AutoCad :: Pen Settings For Multiple Scales

Jun 17, 2011

After many years, my office has finally come to the realization that we need some standards when it comes to AutoCAD. One of the standards I'm trying to figure out is regarding the pen type settings and various scales.

How to go about setting up one ctb file that would cover printing drawings at various scales, but the line weights will remain proportional to the appropriate scale? Our current method of printing is setting up a 24"x36" sheet in paperspace and printing at 1:1. Sometimes we have to do our drawings at 1/8" and others we can do at 1/4", but regardless of the scale, the drawing is done with the same lines/layers. The current method of plotting is by using 2 different ctb files, one for the 1/4" scale and the other for the 1/8" scale. This seems a little ridiculous. I know there is the "scale lineweights" box, but doesn't that just apply to when you change the plot scale?

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AutoCad 2D :: Multiple Linetype Scales

Jan 14, 2013

We deal with multiple architects at our company, all of whom have different standards for their Linetype Scales (on a drawing at a scale of 1/8"=1'-0" some use 36, others 24 etc).

We need to take their Architectural drawings, remove all of there dimension notes etc and create an empty floor plan we put our designs on.

The issue is that we cannot have all of our symbols work with one consistent linetype. We have to go into the block and manually overide the LTS of the individual item to suite the LTS of the architects drawing.

Is there a way we can insert the architect background as an x-ref and have the LTS of our drawing not effect it? Or possibly a LISP/Script that divides the individual LTS of all their entities by their global LTS so everything looks fine in our drawings.

We have had issues with annotative objects in the past with some of the architects drawings so that is not a viable option.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Multiple Details On One Sheet But There Are Several Different Scales

Jan 17, 2013

How you can have multiple details on one sheet but there are several different scales.  Some are 3'-0"=1'-0", some are 1 1/2"=1'-0'.  Then when you set up the sheet you just make different view ports.  But i don't understand how you can draw them all in model space in difference scales. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Copy / Paste - Drawing In Multiple Scales

Dec 4, 2013

when i copy paste this drawing from autocad architecture 2013 to another drawing it goes into that drawing in multiple scales

before     after

I have checked all ins settings, I have tried to block it and unblock it, all items are there, some are just super small, some are normal.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Add Scales To List Scales?

Oct 6, 2013

create a code to add scales to the scale’s list?

I just want to have the necessary scales, so don’t want to add to the template.

The command function is basically to allow me type the value of the scale and based on that, adjust the properties of the scale. (Name appearing in scale list - Paper Milimeters - Drawing Meters)


>Command line: setscale

>type the value of the scale to create: 50

set 1:50 to default

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Make Multiple Settings For Page Setup In Multiple Layout

Apr 4, 2012

Looking for step by step for multiple page setup setting in multiple layout, i use autocad civil 3d 2012.

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Photoshop :: Applying Settings To Multiple Documents

Dec 9, 2004

I've got around 400 images in photoshop cs...I basically need to reduce each image size, then alter the canvas size, and save.

My question is, is there a way to do that set of actions once, and then have it automatically applied to the other 399?

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Illustrator :: Multiple Settings For Blob Brush?

Aug 10, 2013

i need to draw with different sizes and different tablet pen response settings, sometimes very large others smaller others very small. Is there the possibility to keep all the different settings as like different brushes or styles? or is there an other way to avoid me to go to the the blob brush setting windows each time i need to replace the old settings?

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Lightroom :: Pasting Settings To Multiple Images In Flimstrip

Oct 23, 2011

When I finish adjusting (in the Develop Module) and I click "copy" and select the items I want to copy, then what I want to do is apply (paste) these settings into a number of images.
What I'm doing is then I highlight ("Crtl+Click") several images in the Filmstrip.  Once these images are highlight (filmstrip images highlighted), I then click "Paste" - but the only image that is changed (settings applied) is the first filmstrip image.
How do I select in the filmstrip the images I want to adjust (apply the copied settings) and have the settings applied to all the selected images?
I'm sure this is obvious and there has got to be a way to apply this "recipe" to all the selected images without having to create a collection or do it one-at-a-time.
This is proably the same issue, but when I want to rotate several images (in the Library module), if I select them in the flimstrip, only the first image rotates when I click the clock-wise or counter-clock-wise arrow.  Same issue?  Can this be done in the filmstrip?

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Lightroom :: Save Multiple Crop Settings For Single Image?

