AutoCad :: Creating Named Viewports

Aug 21, 2012

I am hoping to create a function that creates a named viewport around a 2d PLine with a specific layer name. The function would be creating a different viewport name for each separate item with the specified layer name in the drawing. there will be multiple items. The viewport will need to center the item to screen before creating the named viewport.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Freeze Layers In Viewports On Named Pages?

Jun 24, 2013

I am in need of a LISP to freeze layers in viewports on named pages. I found the following functions to return the frozen vport, but it only returns the list of already frozen and it only works if the viewport is active; besides just listing the frozen layers isn't enough. I need to be able to supply the page/tab and a list of layers to freeze.

; by Jürg Menzi 1999(DEFUN GetFrozenLaysInVport (/ LayLst) (FOREACH memb(GetMviewInfo) (IF(= (CAR memb) 1003) (SETQ LayLst (CONS (CDR memb) LayLst)) ) ) (REVERSE LayLst))(DEFUN GetMviewInfo (/ ActVpt CurSet IDX RetVal TmpVal) (SETQIDX TActVpt (CAAR (VPORTS)) ) (IF (OR(= ActVpt 1)(= (GETVAR "TILEMODE") 1) ) (SETQ RetVal nil) (PROGN (SETQ CurSet (SSGET "X" '((0 . "VIEWPORT")))) (WHILE IDX(SETQ TmpVal (ENTGET (SSNAME CurSet 0) '("ACAD")))(IF (= (CDR (ASSOC 69 TmpVal)) ActVpt) (SETQIDX nilRetVal (CDR (ASSOC "ACAD" (CDR (ASSOC -3 TmpVal)))) ) (SETQ CurSet (SSDEL (SSNAME CurSet 0) CurSet))) ) (SETQ CurSet nil) ) ) RetVal)

Is it possible to provide the page/tab name and a list of layers as aguments to a subfunction that could either activate the viewport and freeze a list of layers, or simply freeze the layer list for the named page's/tab's corresponding vport.

Important: most of my pages/tabs contain at least two vports. The largest of the two vports is the only one I wish to change, but if the layer list is frozen on all vports (per page/tab) it will make no difference because the smaller vport only requires that layer 0 is visible.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Layouts - Creating Viewports

Jan 4, 2013

I am trying to organize my drawing in model into different viewports for printing purposes.  However, in Layout # 1, once I delete an item it also deletes the item in model space. In Layout # 2, can't edit, select, highlight or anything ( I am in Layer 0).  How can I fix that ? Basically, I want to create several layouts, each layout will contain a certain section of my drawing in model space then. I am not "layout savvy", trying to get hang of it.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Creating PDF - Viewports Plots Completely Blacked Out

Mar 22, 2013

I have encountered a problem when creating a PDF. On the sheet there are 14 viewports, and when I plot the sheet to a PDF, one of the viewports plots completely blacked out. I have redone the viewport and Xref, but it still turns out black.

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AutoCad :: Viewports Automatically Rescaling When Clicking In Other Viewports - 2012

Sep 4, 2012

I have just installed 2012 and have drawn a 3d model. In paperspace i have a couple of viewports , all nicely set out at 1:5 scale. then i click in another viewport and bam, all the other viewports change scale (zoom out) and orientation. is there some system variable that i have overlooked?

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AutoCad :: Layout With Multiple Viewports To DWG With Viewports Flattened Out

Aug 23, 2011

I have a lot of sheet DWGs with a single layout in each. The layouts have several viewports into model space.

Is there a way to export out the layout tab where the viewport contents have been converted and placed into the layout space?

Ideally, I'm hoping to basically convert the viewport heavy paperspace into a dumb model space layout.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Viewports That Allow Freeze Vs Viewports That Do Not

Oct 21, 2011

The code I'm using is supposed to go through all of the layouts and freeze the specified layer in the single viewport that is defined on that layout.  It works for some viewports, but not for others.  A "List" of the objects show the viewports are the same.  I have a LiSP routine that gets me more info about selected objects.  The first is a viewport that does not freeze the specified layer, the second does freeze the layer.  Here is the code I'm using:

Public Sub FreezeNewLayerInVPs(ByVal pageNumber) Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocumentDim db As Database = doc.Database Dim layerToFreeze As String = "DETAIL_" & pageNumber Using tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager. Start Transaction( )Dim layTable As LayerTable = DirectCast(tr.GetObject(db.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead),

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: 2 Layers Named 0 - Not Locked Down

Apr 9, 2013

In my layer prop manager, I have 2 layers with the name "0". How is this possible? Also, I'm trying to move the lines/polylines on either one of these layers and it won't move because it's locked. But when you look on the layer manager, BOTH of the 0 layers are not locked down.

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AutoCad 2D :: Sharing Named Filter

Sep 16, 2009

I recently posted a thread about using the Filter command. I wanted to filter all polylines with heights of 50m intervals.

I got that done. I was also able to save the Filter that I had created with a name.

