AutoCad :: Compare Two DWG Files As A Part Of GUI Test Automation
Feb 16, 2007
I am working on an AutoCAD OEM based product. I need to compare two DWG files as a part of GUI test automation. What is the best way to do it?
I have already explored Compare DWG, a third party tool available as a Menu option in AutoCAD. However, the ObjectARX library used by this tool does not get loaded onto the product under test. It gives a linker error as follows:
AcRxDynamicLinker failed to load 'C:Program FilesFurixCompareDWG 2006frxc2006_calc.arx'
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Feb 15, 2013
I need to know if there is a way to compare a DXF and a DWG in a direct way. Any tool to compare and verify the differences of lines, blocks, layers, units, linetypes and so on.
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Jan 16, 2013
How to compare two hatches are coincidence by use.
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Jul 3, 2012
I'm currently running AutoCAD LT 2013, and I've been asked to compare two dwg files; one has been drawn using LT 2013 and the other has been drawn using an older version of the software.
Is there any way or any plug that can be used in LT 13 to compare the two drawings?
I've looked online and the only program i can find is Furix but that doesnt allow for usage on the LT version of autoCAD.
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Nov 18, 2013
I normally get the UCS directions as part of a test to see if current coord system is same as world:
I am seeing a nonnormal UCSxdir and Ydir for several drawings with UCS I know is on world. See the above value.
It took me a while to realize it was because the drawing had ps viewports, and the viewport UCS was user.
How would I get what I would call "the modelspace current coord system info" to do this test.
I am doing this with a drawing not open in the editor, it is DBX style. If it was not, I could do all kinds of things to figure out if modelspace was on world ucs.
[URL] ........
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Feb 22, 2005
how to test to see if a drawing is already open inAutoCAD using VBA and if it to make it the active document?I have a VBA macro to open xrefs by by just picking them in the drawing butI need to test to see if the drawing may already be open to avoid openingthe drawing a second time in "Read Only" mode.
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Feb 25, 2013
I am just starting to create some custom linetypes. All is well with solid lines with text. However I have reached a stumbling block as far as hidden lines go.
Basically I get this result -----x-----x-----x-----x-----x-----x-----x-----x-----x
But I am looking for this --------------------x--------------------x--------------------
Not sure how to do this as I get an error message saying that I can only have 12 dash/dot entries before the text.
The plumbers in our don't want to see text that often.
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Nov 16, 2012
One part Two different part numbers Three drawings for one part, in three different sheet formats, 1st and 3rd having the same drawing number (=part number)Up to seven different materials. I need:
To automatically generate the three drawings (in idw or even PDF) after part creation and the content of the drawing is fully dimensioned and annotated for all available types of materials.
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Oct 20, 2011
How can I automate the process of creating Layer and attaching a file to each layer for n number of times where n is the number of my files that I want to attach in the different layers.
I need to do layer creation and attaching files to each layer more than thousand times for a particular type of file, hence want to automate the work flow.
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Jan 4, 2013
I would like to compare two faces to see if they are the same face. I have three faces and a hole feature on one of the three faces. I am trying to determine what face the hole is on(top, right, left). I can get the face the hole feature was created on as:
Set oHoleFace = oHoleFeature.PlacementDefinition.Parent.Sketch.PlanarEntity
I can get the three face objects I need to check for the hole on.
Set oTopFace = oExtrudeFeatures.Item(1).Faces.Item(13)
Set oRightFace = oExtrudeFeatures.Item(1).Faces.Item(3)
Set oLeftFace = oExtrudeFeatures.Item(1).Faces.Item(12)
Can I compare faces or do I need to use vectors? I tried comparing the InternalName of the faces but this seems to fail when there is more than 1 hole center within a hole feature.
Inventor Professional 2014 64 Bit
Windows 7 Professional
NVIDIA Quadro FX 4600
Dual Intel Xeon E5540 CPUs
16GB DDR3 Ram
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Jun 6, 2012
How to compare two 3d models in Inventor or any of autodesk modules to see the changes?
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Jul 11, 2012
Is there a way to simulate a simple tensile test in autodesk inventor. Let's say I draft up a 1" x 1" x 10" bar. If I input all of the material properties such as yield strength, tensile strength, % elongation etc., is there a way that I can simulate a simple uniaxial tension test on this bar? If so, how do I set it up with the autodesk simulation engine?
