GIMP :: How To Perform Grading Operations Outside Of A Selection
Apr 18, 2013
I have begun experimenting with bump-mapping procedures, and I decided to create a mask which would create the effect of a three-dimensional rectangular pyramid with a flat top. So far I have only created raised bump effects with the Gaussian Blur filter, but this tool apparently has it's limits in that it won't raise any shape by more than a quarter inch or so on the screen - after a solid black rectangle is blurred beyond 30 or so it loses it's impact on the colored background.
So I thought that maybe I could use the Blend tool, which can produce a longer gradient of white on black for a more gradual and longer bumping. Problem is that I only seem to have one layer of selection available, and I want that radial grade set for angles to operate on the area outside of what would be the flat area atop my pyramid, and I cannot get it to blend anywhere other than within my selected area. I sort of need to make Blend respond like the Bucket Fill tool to a defined area, but it seems that this would require a secondary selection border (sort of like making Blend act on a broad ring, but a rectangular one. ). I thought of simply placing a layer for the pyramid top over a rectangle with the Blend effect, but I think the gradient should begin outside of the top rectangle, not under its center. Also, I would need to merge these two layers (probably as another image unless GIMP allows the merging of cherry-picked layers). Anyway, what would be your procedure for producing this effect (any that works and produces a long, even grade from outside a flat area to the ground below)?
The last idea I mentioned (which I doubted would be satisfying anyway) would require me to merge the two layers, one for the flat pyramid top and another for the larger surrounding area which would set up the effect for grading to the ground below. It would be no biggie to do this, but here I discovered a particularly awful GIMP bug when I tried opening another image while using Radial. I have been working with GIMP for a couple of years as a practical tool for plotting project map locations with a few symbols which I've created using the same, but nothing requiring what I'm trying to do now. I have often had multiple images open, with one box listing my layers, and I have up until now been able to rely on it to report what layers I had to work with for the image I am currently working in. Now it's getting really crazy. I wanted to test the results of bumping white on black in different shapes to colored backgrounds, using different radial effects or different blurring effects, so I started with newly created images which I would compare. Working in the new images the Layers box displayed the new layers which I had created for each new image. For example, I bump-mapped a mask for a cone on a solid blue background, removed the layer visibility for the mask so that I could view the results. What I saw was NOT the effects of the mask on my blue background but the bump background showing what I had done with a rectangle mask in the image I was previously working on! The Layers box did not change, so no I could not have switched windows by accident. If the other window image window was still present (further unhappy experimentation revealed that it didn't have to be from the point after the new image window was spawned), it did not contain the cone effects nor any layers which I had just created. I have experienced this both on my work machine (Windows XP) and my home laptop (Linux).
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Sep 5, 2012
I have been working with autocad for approximately five months. I feel as though I have a pretty good grasp of the program's capabilities and commands, but I'm stumped. I've successfully imported a 3dm file to autocad 2012 and all of the geometry is present in autocad (it is not a 2d wireframe), but I am unable to perform boolean operations on it.
The model has also taken on a strange pale blue hugh, though the wirefram is lavender (unless I explode it and then unionize it several times over. Unfortunately this results in an issue with surface faces intersecting with one another, as well as a loss of geometry). The model cannot be converted to a surface nor a solid which means that it is not water-tight. This is not a model that I have created. I've been tasked by my employer to make several changes to it. Why (without exploding it) I cannot perform boolean operations.
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Aug 28, 2012
When a file has many surfaces, gradings and sites manually delete them is slow ¿is there a method to select multiple sites, surfaces and gradings on prospector and delete them all at once and not one by one?
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Dec 26, 2012
For years I've been using various image editors, often in combination. That is, I do simple stuff as copy / paste and repositioning of elements in one editor and subsequently open the image in a more advanced editor for proper paintwork. Currently I'm using the Gimp for the latter. Color layers work brilliantly. However, I have big problems with my alpha channel--I've found no way to edit it within Gimp and I've found no way to import a revised version that I've edited in another image editor. There must be solutions to both challenges.
The editing I require is piece-of-cake in basic image editors--I simply want to move a transparent region a bit to the left. That should be a simple rectangle selection and then shoving it (mouse or arrow keys) to where I want it. Alternatively I could import my edited alpha channel image as I'm used to doing in other editors. Well, the Gimp will accept the image as a layer all right but I haven't succeeded in making the Gimp import my grayscale image as an alpha channel. I get a grayscale non-transparent layer instead.
So, I've got a perfectly good alpha channel that needs a minor tweak. It loads as intended in Gimp. How to perform basic editing of this alpha channel layer or tell me how to import a revised version and tell Gimp that this image should be interpreted as an alpha channel?
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Dec 24, 2013
"An infill grading has no criteria applied to it. Any area bounded by feature lines or lot lines that is not already a grading can be converted to an infill grading."
