Corel CONNECT X5 :: Thumbnails Not Showing X3 CDR Files
Dec 31, 2010
Recently had problematic re-install of both X3 and X5. Finally succeeded in sequential numeric order (i.e. first X3 and then X5). However now, CONNECT X5 no longer displays CDR vector file thumbnails. Currently CDRs are associated with X3.
With the same folder open in Scrapbook and Connect side by side within Draw as a test , PSD and RIF thumbnails are visible in Scrapbook but not visible in Connect.
I would prefer to use Connect over Scrapbook but these are the two main file types I use.
Is there a way to view Painter RIF and PSD thumbnails in Corel Connect?
i have been a long user of romcat... but would like to use the new corel connect. i use the folders selected to my HD folder that has all my cdr files (20yrs worth from ver 1). when i type in a search word that is in 100's of my cdr files keywords... connect doesnt display them. In romcat it does display them, even older files, with the same key word. connect only shows cdr files that have in its file name part of the search word, but seems to ignore the key words in the files.
I have all my job files with important key words within them, but the actual file names are simple job numbered names. i noticed on searches from X5 content on dvd, the files also are just numbers, but the search finds key words.
In Connect I see only blank thumbnails of my .cdr files. The nice thing of this program should be thati can scroll through my files and look at large thumbnail So I know what iám working on.
when i convert raw photos from my olympus omd em5 into DNG's and export them to my external hard drive , i do not get any thumbnail previews , they can only be seen if i view the files through lightroom4 import , if however i export in other formats such as jpeg ,tiff etc.. i get a preview thumbnail . Iam using latest imac and running osx 10.8.2.
I just upgraded from 12 to x5 and for some reason it looks like Corel has chosen to make the file default to only showing the page as the thumbnail. Whereas before the entire file was displayed in thumbnail. This would work fine as long as you only want to keep your design elements all within the page frame, but I don't know one Corel Designer that does that. (only Word and Publisher users do that because they have to)
Corel Connect not showing thumbnails.I have the paid download version of CorelDraw GS X5 installed on a PC running Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit. I found that the Corel Graphics - Windows Shell Extension only shows in the CorelDraw installer when "Custom" is selected versus "Typical," even though the shell extension shows in Control Panel. The latest twist is that Corel Connect will show photo thumbnails on the hard drive, but will not show thumbnails for photos on a CD or DVD. Other than a different file structure, a DVD or CD is read only. If I copy a photo from a DVD to the C: drive, Corel Connect will show the thumbnail on C:. Windows Explorer shows the thumbnails on the hard drive, CD, or DVD. Corel Connect will not show thumbnails of the Corel .CDR files on the hard drive, CD, or DVD in Vista but it will show them in Win XP.
Why doesn't Corel Connect display .jpg thumbnails on a DVD or CD? I think there is a bug in the Corel Graphics - Windows Shell Extension in Windows Vista.
I just upgraded to X6. Connect show thumbnail of CDR files, but none of SVG clipart, neither CPT files.
I have Corel Graphic windows shell extension installed. Actualy the problem is the same with windows explorator, I can see thumbnails of CDR files, but none of SVG neither CPT files. I thought Connect could allow me to see those thumbnail.
it was the same problem with connect X5.
What could I do to see the CPT and SVG thumbnails ?
When we go to use the clip art in connect all the clip art images are boxes with an x in the middle and you have to physically open each one to see what the clip art is. Are missing something here, do we have to click on something to view the images in the file without having to open each image.
Just installed X6 and tried CONNECT for the first time and it doesn't display the thumbnails of the vector images only bitmaps etc.. Any way to correct that?
How do you get your font to output in inches. I have tried to type in 2.25 inches and CorelDraw changes it to 162 pts. However, when it prints out it is not 2.25 inches it is more like 1.5 inches. Is it the font? I am using ITC Benguiat? Also, how do you change the font settings in X4 from pts to inches.
When I open draw X5 and a new page, I put an object on that page but it does not tell me where that object is on the page. When I put in a X and Y dimention it will move that much and resets back to zero. Is there a setting some where that I have to change? In X3 it whould tell me where the object is.
I can't import a vector from Corel Connect without either a crash or an invalid file format. The import is into PhotoPaint! It also says "The CDR converter has failed"
I bought Corel Draw X5 sometime back and had no issues.Then two weeks ago I purchased the Corel Draw X6 upgrade to take advantage of the 64 Bit design and the Free Corel Web Designer add on.My system is an AMD Phenom 965 x4 with a Win 7 HP 64 Bit OS loaded... 8GB RamI did non uninstall CD X5, when I loaded the CD X6So the problem....In Connect when I open a folder with pic files (raster) the Viewpane icons display normally...when I open a folder with Clip Art (vector) files each file displays the same default thumbnail with filename text caption... In my previous CD X5 32 bit install the Connect app worked with out errors displaying a Clip Art vector preview. Now after installing X6 64 bit, Connect in both x5 32 & x6 64 does not display previews for the clip-art .