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Mar 21, 2012
Text is displaying at the incorrect size in both paper space and model space. It seems that there may be some kind of global scale factor in action e.g. if I add text at size 2.5, it displays at size 2.25 and if I add text at size 1.8, it displays at size 1.62.
How do I set so that text is displayed at the correct size?
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Nov 28, 2013
I have a link starting from P1.Is there a way to check if the link is intersecting EG or not?
Civil 3D 2014 x64
Windows 7 64-bit
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Dec 3, 2013
How would I test for duplicate handles in a file. If I select a cirlce from an xref and it has a handle of "E6" Then I select another circle from a different xref that has the same handle. When I use GetObjectId how do I specify which handle? Is there a way to give a handle and a file path and have it point to the correct entity or would I need to cycle through all entities and check for matching handle and file name?
In the end I would like to select an object, then store that data in a file and then recall that exact same object later.
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Jul 14, 2010
I am currently using the following to switch to modelspace:
Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;ed.SwitchToModelSpace();
However if you already are in modelspace it throws the error: eInvalidInput
How do I find out which space I am in so I can avoid running this when already in modelspace?
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Apr 8, 2011
Im trying to write a routine in based on Fenton's examples from 'Zero to 3D in 60 Minutes'. the routine uses a filter set to select all 2D polylines in a document then a test is needed for each polyline to establish whether it is a loop, which can then be extruded into a solid or it is a non loop, where the operation will need to be an extruded surface, or if the polyline is a non-loop.
So far my code will pick up every 2D polyline and try and extrude it, but i need to catch the non-looped entities to handle them with an extrude surface method or if self-intersecting polylines, to either drop them and not cause an exception or process them in another way.
What entity attributes or methods should I use to perform testing to establish this loop and non-loop existance of the polylines to achieve this. I work with both C# and
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Sep 23, 2011
I would like to know the Cyclone simulation test on the switchboard?
Can it be done in Autocad 2012? What kind of software needed?
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Nov 24, 2013
I'm testing out a simple Block Table in the Dynamic Block editor and when I go to save the Block, the following alert pops up. Is there a way to "test" the Block to check all the necessary constraints? Or am I just suppose to go about this with good 'ol fashioned trial and error? Seems the block is working just fine so is the alert just a moot point?
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Sep 20, 2011
I have been building a 3D DWG library of robots and other automation objects. What do I need to be doing to save the objects so that when one object is inserted into a new drawing with other objects to build a automation cell the objects are actually where I think I am placing them rather than off in space at the edge of reality?
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Nov 15, 2012
I was told that I should download and install DWG compare plug-in to compare 2 dwg files. I have downloaded the file and installed it (at least I got the "successfully installed" message) but when I open AutoCAD LT 2013 it does not show up on the plug-ins tab and using the dwg compare command returns an "unknown command" response.
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Sep 10, 2013
We are facing strange issue with all different versions of AutoCAD (2007, 2011, 2013). While users are working on the file, all of a sudden the contents (work done) are lost and it becomes all blank. The file size is same but when we open the file all the work done is not displayed, but just a blank screen.
It happens occasionally and there is some Automation Error in the command line below. The software is not hanging but the open file is in hang state and we have to close it. While closing whether we select yes/no the content (work done) is all lost. The temp location where the files are saved in one of the computer is become huge around 40GB will many Autocad autosave and temporary files; if it has anything to do with it !
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May 9, 2011
Normally When I start interface and tagging items (drawings) and writting in to Database, everything is working fine. However my interface is idle for morethan 15 mins, after that if I start the process (Searching items, Creating Items, Writting Items into DB) then immediately I got the Error "Automation Error System call failed". I did lot of R & D on my code, but I am unable to find the issue, may be Objects are emptied or i don't know.
Problamatic Code is given below.
dim strAutoCadVersion as string
strAutoCadVersion = Left(AcadApplication.Version, 2) is giving Automation Error when the interface has been idle for 10 mins.
Also I attached screen shots of an error.
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Nov 20, 2012
You're code is definitley a great starting point, and will most likely save me a ton of time!
I am currently diving into a small project which should save a lot of time for designers in the end if it pans out.
