CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: What Contains Gradient Or Transparency Effect in EPS Format
Dec 12, 2011
I have a problem with Corel Draw x4 .eps exporting.When i exported graphic elements what contains gradient or transparency effect in eps format these elements appears broken or destroyed. how can i export this graphics correctly with CDRx4.
A graphic exported in Draw & PP in X4 as a .png works fine.
The same graphic copied & pasted into Draw or PP in X6 does not.Repeatable 100%...The eyedriopper selection of the transp[arent color seems to pick up the right color, but the output presents like a .jpg. Viewed in IE9, Firefox & Chrome with same results.
I have a background image with Linear transparency applied on the top of my image. I would like to replicate the same transparency on the bottom of the image. How can I do this?
Is it possible to do transparency all around the edge of an object. say you had drawn a circle can you make the edge all around transparent or say make just the middle transparent?
I often find that I would love to fade out in more than one direction.
Is there a way to control the layer transparency in CorelDraw 5? We often have control objects we need to superimpose over the actual drawing object, but want to see through the control object (on a higher layer) so we can align the actual drawing beneath the control layer.
This is my first post in the Corel forum and I hope I did it all right here:
First Bug -> In my last contest work I've tried to embed many transparency effects. While I designing my graphic I've used (among many others) a transparency effect that named »Behind« (in my German version of CorelDRAW it's named »Hinter«). I've applied that effect to a texture bitmap graphic and it worked correctly so long the bitmap overlaid a vector shape in an ordinary way. But after I include the bitmap into the vector shape (using the vector shape as a Power Clip) obviously the used transparency effect conflict with the anti aliasing function of the vector shape and the smooth margins of the vector shape turned into rough boarders and the vector shape looked like a bitmap in a poor resolution. I guess it is only an indication error in CorelDRAW but for a designer's eyes this bug is very disturbing and should be corrected by Corel!
Second Bug -> Often I use CorelDRAW for vector illustrations and that's why I have to integrate scanned sketches (JPEG format) to build vector illustrations bases of it. Here we have another indication error or better to say a performance problem of CorelDRAW. While I using the sketch image in extended view mode the zoom function of CorelDRAW works correctly and pleasant fast. But if I switch to simple contour mode the performance of zoom mode of CorelDRAW worsens rapidly. The performance of my computer is not the problem with this because my hardware is on a high level and I use an well arranged and clean Windows 7 operating system. It would be nice if Corel is able to fix that problem because it disturbs the work flow enormous and it minishs the fun that I have while I'm using CorelDRAW!
We have an issue happening on many of the documents that we have that include a transparency or gradient. We did not have these issues in Draw12. (but did have printing issues)
1st issue: Opening these gradients will randomly flip them. Like so:
The bottom image is correct. Now when we print them from Corel Draw X5 to either of our printers (Bizhub C250, or Biizhub C360ps) we get the following (this is created from the same master file, same settings):
Notice the lens effect color replacement is gone, and the bottom gradient is barely visible, the top one not working at all.
Same document, saved to 12 and printed the same way:
Both sent with identical printers settings, same print driver, and as close as possible settings in the X5 and Draw 12 dialog print boxes.
I have artistic text on a simple schematic diagram that I am trying to export out as a .cgm file, but the lines convert from solid lines to dashes and the vertical text does not stay in place after the export.
The file extension .sbj was used by Micrografix products, and Micrografix has since become a part of the Corel Corporation. I have thousands of these files. How can I use them in CorelDraw X5?
I have about 8 squiggles that are quite wide. I use the transparency tool in radial or conical mode... the center position matters, but it seems like essentially the same transparent effect stays regardless of the distance of the radius laid down by the tool. the little slider bar seems to do something, but I'm trying to get the transparency to go out more... but the radius doesn't change the transparency effect.
This seems like a bug. Why wouldn't the distance from the center to the edge matter?... the distance matters when it's working in linear transparency mode.
If this is possible to have a transparency brush in doing fades on curves. the brush would enable to lighten spot colors when brushed over the curve or curves. you could make a whole graphic fade out around the edges just by brushing over the edges.
You could have the capabilities to adjust the amount of the fade on a tool bar. maybe this is out there, but it would save a lot of time when doing graphics for t shirts and you want to fade the edges of the image on the shirt. you rip program would define the half tones by the transparency fade.
Is there a way to edit the transparency of a dimensioned object? I have many complex objects and sub-objects with transparency fills and all individual parts dynamically dimensioned. I find I cannot edit the transparency of any part that has a dimension. Surely there must be a way to do this...?
My dimensions are color-matched to the fill parts, and the text dimensions and dimension lines are different sizes and weights making it very time-consuming to delete, edit transparency, and then recreate the dimension with all the desired properties.
I would like to apply a transparency to some brush strokes. But when I click on a group of brush strokes, or select a single brush stroke, I can not start a transparency, or I get an error that there are too many objects.
I have some brushes that emulate smoke, but I would like to ad transparency to them.
I have a curve fill with K100 and 50% transparency placed on top of a solid color background. [TOP]But when I turn the proof color on, or export as CMYK JPEG, or PDF, the result is as below. [BOTTOM]
I tried to apply a transparency to a beveled rectangle and was unsuccessful to get any effect to apply. Tried to make the bevel first and then apply transparency and vice-versa, a transparent rectagle and tried to do bevel effect. Neither way would work.
Don't they play nice together, or do I have to try it in PP?
How to get that blue & white fill to follow that "S". I've tried to go by the article but am lost. I've used Corel Draw since version 8 but have not gotten in as deep as I need to get. That "S" fill by Sally is awesome!.
Windows 7 64 bit, Intel Xeon 3.30GHz, 32GB memory, ATI FirePro V4800, (1)10,000 Velosirapptor internal HD, (1) internal 1TB HD, (1) 500GB external HD (2) external 3TB HDs, (2) HP z6200 printers, (1) OKI 9650 printer (1) Roland Camm1 Pro vinyl cutter
I have an arc shape that I'm trying to fill with a gradient-type blend where it will be 0% spot on the lower left side gradually going around to 100% spot on the lower right side. The example I have attached shows the shape on the left with a conical fountain just to give an idea of something close, but it won't actually work for my shape. I also attached a cdr X5 file which contains a blend I was working on, but can't seem to get it to work (that is the shape on the right). I tried cutting it in half which works, but I still can't get it.
what I do is design one half of my design first. When I like what I have I duplicate that part of the design and then mirror it horizontally. I then save the file. Close out of the program. Turn it back on the next day, and some of my gradients are now messed up on the side that was mirrored.
As you can see the left snippet is how it should look, the right mirrored snippet's gradients should match but the don't. Some of the gradient. (not all of them though). It's really bizarre. It doesn't happen often, the only times I can remember it happening is when working on really large complex designs. Oh also, it is effecting gradient fills and transparency linear gradients.
I have an image from a magazine that is 9" X 7.5" and want to scan it so that I can get the best resolution from it and be able to place it on a banner that will be 3ft X5ft.
In what format should I scan it ? JPEG, TIFF, or PDF
i have that issue i made one flyer w X4 where exist a bitmap that must be to the edge of cutted paper , so i made it bigger out of page, i close it to PDF for my printer adding a bleed limit, everything else out of page (inside the bleed ofc) appear BUT the bitmap (lens) stop to the edge of page.