AutoCad :: Printing Black And White Of Drawing File
Mar 9, 2012
I have a drawing file of AutoCAD 2012 with different coloured lines. When I take a print using "monochrome" option also, I get my yellow lines as light black which I don't want. I want all the elements to appear as black of same brightness. What should I do?
I created an ad in color but might possibly be required to provide it in black and white also. However, The file contains an image that's in color. So I need to know if there is an option to print the file to PDF in black and white? I tried changed the settings many times to no avail. I'm using DP7.
I recently upgraded my computer, and use the same AutoCADLT 2012 software I used on the old system. However, now when I print drawings or make pdfs, they are in color instead of black and white. And the pdfs in color now copy in such a way that some of the layers appear faded, are very light, and are difficult to read. How do I get the prints and pdfs back to black and white, with no color?
How can I print in black and white while using true colors? I've tried the monochrome ctb, monochrome stb, looking for solutions in these forums, etc. The std 255 colors are not a problem. It is only when I use a true color. When I tried the monochrome stb setting, the fill color on my multileaders did not change.
Also, in paperspace, with viewports that had solid objects in them, I used to be able to print and have hidden lines removed without them showing up that way in the viewport. (used 2008 at the time and have jumped from that to 2012)
I seem to remember that the was a variable command that controlled this but I can't remember it.
Started producing a new catalogue some time ago very happy working away on the first 3 – 4 pages
Before long I was up to 100 pages, looking fantastic. But then the thought come to me, I have set may page colour to BLACK and all my drawing and text are WHITE as I said looks fantastic until you go to print a page. How much black Ink would you use printing 100 pages black.
I have tried publishing to PDF then in acrobat replacing document colours and on screen that works fine but when you print it still prints
With the black background and white text for some reason.
I have PS CS6 and like to do B & W prints. I print them on my Canon MX870 printer (4 color printer) ... they turn out quite nice. VERY Black & White. Recently, I started doing B & W with a small highlight of color... like a photo of my daughter and her friends with just her red shoes in color.
The Black and White is now not truly B & W... it is slightly tinted ... purplish. I have tried adjusting the levels and contrast but it only changes the tinting to other tints... bluish, redish, etc. I use cmyk 300dpi (typical of what commercial print shops would use). Still no success. Or am I stuck having to send my photos to a printshop for printing?
I'm having a problem printing out a black and white photo. This is the first time I'm tring to print from PSP 3. When the photo is printed out, instead of looking like what I did in PSP 3, it looks like it was imbossed and black pencil. I have done a search and played around with PSP 3 with no luck..Even reinstalled PSP 3. If I go to the photo file, both the saved and the original, and print it directly, they comes out near perfect, except for a purple tint in both. You do not see the purple tint in the photo when in PSP 3 or the saved file untill it is priinted out.
JPG 102 KB 773x1000 pixels original size 72 dpi 8 bit depth Resolution 2 EXIF 0220 Off the internet Canon PM 620 printer Kodak paper No error codes PSP 13.00
I have a multilayered psd file. All layers should remain opaque except the black to white gradient layer where I need the white to be transparent. So that when I place the final psd on top of a block of solid colour in Indesign the gradient shows the background colour through where the black fades off.
I have been using autocad for 20 years plus. I've never really had to publish anything to DWF. We have a client that wants DWF's instead of PDF's. I have a 3D model with views in paperspace within viewports. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to plot these drawings to DWF in Black and White. I have tried everything. I am using monochrome.ctb plot style. The border and all border elements are plotting B/W but everything in the viewport is plotting whatever color it is in the VP. This is driving me nuts. Never liked this DWF format. If I plot to a PDF it all comes in B/W.
I'm using Autocad 2002LT and I have two different drawings to plot. I'm on Windows XP operating system with a TechJet 5536 Plotter (don't laugh it's the only one available.) One drawing is my own work and one is from a supplier they have emailed to me.
When producing a plot of my own drawing, I can easily plot monochrome, the plot style table (pen assignment) is set to monochrome.ctb.
When producing a plot of the suppliers drawing, it will only plot colour even though the plot style table (pen assignment) is set to monochrome.stb.
I can edit the monochrome.ctb colours if I wish to but I do not seem to be able to edit the colours of the monochrome.stb plot style.
For my business card design I have white text overlapping an area of very white grey- causing readability issues (insufficient contrast). It looks great apart from this one problem, so I still want to keep my white text and light background and fix it by separating the text and background with a darker drop shadow..
First, I added a black drop shadow to the text- but this was not enough to increase readability (text still looked faded on background as drop shadow was too subtle at 85% opacity, 0.04" blur) so I added a drop shadow to my drop shadow (100% opacity, 0.02" blur + 18% opacity, 0.02" blur). This produced a heavier drop shadow effect for my text as desired but, for some reason, the text came out slightly grey in print (offset run). It seems the drop shadow somehow got printed over the text itself to some extent- turning the white text somewhat grey (and so not looking as clean as intended).