Issue being resolved:
We use the Vault and have a ton of machines that get re-used from time to time through the Copy Design method. There's obviously some changes that are made from job to job, but the big issue is changing a machine from an Imperial to Metric one. This is the time (and mind) consuming process I'm looking to shorten.
What I have:
Currently I have a code (few tweaks needed but it works) that is run from an upper assembly. This code then cycles through each and every sub assembly and part that exists within it. As it cycles through, it checks for hole features which are tapped, and if it finds one of these instances, changes the thread from Imperial to Metric according to a Hard Coded set of values.
Current Dilema:
What's the point of changing the holes if the designer has to go through the assembly to change the bolts and fasteners anyways?
I've practiced a bit with your code and been able to replace items, the issue is everything must be hard coded in order to do so. My question is:
Is there a way to get the Family from the Part Occurence / Document / Anything related?
I've looked through the API, but have only found that everything related to the Content Center.... is only accessable through the Content Center, and nothing else.
For Example, yes I am able to tell if a part has come from the content center (ie. PartComponentDefinition.IsContentMember), but that's as far as it goes, just a simple Boolean.
There MUST be a way to find out some sort of Content Center information from the direct Part / other related documents. I've looked at the "Replace Content Center Part Sample" provided in the API, but this example hard codes the ContentTreeViewPath as well.
In the end, I don't quite understand the point of hard coding this path with no way to access it through the Part Document. This only creates the need for constant manual change and / or MANY rules to compensate each and every family.
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Oct 13, 2011
I need to explode ~2000 PolyFace meshes in a drawing.Manually I can do the following:
> QSELECT - PolyFace Mesh - Select All
> Explode
I get a question if I want to "Disregard DrawingOrder for this operation due to the fact that it might take some time", by selecting "Yes" the process takes ~10 minutes (one explode).With an VBA automation I do the following:
> Create a selection set of all PolyFace meshes
> Explode each obj (2000 times) in the selection set with SendCommand (as .Explode does not work on polyface mesh objects)
I have waited hours for the same process (might be due to multiple explodes and/or screen updating taking place).I have always though automation is faster than manual work, but this proved me wrong.So to the questions:
1. How can I prevent screen updating in VBA (disregard draw order) during "long actions"
2. Is there a better way to explode a selection set than looping through each and every object calling explode (obj.handle)
For one drawing I can do it in 10 minutes, but I have 50 drawings with the need to explode this, having an automation run over night sounds great, but having it take 6x+ times longer for each drawing causes the night not to be long enough.
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Aug 12, 2012
I have two lists to compare and want the difference in an third list.
list1 ("A" "B" "C")
list2 ("A" "B" "C" "D" "E")
the difference in list3 ("D" "E")
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Apr 25, 2012
How to compare two drawing file with object data(two version of the same drawing) . Any source code (C# Arx) then will be much better.
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Oct 3, 2013
We had customized styles in Inventor 12 Then installed 13 and had some conflicts using the 12 styles. The person who customized the styles is no longer with us so I dont know what all was changed. Our work stations point to a styles network location so we are all on the same page. I would like to know if there is a way to compare the default styles to the custom files so I know what was changed. Then I would keep a log book of style changes as they occur and update the style of the next release b4 company wide installation. Or perhaps there is a better way??
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Feb 11, 2012
I am working on drawings where we create dtm's from surfaces, use the dtm for layout, shoot the asbuilt of the final surface, and then compare hundreds of shots to the surface to develop an as-build report.
I want to be able to select a mass of points, compare the perpindicular difference in elevation to the surface, and have an excel spread sheet generated from the results.
My coworkers are able to do this in Terramodel but I am on a mission to eliminate Terramodel from my day to day work.
Windows 7 x 64
Dell Precision M6600 Mobile Workstation
16 GB Ram
i7 @ 2.5 ghz
Civil 3D 2012 SP 1
Civil 3D 2011
Autodesk Inventor 2011
AutoCad Map 3D 2011
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Jun 6, 2011
I am just trying to compare a surface that was provided from a different survey company of the original ground of the borrow pit.
Although I used the same control I feel that there is something not matching with the elevations of the original ground provided and the outside of pit original ground measured this time. How do I check that the original ground is matching up in elevation?
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Mar 22, 2012
Is it any option to keep text righ-reading even if block is rotated (by AutoCAD command ROTATE, not dynamic action)?
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