AutoCad :: Monochrome Plot Style And Plotting To PDF
Aug 9, 2011
I am using the monochrome plot style and plotting to PDF. My text looks great in the Plot Preview, but once actually hit 'Plot' the line weight of my text and dimensions appears super thick and heavy. They are also assigned to the lightest line weight in the layer property manager.
I've the same problem: in autocad Architecture 2011, in "plot style table", there is no "monochrome.ctb". Just mentioned "none" and "new"; How I can put in monochrome into the plot style table?
Having problem with the monochrome .ctb plot style table not showing up in the plot dialogue for AutoCAD Architecture 2010? Typically it seems to be standard upon install of the software.
I'm trying to revise my template that I use as a base for all drawings. I would like to have layer colors in models space, and alter the plot style for the individual layers. For example, My ctb is grayscale, and generally the prints work fine. However, I'd like to set individual layers to display as the layer color yet print black. Othere I'd like to display in colour but print in the grays of the grayscale. However, in the layer manager the plot style is grayed out and I can't change it.
I'm trying to plot a line weight defined by a CTB Plot Style, but the weight will not show in AutoCAD or print.
Here's what I've done;
-Set the line weight in the Plot Style Table Editor, Color 9 @ 0.40mm. Grayscale has been turned on.(All other settings have been left as default) -Tried various combos like; -selecting "Display plot styles" & "Plot with Plot Styles" in pg setup -selecting the "Plot object lineweights". (It also turns off "plot with plot styles" and prints in color (though grayscale is on) -LWDISPLAY has bee turned on -Neither model or paper space reflects the change. -Line types work fine -Changing the same line thru the Properties Manager does the trick, but I would like to set it up properly thru the Plot Style
Back Ground Info; -Both the dwg file and Plot Style are new and created from scratch.
If it was a printer issue, it would still show in AutoCAD correctly, right? I've searched various help tools, but seem to be going in circles.
We need to plot revised drawings with clouds for a local building department that demands the clouds be in color with everything else in the standard B/W !!!
Our office pen settings are set in a way that a particular line color has a specific lineweight, i.e., on the screen all the lineweights appear the same, but when plotted the lineweights vary.
My first thought was to to simply turn all the layers to one color (white for example) and the clouded layer to be red, create a PDF in color thus having black lines and red clouds. This works, however, all the lineweights are now the same which makes for an unappealing drawing.
Is there a way to isolate the clouds as one color (red) and monochrome the other layers yet still maintaining their pre-determined lineweights?
I am trying to plot a multi-colored layout in monochrome. I have gone through the page setup manager and set my style to monochrome. My prints come out in color. I have made my own propety and listed the print to be made in black only. Is there another setting that I need to setup differently to print in Black & White?
I am trying to plot this floor plan, which has different layers, and each layer has diferent colour. When I select, dwg to pdf, A4@1:00 ISO full bleed with monocrome applied, and do a prewiew of this plot, all of the layers are plotting black like they should exept one, which is showed in the image. The layer is no diferent from the others. I created a new layer named simillar to the one with the issue, moved things across to the new layer, changed new layer colour, and it fixed the issue.
Also, when ready to plot, the autocad comes up with a message saying that I dont have a pdf reader, but I do. I have the adobe reader installed. Usually, when I plot the drawing as pdf it nicely, automaticaly brings up adobe reader with the drawing, and I can quicly review it. Now I just keep getting this message.
Is there a way to "link" the adobe reader, so that it stops jumping out this message, and instead, opens it outomaticly, like normally it does.
How does one convert an stb file to ctb. I have tried using the CONVERTPSTYLES command to no avail. After selecting the stb for conversion, i am getting an error message stating that the stb does not contain a color mapping table and cannot be used to convert drawings.
I just moved from ACAD 2008 to 2010. I for the life of me cannot figure out how to plot my drawings to a monochrome (black and white) drawing/PDF. Every plot comes out as by layer colored plots.
I have tried using Page Setup Manager and created a (or what I thought was a) monochrome .stb file. However, even with the mono.stb file selected the plots still plot in color.Is it possible to configure a .stb file to plot in only black?
my DWG is set to monochrome.ctb. Everything prints ok except my 2 isometric 3D viewports which prints in its real color (visual styles are conceptual). Why don't they print also in monochrome? I saw a couple of discussions on that problem but the "hidden" and "hidden 3D" options in shade option isn't working...I want them to stay the same, just print in monochrome with screening! I read about some option called "hidden legacy" but can't find that anywhere.
I have produced a 3D model drawing in Autocad 2006, then opened three layouts. When I plot the first layout in monochrome it actually previews in monochrome. However, when I plot the other two layouts with the same settings, from the same model, with the same layer assignments, they preview and plot in colour.
We frequently publish drawings to PDF files. However, we recently noticed that when we publish to the PDF file in monochrome, all hatching publishes in color.
We need the entire PDF in black and white, but I can't figure out what settings I'm missing.
Using autocad 2013 and if I choose plot and do dwg to pdf and choose the page setup I want which is landscape,Plot area limits,center plot and fit to page with monochrome pen. then my drawing turns into a pdf just fine.
I am tring to print a drawing set of electrical drawings using the batch plot and I am getting them to plot to pdf as a all drawings in a single file and all drawings as individual files but I don't see a way to set it to monochrome when using the batch plot and all my draings are plotting with the layer colors.