How could this dropshadow bleed into the text happen? Is it to do with the fact I added a drop shadow to my drop shadow? I would have thought that, even then, the text should entirely overlap all of the drop shadow as the text is the top layer in the group.
What can I do to ensure that drop shadow does not print over text in any way in future? Do I have to stick to only one layer of dropshadow-or is there something else I'm missing?
i have seen some concept drawings JUST DRAWINGS where the pen lines n stuff have been turned into white and the background has been turned into black its sort of like a blackborad and chalk effect and it looks really good for presentational ideas... can anyone possibley tell me how i can achieve this myself if i were to scan in my own drawings?
I would like to scan some original pen and ink drawings I do and I'd like to remove the background once they are on the page so I can manipulate the art. I work in Corelx4. Will this same technique work with book pages scanned in?
We do most of our drawing in 2D – quaint I know, but that’s the way the office works. On occasion we’ll do something as a solid model to guide a client understand a complex roof or a clearance problem. We started a model for a project we are working on and ended up using it as building elevations.
The problem is with plotting. If I use our standard office CTB (which is set to print as black), I get color printouts no matter what I try. I have tried using an STB and changing all our layer colors to “7” in an attempt to make it print black, but I'm getting extremely undesirable - seemingly random - line weight results.
The client wants the next project done in 3D as well and I’d like to be able to have the elevations look right.
I have a logo in the form of a png file. It is text with a drop shadow and has a transparent background. This works well on a sites light background but they want to be able to use it on black backgrounds also.
How to change this black logo to white and keep the subtle, faint opacity of the drop shadow? Also, keeping the transparent background?
Using Acad LT 2014, Win8. Using stb plot style. I also tried printing from my Win7 laptop, same result. Does not appear to be a Windows8 issue.
I am having something odd happening, I think it is new with 2014.
I noticed that my lines are not actually printing as black, but rather a very dark brown or almost black.
I have a stb style (Bk 1.00), Color = black, screening 100, and for some reason it's not really printing full black.
One layer (A-Elev-Maj) is set for color 132, but the plot style is Bk 1.00. It prints on my Canon Pixma and on pdf as very dark brown.
I have another layer (A-Fill-Bk) set to color 0,0,0, and also plot style Bk 1.00, and it prints dead black.
I tried making the A-Elev-Maj layer 0,0,0 and it still prints an "almost" black.
I checked in the stb file, it is really set to black. I tried 250, as well as 0,0,0 and go the same result.
Attached pdf. You can look at the fence railing or the triangle chimney cap to see the comparison of the A-Fill-Bk which is printing actual black and surronding lines which are "almost" black. Zoom in and you can see it.
I wanted to make a decal to place on the acrylic window of my PC. I found the perfect picture, which is in black and white. For it to look right though, I need to switch the black to white, and vice versa. Is there a way with Photoshop to automatically switch these, instead of having to manually switch them.
I'm working in Civil 3D 2012 and when I print to a .PDF with rotated views, the .PDF file is very large compared to file with non-rotated views. how to control the file size?
I scanned a black and white print in color and am trying to replace all the black with dark green. Been trying for hours in elements 9. This is all so hard. Just to ask this question I have typed it into 3 different screens, set screenname, many other hurdles.
following image shows up fine on WIndows machines, but on Macs it shows up as balck instead of navy, why? I have tried svaing in PDF, JPG, PNG, and PDF nwith Mac color profiles... what is going on? PS, the navy is #0d1125
I'm using PSE8. I was using Filter>Render>Clouds and it was working for me. I must have done something because the clouds that are rendered are black & white not Blue and white. My photo is of course a color image. How I can correct this or what I need to do to get back to the default setting that will render blue & white instead of black and white?
Basically a CAD program I use only exports PNG files. The CAD program can export in black and white and in color. The color PNG files open fine in CorelDraw. The black and white PNG files just show up as a black filled box.
I have just purchased this upgrade software having used XARA Xtreme4.0 for many years.How can I change the black background screen with white writing to grey with black writing?
I have an image where i chopped seperate parts of different pictures, desaturated all 4, but on the one, there seems to be more "grays" in the black and white photo... i want the grays to be more black. Messing with the brightness and contrast isnt doing it...
I was doing a machina at autocad 12 and when i was in rendering options I must have do something wrong, and now, when I try to render anything, the render goes on black and white. This machine is black, silver and transparent (plastic, metal and glass) and the metal goes on grey, the plastic (wich is black) goes on white and the glass disappears.
I tried to open another windows, make boxes with black plastic and another with glass, and the black turns on grey or white..