Apr 30, 2012

Let me start by describing my needs. I need to generate proofs for my shoots. I'd like to export images with different aspect ratios for target devices, ie iPad, Android phone, 16:9 TV, etc. What would be really great is if I can select a named "crop setting" in the export window and generate JPGs based on the chosen setting. I've searched all over the place, all seem to talk about presets, virtual copies, etc, which really doesn't address what I want.
Fundamentally I'd like to be able to save a handful of crop settings (unique crops but with common names) for each image. I will create the crops manually as I have to pick the position and size for each carefully. For example, on a 4000x6000 image I have these crop settings (for a fairly small area of the image):
1. iPad [settings: top-left coordinate (500,500), ratio 4:3, width2000]
2. Android [settings: top-left coordinate (500,400), ratio 8:5, width 2400]
3. HDTV [settings: top-left coordinate(500,450), ratio 16:9, width 2200]
As you can see each crop is different becasue I want to be precise about how the cropped outputs look. Then at export time, I want to be able to multi-select a bunch of images and pick say "iPad" crop setting to create the JPGs in a batch.
Is there a custom plugin outside of Lightroom that can handle this?

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Lightroom :: Copy Develop Settings On Multiple Images From One Folder To Another?

Apr 5, 2014

I have a bunch of Fuji X-T1 raw images that I have converted to DNG form. Once Lightroom supports X-T1 raw images directly, I would like to replace the DNG files by the corresponding raw files (which I have saved) without having to redo all of my edits.
I've tried an experiment with a NEF file, which Lightroom supports: If I convert it to a DNG file, import the DNG file, then replace the DNG file with the corresponding NEF file, Lightroom still thinks the file is named DNG. This behavior makes me nervous. So what I would like to do is to import all of the Fuji raw files, then transfer the develop settings from each DNG file to the corresponding raw file, then finally archive and delete the DNG files.
Is there any way to do this other than by hand? That is, if I have a folder with a few hundred DNG files, is there any way to tell Lightroom to take the develop settings of every file in the folder and transfer them to the correspondingly named file in the folder of raw files?
way of accomplishing this that does not involve copying and pasting the data for every image by hand?

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AutoCad :: One Reference File To Control Multiple Reference Layer Settings

Jun 27, 2012

I'm working on a large infrastructure project with numerous of drawings. On quite a few layout drawings I need to have the same base set of references, however I need to change the layer settings (colors, lineweight etc.). This cannot be done in the base reference itself as it is used by others. As the layouts I work with includes other references as well, it is time consuming to filter and change layer settings on each base reference.

My concept is to have a master reference file to manage all layer settings and add/remove base references. When the master reference is referenced into the layout, all layer settings on the base references should stay as set in the master reference. In this way I can easily control all base references with one file and make sure all changes will be the same for all the layouts.

New illustration of concept:

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AutoCAD LT :: Different LT Scales In Different Viewports

Feb 1, 2013

Using '09LT and was wondering if it's possible to have different line type scales in different viewports on the same layout tab?

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AutoCad :: Drawing At Different Scales

Oct 9, 2011

I am a very infrequent user of CAD and still do things like I used to do back in the '90s.

I draw in Model space at full scale--except, and this is why I am posting this question, when I have a small detail I want to be visible.

Can I draw a detail in Model space that is a different scale than the main drawing, or do I have to make it 'larger' by using Paper space and a viewport. Like maybe a block or some procedure I am unaware of.

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AutoCad :: Printing In Different Scales

Nov 7, 2012

I have a question about printing an autocad drawing. Currently I have two drawings on the model tab. I have drawn them both 1:1.

Now I need to print them both out on a same A3 paper, with different scales. The other one will be printed in 1:100 and the other in 1:50.

I have drawn a pretty good amount on autocad but this is my first time printing/plotting so I am asking for pretty specific instructions.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Linetype Changing Scales

Jun 15, 2012

I am using Map 3D 2013

I have several drawings in which I want to use a line type (centrex2) at a specific scale. The scale setting is exactly the same in all the drawings but in some the line type is coming out at different scales, all larger, but not the same or to a set factor. All the entities in question are poly lines (2d).

I have checked in all drawings that:
global scale factor and current object scale in the line type manager are the same (1.0)drawing units are the same (unitless)‘use paper space units for scaling’ is always deselected line type generation is always enabled.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Linetype Scales

Mar 22, 2012

my linetype scales in model space look good, when i go to paper space to print the linetypes are huge and way out of wack. what is my problem?

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AutoCAD LT :: Configure Two Viewports At Two Different Scales?

Nov 15, 2011

I used the layout wizard to configure 2 vertical viewports as instructed in the manual. Next I try to paste an object in one viewport at a scale of 1:20, engineering imperial. The object appears in both viewports in model space. I only want the object in one viewport and I cannot erase the object in the other viewport, since they both dissappear. I also cannot draw a line in one viewport without it appearing in the second viewport. If I switch one viewport to current paper space the line can be drawn but I want each viewport to be at a different scale. Is there some way around this? Is my AutoCAD LT program capable of doing this?