How can I share a filter that I have saved with other users?

or is it even possible?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Setting PS Viewport Named View

Jan 5, 2012

I have code that has the user select a viewport.  I then need to set the selected viewport to an existing view, but I cannot find any exampes of this.

I have the viewport, but how do I get the ViewPortTable/ViewPortTableRecord from it?

Do I need to set the view in the ViewPortTableRecord od the ViewTableRecord?

No problems to this point...
'Code snipIf acPrmpt_res.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
Dim acVPort As Viewport = Nothing
Dim acViewTbl As ViewTable
Dim acViewTblrec As ViewTableRecord
[Code] ........

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Import Named UCS Settings

Aug 22, 2012

I have many named UCS settings in the base file but have to apply this setting to at least 30 files... It would be nightmare if I have to do this all one by one.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: If Named Parameter Unexisting

Jul 16, 2012

How can I to check if parameter d0 is unexisting?

' If d0 is existing...
oModelParams.Item("d0").Name = "NewParam"
oModelParams.Item("NewParam").Value = 25

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AutoCad :: Attribute Extraction In Named Views

Jun 10, 2011

ACAD 2006

I create named views for each area that will become its own sheet when I go to paperspace. Right or wrong that seems to make it easy to create all of the layouts.

I would like to be able to create a table thru attribute extraction that will take-off parts in an individual named view so each layout sheet will have a parts list for only the items I want shown on that sheet.

The only two options I see in attribute extraction are for model space only and entire drawing. Am I going at this wrong?

Example: I would like a table showing all of the window types on level 1, level 2, etc. on the same sheet as the key plan for that level.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Excel Table Named Range?

Oct 24, 2013

I am trying to insert an excel table using a datalink. If I insert the entire sheet, it includes too many cells. If I set a print area and choose that area, it will not insert the table. The first time it acts like it is going to work, but then never lets me place the table. The second attempt it just will not let me select that data link. If I actually name a group of cells, I get the same behavior as the print area. Have issues with importing excel tables? Am I missing a step?

My work flow is

Create an excel sheet & format the table.

Select desired sells, set print area.

Save & Close excel

go to annotate tab in civil 3d

select table icon

choose from data link

launch data link manager

create data link and choose range of cells as print area.

Press OK

it never let me choose insert point.

I have also tried to simply make the datalink and then run the table command with the same results.

Civil 3D 2013
HP Z400 Workstation
6GB of RAM
ATI FirePro V5700(FireGL)
Win 7 Home Professional

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Change Font Of Named Attribute

Sep 25, 2012

I am using Autocad Electrical and I have an attribute name INST for the installation code in multiple blocks in my drawings.  Is there a command out there that can change the font of just that attribute to Arial through out the drawing.  I do not want to change any of the other attributes and they all use the same style.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Copy Named Workspace To Another Computer?

Jun 13, 2012

I want to copy my named WORKSPACE to another computer.

These computers are not connected.

I'd have to copy to a CD.

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AutoCad :: Printing Blocks With Named Plot Styles?

Dec 4, 2011

I am trying to insert blocks (nuts and bolts, external equipment, etc.) into a drawing that uses named plot styles. Then I want the inserted blocks to print with, say, 30% screening. I've tried different flavors for the blocks, By Layer, By Block, Layer 0, other layers, etc. The only way I can make this work is to go to the original block with Block Editor, and then change the individual lines to "30% Screening". It is pretty time-consuming.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Named Views - Set Current Freezes New Layers

Oct 9, 2012

I have a drawing with several views I've saved using the View Manager.  Since creating the views, I have created some new layers.  Now when I use View Manager to set an existing model space view current, the new layers are set to frozen.  When I created the views, I un-checked the 'Save layer snapshot with view' checkbox. 

I can thaw the new layers, then use the 'Update layers' button to correct this, but it's a hassle.  Why is it freezig layers created after the view was created? 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Linking A Paperspace Viewport With A Named View

Nov 21, 2012

I am working on a rendering on vanilla AutoCad 2013, and I am getting frustrated with having to reset my viewport to the named view every time I move my camera.

I know that when you create a viewport you can call up a named view, but is there any way to link it permanently?

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AutoCad :: Create Some Mtext Using A Type Font Named ISOCPEUR

Jul 16, 2013

In 2008, one could create some Mtext using a type font named ISOCPEUR and type of line of text. One could then go to the Express Tools/text/explode text function. That would explode the text and one could then manipulate it so that one had a bunch of letters that were polylines. One could then extrude the polylines and either add or subtract them from a solid and create either recessed or proud lettering on a part. That meant you could mark a casting or a molded part just like in the real world.

