Need a macro to copy a specific file and then promp where to paste the file. Trying to make a macro to Publish to PDF with certain parameters, mainly the security password, then save to as file "X". Then Call macro to copy file "X" so I can navigate to the proper directory,paste it and rename it.
If Corel had a feature that would allow you to set your password once and it would remember it so you didn't have to retype it every time.
I did managed to Record completely the macro but it will only save over the same file every time. It would work great if I could get it to just go back to the "publish To PDF" after inputting the settings then I can name it and put it in the directory I want.
I have a macro that saves a file to a temp directory. Is it possible to use a macro to just "copy" that file to the clipboard and stop? I just want it available in the cliboard so I can navigate to where I want it then paste it. I then rename it. The directory will always be different as will the file name.
I am looking for a macro for nesting different shape panels to a specific page size. each panel must have a clearance of 5mm all around. and cannot rotate. must be stay within the grain.
I'm just trying to put together a macro that will automate saving a selected group of objects to an AI file, however, I need it to be Compatible with version 8.
I've followed code from older posts to the forum and have successfully exported out a PNG file... I'm hoping to just alter that... here is what I have so far:
Export each page (maximum object boundary not page boundary) as JPEG to my given path with unique file name. (file name will provided on each page as filename).
I use the supplied macro in X5 to convert CDR to EPS which works fine for me, but my only problem is sometimes fonts default since some of those CDR files are not created on the same PC I use the macro.
Is there anyway to get the Font Matching dialog box displayed, so that I subsituute to a font of my choice rather then it use other fonts?
a tip for solving the problem of exporting an image as a tif led to another question. One solution to export as tif was to create a macro. See that solution post here: [URL] .......
It says : Step 1Run the built in macro. (Tools > Macros > Run Macro). In CorelDRAW versions prior to X4 (Tools > Visual Basic > Play). Select ‘File Converter’ macro from the ‘Macros in’ list and click ‘Run’
However in my macros drop down there are no macros. how can I get a file converter macro?
I have been trying to create a macro to control an assembly. The problem is that I need to access a certain parameter in a specific part in the assembly. I can get the exact parameter by using the "name" of the given parameter, ex .Item("d7") to call the parameter d7. The problem for me has been what name do I use to call out a given part, I have been using .Item(Index number), ex .Item(12), but this number can change as parts are added, deleted, or suppressed.
The question is what "name" should I be using and how do I use it. I have tried
I know I can make a button on the ribbon for running a specific macro. But, is this possible for iLogic rules? I would love to be able to run rules and launch forms from the ribbon!?
We have recently found the feature of copying the model iProperties to the drawing would be beneficial to searching for files in our ERP database. I am looking for a way to turn on the ability to copy model iProperties and select which properties to copy with a macro. There are several articles showing how to enable the feature and several ways to macro the same process. I have not been able to find a way to turn it on with a macro.
We plan to adjust our templates to enable the feature on all new drawings and add additional custom iProperties to the models that were previously only used in the drawings. I have wrote a macro to add iProperties to existing models that didn't have them when they were created. Now I am looking for a way to enable everything in the drawing. I see a great benefit to clicking a single button to enable the copy model iProperties feature and select several iProperties that will be copied without having to do it manually for every old drawing.
Is there a way to access the check box to enable this and to select properties within the API? If not, would creating a macro to do the copy from the model to the drawing be the best way to create that functionality in an older drawing or not? We have a little program that will give programmatic control over the mouse but creating code to access the feature that way would be more hassle than teaching our users to manually check the boxes.
I'm batching my signature onto a bunch of photos at the bottom righthand corner. I put my preferences to percentage rather than pixels so I could try things for most sized-photos. My dilemma now goes like this:
I record, open my signature, copy & paste to the other image (works fine). The signature shows up in the middle of the other image and rather than moving it manually where it'll be different for vertical and horizontal photos, is it possible to align right and bottom or get specific with entering numbers such as 90% horizontal and 90% vertical placement?
Basically, when you copy & paste to a different open file, is there a way to specify exactly where it should go when you paste it, or do you have to manually move it?
In CorelDraw X5, I consistently at times receive an error message stating "File Copy Error. TEMP Drive or Output Drive may be full". My temp drives have all been emptied. How to overcome this error message?
I've had a simple lisp I've been using for years that suddenly disappeared. It required that you identify a block name, tag name, and the value that you want the tag to be. All of this is performed via command line, so it is scriptable. Since I lost it, I've been experimenting with -attedit. This command comes frustratingly close to what I'm looking for, except it only appends an existing tag, or replaces a specific string within the tag; I can't get it to replace the entire tag, regardless of its value.
1> Any lisp routine that does what I describe? or 2> How to make -attedit replace a tag value without regard to what the value currently is (like a * wildcard)?
I am in the course of evaluating Xara, and it has a lot of good things going for it compared to Adobe, particularly in combining many of the features of ID and AI. The graduated color screening on objects is way better than AI.
However, I cannot find how to copy an object or text block and paste multiples at specific intervals. Both Pagemaker and InDesign have this feature, so I can't believe Xara overlooked it, as it is particularly useful when laying out say business cards 12 up on a sheet for printing. Yes, I have done a search on this forum and also studied Xara help files.
This is a macro I've been working on for a few days, what it does is it applies the selected transformation to each one of the selected objects individually. It rotates, scales and flips in both axes. I think this is a simple but useful workaround to the fact that Corel doesn't have a native command that does this.
I have a VB script that I created in excel that does a number of things. At some point I want it to open a series of variable Draw documents based on names and paths from columns in an excel document. This part works fine. However, I also want to perform a macro, created in CorelDraw, on said files once opened. This macro also works fine. The issue I am having is getting Excel to tell Draw to run the macro. I wrote the line with the same syntax I would use for telling excel to run a Word macro. IDK.
Set CorelDrawApp = CreateObject("CorelDraw.Application.15") CorelDrawApp.Visible = True Dim i As Long
I work in a trophy shop running laser engravers. I'm looking for a macro that would select everything on a page, flip it vertically, and do so throughout a multi-page document - I just had to do that manually for an order of 236 acrylics (all in one multi-page file!) and it - well - was a bit tedious I can make a macro to select all and flip - but I'm lost when it comes to getting it done throughout a file, I can only get it to do that a page at a time.
so I've recorded a macro to find all drop shadows and seperate them from whatever they're attached to. Now my problems is how to deselect the objects leaving just the drop shadows selected
Sub Macro173() ActiveDocument.CreateShapeRangeFromArray(ActiveLayer.Shapes(3), ' ActiveLayer.Shapes(1)).Cut ActiveLayer.Paste Dim Paste1 As ShapeRange Set Paste1 = ActiveSelectionRange ActiveDocument.Undo ActiveDocument.Undo ActivePage.Shapes.All.CreateSelection ActiveSelection.Separate End Sub