CorelDRAW X5 :: How To Fix Visible Gap Between Objects
Jun 10, 2011
Is there an easy way to fix visible gap between objects?
I draw an example to demonstrate the problem. I created this box using snap to objects, after removing the outline it leaves a visible gap between objects. Even if i draw without an outline, the gap still show.
I'm having a problem where in 3D/model mode certain objects are sometimes not visible. A lot of times they show when I'm zoomed out, but then they disappear when I zoom in on the model. It happens with AEC objects like windows (strangely it will often be one window and not the rest of the windows), but it mostly happens with 3D solids that would be in vanilla AutoCAD.
In the Page & Layer Gallery there are the small eyes to make objects Visible or not. If for example a document has one layer so Layer 1, closing the Visible eye beside the layer, all objects disappear. Which is anyway my target, just in this way the eyes beside individual objects became gray, saying that "click parent to show".
Is there maybe way to close all objects visible with one step, but be able individually open them after? As I can see this works only on that way that if the individual objects are closed one by one, in that way can be opened one by one, but if closed in one on layer level, in that case can be opened only on that level. I would like to avoid close all objects one by one
I have multiple layers but only want to save the currently visible elements objects out in a PDF or JPEG, how do I do this without having to tediously double click each layer and choose "do not print" (layer).
Would be nice to have a preference in prefs to "not print hidden layers".
I've been using Illustrator for many years but I ran into a problem today I've never seen before. I have a feeling it's something simple that I've overlooked.
All the objects in my project are invisible. When I hover over them, the object edges appear, and they retain their color if I double click them to put them in isolation mode. But that's it. Exported images are just white spaces the size of the artboard. All my other files display as they should, it's just this one.
I worked around it by copying and pasting the objects into a new file. So I think it must have something to do with the settings in this document.
Since upgrading to AutoCAD LT 2011 I cannot use the Design Center for inheriting objects such as layers, blocks etc between drawings. I have a few different drawings open which are displayed in the tree view of the 'open drawings' tab in the Design Center. But the objects of the drawings are not displyed. No +-sign in front of the drawing name, no icons in the icon field, just a summary at thebottom saying '0-items'.
Is it possible to bind a drawing and have only the objects visible in the viewport to remain in model space after binding. I'm working with some pretty big models and am trying to reduce file sizes after binding.
Am getting warning "None of the created elements are visible in Floor Plan: 00 GF View. You may want to check the active view, its Parameters, and Visibility settings, as well as any Plan Regions and their settings". Phase settings are correct, no hidden elements etc. Cannot add anything by create similar, build panel. Its Revit 2013 - I have been getting a lot of cannot continue crashes but is this a forthcoming fix issue?
I often produce graphics in CorelDRAW, export it as en eps file and insert it inside a MS Word document as an image and finally convert it to pdf. This way my vector graphics (often linedrawings with or without fill) usually is preserved in the final pdf document. I can zoom in and the lines keep on displaying perfectly sharp. This is important, since it easily looks bad when thin lines are turned into bitmaps, even when watched from a distance.
Now, in some graphics I created today, I had a circle with fountain fill and outline (symbolizing a sphere) put behind a filled rectangle, which had a uniform transparency applied to it. In the resulting pdf file, the 'sphere' was turned into bitmap. Inside CorelDRAW everything was vector graphics, but something was loast in the process. what happens with the graphics in the different steps in the process and eventually could explain a workaround to make everything look as vector in the final pdf file.
I recently had to reformat a hard drive and reinstall everything.
I have a bunch of custom made symbols that I use often and for some reason, when using the Symbols Manager docker, they are no longer showing up in the Local Symbols>User Symbols folder in that docker as they used to.
The old hard drive had XP Pro on it but this new one has Windows 7 Pro on it. I am aware of the path changes made in Windows 7 and swear I have the custom symbols located in the correct directory.
I am using X4 version
I have them placed in the following directory:
C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoamingCorelCorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4User Symbols
When I attempt to create a new Symbol, it saves the new symbol file in the directory above and when I go to that directory, I can see all of my custom Symbols. They just are not showing up in Draw X4 for some reason even though they are there.
I've used CorelDraw for a couple of years manly for simple newsletters and flyers. My question is concerning the visibility, or in my case, the non-visibility of the baseline grid. First of all my equipment is as follows: Dell Inspiron 620, i5-2320 @3.00 GHz, 8gb Ram 64bit windows 7 home premium with all current updates. I'm using a education version of x6 suite and it's updated to version
These are the steps I've taken: I created a rectangle within the document and using the layout toolbar I clicked "convert the object to a text frame". With the text box active, I clicked view/grid/baseline grid, but alas, no baseline grid is visible within the text box.
I use Photoshop X3 to create buttons for a webpage. The buttons are saved as PNGs.This works fine for Firefox, Chrome, IE9. But in IE8 and Safari, the buttons are not displayed, instead IE8 displays a red X.
I tried to open the PNGs in PHP, but I get the error: gd-png: fatal libpng error: Too many IDAT's found in ...image.php...It seems that the PNG exported by Photopaint are not standard-conform! I installed the 2 service packs for X3.