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AutoCAD LT :: Scales In PDF Format Incorrectly

Aug 26, 2013

Yesterday, I sent a drawing that I scaled as 1/2" = 1'-0" in an Adobe PDF, and was told by the receiver that the drawing scale was off by 3-4% when they measured it. Hoping that is was the printer's problem, I sent a drawing from  another file to FEDEX, and went and scaled that one myself. Sure enough, it's off. It doesn't matter whether it is windowed or brought in a paper space viewport.

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AutoCad 2D :: Purging Viewport Scales

Jun 14, 2011

I just started at this company and each time I try to choose a scale for my viewport I am confronted with a daunting list of hundreds of scales to choose from. Most of them have XREFXREFXREFXREF....following them.

how can I reset this to the default list of scales? Or at least purge or edit this massive list. BTW, the same happens when selecting annotative scale.We are on AutoCad 2008.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Printing In Different Scales

Nov 7, 2012

I have a question about printing an autocad drawing. Currently I have two drawings on the model tab. I have drawn them both 1:1.
Now I need to print them both out on a same A3 paper, with different scales. The other one will be printed in 1:100 and the other in 1:50.

I have drawn a pretty good amount on autocad but this is my first time printing/plotting.

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AutoCad :: Too Many Annotation Scales In XRefs?

Oct 19, 2009

For a project we are currently working on all files are stored on projectwise, all xrefs run through projectwise, so essentially whatever changes are made are immediately avaliable to everyone working on the job. This is great and all, but, one of the companies dwgs have an average of 11,000 + annotation scales. And those dwgs are referenced into ours. Usually in a situation like this we would just get rid of the annotation scales in the original, but since its run through projectwise every time they open and close one of these dwgs it over rides any changes we made (like getting rid of the annotation scales) We dont use annotation scales and i never have, is 11,000+ alot of annotation scales or is that normal? half the time i open the dwgs with these xrefed in it crashes autocad or takes forever.

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AutoCad :: Linetype Scales In Viewports?

Apr 11, 2012

My linetypes show up way too big in my viewports at 1/8" scale as compared to my Model space. pslt and mslt both at 1, units are inches, global linetype scale at 80. What am I missing?

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AutoCad :: Different Scales Of 2 Drawings On Same Sheet

Nov 18, 2011

Can I have 2 drawings on the same sheet to different scales.

I am trying to make a template for a simply drawing of a property at say 1:100 with a location plan of the area at say 1:1250.

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AutoCad :: Excess Scales On Drawing

Nov 16, 2012

I have just received a drawing, and getting message on excess drawing scales trying to xref it into drawing, how do i change scales, get rid of all different annotation scales how can i purge it?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Plot Different Scales With Different CTB Onto One Roll

Dec 12, 2013

I have several drawings and which have different scales (1:50, 1:20 and 1:10) all in one dwg file. I made different .ctb files for each of them to make easier to interchange drawings between two different scales. But now I'm plotting each of them onto seperated rolls. I wonder if there is a way to plot all of them onto just one roll?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Linetype Scales Are Inconsistent?

Mar 26, 2012

Trying to set a Phantom line as the property line and also use dashed lines (ACAD_ISO03w100)

I can mess with the ltscale and make it so one or the other reads properly, but never both. The Phantom displays correctly at ltscale: 1, the dashed lines display when ltscale is .1 they are on different layers

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Plot Styles For Different Scales?

Sep 10, 2013

I've been using Autocad for over 20 years.  Any office I've ever worked in never used custom plot styles.

Can custom plot styles control lineweights of objects at different scales?  For example, I have a floor plan drawn for 1/4" plotting the lineweights look fine.  Now I want to print that floor plan at 1/8" but many lines now look darker than before.  Can I create a plotstyle for the 1/8" scale to control the lineweights?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Import Scales From Drawing?

Oct 21, 2013

is it possible to import scales from one drawing to another?

i get many drawings every day from other people and i want to import my own scales from my own templete.

i thought to copy the objects to my own templates but i will loose the layouts from the originals. i will heve then again to import the layouts...

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Drawing Size On An A4 At Different Scales?

Mar 18, 2012

Drawing size on an A4 at different scales,The A4 can have a drawing size up to 29.7x21 meters when printing with a scale of 1/100 while it can have up to 14.8x105 meters when printing with a scale of 1/500.

Does this mean that we need to have different title blocks each time we print in an A4 paper size with different scale?

Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Annotative Scales And Text

Oct 11, 2012

I would like to change our office template to have one text style and one dimension style that shows up at 1/8" tall text in any viewport scale.  This would also include setting up the multiple global settings.  Is this possible?  

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