But in the fully advanced, super dooper, state-of-the-art, fantasmagorical (sp) AutoCAD 2013, if one goes to Express Tools and selects the explode function, the command TXTEXP is not recognized as a valid command.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Error - Named Segment Already Exists Cannot Create Or Rename

May 26, 2009

I'm trying to copy sheets from one dwg file to another in Inventor 2010. I get the error: "Named segment already exists: cannot create or rename". The sheet name is not listed in the target file. Why this error is occurring and how to fix it?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Delete Files Named In List

Aug 19, 2012

I have list like (C:projectspr0310.dwg  C:projectspr0315.dwg C:projectspr03drawings17.dwg)

Want these three files deleted from C:projectspr03.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Load LSP File Named For Windows Login

Sep 14, 2012

If my windows login name is HSIMPSON and i have created HSIMPSON.lsp in a Supported Directory, how do I load that Lisp file via the command line?

I have tried:

(load "loginname")

but that doesn't work because the 'load' command seems to want an explicit name, not a variable name.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: CANNOSCALE Value Needs To Match Existing Named Scale

Jan 18, 2012

The crux of the matter is that the CANNOSCALE value needs to match an existing named scale.  This lisp is part of a bigger lisp and I need to pass a variable into it.  Here's what I have:

(setvar "CANNOSCALE" (strcat "1" = " (rtos variable 2 0) "'"))

But I get this error when I try to run it.

; error: bad argument type: numberp: nil

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Setting Multi-Value Parameter From Excel Named Range Values

Nov 20, 2013

I have a Multi-Value Parameter "MV" that I want to populate using a Named Range from an Excel file that is already populating other parameters for the same file.

I currently have the file working by populating "MV" by using the snippet from iLogic below...

MultiValue.List("MV") = GoExcel.CellValues("filename.xls", "Sheet1", "A2", "A10")

The reason I don't like this method is because if ever that range changes... all the iLogic code will have to be updated as well. How to set a Multi-Value Parameter using a Named Range from an Excel file? I assumed the below snippet would work but I am receiving

"Array was not a one-dimensional array." as an error. 


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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Change Font Of Named Attribute Throughout Drawing

Sep 25, 2012

how to change the font of a specific attribute in all my blocks in a drawing.  I am trying to change the INST attribute font to Arial but I have thousands of them through out my project.  My other attributes that I do not want to change are using the same Style as this block so I can not simply change the style.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Move A Named Block Left 5 Inches

May 24, 2012

I'm dabbling in lisp to reduce some drafting time. I'm looking for a way to move a named block left 5 inches. The names block in this instance is "Bricks". What would be the easiest way of writing this in lisp form? I searched through the forums and I couldn't find what I was looking for. This is not after an insert command. This is a block that currently exists in the drawing template.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Publish Files In Black That Are In Named Plot Style Mode

May 31, 2013

I need to publish multiple files that are in the Named Plot Style Mode in Black and White instead of color.  Is there a way to do that in 2012?  In previous versions it wasn't a problem.  Short of opening every single file and doing the convertpstyles I can't seem to figure out a quick way to do it.  Is there an option somewhere that I can change to make the Publish use the Color Plot Style Mode so that it will recognize the monocrome.ctb file?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - MultiValue Parameter - Get Named Range From Embedded Excel

Jan 9, 2013

I have a MultiValue Parameter that I want to populate using a named range from an embedded excel spreadsheet. I would like an iLogic solution if possible because I need other people to be able to understand the code without too much difficulty.

One of the sample snippets given allows access but not if the excel file is embedded.
 The code below works but not when using a named range.
' Load bearing housing typesMultiValue.List("parameter1") = GoExcel.CellValues("A1","A20")
 Is there something I'm missing? I was hoping to use something like below
' Populate MultiValue Parameter from excelMultiValue.List("parameter1") = GoExcel.CellValues("3rd Party:Embedding 4", "Sheet", "myNamedRange")

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Named Page Setups Don't Stay Assign To Layout Tabs?

Feb 24, 2012

We have, since moving to 2012 had an issue with our standard Named Page Setups in our DWT file staying assigned to the layout tabs. When you click up to plot a dwg... the Page Setup Name indicating that the Named Page Setup assigned to the plot configuration dialog box says <None>.  Even if you click in the drop down and select a setup... the name selected shows as selected after the box colapses... but then a split second later, the box defaults back to <None>.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Can Add Named View Control To Quick Access Toolbar?

Dec 8, 2011

I've made a failed attempt to add the RIBBONCONTROL Named Views to the main Quick Access Toolbar. The Customize User Interface dialogue box (CUI) seems to allow me to drag the Named Views  RIBBONCONTROL from the command list to Quick Access Toolbar 1. I don't see the "forbidden" icon and the blue insert bar shows up when I perform the drag operation.

However, I suspect there is some compatibility issue, because the command doesn't pop up when I release the mouse button at the end of the drag operation. Using command QUICKCUI and trying to drag Named Views RIBBONCONTROL directly to the Quick Access Toolbar (on screen) seems to be allowed likewise, but doesn't work also.

Using the regular View Manager Dialogue is not the kind of solution I'm looking for, because in the View Manager it takes at least twice as much mouse clicks to change to another view.

Any way to reach the desired customization? Should it be reported as a bug to Autodesk?

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