When I enter text into a table cell all I see is a red dotted rectangle. Object Manager shows there is a Paragraph text object there. If I open it in Text editor tool the text I typed is there.
Why is it not visible on screen or when printed?. Paragraph text not in the table is visible.
With automatic windows update 12/12/12 problem with fonts type T1, which are used in a document, suddenly no longer visible even after Save Image in PDF, but present on the document.
So when you format text in t1 long distance, for the update windows then this is visible, then no longer visible, but there was still. only way to solve computer back to earlier restore point, then everything is fine again.
I am trying to edit the Master Page in Corel Draw X4. However I can't find how to list it in the obect manager. The first image shows the Object Manager as I see it.
The second image shows an example of the Object Manager as people have posted in other discussion topics.
How do I list all pages within the Object Manager as shown in this second example, and have the + and - buttons to expand the selection ?
We have created a simple label and grouped several components in CorelDraw X5. Now we cannot ungroup the components. When we right-click the group, the options to group or ungroup are dimmed. The result is the same when right-clicking on the group in the object manager docker.
Perhaps related, is the fact we cannot select the components of the group from the object manager docker. We can select the group, but none of the individual components in the group. None of the layers is 'Locked' in the object manager docker so we should be able to edit them.
What might be preventing us from accessing the ungroup option for a group?
Having an issue with my objects not letting me drag them. I can move them with the arrow keys, by the coordinates, and can even move the nodes but i can't just grab and drag them with the mouse.
I created a design in Corel X6. My design was then sent to a vinyl cutter and heat pressed on to t-shirts. My problem is this: where the vinyl overlaps I get an impression mark on the vinyl at the top. How can I delete the portion of the design in Corel that will beoverlapping to eliminate the impression marks?
I glad to know can i run object with text in coreldraw. I'm working on a book the when i format the some paragraphs the fractions and decorative things back and fro from its original position. So it's a pretty hard to arrange manage on its original position. I try by grouping them with text boxes. The real problems is about fractions and square roots which is drawn by nodes. Can i add equation from math type in text box.
When I print from Corel Draw X3 some of the objects do not print. They are in the art and show up fine on the print preview but then when I print, those objects are missing. It's almost always with customer art that I've imported. I can't recall it ever happening with art that was designed in X3.
It's the strangest thing. If I change the color of the object that won't print it will then show up in the print preview for the corresponding color. But it still won't print. I usually end up having to recreate that object and then it prints fine. I don't understand why it wouldn't print if I'm able to view the object and change it's color.
I'm using Accu-Rip software, an Epson 1400 printer, and Windows XP. We print separations for screen printing.
When working on a custom page size, the bitmaps and vector objects disappears, well, i can still select them, but i cant see them, i import the images using the import function, all fine, till i try to move them or resize them, then they vanish.
how to trim 2 objects. First one is a single line scribble on the background. Second object is a face silhouette. I select both object and try to trim the scribble line running thru the head, using "arrange/shaping" but can't select the function trim. The only one available is simplify, all others including trim are inactive.
If there is a similar function to "Execute function and repeat" in order to make the displacement of various objects. For example I have 5 different objects and wanted to give them a displacement of 1.5 cm, how to do this automatically by Corel Draw ?
I have several documents that I regularly access and each has a logo that is normally visible and prints without issue. The object comprises some text and a drawing object.
Earlier this week I added a new second monitor to my machine and since then opening documents in CorelDraw results in a beige, rather than white, workspace. If I change the colour profile from the default "sRGB IEC6 1966-2.1" to the "Samsung - Natural Color Pro 1.0 ICM" profile the white workspace returns, but part of my logo is still not visible.
If it was only one document I might have thought I'd accidently deleted and saved it, but I have at least a dozen or more documents and each document has the logo repeated several time and in all cases only the drawing object is visible, the rest of the logo has vanished, even when printed. I can see the full logo in a document preview prior to opening it.
I have tried unplugging the new monitor, but haven't yet tried a reboot with it disconnected. The monitor that was replaced was an Iyama AS4314UT and it has been replaced with a Dell E1911 Digital. both are my secondary displays, the primary is a Samsung Synchmaster 943 which I have been using for a few years.
I want to count objects in a photo, by marking them (with a dot or something similar) so I know what I've already counted, and then be easily able to tell how many objects there are in the photo. Is there a way to do this in Corel Draw? I'll be counting hundreds of images so it needs to be a fairly quick method of marking each one.
this is probably an easy one but is there a way to cycle through overlapping objects?
to give an example I have three images overlaid that perfectly match up I want edit the objects underneath without having to move the top layer, what is the best way to do this?
I'm designing a catalog with some prices, every product have a code. Working with layers, I can group 3 objects: A produtc photo, the price and the code. So I rename the group to the code of especified product.
As we see, I can identify the groups, and by code I know what the product I'm working on. I think it's a very organized way to work.
Here the question:
Can I load the prices values from a txt file? I'm using X5.