I often need to take a CD of images (JPEG /TIFF / PNG etc.) for a website and I need to create thumbnails of each for a web gallery.
Typically I will see between 20 and 50 images at a time and it is very laborious to manually load into photopaint, resize, save-as with a tn_ prefix etc. and I was hoping for a way to automate this.
I'm running CS2 and Camera Raw v3.6 which supports my Nikon D2Xs. When I load the CFcard into my reader the JPEG files show fine in Adobe Bridge but the RAW files on the same card only show as a NEF file name (no thumbnail). How do I get the thumbnails for these RAW images to show in Bridge?
why custom made nibs thunbnails show as black dots in PhotoPaintx6? Also when I select one of just sprays a dot instead of my image? I saw where others are having the same problem. Some are and some aren't. As long as I leave the custom made nibs loaded they display and spray correctly. If I load the default nibs or any other nibs then go back and load the custom nibs..that's when I get the black dots. I've remade my nibs several times thinking I did something wrong but that's not the problem.
Windows 7 64 bit, Intel Xeon 3.30GHz, 32GB memory, ATI FirePro V4800, (1)10,000 Velosirapptor internal HD, (1) internal 1TB HD, (1) 500GB external HD (2) external 3TB HDs, (2) HP z6200 printers, (1) OKI 9650 printer (1) Roland Camm1 Pro vinyl cutter
The thumbnails in Grid view and in thePanel at the bottom of the grid do not show badges. I can see which collections photos are in by right click and go to collection but his is a real pain if you want to see which collections a photo is in I have set view -options -gridview -Thumbnail badges positive I have set preferences -Interface - show badges positive
Is this another glitch in LR5 on the mac (Imac)? I bought LR5 2-3 weeks ago and had series of problems and find Adobe non Responsive
About3 weeks ago I installed Photoshop 11 on my MacBook Air and everything seemed to be going OK ... I imported old Photoshop Elements 3 files and organized them into albums.
Recently most of the thumbnails are showing a question mark (?) in the corner and I'm getting messages about missing files and trying to re-connect missing files.
Today when I was importing images off a memory card I noticed the thumbnails in library mode were not showing any previews, they were blank (gray) for only the recently imported items. My other folders' thumbnails are showing previews with no issue.
I am working in Lightroom 4. I am using Windows 8 on a HP laptop.
A couple of other notes about what I noticed...
1. In the import screen the thumbnails display the preview.
2. Once the import goes to the Library Mode - thumbnails are blank. Can only see the image number and any symbols indicating tags or changes to the image.
3. Loupe view I cannot get an image to appear.
4. In the Develop Mode if I click on a thumbnail down in the filmstrip (which are all blank) an image will appear in the work area and the filmstrip thumbnail will display a preview of the one I selected. The thumbnail preview will remain visible for a few moments after moving to a new image. Then it just goes blank again.
5. I was importing jpegs and dngs. Having the same problem with both of these today.
6. All the other thumbnails in folders that were in the catalog prior to today are visible and working normally.
newly imported images not displaying an image in the thumbnail whether it is in Library Mode, Loupe View, or Develop mode.
Why are the image thumbnails in the channels pallet not showing up as grayscale images? They used to, and for some reason or another aren't any more for me. Instead, they are showing up red, green, and blue for each respective channel. I'm on Mac, using CS6.
I've been using Elements 7 with great satification for several years now, but recently, the picture thumbnails started to show up as an hourglass icon. I updated to Elements 11 and still had the same problem. I followed some direction I found online for eliminating the catague cache, and it fixed the problem in 11, but not in 7. Till I learn to use 11, I would like to continue to use 7, so how do I fix this problem in Elements 7?
I would like to use a photo frame from connect, and keep it in the Effects>Creative>Frame menu of frames. I have downloaded and clicked and dragged the frame to my image, but I would like to reuse this frame. Is it possible to add it to the menu? I can download it to the menu - but it is a temporary item in the list of views to the right, which can be replaced from any of the permanent members of the dropdown selection of frames on the left of the Frame menu. I would like a frame to become one of those "permanent frames."
One thing I never liked about Corel PhotoPaint X5 was that a pixel grid appeared when you zoomed in. It is possible to turn this off on a per-document basis, but not globally. Now, I see X6 still didn't fix this.
My text was working fine til today, now when I try typing text, it is showing as a blank box, until I click outside of it, then it shows as a blue dotted line on the text. Then when I send it to the laser, it is not there!( laser engraver or the printer). I just want the text to be normal, like it was 2 days ago! Before, I could click anywhere, type, and it showed up with no problems!
I must have fat fingered something and I now when I click on the Eraser Tool or the Brush Mask Tool instead of getting a circle or square, I get and icon of the tool instead. They still work but they're harder to use without seeing the circle or square depending on what's selected. I've been using Corel for many years and never had this happen and I can't figure out how to switch back.