AutoCad 3D :: Calculate Or Make Take-off And Sample Of Pricing?
Aug 23, 2011how to calculate or make take-off in 3D and sample of pricing..
View 5 Replieshow to calculate or make take-off in 3D and sample of pricing..
View 5 RepliesJust wonering, have Adobe ever commented on the silly price differences for UK vs US?
View 39 Replies View RelatedIs it simply an error in the web store or is there no advantage to upgrading from CS3 extended to CS4 extended over just CS3 (or CS2 or CS1) to CS4 Extended. Its all $349 to upgrade to CS4 extended no matter what Photoshop (CS) version you start from.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have bought an Easycap capture device and it is installed properly. However when I try to capture video from VHS I get the message "The sample start time is after the sample end time"
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow I could use on of the sample Civil 3D API that is provided? In particular, I would like to use the Export to Excel Sample API provided at the following location during the install:
C:Program FilesAutodeskAutoCAD Civil 3D 2013SampleCivil 3D APIDotNetCSharpPipeDataExcel
I am not a programmer and can not just load this sample as it is a .cs file. How would I go about using the code already provided to create a plugin into my AutoCAD to be able to use this command?
I want to use C# sample projects from ObjectARX 2013 to make dlls. How can I select them using Visual Studio 2010. When I try, the error message says give absolute path. Even if I give it, no response.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am new to .Net and trying to do some C# programming. Where can I find some Autocad sample code for download?. Also where can I get the following namespaces?.
I'm trying to create sample lines at sta. 0+58, 1+08, 1+58, 2+08......................
My alignment begins at 0+00.
In the Create Sample Lines - By Station Range I set the From Alignment Start?end both to false and set the start and end stations as 0+58 and 20+58 respectively. The 0+58 sample line plots at 0+58 but the rest of the sample lines plot at even 50' stations (1+00, 1+50...).
i created new polygon´s SDF (ACAD Civil,Map2011). And created new feature from geometry (from 2 closed plines - island). See on attached picture. If polygons are more complex =erroneous result from calculation ("Round ( Area2D ( Geometrie ), 0 ) "). It means ACAD calculate sum 2 areas together, but It should dedust island from main polygon.
View 3 Replies View Relatedcalculate the volume.I attached here my dwg file. I never done this before and I want to know the correct answer when I want my land to be levelled at 6m.How much volume to fill and the land to be removed.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI followed exactly step-by-step showing in the program. After compile the DLL register the registry, run IV, I couldn't see the AddIn SampleToolbar in the Panel bar.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a road corridor and need to create sample lines at a 50m interval, as well as at every horizontal and vertical turning point. While the 50m stations and the horizontal turning points are easy to add (using the alignment), I can't seem to find where/how to add the vertical points (they have to be extracted from the profile).
Running the Feature Line Report I noticed the horizontal turning points are not used in the report: it only reports the 50m stations (so I guess the same will happen to the vertical points?).
how to add the vertical turning points to the sample line group and how to include both horizontal and vertical points in the Feature Line Report.
how to create a new sample line group and a new sample lines within that slg: URL....I have checked what is the default sample lines width (create sample lines command):
Autodesk.Civil.Settings.SettingsCmdCreateSampleLines SobreanchosSamples = default(Autodesk.Civil.Settings.SettingsCmdCreateSampleLines); SobreanchosSamples = civilDoc.Settings.GetSettings<Autodesk.Civil.Settings.SettingsCmdCreateSampleLines>(); Settings Cmd Create SampleLines SettingsCmdSwathWidths anchos = SobreanchosSamples.SwathWidths; double anchoIzquierda = Convert.ToDouble(anchos.LeftSwathWidth); double anchoDerecha = Convert.ToDouble(anchos.RightSwathWidth);
But how can I put these values (left width and right width) for a new sample line?Sample line class doesn't have "left width" or "right width" property ¿? Do I have to create a new vertex? However I think that I can´t add new vertex in vertex collection.
Why does my hatch pattern look different on sample in the hatch window and on the actual drawing?
I attached a picture where the top part is what it should look like and the bottom part is how it looks like on my drawing.
