressed when upon finishing I could just drag the entire "project" to the left of center. NOPE.
A message states, " layers are locked and cannot blah blah" something to that effect.
I tried not pressing on the background layer and then clicking the rest becaue I did a test run in a new project by throwing up a bunch of layers and when I clicked on the four layers leaving the background layer not clicked, everything moved together.
So I tried that, but it still didn't work in my main one. A possible theory as to why it's not is that there are layers of my images that have that little spray can icon on the bottom right corner (AI) I believe? These are like jpegs, so when I want to manipulate them, I have to open them up in another project; cut up the image or whatever, then flatten, then cut and paste back into my main project.
So do I flatten my current project first, then move it over, then unflatten?
How can I shift my project to the left of center by still retaining the layers etc..

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AutoCAD LT :: Where To Set Fade Control Of Locked Layers

Dec 10, 2013

where is the setting to change the Fade Control when you lock a layer?(It is not the same as the Fade Control of the External References in the Display tag of the Options dialog.  I know that one and I am aware of this one.)

The one that I want to know is of the locked layers.  When I lock a layer, the objects in the layer fade.

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AutoCad :: No Dotting Of Locked Layers While Selecting?

Sep 7, 2012

locked objects get selected, but nothing acts on them. that is i do see them getting dotted while i selected all objects on other unlocked layers. is there way that locked layers don't get dotted while selection? just like in sketchup?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Edit Feature Line Some Elevations Locked With White Triangle

Apr 23, 2012

I have created several feature lines from which I graded to distance or surface.  I am trying to edit all these feature lines raising them by 0.5 ft.  In a few instances, I need to keep some of the elevs while raising others by 0.5 ft.  I am changing the elevation of individual vertices.

Some of the features lines all me to change all the elevations.  But on a few of the feature lines, I can change all the elevations except for one.  The feature line station for which I cannot change the elevation has a white triangle in front of it in the Elevation Editor instead of a Green Triangle like most of the points.  It's clear that the White Triangle means something that is not allowing me to edit the elevation of that feature line vertex, but I'm not sure what or how to fix it so I can edit it like the others.

Also, the Raise Incrementally icon does not work on these points with a White Triangle in front of them / does not change the elevation of them.

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Photoshop :: How To Find All Locked Layers (visible Or Not) And Then Unlock At Once

Sep 19, 2012

I was on a tight deadline. I got a massively layered, -- nested folders everything --  .psd. I'm using Photoshop CS 5.5
I only needed the visible layers.  So, I go to "Delete Hidden Layers" right? Ooops it was grayed out, I could not use it -- that was because of the locked layers...
Then I realized -- in the complicated layer structure I had to go through every single folder, open it, look for a locked layer and unlock it (nested folders inside of nested folders etc.). If the layer was not visible and it was locked, I had to first turn it to visible, then unlock it, and then turn it off again.
I was on a deadline, and I just didn't have time -- but I had to do it anyway. This was a painful experience... I'm telling designers from now on NEVER SEND ME A PSD WITH LOCKED LAYERS AGAIN
It would have been so much easier if I could just search for "locked layers", and "unlock all."

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Photoshop :: Why Can't Text Layers Be Locked And Made Selectable

Nov 29, 2012

I can't believe this is still an issue in CS6. When you have multiple text layers stacked near or in between each other, its impossible to lock the layer so that it can no longer be selected. Even if the layer is locked, the TYPE tool is still able to select it. This makes its a super pain in the tail to edit text near each other. Is there a way to make the text layers lock and NOT be selectable?
Instead of locking a layer and not being able to select it with the type tool, a pop-up telling us that its locked come up?

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Photoshop :: How To Select Locked Layer When Too Many Layers Overlapping

Sep 6, 2013

How to select a locked layer when you have too many layers overlapping?
I know I can select all the layers, lock them and unlock them. But I can't lock/unlock all layers when some layers are hidden. I'll have to dig in to unhide those layers. But then I don't want to unhide all layers, because it will make changes to my design that I wouldn't know.
Is there a smart way to find/select the lock layer?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Don't Want Objects On Locked Layers To Be Selectable

Aug 6, 2009

I have made gridlines and put them on a locked layer. I want to be able to see them and snap to them, but I don't want to select them. Their selectability is hindering my ability to select objects on other layers. Is there any way to make lines on locked layers not selectable? (I don't like the Autocad standard grid.)

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AutoCad :: How Layer Locked In Turn Not Affecting Other Layers

Apr 27, 2012

I have a question regarding AutoCAD 2012 and when it comes to locking layers.

When working on the basement layer I would like to see that layer locked in turn not affecting my other layers, ie: my house/garage/second-floor.

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