CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: File Sizes Not Shown Accurately In Paint
Apr 9, 2013
I was going down the list of a few thousand web photos that we use on the company site, resetting levels via the Tone Curve in Paint X3 to make them more legible and uniform, when I noticed something odd.
The filesize that Paint indicates will result from a particular jpg compression level does not match what the Windows XP file folder indicates. Usually the discrepancy is only a couple K, but it can be much more and there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it.
I will load a jpg that is shown in windows as 12K, adjust the tone curve to match other product photos, then go to save, adjusting the compression while watching the Paint claim for resulting file size. Let's say that Paint is claiming 6.7K at compression of 14. When I actually do the save, it shows up as several K different, usually bigger - say 10K. How is it that Paint is so consistently off in this?
I do beer signs for a living. Sometimes I like to import other coreldraw files into my current work to take designs off of them, such as a curve or a portion of text. I then delete the unused parts. The problem is that whenever I do this, it makes the save file huge!
You can test this. Open an empty coreldraw file. Drag a few .cdr's into it. Delete everything you imported. Save the empty file. It will be the size of all those .cdr's combined!
I am running CorelDraw x5 Graphics Suite on Windows 7. When publishing to pdf on even simple corel files it is saving a pdf size of over 1.5GBs! The screenshot below is a 57 page corel file ALL text and vector with NO bitmaps images. Publishing to pdf creates a file size 1.59GBs. Is there a patch that is out that resolves this issue?
When creating a tile to make a seamless pattern, how I can accurately place an ornament in the four corners so that when the pattern is applied as a fill everything matches together perfectly.
I am using CorelDRAW 12 with Windows XP. I would like to type Chinese Characters. 1 specific word can't be shown correctly in CorelDRAW 12. It's "焗" and its read as "Ju" in Chinese. I was going to Text > Encode and check whether the word can be shown or not. In fact, in Encode Dialogue I can see the character well, but when I click "OK" and I can't see it. I get only the rectangle or nothing instead.
I have Corel X5. I am designing graphics for sublimation printing. some of the graphics as seen in the program are not printing the same is what I see on screen. For instance I did a power clip process and it looks great on screen but the print preview does not reflect the graphic as seen in the program. The power clip is no longer clipped to the design. In another instance I used a fountain fill on design, the design looks great on screen and in the print preview but when printed doesn't look at all like what I designed on screen.
Most of my graphics are printing fine, its just when I have applied some special techniques that I am having problems. Is due to layers possibly?....
I'm having a problem with enlarging and/or reducing sizes of objects. When I set the height or width to something, the object usually becomes much smaller. If I wanted to blow up something (anything) from 8" to 20", it would become about 3". I would have to put in the 20" again and then it might grow to the correct size.
Several days ago I noticed my files sizes were enormous. I was unable to even open them to work on them. Something that was once 517KB becomes 161MB the next time I save it.
After I installed the Corel update this morning, things were back to working as usual. But tonight it's back to the huge files. I saved a simple greeting card file - no halftones, no gradients, etc. It saved at 19.7MB. A few minutes later after making some small changes - saving again it was now 118 MB.
I tried saving to a lower version of Corel and ver 15 it was the same scenario. When saving to 12, 13, & 14 the files were normal, small sizes. But after a few hours even those versions were saving at huge sizes.
I've had a friend check her computer using the same file - she has the exact same computer & on Corel X6. All of her files are nice and small like they are supposed to be.
I've run virus checks and nothing is coming up. I am on Windows 7 64 bit.
Other than recreating all of my files every time I use them - I have no way of saving usable .cdr files.
If you take blend tool to gate one color to other or same or gray scale it give correct result. But if you use New color style and new gradient it show wrong effect in CMYK.
I work with 2 different Mac Pro towers. The one at my home has Photoshop cs4 and the one at my studio has Photoshop cs6. The other day I noticed that Finder on my studio computer shows the file size to be twice as big as the finder on my home computer. The pixel dimension size doesn't change, just the file size. It shows up that way after I save it on my studio computer. If I take that file home and resave it on that computer then the Finder shows the smaller file size again. I guess the questions I have are: Is the file size is actually increasing and if so, what could be causing that to happen? Photoshop shows the files to be the same size, but in the Finder window is where I see the difference.
through some difficulty I'm having in getting the leading (ie, line spacing) I want with artistic text, in CorelDraw 12? I have three lines of text, the first line of which has a font size of 20 pt, and the second and third lines having a font size of 13 pt. The default leading is greater between the first and second lines than between the second and third -- probably due to the font size difference. I would like to make the leading equal for all lines, regardless of font size, but can't figure out how to do that. "Format Text - Spacing - Lines" seems to offer leading only in relation to character height -- which automatically makes the leading between the first and second line larger (due to the larger font size used in the first line) than it is between the subsequent lines.
I have some Ai files that I need to open in X6 but they use linked images which I have, but when opening in CorelDraw all I get is the basic Ai stuff but not the linked images, is there an easy way to open the Ai file and see it as it was intended?