So given an area enclosed by a feature line, an infill grading can be created. Using the same features line, an feature line grading can also be created. what is the difference between these two surfaces? They both have no criteria applied to them.
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Mar 1, 2013
Right after one makes a selection, say by using the Rectangle SelectTool, is presented with handles that allow altering the selection.
If one then selects another tool without deselecting is being deprivedof these handles while the selection remains active thus rendering himunable to alter the selection in that fashion.
Thus forming my question: is there a way to make these handles to(re-)appear on a non-freshly created selection?
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Jan 13, 2013
I know how to blend selection edges of a selection in Gimp 2.8.2, but if I have only one side of a selection that needs blending, what should I do?
Lets say that I have a grey box on a black background and only want to blend the left vertical edge into the background.
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Nov 21, 2013
Every time I make the second selection in a picture with the lazo the first selection disappear. what can I do to fix it?
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May 17, 2012
I haven't had Photoshop Extended before CS6, so I've been experimenting with doing some simple 3D stuff, such as turning text into 3D shapes and trying to match it to a photographic background.
What I'm doing seems quite simple, and it seems to be working, but there's one glitch: A few things seem to take a really long time. At worst, Photoshop goes completely unresponsive for about 40 seconds.
A good example is this: I have a photo I've opened in RGB/16 mode at 4096 x 6144 pixels, and I create a new Text layer over the photo with one word in it: STOP
I click the 3D button in the Options area for the Text Tool, and wait a full 40+ seconds before seeing the pop-up that asks whether I want to switch to the 3D workspace.
I assume a 40 second delay isn't normal. It's certainly not acceptable.
Once in the 3D editing realm, I can do most things with relative ease, such as moving the 3D mesh around, rotating it, changing lighting, etc. The update time for any of those operations to show is maybe 1/2 second or so to show on the screen. Some things are a little faster. Even rendering it into a pretty clean state is fairly quick - just 10 seconds or so.
I've tested this in both Photoshop CS6 32 bit and 64 bit, and the performance seems about the same, as does the appearance of the long delay.
Other observations:
I also see the long delay if I click on a history step to go back or forward in the history. If I work on an 8 bits/channel image the 40 seconds is reduced to about 2 seconds. I have a decent 8 core machine, with (by today's standards) a modest graphics card: ATI Radeon HD 5670 with 1 GB DDR5. I'm on the ATI Catalyst 12.2 drivers because the 12.4 (latest) set has other problems. But when I did try the 3D stuff with 12.4 the delay was the same.
Example: Going from this screen to the one below takes 40 seconds.
...40 seconds later...
Ultimately tweaking it to look decent seems doable - no crashes or glitches...
Not knowing what to expect, or what I should expect to not try to do, what I'm doing seems pretty simple. Am I trying something I shouldn't? Is it just a given that to do 3D one is supposed to work on 8 bits/channel data?
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Jan 12, 2013
I have a large image (21.6 x 14.4in, 51.3MB, and 240ppi) that I need to reduce to approx. 7 x 5in, under 30MB, and 300ppi. First, I resampled the image down to 7 x 4.667in, 5.38MB, and 240ppi. Later, after I realized that I forgot to change the resolution, I resampled the image up by changing the resolution to 300ppi. I was left with a final image that had the following characteristics: 7 x 4.667in / 8.41MB / 300ppi. Since the file size is larger, I'm assuming that Photoshop did a bit of guesswork in order to add information back into the file.
If I would have changed the resolution from 240ppi to 300ppi at the same time that I resampled the image down to 7 x 4.667in, would I have gotten a better image? In other words, should I have done all of the adjustments at the same time?
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Apr 17, 2012
it's possible to see a status of savon operations in CorelDraw X6? I've read that the progress bar has changed to a small icon in the statusbar in X5, but in my recently installed X6 there's no such thing. I always have to guess whether Corel is done saving or not. This is also relevant for exporting to PDF.
forcing the measuring tool to measure only horizontally/vertically. The automatic function does not always do the trick. I have a feeling that the improvements of the measuring tool has actually made it less usable. The centering of the values used to work better in X4 and I still haven't managed to change the default color of the measurement lines and text
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Mar 16, 2010
Is posible to disable undo for certain operations?
I want to disable undo for some for some transactions. if posible it...
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Aug 9, 2012
new to 3D modelling in Autocad. the client has asked me to detail this in about 20 places on a structure.Its an SHS edge beam joining a CHS rafter.Both are at different angles.The CHS has a cleat plate, as does the edge beam.The 2 need to align and connect. The bolt hole must be 40mm off the face of the rafter.The rafter CL & edge beam CL need to coincide at a setting out point.
Where the rafter cleat plate connects to its rafter it has to be in alignment with the rafters plane.SHS edge beam will need to have its sides vertical and horizontal, so the edge beam cleat won’t be aligned with the SHS faces .
Even though I have the autocad file as an example, have tried to draw this about 100 times but cant get it right – I have been unable to contact the draftsman who did it. How to draw it and what commands to use?how to use UCS and other modelling operations.