How can I change the batch plot to use monochrome?
So I have the educational version of ACAD 2012 and this is my first time using that version. My model is done and I formatted my layout with a border and the model to scale in the viewport. When I go to plot to PDF, all I see is the border. I've tried fiddling with colors and viewports but neither of those did anything.
My problem is that all of my dimensions and text have changed colour to white, with my by layer colour as an outline of the text, the arrows and lines still look correct however. I put the dimensions on a seperate layer and this seemed to happen after hiding this layer then later unhiding it. I have looked through the properties to change the colour unsuccessfully.
On another note, the monochrome print option does not work when creating a plot - it will still create it in colour. What can I do to sort these issues? It is fustrating as all I really need to do with this drawing is to export the it for a report and it looks messy!
I am a Mac user and new to AutoCAD. I am enrolled in a CAD class this semester and the instructor for my session is requiring Windows. Supposedly this is because AutoCAD for Mac does not allow for proper printing on their plot style setting.
I understand that I can install Bootcamp and Windows on my computer, but I'd really like to avoid that if I can. If I were to do my work on my Mac and then digitally transfer my files to a PC for printing purposes, would my files become corrupted or compromised in any way?
AutoCAD - Why does the Normal plot style plot in color? Black seems to make a lot more sense. Almost everyone in Architecture uses black prints most frequently so that should be the default. And you can't adjust Normal to all black. So what was AutoDesk's reasoning?
I am an experienced Autocad user, and plotted with ctb files. I installed 2013 and plots come out not as i want. Although i assigned a ctb plot style, lines come out according to an unknown plan to me. I attached the file. It seems that the lines are influenced by the ctb file, but some colors are fadded I found it. i had to assign the color black to all colors, since it plotted with colors, on the black and white plotter. But a new problem arose. now i don't see colors when i am in the layout, all lines are white!
New hard drive, had to reinstall LT 2010 (Win XP). Trying to batch plot, going through the normal prompts, little plotter icon in lower right does its thing, then the message says "errors and warnings found". When I open the "plot and publish details", there are no errors or warnings, and the plot file i just attempted does not show up at all. Tried different variations, none work.
The first couple of times i tried it, it seemed there was a problem with the default path for the output file, in the publish options window, as if it could not see the server, but then i would browse, point to the exact same server folder, and it accepted it. Also tried to save the output folder on my c: drive, but still no file. I will need to make this plot file by tomorrow for the client, or i will have to send them 40 individual pdf's.
Ive got a A3 drawing all set up to plot to my printer and it works fine.
Unfortunately the same cannot be said when I use the _exportpdf command (or the PDF function in the ribbon):-
- If I export using the current layout then the top and bottom of my title block are chopped off. - If I change the paper size to A3fullbleed then it does plot the whole drawing, but not to scale (even though its still set to 1:1
- Changing to the other A3 options goes back to chopping off the top and bottom.
From my limited knowledge It appears that the columns need adjusting, trouble is, i'm not sure how?
Is there a way to set the Dwg to Pdf.pc3 so that when I hit plot, it "knows" to save the pdf in the bloody folder that the source .dwg file is located....I can see how to set it to 1 single default folder in Options ( i.e. my main Clients folder) but really, how to get to to plot to the source folder..... has got to be less than 1/2 hours worth of coding....I get pretty tired of browsing/scrolling etc to where I want the pdf to end up.
I'm working on getting my autocad groove back, and I'm not sure how to get my plotted output to look right. Specifically, how to plot b/w instead of colors, and how to control lineweights. BTW, I seem to have ctb files, but they don't show up in the styles when I go to plot.
am using ACAD2008 on windows XP. I have just started having this problem that if I choose to plot from a window the plot dialogue box locks up after the window is selected and the command line is still asking for the corners of the window to be selected. But everything plots ok if I use extents.
We use several different printers at our company, and one thing that I find really bugging is that I have to change the plot settings on each sheet, if the file has been worked on by someone else.
Is it possible (for example) if I've got 7 sheets set up, they all have an A3 drawing set up (correct extents, pen settings etc), for me to highlight all of the tabs and just change the printer? Rather than going into each sheet and manually changing them?
We've got an HP Designjet 455C attached to an SBS 2003 computer.
From Autocad, I can print when I set the page size to A4 - as expect, it prints a nice A4 sized plot on the A1 width roll. But if I try to print full size plots, nothing happens; the document spools, but the printer does nothing.
It must be something to do with paper size or orientation, but I can't find what. I wondered if there was anything well known I should try (I'm not that familiar with Autocad - yet).
Part of the problem was inconsistency.. sometimes test documents would print, and then they wouldn't! I also got one which seemed to print at the right size, but was only printing part of the file content. These are existing Autocad files, with a printer that has been working in the past.
Two of our computers have windows 7 and we are unable to publish or if we plot we have to wait until that page is completed before sending another page otherwise only some the information shows up when printed (ie. no dimensions or no title block). This does not happen on the other computer in the office which still has windows XP.
When i try and plot my 3D model in the Hidden style, so it simply looks like a black line drawing the plot comes out weird. The plot for some reason adds a thick black line around my entire plot, and makes all the other lightweights look faded out. How can i fix this??primary bar 3-Layout2.pdf