As a sub note I can't go back to the supplier of the Ai file to make any changes.
I just used the help file for the first time in ages and noticed all the links to the graphics are broken hence no diagrams etc. I tried to search out where they are usually stored and it gives some weird Address under properties. It's a vba so suppose it's a database? How do I restore the links without having to do a re-install?
As to the pen: How do you stop the annoying over-the-top predictive curve that happens past the node in the next section after a long drag to form the first curve. i.e. you simply want to draw a straight line after dragging out a curved section previously and you get this unmanageable curve to deal with ?
Draw froze yesterday and I had to force close it. When I started working today, I noticed that the 'Edit bitmap' link in the tool bar and drop down menu is grayed out. I've tried F8 and all that did was delete all my darn preferences. Beyond F8, are there any other options?
I have been working with both Corel Draw 12 and and at some point Photo Paint just froze. Empty main area, just one docker opened. Doesn't matter where I click on the screen, the same metallic clicking response. I uninstalled the whole suite and installed it again.
No difference, the same screen starts and the same freeze. I can only close it using Task Manager. Corel Draw works find and Photo Paint works fine on the other computer on which I installed it at the same time.
I´m trying to extract text from a Corel file to a TXT file in another editor and then merge it back in.Extracting the text seems to be working just fine but when I´m trying to merge it back in I get the error message "Wrong file format or could not open".
After finally getting X6 to be stable and usable I have two things I'd like to mention..
First, I've been using a 3rd party file manager called Ztree for years and one of its most wonderful capabilities is to copy paths to the clipboard which alleviates opening/saving frustrations with the typical Windoze Explorer dialogs. Anyway, one of the first problems I noticed with X6 is that Paste no longer works in the Open Drawing dialog, while it worked just fine in X5 and as far as I can remember, all previous versions. I sure would like to get that back.
My second complaint is the File/Export routine and specifically the presets. I do a lot of exporting to PNG and JPG and use multiple presets for fixed size/print resolution image output in both file formats. During the typical export session, I essentially export multiple different drawings all of which are exactly the same size/resolution in CD and in the past (X4 and prior as I recall,) was able to just hit <Enter> when the Export dialog appeared once the preset was set to the one I needed for that session.
In X6 though (and to some degree in X5,) even though the correct preset is listed, CD doesn't appear to recognize it, i.e., the math for the size/dpi conversion doesn't take place which forces me to waste time selecting "Original" or some other preset first, waiting for CD to render the new version, and THEN selecting the conversion preset that was pre-selected when I first opened the export dialog.
Every time I double click on a bitmap in Corel Draw, it opens up Photo Paint. How can I disable this option? I never use it and its a waste of my time because it takes too long to load up! I don't know if my mouse has a problem, but sometimes I can just click once on a bitmap and it triggers the photo paint to open.
Photo paint uses an absurd amount of CPU when drawing a line; the brush "lags" and stutters about the screen, too. My system CPU is a Core i7-2600k, and all 8 threads are maxed during the drawing of the line. Why would this be?
how to take a jpg or gif file and change the colors of the image? I am having difficultly doing so. It is our company logo which is in 2 colors and I merely want to change it to white.
After creating text in Draw X6, I can't drop it into Photo-Paint without it appearing to be improperly cropped; i.e., some outer edges of letters appear to be cut off (see example below). Converting the text to curves does not solve the issue.
Strangely, I have no problem if I copy the same text from Draw X5 - the results are excellent.
Every since I updated CDx6, Photo-Paint no longer allows for drawing or erasing in a straight line by clicking, pressing the alt key and clicking again. Instead a scale comes up that changes the brush opacity...What happened? I can't figure out what happened. See attached file. The red arrow indicates what comes up when alt is pressed.
I downloaded Corel 15 trial verson but decided not to purchase. After trial I uninstalled the trial. Now when I use my pre-installed Corel 13 when I try to edit bitmap within Corel draw it open Windows 7 paint instead of Corel 13 Photo Paint. I tried doing a re-install REPAIR but I am having same issue.
We upgraded to x6.1 and are having some issues. I have X5 and X6 installed on my machine. When using X6 and you add a new page to the document, then publish a PDF. The PDF will show grid lines on the new pages. This happens with new docs and previously created docs when we add new pages. Also, on the new pages, you can't disable the printing in the object manager.
Second problem, when you have a bitmap in your document and click on it, Photo Paint is available. Only the trace option. Edit Bitmap is grayed out on the Property Bar and not available when you right click the image. I have to open Photo Paint and copy the image into it. There are three of us having the same problems.
I have a bitmap in PSD format with 300 DPI, 19.0 cm (7.0 ") wide. I need to enlarge this photo to 6.5 m (255") wide and its resolution to keep a minimum 120 DPI.
What better way to enlarge this photo without becoming a huge file (in MB), but keep a good quality when printing?