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Nov 19, 2013
Lightroom 4 is saying "Some import operations could not be performed" then says "following images could not be copied" when I try to import any photos.
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Nov 8, 2012
I have imported images from a brand new My Book hard drive, completed my edits in LR, but when I attempt to export to a subfolder located in the original folder, I repeatedly get the error message: "Some export operations were not performed." None of the images are exported. I was able to export this way to my desired location at least once before, but I'm not sure if a setting got changed or what the problem is. It does however, let me export to other locations such as the Desktop.
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May 27, 2013
I have been using lightroom for a year and now suddenly I cannot import pictures, I get the message "some import operations were not performed, could not copy a file to the requested location" I have tried both Raw and Jpegs and have installed the latest updates 4.4.
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Jan 4, 2014
I made a selection, I did what i needed to do with it but... how do I get rid of the selection now?
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Feb 10, 2009
My copy / paste operations take several seconds. I'm copying very simple objects, lines, rectangles, etc. but regardless of the size of the object, a copy/paste operation takes 3-5 seconds.
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Mar 7, 2013
I have an existing polygon, I'd want to select it and :
1.- Delete all inside it
2,. Delete all outside of it
Both actions with an option to include points of cut objects.
Civil 3D (2013)
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Jul 28, 2011
app name, but is there any way of using (calling) operations from inside my C# code?What I'm saying is that, there is a SDK through Paint.NET so I can have simple Image Editing from my custom application?
If not, is there a way to call Paint.NET trough my code, make some editing and then closing Paint.NET continue handling the iage from my C# app?If this is not suitable for my needs, any simple Image editing tool so I can use through my C# application?
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Apr 19, 2011
I created a cone where I wanted to cut some cylindrical hole in it so I created the cylinders and did a boolean subtraction of the cylinders from the cone.
I got the holes cut out, but the resulting object appears as though it's hollow. Is this something do do with my display or is there a setting I'm missing to create objects as hollow/solid?
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Mar 9, 2013
I'm using GIMP 2.8.2 and I have problem with the Selection to Path tool. I've been using this tutorial [URL] to create a pie chart, but once I use the ellipse selection tool and create a circle I can't select to path (the option is greyed out).
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Jan 21, 2013
I have a drawing that is 720X596 px and I have used the rectangular tool and select - invert, cut out a 222X444 px part that I need to save as a jpeg. However, I can not figure out how to either : delete the 720X596 drawing to leave the 222X444 drawing: or, select the 222X444 drawing to save it.
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Nov 10, 2013
I am used to making a selection of part of the image - then you see the marching ants around your selection. Now in Photoshop at this stage I just press Ctrl-j and the selection gets put into its own layer above the current one. How do i do this in Gimp? and can you set up a keyboard shortcut for it?
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Apr 8, 2013
I've read that to "drop" a selection tool, you choose "Select" "None". But very often "None" is not available to select, so how do you get rid of the tool when it goes wherever you go, like a piece of chewing gum stuck to your shoe?
I've tried clicking it, double-clicking, clicking outside the image, pressing escape, it won't go away, so I have to close the image and start again.
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Oct 29, 2012
That's the gif. In the upper right is the white corner I need to get rid of. It shows in every frame of the gif
I don't know where to begin. I've tried selecting it, and making it transparent, but that doesn't seem to have any affect, so I think it might be deep-set into the image in some way. It's not just white paint on top of the layer.
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Jul 6, 2011
Is it possible to get a offset from a selection? Something like the very useful offset tool in Google sketch up?
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May 9, 2013
I've created an image and saved it. It's a photograph, with text over.
Now I want to tear the top right-hand corner.
I've done many "tears" successfully, but this one is defeating me.
I use the lassoo to select the part I want to tear, then click Edit Cut, Edit Paste, and it creates a new floating layer. When I anchor that layer, it merges itself back into the original image.
In previous attempts, when I have anchored the layer, it has remained separate from the original.
What am I doing wrong that it is merging itself into the original?
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Jun 25, 2012
I've to select an area ant turn the background transparent. Previously this was simple: select foreground, invert so background selected, toggle the transparency to 0% and hey presto, transparent background. Now when I do that it goes white.
I have tried using transparency - add alpha channel, and nothing happens: the menu stays there. Is that a glitch in y version of Gimp? and how can I now isolate the background and turn int transparent?
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Mar 27, 2012
When I use the rectangle select tool, hit copy, then paste into new image, I get nothing but an empty, transparent image the size of my selection.
I've successfully done this many times, but now, nothing.
my new image contains no image?
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Mar 13, 2013
I 'open as layers' an image (a .bmp if that matters), use the rectangle-select tool to outline a portion of the image, then press Delete (or click Edit/Clear), expecting that my selection will be erased, but instead it deletes the entire picture.
I've been at this for an hour. "They" say that doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result is evidence of insanity...
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