How to Calcuate the area of a layer, through .NET API ?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm using AutoCAD 2013 x64 and VS2012 Express with ObjectARX 2013. Now I want to calculate the (projected) intersection point of 2 (intersecting) lines in
After selecting the lines I have this line1.IntersectWith(line2, Intersect.OnBothOperands, intpts, 0, 0)
In Visual studio express 2012 I get the following warning for the above line of
warning BC40000: 'Public Sub IntersectWith(entityPointer As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Entity, intersectType As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Intersect, points As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.Point3dCollection, thisGraphicSystemMarker As Long, otherGraphicSystemMarker As Long)' is obsolete: 'Use the overload taking IntPtr instead.'.
So, if I'm reading this correctly, this method is outdated and I should use an other method to calculate the intersection. But I really don't know what 'Use the overload taking IntPtr instead' means.
One of the things I found is a function that contains this line of Dim inters As Point3d = line1.IntersectWith(line2)(0). This one looks almost the same, but doesn't give me the warning when I compile the code, but this method crashes AutoCAD when there is no intersection between the lines. This is despite a try catch block that surrounds the code.
For now I just want to use lines, but I need to expand the code so it will also work with circles, arcs and polylines.
I draw something one the drawing fisrt,
then open one windows form。
The problem is the form location。I do not want the form cover the graphic what i was drawing before.
Maybe, there is a way to Caculate the Point of the screen by Entity
There are points in different levels i wanna make the surfer with this points and project the surfer on the down surfer(that makes with other points) after that make an enclosed Volume and finally Calculate the Volume between this 2 surfer. How its possible to Calculate?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a question: ¿Which scientific calculation's method usually autocad utilize to calculate areas?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf I want to calculate the square mm of an area, how do I do so? I know this should be really simple but I can't get the results I want. Let's say I have a rectangle (2D) and I draw somew circles and polylines within it that are 'cut out' from the does one calcualte the remaining square mm?
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow to calculate in AutoCAD the Conversion factor. I need to calculate the complete Building Floor and I try the field command in AutoCAD, But I don't know what I should write to conversion factor.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI need to calculate the areas within a set of lines that form a closed area.
1. How do I do that?
2. Do I need to create a polyline around the area, or is lines enough?
I use AutoCad Map 2000i
If I want to draw a 10% slope on 5' contours how do I calculate the circle diameter needed to construct the slope in order to connect the lines where the circles intersect the contour?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to calculate a (closed) 3D polyline area ?
View 8 Replies View Relatedthis is my first query how to calculate man hours per drawing. whether based on size(a1,a2,a3,a4) , or by based on drawing.. some companies they are calculating based on sheet size...
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am trying to calculate muck away for work, and I have drawn the site plan in millimetres for accuracy. However when I try to calculate the volume I get this value: 3.6293E+12. I am guessing that it is saying this due to the fact its in millimetres, and I am trying to calculate a large area and convert in into metres squared. What this value means?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm struggling with the maths needed to calculate the angle between 3 points. My eventual aim is to use vba to draw a crescent shape polyline, ie 2 arcs curving in the same direction and joiing at their tips. Both arcs will have different centrepoints but the same radius. The only info I know so far is radius (R), centrepoints (CP1, CP2) and the intersection points where their end points meet (IP1, IP2). I've gotten those points by using the 'IntersectWith' function on two circles.
My coding skills are fine it's just the maths I'm struggling with and after searching google for quite some time I'm still confused. I've looked at loads of differnet formulaes and diagrams, but it always seems like they aren't complete. Maybe it's just me.
I am trying to use object snap (intersection) to position the end of my sample lines at the intersection of the sample line with a polyline. The object snap works with sample lines left of the alignment centerline but not on the right. How do I correct this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow or if you can add sample lines to a specified group? I created a group only to realize that there are some specific stations I need. I do not want to re-create the group and re-assign the materials nor reproduce my volume reports. I just want the section plotted on my sheets.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have my surface, aligment and sample lines created, but I cant get my sample lines profiles.
The grid apperas without data, it is like I have never selected a surface, but I did !
This is what I get , totally empty
I want to make a dll from a sample project by selecting one as an existing project in visual studio 2010. My attempts get me to an empty file folder. How can I do it correctly?.
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