I have a 2D canoe design which is composed of an elliptical base and two sides. I've drawn the base and side exactly as per the design in Autocad. I've then extruded them to the 5mm as required by the design. I'd like to understand how to 'bend' the side panel so as to attach it in 3D to the base but I haven't a clue as to how to go about it.
Attached are jpgs of the plan and NW views of the base and side together with the .dwg itself.
When I move and rotate a surface along with its survey points and breakline definitions, and then rebuild, my surface gets thrown off double the amount I’ve transformed it. I go to surface properties, and then under Definition, an operation type shows how much I moved it. if I uncheck it, the surface pops back over the points and lines where it should be (where I moved it to). why is this transformation making itself happen again?
I wanted to use the program to design a robot for our school vex competition. Vex has provided cad files for all the parts. So, how i can import the seperate parts into one design. I can only open each part individually but cant find a way to combine them so can assemble the robot in one design.
I've been following a couple of books on how to transform a selection. I've gotten as far as placing the bounding box and then resizing the selection but when I hit 'enter', the original object is just as it was, and the 'new object' is a resized marching ant shaped object (that you can see right through). I've followed the instructions in two different books (several times!) and the exact same thing happens. Any idea why this is happening? Can anyone tell me how to successfully resize a selection?
I have PS CS2. I tried to make a fireball I ran into a problem. I had to expand it by 5 pixels after selecting it (it was on its own layer). The selection box was the only thing affected by the transformation. I tried the other transformations and only free transform seems to do anything to it. Feather also does nothing to the selection and I have tried doing these steps on different images but I still get the same results . I know it must be a small setting somewhere or something I might have overlooked, I am even thinking of reinstalling
I have hundreds of ship's names to enter into a fixed size box. Font is FIXED at Times Roman Regular 40 pt. After entering the text I tried recording an Action - Transform / Scale, where I set it to the required length, the beginning and end of which is shown by two guide lines. When I used the action for the next name, instead of Transform / Scaling to the guide lines, it scaled by the same percentage (horizontally) as when recorded. This gave an incorrect result because all the names varying in number of characters. I know the x co-ordinates for the ends of the bounding box, how can I do an action that uses those co-ordinates or scales to the fixed guide lines?
Cut out and realistically transfer this spider (if a zoomed in version is preferred) on to to this wall. If any editing could be done to the actual spider, to make it look slightly different.
I have created a A4 size leaflet, there I put a three column paragraph text layout (font used: Arial; 11pt), now I to reduce the leaflet size, so if I transform the entire design by grouping all object along with the text but text size is not reducing...the font size still 11pt.
im making a character for a computer fighting game, but ive hit a stumbling block.
click to enlarge
I want to rotate something thats already fairly pixelated (but its fine because the character is in constant motion, and fairly small) but rotating something 45 degrees makes it all blurry and whatnot. In this particualr frame of the characters animation, i am going to have him be still, so it will be very noticeable if i left him this way.
I know i cant expect perfect transformation because of the shape of pixels, but what is the best way to go about this so that the image comes out fairly crisp. If its not too much to ask you to explain it to me in detail because i dont know my way around photoshop too well.
The character itself is done, im simply adding sprites that make the character have unique introductions when he faces other characters. Anyways, if anyone is interested, heres what my guy looks like in action. As you can see, his pixels arent too noticeable, only in that frame that i posted earlier.
how to get better transforming. I am working with pixel art and I want to stretch it out by a few pixels. When I start to do that, the preview looks absolutely fine, but the final result gets blurred and starts going into alpha channels. How do I prevent this from happening? I know how to install plugins
I am using LR2.7, Win XP and Canon EOS600D. The SR2-format produced by my camera is impossible to import in LR. What can I do but transforming the data by DNG-converter?
problem finding the "Create a duplicate while transforming again" shortcut in the Keyboard Shortcuts menu.I would like to change that default shortcut.
Since I have upgraded to CS6 I've noticed that when transforming an object it does not maintain the aspect ratio even when I am holding shift while transforming. I have to each time check the link button (maintain aspect ratio)
IÂ just made a copy of assembly in Design Assistant.I opened the copied assembly in Design Assistant to make some changes.Parts are accessible but I have only "Clear" option possible. URL....
Is there a way to change the color of the anchor point while transforming? We use very elaborate and colorful images in our work, and sometimes have a hard time finding the anchor point in order to change its location.
Just upgraded from CS5 to CC and I find some thing very very very annoying. Any transform operation on a layer group seems to be applied on the individual layers instead of the group as a whole. How can I turn this extremely useless behavior off?
I've used photoshop for a long time, and dragging/transforming something to it could be snapped either to document bounds or guides has been simple and straightforward. Â Then photoshop got all newfangled and complicated, trying to be too clever, and ever since trying to e.g. drag some text layer so it would be centered around a guide, resizing a shape so its bounds would snap to guides, has become almost impossible to accomplish. It's almost it's trying to snap my layer to some invisible guides that aren't there. What the heck is going on? Â I'm having to spend a lot of effort actually trying to make it pixel perfect, accurate, center aligned, zoom in so I can see the pixels, and resize. It's almost as if the guides have no effect on the "snappiness" of the layer when transforming it.
One of the very early versions of Corel Photopaint? allowed me to transform a face from one person to another, in that it created a whole bunch of intermediate pictures and when completed it played that shifting in a motion form, from one face to the other. Is this facility to transform still available in X6?
Basically I am trying to warp a pattern about it's centre point, in a radial manor (the pattern file is obviously square in photoshop). If you imagine the pattern on a planar surface, the warp that I am trying to achieve is as if one were to grab the central point of the surface and pull it directly away from the face - see image below for visual aid... Â I'm trying to achieve a pattern that is a flat file, but looks like you are looking directly at the end of a pointy end of a cone that used to be a flat surface with the pattern on it.
I have created a new layer mask of an image, but when I use the free transform tool to resize it so it is smaller, there is a faint grey outline left around the image. Why does this happen and how do I get rid of it?
i have installed photoshop cs6 on my computer and have this problem... usually when im resizing and transforming things, either the canvas goes blank (black) or outside the canvas in the photoshop window get pixelated (the pixel grid shows up) and it is glitchy.[URL]...
I am doing a thermography project for a wedding in which the printer will only do two-color processing. the text will be black and a cherry blossom jpeg is illustrated in watercolor-y pinks. all will be raised printing. how do i transform the watercolor-y pinks to one pantone pink without losing the brush stroke quality of the image? do i select & replace color pixels varying the translucency of one pink pantone color? is there an easier way? i am using photoshop cs on a mac.
It opens up a preview box, in which there are 9 colour options (a three by three grid) and you can click on them to adjust the colours in the image closer to the colour (that you clicked on)
I use illustrator CS4, lately i ve trouble transforming the text box. its not the usual. The text gets scaled up and down. and shrinks .. see the image u 'll understand..  Text in the right side is the original text. I used the text tool , created a text box and pasted the content. After that i clicked the selection tool.. then , free transform. (short cut ;e')
When i transformed the text box, the text inside gets shrinked. Normally, the text content aligns itself within the new box without change in the font size. something is new now.. the text shrinks or expands now..
I am working in IV R2010, and I need to create a new material. I went to the "Help" file, and the first thing it says in "On the ribbon, select the 'Design' tab..." Unfortunately, I don't have a "Design" tab. What am I doing wrong, and more imprtantly, how do I make a new material? Because of the nature of our work here, I only use most of Inventor's features rarely, like about once every couple years, and my one remaining memory cell is usually busy remembering something else...